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Lesson Plan: Balanced Equations

Date: January 21, 2015

Time: 11:35 am - 12:05 pm

Math/Patterns, Functions, and Algebra

Math Teachers Edition Volume I Chapter 7 Lessons 1 and 2
Students will explore balancing equations.
Students will solve problems using equality and number sentences.
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
2.21 The student will solve problems by completing numerical sentences involving the basic facts for
addition and subtraction. The student will create story problems, using the numerical sentences.
2.22 The student will demonstrate an understanding of equality by recognizing that the symbol = in an
equation indicates equivalent quantities and the symbol indicates that quantities are not equivalent.

Large math balance
Science matter gram weight balance
Math Teachers Edition Vol. I chapter 7 Lessons 1 and 2
Equation cards made for students to practice on slates
Promethean screen
Lumens light for showing whole group examples of equations on slate with dry erase markers
Math Vol. I (in desks)
Pencil (in pencil boxes)
Slate (below math books in desks)
Dry erase marker and eraser (in desks or borrowed from class supplies)

1) Hook: What does BALANCE mean? Where do you see or use a balance? Have you seen any
people in stories or animals that keep their balance?
balance scale in science lab, balance beam in gym or on playground, keeping balance
when playing, skating or riding a bike, etc
stork stands on one leg as in The Rain on Kapiti Plain, or a bird may balance itself on a
tree limb
2) In math, a balance may include writing a math sentences that show number balance.
3) Use Promethean Board, write a balanced math sentence such as 3+5 = 6+2.
Why does this balance? Lets work each side and see together.
Work left to right. 3+5 equals 8. Now, on the right of the equals, 6+2 = 8.
Lets write both those sums below each of our addends. 8=8. This is an example of a
balance equation.
4) Sometimes we have to FIGURE OUT or PROBLEM-SOLVE a missing number. Lets try this
equation and problem-solve together:
4+___=6+6 How can we use what we know to solve this equation?
We have a blank on the left side, so lets look at the right side. Can we figure out 6+6?
YES, because we already know that 6+6 is a double and equals 12, so beneath 6+6, write
If I know one side equals 12, then what must the total or sum of 4+___ be?
Again, I can count up from 4 to 12 and get 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and that took 8 ones. Or I
can know the fact family already.

4+___=12 and 12-4 = 8. Ive done the work 2 ways and the answer is 8!
Lets check both sides of the equations to make sure they are equal. 4+8 = 6+6.
12 = 12. We must be correct!
5) Have class come to rug and take a look at hands-on equipment (science matter gram weight
balance) that they will use in whole and smaller groups to practice making and checking math
sentences to show equal sides.
Place balance near Lumens on desk so all can see.
Show parts of the math balance (stabilizing/centering white tabs, arms with hooks, and
blue math number ovals)
Write an equation on the Promethean board and tell students that you are going to
show them this equation on the balance.
Use blue numbers to represent the 4 numbers in the equation and show that the
balance is horizontal (correct) when those numbers are on either side of the balance.
Ask how knowing your math facts fluently will help students with this activity.
6) Separate class into 3 groups for stations.
Group 1: At computers, Ten Marks addition and subtraction practice.
Group 2: With Mrs. McCallum doing equations on slates.
Group 3: With Ms. Staskin using large math balance to prove number equations.

Students clean up and gather back on rug.
What objectives (refer to I CAN math statements on whiteboard) they worked on today. How did the
math balance help you to see the balanced equation?
Encourage students to practice solving math equations at home as they use their fact mastery and
problem solve.
Class cheerpositive end.

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