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Food Biotechnology

Deficiency Diseases

Deficiency Diseases

There are a number of

deficiency diseases that can
occur if the right amount of
each component of food, as
well as minerals and vitamins,
is not present in your diet.

A poor diet can
result in

A general

shortage of food
substances leads
to marasmus.

This is a general
wasting of the

Protein deficiency Kwashiorkor

A child who does
not get enough
protein will

Growth is
retarded and the
child is weak
and listless

Calcium & Vitamin D

Deficiency; Rickets
If a child does not get enough vitamin D or

calcium their bones remain soft and become

deformed and have a tendency to be brittle
and break easily

This is known as rickets


Iodine Deficiency ;
If we do not get
enough iodine, the
thyroid gland
cannot produce

As a result the

gland enlarges,
causing the neck
to swell

This condition is
called Goitre

Iron Deficiency; Anaemia

A shortage of iron results in the blood

containing too little haemoglobin.

This is called anaemia
It results in not enough oxygen being
carried around the body causing
tiredness and lack of energy.
It also affects the colour
of the whites of your eyes
Anaemics may need
to take iron tablets

Vitamin C Deficiency;
A lack of vitamin C

causes the disease

Disturbs the normal
production of
collagen (which
holds structures
symptoms include
bleeding in various
parts of the body
particularly the gums
(causing loose teeth)

Vitamin C Deficiency;

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