Goal Sheet

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Goal Sheet

Name: Daniella Rey

Wondering: How can I engage my Kindergarten
students during lessons?
What are your goals for student learning related to your
-If students are engaged there is a higher chance of learning.
My goals include more student participation during activities.
This may be in the form of asking/answering more questions
related to the topic at hand and more interactions during
activities. In turn, I would hope to see better quality in their
work and higher scores on formatives and summatives.
What formative or diagnostic data might you collect to
determine if your student learning goals are being met?
-I can use observations to establish who is paying attention
to the lesson. Also, I will create a tally chart that my CT can
use to tally the off task behaviors as I teach. This tally
system will be used throughout my inquiry. Then, I will
collect the data to determine whether or not my student
learning goals are being met. Another form of data I can use
is my observation videos. These recordings will give me an
idea of where my students show disengagement vs. full
As you reflect on your work last semester, what ideas do you
have for changes/actions/strategies in your teaching
practice that you might make to support your student
learning goals?
-This semester, I would like to research how incorporating
drama, music, and props will better grab the attention of my
class and keep their focus. I play the ukulele, so it will be
interesting to see if incorporating my ukulele into lessons will
keep my students engaged. Last semester, I used body

movements. I would like to continue this strategy because it

proved success.
What data might you collect related to the
changes/actions/strategies you are trying in your teaching
-Once again, the tally chart will be used during my new
teaching practices to observe their effectiveness. Also, video
recordings will be used throughout the implementation.
Formatives or summatives will be collected at the end of
every teaching practice. These will then be compared to
previous scores to verify growth in student learning, if any.

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