Discussion On Boltzmann Constant

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Discussion on Boltzmann Constant

Boltzmann constant denoted by K B is a physical constant relating energy at the individual

particle level with temperature. Its proportionality constant in between energy of particle and
temperature. It is sometimes referred as a bridge between macroscopic and microscopic
Macroscopically, the ideal gas law states that, for an ideal gas, the product of pressure p and
volume V is proportional to the product of amount of substance n (in moles) and absolute
temperature T by
pV =nRT

Where R is gas constant (8.3144621(75) JK1mol1).

Introducing the Boltzmann constant transforms the ideal gas law into an alternative form
pV =NK T
Where N is the number of molecules of gas. For n = 1 mol, N is equal to the number of
particles in one mole i.e. Avogadros number
Since KB is proportionality constant its value depend on unit system opted. For MKS system
K is 1.38 E23 JK-1

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