Ayu Wijayanti 1102009049

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Ayu Wijayanti


Dita Mantardi


Ayu : Dita, where did you go three days ago ?
Dita : I had an accident .
Ayu : When did you have the accident ?
Dita : On Sunday .
Ayu : Where did you have the accident ?
Dita : In front of my boarding house .
When I went to the market by bicycle suddenly I hit
by a car that was speeding .
Ayu : What did you feel at the moment ?
Dita : I cant believe it will be happened .
Ayu : Oh , really . How a pity you !
Where did you care ?
Dita : In Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta
Ayu : With whom did you there ?
Dita : With my uncle , because my parents still at
Palembang .

Ayu : What did your parents know if you had an accident ?

Dita : My parents was know . They cant come here .
Ayu : Ohh . .
Dita : During I was in the hospital , there are the task ?
Ayu : Search for an articles about disease .
Dita : When the task assigned ?
Ayu : Last , next week . Now what do you feel now ?
Dita : Now , I feel good .

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