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‘8.20020/11/97-1FD Government of India Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology ‘Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110016 Dated the 31% March, 2010 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Revision of emoluments and revised guidelines on other service ‘conditions for research personnel employed in RED programmes of the Central Government Departments / Agencies. In supersession of this Department's O.M. of even number dated 06.08.2007 on the above subject, the matter has been further considered by the Government and the following fre the approved revised emoluments and guidelines on service conditons. This O.M. is Sppliceble to the research personne! working on RED programmes funded by the Central Government Departments / Agencies. » Research, ni [a] batgnaions | fasedEmotumars por Enoluners perm] No ‘oaieton Tmoninforfet yeas er 2 yeu SRF 7. | Junior Research Fellow URE) leading to PRD T Post Graduate (PG) Degree in Basic Sciences and NET qualified oR, Graduate Degree in Professional Courses and (GATE or equivalent qualfcation Rs 160001 Rs 1000/- 72 | unioe Research Flow uRPeadingsoeHD | | _ Fost Gaduate Po) Bere nas Scenes who | e _ Fave quite ortecureship | R000 Bs oon 3 legac alow dnote | | Post Graduate Degree in Professional Courses fe La EAN 3] aire eo “The local institution shoulé review the performance ofthe fellow after two years through ‘an appropriate review Committee constituted by the Head ofthe Institution. The fellonship in the slab after 2 years of research experience may be provided after successful assessment by this review Committee. ‘The earler “Guidelines for selection of non-NET qualified JRF/SRF” Issued Vide DST fice Memorandum No12(1)/75-GRS dated 30° July, 1990 stands withdrawn, In programmes where there Is @ need to engage research personne! at 2 level higher than JRF/SRF and such need has been accepted by the funding agency, the remuneration for such personnel may be fixed as inccated below. ‘) Resear a) Ressarch associates may be fixed at a consolidated amount atone of the 3 pay levels ‘iven below, depending upon the qualifications and experience. The Institute / Organisation Concerned may decide the level in which a particular associate should be placed based on the ‘experience, The Essential Qualification (EQ) for RAs as folows a Doctorate {PRO/MD/MS/MOS) or equivalent degre or having 3 years of research teaching and esi and development experience after MVSe/MPharn ME/ Mech willbe eligible for award a, Re Ske Cao ated Erato pr me [a [ Rosanna | Rs 22000/- 2 | Research Asocat RA | Rs 23000/ 3, | Resear Asocat (RA | Remon Soe ee oe ee [The stipend of research fellowassociate 1s exempt fTom the payment of income tax under 1018) of T Act, 186 Service Conditions: 1. DA and CCA: JRFs, SRFE and Research Associates will not be entitled to these allowances. 2. House Rent Allowance (HRA): Al research fellows mey be provided hostel ‘écommadation wherever available and these residing in accommodation provides by the stitute wll not be egible for drawing HRA. Wherever provson of hostel accommadston is not possile, HA may be slowed to all the abave catagories vin, RF, SRF and RA as per Central Government norms applicable in the cy location where they are working, The fellowship amount may be taken as basic for calculating the HRA. 3. Medical Benefits: The research fellows and research associates (IRF SRF RA) wil tle for medical allowance as applicable inthe implementing insttuton 4, Leave and other entitlement benefits: The JRF/SRF are eligible only for casual leave while Research Assocates are entitled to leave a5 per rules of the host nsttuton Participation of any of these categories ORF/ SRF/ Ra) In any scientific event! workshops in India or abroad wil be treted a5 "on duty’. The travel entkiement for JRFY/ SRF/ RA for participation in scentfe events/ workshops in inca wil continue to be the same 2s earlier i, Bac by rll Maternity leave as per Govt. of India instructions issued from time tome would be avalable to female canddates In all categories 5. Bonus & Leave Travel Concession: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be ented to these allowances. 6. _ Retirement Benefits: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be ented to ese benefits, 7, Publication/Patent: The results of JRF/ SRF/ RAs research work may be publshed in ‘andard refereed journals atthe cscretion of the Fellow or his Gude. It should be ensured by the fellow that the assistance provided by the funding agency of Goverment of India 15 acknowledged inal such publications. 8. Encouragement for pursuing higher degree: Students selected as JRF) SRF may be encouraged to register for higher degrees and the tutton fees to undertake these stucies may, be reimbursed tothe student from the contingency grant sanctioned under the project gran, if require. 9, Obligations of IRF/ SRF/ RA: 's)_HeiShe shall be governed by the dscplinary regulations of the host Institute where he/she s working, 1b) The JRF/ SRF/ RA must send a detalled consolidated report ofthe research work done uring the entire period of Fellowship on completion of the tenure/ resignation ofthe Fellowship atthe earlest. 10. ate of Effect: The revision in emoluments come into effect from 3.4.2010 for all categories of JRF/ SRF and Research Associates, 11, Central Government Departments / Agencies are requested to ensure that the above Guidelines are folowed In regard to the remuneration and other benefits to the research Dersonnel engaged in RAD projects funded by them. They are also requested to creulte these orders to their attached and subordinate offices and also to the autonomous insttutes funded = 12, The above may be used as guidelines by CSIR, UGC etc. Director (Finance) To 1. Al Ministries / Departments of the Govt of Inia, 2. All Heads of Divisions of DST

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