Pupil's Handout 3

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Look at the list of words. All of them are likely to deal with water. Lets see if there
arent any odd ones. Lets introduce a kind of a mind map.
An oil spill (an amount of something that has come out of a container), an accident,
careful navigation, pesticides, an oil tanker, accident, travel industry, a seabird, fish,
alternative fuel, a plankton (tiny plants and animals that live in the water), a sea otter
(small, furry animals that live in water and catch fish), to leak, destruction, to lay in the
sun, to dump (to drop in a careless way), to introduce strict laws and fines (an amount of
money to be paid as punishment), to leave the tap running, to use a short cycle in a
washing machine, illegal fishing.
Group these words so that they introduce different categories:
Dangerous or can get Safe and no danger
Measures which should be
negative effect
done to improve the

Listening. Listen to an account of an environmental disaster that happened in the

Listen and choose the correct option(s) to complete each sentence 1-8. At least one
option is always correct, and sometimes both of them may be correct. Listen and
mark the correct variant.
1. Captain Hazelwood
A commanded a ship named after an oil company and the port of Valdez, Alaska.
B owned an oil tanker called Exxon Valdez.
2. Late night on 24 March 1989, the captain
A left his third officer in charge of the ship.
B returned to his cabin because he wanted to do some paperwork.
3. A little after midnight, the ship
A arrived at a port called Bligh Reef.
B collided with some rocks in the water.
4. Fifty million litres of oil
A spilt into the sea.
B was being transported by the Exxon Valdez.
5. The clean-up operation
A was delayed by a storm that had damaged the rescue ship.

B started fifteen hours after the first report of the accident.

6. The oil spill from the Exxon Valdez
A was cleaned up within the first two days after the disaster.
B caused millions of animals and fish to die.
7. The fact that 25% of the plankton in the sea was destroyed meant
A that many animals and fish died because they had nothing to eat.
B that 4.800 square kilometres of sea was covered in oil.
8. The Exxon Valdez disaster
A was one of the first huge oil spills in history.
B was the captains fault.

(To write an essay Make every drop count.)

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