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PTM General Meeting Minutes

Date and time: October 20, 2015, 6:30 PM

Location: Cafeteria
Attending: See sign-in sheet
Meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM
Old Business: Approval of September general meeting minutes. Approved unanimously
New Business:

Fall Festival update: 50 pizzas have been ordered. Greg will handle cash
handling the night of the Fall Festival. Linda W. is soliciting for cakes for the
cake walk. Volunteers are needed for the night of the event.
Art Lit update: New system using the cart and going to the classrooms is
working well. Suggestion to have two people per class to help with set-up and
Production Team update: More volunteers are needed. Suggestion to pass out
fliers at conferences.
Running Path update: Permits have all been turned in to the city of
Beaverton. The city needs four weeks to review them. Possible winter/spring
break completion.

Guest Speakers:

Cub Scout leader: More boys are needed to continue the troop pack
meetings. They meet two times a month on the 1 st and 3rd Wednesdays.
Annie Pleau: Presented and discussed state report card results for our school.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.


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