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Fiat Contact Information

Jamie Rathjen
M.A Community Health Education, FCPI
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Web Address:

Group Members

Table of Contents

Account Coordinator

Fiat Contact Information

Shae Kwapil
722 W. 22nd St. Apt. 44
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Group Members

Media Kit Group

General News Story

Longer News Story

Event News Story

Feature Story #1

Feature Story #2

Feature Story #3

Fact Sheet

Historical Fact Sheet

Isolated Fact Street

Radio Ad Script

Letterhead and Business Card

Promotional Poster

Event Poster and Flier


Promotions Group



Internal Situation Analysis

External Situation Analysis

Programming and Planning

Itemized Budget


Media Kit Group

Promotions Goup

Fundraising Group:

Andrea Thoene- Chair

9614 University Ave
Apt. 403J
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Natalie Summers - Chair

2008 Valley Park Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Shana Skay
2900 Hudson Road
NRN 322
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Whitney Stoolman
425 W. 17th St.
Cedar Falls, IA 50163
Alyssa Braun
214 N. Thomas Street
Earlville, IA 52041
Cara Reilly
2801 Ohio Street RID 448
Cedar Falls IA, 50613
Gina Hamer
2801 Ohio Street RID 440
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Miranda Stewart
2001 Campus Street
DAN 815
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Emma Chase
2222 Walnut Street
Apt. 5
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Anna Meadows
2117 College Street
Apt 88
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Morgan Smithy
2005 Campus Street
BEN 903
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Megan Burke
2609 Olive Street
Apt. 2SE
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Fundraising Group

Donation Letter Request #1

Donation Letter Request #2

Donation Contracts

Thank You Letter

Special Thank You


General News Story

Jamie Rathjen
Fiat Fertility Care
Cedar Falls, IA

To: WCF Courier

For Immediate Release

Natural Fertility Clinic Opens in Waterloo
(Waterloo, IA)- A new fertility clinic that focuses on natural processes has
opened in Cedar Falls. Fiat FertilityCare Center of the Cedar Valley, owned and
operated by Jamie Rathjen, is a fertility clinic helping couples either looking to achieve
pregnancy naturally or avoid pregnancy naturally. Rathjen is a fertility care

Media Kit Group

practitioner, and is also partnered with Dr. Robert Pranger, to help women with any
pregnancy issues they may be experiencing.
Fiat FertilityClinic prides itself on being holistic, organic, and natural. Rathjen
uses the Creighton Model of Fertility to monitor women and help them better
understand their reproductive systems. She helps monitor their cycles, and can
determine if there are any underlying causes as to why a couple is struggling to get
pregnant. She says that the three main advantages of using the Fiat Fertility Clinic are
that it is effective, eco-friendly, and safe. There are no side effects to this system.
Rathjen wants women to know that with her system, women now have a choice
when it comes to understanding and monitoring their fertility. If natural methods are

General News Story

Longer News Story

(Natural Fertility Clinic Opens, 2-2-2)

not being given as an option to women and couples, the women and/or couples arent
actually choosing. They are not even given the choice; they think they only have one
option (birth control, IVF). With this, I want women to know they have a choice when it
comes to their body and what happens to it. If you are interested in Fiat FertilityCare
Center of the Cedar Valley and their services, you can reach Rathjen at 319-464-6072, or

Jamie Rathjen
Fiat Fertility Care
Cedar Falls, IA

To: WCF Courier

For Immediate Release

Natural Fertility Clinic Opens in Cedar Falls
(Waterloo, IA)
A new fertility clinic that focuses on natural processes has opened in Cedar Falls.
Fiat FertilityCare Center of the Cedar Valley, owned and operated by Jamie Rathjen, is a

by email at

fertility clinic helping couples either looking to achieve pregnancy or avoid pregnancy.
Rathjen is a fertility care practitioner, and is also partnered with Dr. Robert Pranger to
help women with any pregnancy issues they may be experiencing.
Rathjen started her business in October of 2012. She is proud to be the Cedar
Valley's only natural fertility clinic. She started her research as a grad student at UNI
and became increasingly more passionate about women's health. Her focus on fertility
brought her to love the natural way of dealing with fertility. She became more and more
passionate, teaching women about her discovery.
Fiat FertilityCare Clinic prides themselves on being holistic, organic, and natural.
Rathjen uses the Creighton System to monitor women and help them better understand
their reproductive system. She helps monitor their cycles, and helps determine if there
are any underlying causes as to why a couple is struggling to get pregnant.

Longer News Story

Event News Story

(Natural Fertility Clinic Opens, 2-2-2)

She says that the three main advantages of using the Fiat Fertility Clinic. It is effective,
eco-friendly, and safe. There are no side effects to this system.
The Creighton System first began being researched upon nearly 70 years ago at

Jamie Rathjen
Fiat Fertility Care
Cedar Falls, IA

To: WCF Courier

For Immediate Release

Creighton University and has been in practice for over 40 years. The system has a 99.5%

FertilityCare Center to Host Open House

success rate among those seeking to avoid pregnancy and an even higher success rate

(Waterloo, IA)

for couples hoping to achieve pregnancy; 98%. The Creighton System also helps women

The Fiat Fertility Center of the Cedar Valley, owned and operated by Jamie

with severe premenstrual syndrome. Just like women who struggle to get pregnant,

Rathjen, will host an open house on May 1st, 2014. The event will be held from 5pm-

there can be underlying causes of PMS. The Creighton System helps to uncover and

8pm at the Centers location, 220 Southbrook Drive, Waterloo. Guests at the open house

address these issues so that birth control does not have to be used.

will have an opportunity to tour Rathjens facility as well as hear about the Creighton

Rathjen wants women to know that with her system, women now have a choice
when it comes to understanding and monitoring their fertility. If natural methods are
not being given as an option to women and couples, the women/couples arent actually

Method of fertility care. Food and drinks will be offered, along with a chance to win a
door prize of a free beginning session.

choosing. They are not even given the choice; they think they only have one option
(birth control, IVF). With this, I want women to know they have a choice when it comes
to their body and what happens to it.
If you are interested in Fiat FertilityCare Center of the Cedar Valley and their
services, you can reach Rathjen at 319-464-6072, or by email at

Feature Story #1

Feature Story #1

Jamie Rathjen
Fiat Fertility Care
Cedar Falls, IA

To: WCF Courier

(Fertility Care Center Helps, 2-2-2)

family physician about alternative options. The physician suggested a low dose
progesterone treatment. After getting the go-ahead from her neurologist, Morgans

For Immediate Release

physician prescribed this treatment as a form of birth control for Morgan. Something in

Fertility Care Center Helps Women Better Understand Their Bodies

her mind kept her from filling the prescription, however, and Morgan decided to

(Waterloo, IA)

double check with her physician. The physician told Morgan that she could not say

After being married for a few years and agreeing that they werent quite ready
to have children, Morgan and Kyle Hawthorne were getting tired of using condoms as
their sole form of birth control. A family physician of theirs recommended and wrote a

with 100% confidence that this treatment would prevent conception. This was a red flag
to Morgan.
At a Wednesday morning church group called Moms Morning Out, Morgan

prescription for NuvaRing. This prescription proved to have disastrous effects on her

heard from a few women about Jamie Rathjens Fertility Center in Cedar Falls. Two

health due to the huge shift in hormones. Morgan had a history of atypical hemiplegic

women from this group had gone to sessions with Jamie and had nothing but good

migraines that would cause her to lose feeling and sight on one side of her body. After

things to say about their experiences. Morgan had known Jamie previously, and she

starting on the NuvaRing, Morgan experienced the worst migraine of her life that put

was curious to know what Jamie knew about fertility care. Morgan soon signed up for

her in the hospital for two weeks. It took her a full year to recover, as she had to relearn

one year of sessions.

to walk and talk through physical and speech therapy. Morgan described this
experience as devastating to her family.
A few years later, Morgan and Kyle began to grow their family. They now have
two children, ages two and a half years and nine months. Shortly after this, they found
themselves in the same situation as before. After the experience they had, however,

I feel like I actually understand what my body is doing now, and its an
awesome feeling. Morgan stated when asked about her experience with Jamies
services. Morgan even plans on telling her family physician about the Creighton
method and what Jamie does with her business during her next appointment.

Morgan and Kyle felt that condoms were their only option. Morgan had asked her new



Feature Story #2

Feature Story #2

Jamie Rathjen
Fiat Fertility Care
Cedar Falls, IA

To: WCF Courier

(Benefits Of, 2-2-2)

husband, and empowerment. After beginning the Creighton Model, Katie said she
started to become more aware of her overall health. Because she was tracking her

For Immediate Release

menstrual cycle and starting to understand her body more, she began to

The Benefits of Natural Fertility Care

change her diet and find other ways to keep her body healthy as well. Choosing a

(Waterloo, IA)

natural method of birth control helped Katie understand and become aware of her

Katie Schmitz and her husband of ten years decided to practice the Creighton
Method of birth control. Katie had been on birth control starting at the age of 16 for her

An enhanced relationship with her husband was also a benefit from choosing a

menstrual cycle. Therefore, at first Katie was against the Creighton model, but had

natural method. According to Katie, The natural method put an emphasis on our

heard of natural family planning from their pastor. They ended up deciding to practice

intimate relationship, Katie was not just referring to intercourse with her husband but

the natural method because, It seemed like a healthier alternative to something I didnt

also showing love in other ways, as Katie put it, filling each others buckets. I believe

really understand. I did not know how birth control was working in my body, said

my husband understands me more than other womens do, because he can just look at

Katie. It gave me an option to understand what was going on in my body and not just

my chart and see when I am going to be cranky. He also knows exactly what is going on

covering it up with the pill. After doing more research on the Creighton Method, they

with my body. Using the natural model proves that husbands are not stale mates. The

found another reason they wanted to go natural. When taking the pill there can be an

divorce rate between couples who use a natural method is between one and two

abortive effect. Katie stated, The abortive effect was a big deal for me. I wanted sperm

percent. This proves that communication and effort in a relationship spikes when using

and egg to meet. I didnt want it expelled for something I was taking. The abortive

natural methods. The emphasis on our intimate relationship is tremendous, said

effect was really important to Katies husband as well. She mentioned that that was his

Katie, There is just that something to lying down with your significant other knowing

big reason for going natural. Three of Katies main benefits she received from choosing

there is nothing barricading you and a child. It just isnt the same with birth control and

a natural method were: better physical health, an enhanced relationship with her

condoms. This way is totally free and fruitful each time.





Feature Story #2

Feature Story #3

was empowerment. According to Katie she was empowered by the strength to be open

Jamie Rathjen
Fiat Fertility Care
Cedar Falls, IA

to Gods will in her life. Even since Katie was young, she was set on only having two

For Immediate Release

children. That was the plan, only two. It made me realize my heart can be changed and

FertilityCare Options- Naturally

Im so glad it was. I am so glad to have a third and even fourth child, said Katie.

(Waterloo, IA)

(Benefits Of, 3-3-3)

One of the biggest benefits Katie received when choosing the Creighton Model

There is no other way to describe this empowerment besides God. God gave this

To: WCF Courier

Stephanie and Anthony Epolite fell in love and got married in their thirties, both

empowerment to me. She believes fertility is not something to be shoved away. People

happy and healthy. A year after they had been married, they decided they wanted to

should be proud of it for not everyone is lucky enough to be able to bring children into

start a family. As time went on they grew more frustrated, as Stephanie was not getting

the world.

pregnant. When describing her feelings about being infertile, Stephanie said, I felt like

When asked the question, what advice would you give to people who were
thinking about switching to the Creighton model from birth control, Katie merely said,
Give it a try, try for a few months. There is nothing to lose! Choosing the natural

my body had failed me. I couldnt do what I was meant to do. I felt an emptiness and
void in my heart that could never be filled. Why us?
After meeting with their local doctor they were referred to a fertility clinic. Here

method of the Creighton Model changed the Schmitzs lives. They were blessed with

they were told that because Stephanie was 39, which was old for someone trying to

four lovely children and want everyone to know how it feels to love so extremely.

conceive a child, their only option would be InVitro Fertilization. InVitro Fertilization is


a medical procedure where the fathers sperm and the mothers egg are fertilized
outside of the womans body with help from a trained doctor. After trying two cycles of
this method costing 25 thousand dollars, they were still unable to conceive. With their
hopes hurt, they began to look for different options once again.
Stephanie began to talk to one of her friends who was a practitioner in the



Feature Story #3

Fact Sheet
(Fertility Care Options, 2-2-2)

Creighton FertilityCare Center. Stephanie immediately had high hopes for this system
and began to chart her fertility signs. In July of 2001, doctors evaluated all of their
records and did some testing. They were able to figure out and work around what kept
the Epolite family from getting pregnant. Anthony Epolite described the doctor they
worked with as, A man of compassion and a man of God. They were extremely
happy with the quality of care they received, and made sure to mention they were
treated with the utmost respect, compassion, kindness, and love.
Fifteen months later, little Claire Marie Epolite was born. On October 31st, 2001,
Stephanie and Anthony began their family thanks to the NaproTechnology used by the
Creighton FertilityCare System. When giving words of wisdom and telling their
emotional story of hardships and joys, Anthony said, So husbands and wives, it is
patience, loving each other, and hanging on. While Stephanie said, If I could just save
one couple from going through all the emotions we had to go through, I have done my

After completing her education at the University of Northern Iowa, Jamie

Rathjen became interested and passionate about womens health care, and especially in
reproductive health. In October of 2012, Jamie Rathjen created Fiat Fertility Center of
the Cedar Valley, based in Cedar Falls, IA. Fiat serves both women and men who are
seeking holistic and natural methods to prevent pregnancy or to achieve pregnancy.
Jamies intent is to provide women and couples options for birth control and fertility
treatments, so they can learn to manage their cycles without artificial drugs or
unnatural supplements. Using the Creighton System, couples are able to safely prevent,
plan, and space pregnancies, with absolutely no side effects or other contraceptives or
invasive fertilization measures. Fiat also uses NaproTechnology to monitor and
maintain reproductive and gynecological health.
In 2012, Jamie partnered with Dr. Robert Pranger to assist her in sustaining and
naturally supplementing her clients overall health. Dr. Pranger studied at the
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, and has practiced family medicine and

- ### -

healthcare for 12 years. Through this partnership, women with special or specific
medical needs are professionally diagnosed and naturally treated in unison.
To contact Jamie and learn more about taking control of your own reproductive
health care, go to, call 319-464-6072 or



Historical Fact Sheet

Isolated Fact Sheet

The Creighton Model of Fertility Care has been around for 40 years and had 30
years of previous research. Dr. Thomas Hilgers began research for the Creighton Model
of Fertility Care in 1976. The system, which carefully monitors a womans cycle, was

Creighton FertilityCare System is issued through the Creighton School of

Medicine and the Allied Health Division.

It follows womens charts of daily biomarker of fertility/infertility.

Naprotechnology- natural procreative technology.

first used in 1980. The Creighton System is a standardized system. This means that if

Used to diagnose women with menstrual irregularities.

someone were to be trained in the United States, it can still be used any other place in

Uses bio identical hormones, ultrasound, and blood labs.

the world.
Jamie is currently trained in the Creighton Model, but on November 16th of 2013
she will take the Fertility Care Practitioners exam through Allied Health Division at the
Creighton School of Medicine. Once she passes this test, her title will be FertilityCare
Practitioner for the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. In order to stay certified, she

Fertility awareness methods- methods that are used to avoid/achieve preg-

nancy s

naturally with no added hormones or intrusive measures.

ex. Creighton Model

s Rathjen chose a graduate emphasis in fertility because of her own personal beliefs about family planning.

Rathjens research paper is entitled Barriers to Professional Education and

Practice in Disseminating Fertility Awareness Methods in the Cedar Valley.


The FertilityCare Practitioners training program takes thirteen months to

must complete a checkpoint every year through the standards of fertility care. This


checkpoint might be another exam, a chart, or even paperwork.

Medical doctors who want to be trained only takes six months to complete.

Practitioners refer client/client couples to a medical consultant who are

Jamie began the Fiat Fertility Center in October of 2012 and created her logo on

trained to read charts and diagnose menstrual problems.


Women are only fertile during a certain time of the month.

September 15, 2013. Her practice moved into its current location of 220 Southbrook

It begins with her first period

Drive, Waterloo on the first of September that same year. As of today, Jamie serves 20

It subsides in the upper 40-50 year-old-range.

clients. The name Fiat Fertility Center will be changed in early 2014 to Fiat FertilityCare
Center of the Cedar Valley.



Isolated Fact Sheet


Ovulation method-observations are made of the womans cervical dis-


dryness- infertility

discharge- fertility

women chart this every day

s Appointments are every two weeks for the first three months.

Last three appointments are spaced every three months

Total of eight appointments when meeting with Jamie

s No checking of cervix or taking of temperature is required.

Jamie Rathjen earned her Master of Arts at the University of Northern Iowa in
Community Health Education, where she studied women's fertility. Jamie has also
obtained a FertilityCare Practitioners Certificate through the Creighton School of
Medicine. She is happily married to Justin Rathjen, a teacher in the Waterloo
Community School District, and is the proud mother of 11 month old Emma Kay.
Along with working with couples who are trying to naturally space or achieve
pregnancy as a practitioner, she also works part-time at Kettman-Pranger Family

s Rathjen currently has 20 clients.

Medicine located in Waterloo. She also enjoys teaching fertility awareness courses

Two clients monitoring their infertility cycles

through the Hawkeye Community College Continuing Education Department and

Eight clients monitoring their fertility cycles

10 couples avoiding pregnancy all-together

speaking at high schools to discuss the wonders of the female body.

s Fiat is Hebrew for let it be or yes.



Radio Ad Script

Letterhead and Business Card

Font: Garamond
11 pt

Do you ever have trouble remembering to take your pill? Are you constantly
worried about the effects it is having on your body? We have a solution for you!
Fiat Fertility Center of the Cedar Valley is a new service with a holistic and

Font: Garamond
11 pt
Business Card
Font: Garamond
10 - 13 pt

natural approach to avoiding or achieving pregnancy! Fiat wants you to know that you
have a choice when it comes to your body and what is happening to it! For more
information, contact Jamie Rathjen at 319-464-6972 or by visiting the Fiat website at:



Promotional Poster

Event Poster & Flier

Join Fiat FertilityCare for

an open house on May 1st!
Time: 5-8 PM
220 Southbrooke Drive, Waterloo

A Holistic Approach to Womens Fertility

Learn about Jamie Rathjens Natural Fertility Clinic

and get all of your questions answered

No Side Effects.
No Invasive Procedures.

Tour her facilities and get a better understanding of

what she has to offer
Refreshments will be served

Just results, Naturally

Le I B

Any Questions? Contact Jamie at 319


Fiat FertilityCare Center of the Cedar

is Having an Open House!

May 1, 2014, 5-8 PM

220 Southbrooke Drive, Waterloo
Come Learn About Jamie Rathjens Business
and the Natural Fertility Care She Provides.
Questions? Call 319-464-6072





NaproTechnology provides real

solutions to real problems and can be used to

Jamie Rathjen, MA, FCPI

A Holistic Approach to Womens Fertility

After completing her education at the University

of Northern Iowa, Jamie Rathjen became interested and passionate about womens health care,
especially in reproductive health. In October
2012, she created Fiat Fertility Center of the
Cedar Valley, based in Cedar Falls, IA. Fiat serves
both women and men who are seeking holistic
and natural methods to prevent pregnancy or to
achieve pregnancy. Jamies intent is to provide
women and couples options for birth control and
fertility treatments, so they can learn to manage
their cycles without artificial drugs or unnatural
In 2012, Jamie partnered with Dr. Robert Pranger
to assist her in sustaining and naturally supplementing her clients overall health. Through this
partnership, women with special or specific medical needs are professionally diagnosed and
naturally treated in unison.

Let It Be


Tired of the side effects you

experience with your current
contraceptive method?
Frustrated because of the
difficulty achieving
pregnancy? If so, you are the
perfect client for this service!
Whether you are wanting to
achieve or avoid pregnancy,
the Creighton Model
FertilityCare System is an
effective and safe tool used to
understand your
fertility/infertility indicators.
By understanding natural
biological markers, a woman
does not need to expose
herself to harmful artimones
(artificial hormones) to
prevent pregnancy. This
method is highly effective
and is safe while working
cooperatively with the natural
functioning of the
repreoducive organs.
This is a great system for
women who are:

Fiat FertilityCare Center offers a holistic

approach to women's fertility offering
services to naturally achieve, avoid, and
monitor fertility.
220 Southbrooke Dr.
Waterloo, IA 50702
c: (319) 464-6072

+ Pre-menopasual
+ Breastfeeding /
+ Avodiing Pregnancy
+ Achieving Pregnancy
+ Regular / Irregular Cycles
+ Post Pill
+ Monitoring Gynecological

Menstrual Cramp
Premenstrual Syndrome
Ovarian Cysts
Irregular or Abnormal
Polycystic Ovarian
Repetitive Miscarriage


+ 99.5% effective (perfect

use) in avoiding pregnancy*
+ 98% effective in
achieving pregnancy
+ Nearly 3 times more
succesfful than in-vitro
+ Multiple pregnancy rates
are 10 times lower than the
national average
+ 95% success rate in
treating premenstrual
syndrome (PMS)
+ 95% success rate in
treating postpartum
depression (PPD)

Postpartum Depression
Premature Labor
Hormone Disorders
Chronic Discharges

NaproTechnology is a major breakthrough

in monitoring and maintaining a womans
reproductive and gynecological health. It
provides medical and surgical treatments that
cooperate with the reproductive system. This
system gets to the root of the issue rather than
just covering up the condition with artificial
hormones. Thirty years of research in the study
of the normal and abnormal states of the
menstrual and fertility cycles have unraveled
their mysteries.


Problem Statement
To expand clientele by educating couples to
Fiats alternative, holistic approaches, in conceiving and preventing pregnancy.
Mission Statement
A healthy, accurate, and holistic way of preventing pregnancy or enabling conception.

Promotions Group


Targeted Publics
Fiat has a clientele focused towards women of
their childbearing age, and couples. Clients who
are looking to receive an alternative to birth
control or are interested in becoming educated
about and finding a natural way of getting pregnant appreciate its services.
History of the Creighton Method and NaProTechnology
According to, the Creighton System of Family Planning, more simply
known as the Creighton Model, is an organic
and safe way to achieve and prevent pregnancy.
It is a system that requires both the man and
woman to take responsibility for the womans
fertility cycle and work as a team to either
achieve or prevent pregnancy. The University
of Utah School of Medicines website says that
the Creighton Model asks the women who use
it to observe and recognize the bio-markers of
their menstrual cycle and for the men to respect the days that women are fertile. Covenant
Resources FertilityCare Center states that the
Creighton Model was developed by Dr. Thomas
Hilgers and his wife, Susan, in response to Pope
Paul IVs Humanae Vitae, a letter urging health
care professionals to find a method of birth
control that is more natural. Research for the
Creighton model began on April 1, 1976. Na-

ProTechnology roots are in the Creighton Model,

as can be found on It is a
technology where professionals learn to read
womens fertility charts and look for irregularities.
From these irregularities, the professionals refer
clients to a doctor and collaborate to discover the
underlying problem that is preventing women
from conceiving. Once the problem is found,
treatment is started immediately to remedy the
Informal Research
Informal research was obtained from delegating
an analysis of different ways couples use contraceptives. Similar methods were used to find
diverse information. The main method of research
was through the internet; using websites related to
womens health. It was found that there are multiple methods to avoid pregnancy; many with side
effects. Research was conducted on the Creighton
System of Family Planning, discovering that responsibility for fertility knowledge is held between
each partner in a relationship and that it is similar
in effectiveness to other forms, but has no side effects (
Formal Research
In order to obtain formal research, a survey was
conducted asking University of Northern Iowa
students questions such as: age, gender, if they
are sexually active, if they are trying to avoid
or achieve pregnancy, if they would consider a
natural method of birth control, their knowledge
of the Creighton Method, their current contraceptive method, and if they would like to learn more
about the Creighton Method. It was discovered
that 56 out of 130 (~43%) participants indicated
that they are very likely to use the Creighton
Method. Survey results also indicated that there



is need in the Cedar Valley for education on the

Creighton Method and NaProTechnology; 127 out
of 130 (~97.5%) participants said that they knew
nothing or very little about the Creighton
Client Testimonial
The most effective way to gather information on
Fiat Fertility Center would be to get a personal
testimony from a Fiat client. We acquired the
phone number of Morgan and Kyle Hawthorn
and conducted an interview over the phone. The
information shared allowed us to learn that the
couple chose to reach out to Fiat to have a safe
and effective way to avoid pregnancy. The couple
turned to Fiat after discontinuing use of the NuvaRing and wanted to avoid using condoms. After
experiencing many headaches and health issues,
Morgan reached out to friends; a member of her
church recommended Fiat. The couple used Fiat to
avoid another pregnancy without using condoms
or artificial technologies.
Informative Video/Interview with Jamie
On Saturday, November 10, 2013 Jamie was filmed
in a short informative video about her services.
This video explained the Creighton Method and
NaProTechnology in which Jamie helps her clients
chart their individual cycles and better understand
their bodies. Jamie went into more depth about
how clients can schedule their appointments with
her and how they work together to find a system
that works best for the individual and their specific needs. Jamie could use this video in the future
as a template for a commercial and an informative
video for potential clients.

Survey Questions
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Are you sexually active?
4. Are you trying to:
achieve pregnancy
avoid pregnancy
5. If you are trying to achieve pregnancy, have you
considered using InVitro Fertilization (IVF)?
Not Applicable
6. If you are trying to avoid pregnancy, how likely
would you be to use a method of birth control that
is natural, hormone free, and has no negative side
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Somewhat Unlikely
Very Unlikely
Not Applicable

7. How much do you know about the Creighton

Method and NaProTechnology?
Very Little
A lot
I am basically an expert
8. Which method of contraception do you currently use and/or prefer?
The Pill
The Patch
The Depo Shot
9. Would you like more information about a
natural, hormone free way to avoid pregnancy OR
achieve pregnancy?
Yes: I want more information to achieve pregnancy
Yes: I want more information to avoid pregnancy
10. If so, please include your email address below.











Internal Situation Analysis


Fiat Fertility Centers main strengths include providing a safe, holistic, and natural alternative versus the
traditional birth control. Traditional birth control is not altered to fit an individuals needs, and often
times women experience troubling side effects; which is not a risk factor in the Creighton method of birth
control. This method focuses on determining the most fertile and infertile times of a womans cycle and is
tailored to the individual. Unlike traditional birth control there are no harsh side effects, synthetic hormones, or anything that could interfere with the bodys natural cycle. Another strength of Fiat, is that it is
very cost effective. The main focus is on either achieving pregnancy or preventing pregnancy using only
natural methods.

Name of




$35 $100


$0 $30


$0 $30


$300 $500


$34 $50



$15 $75

Fiat has many different ways it can make improvements. Advertisement and a general understanding of
this business are the main improvements that need to be made. Fiat has an opportunity to become one of
the most well-known birth controls in the Cedar Valley.








One of the challenges of Fiat is that there is little to no advertisement other than word of mouth occurring currently. Another challenge is the lack of social media presence. Many women do not know that
they have an option of a natural birth control because this option is not well known. A better social media
presence and updated website is needed to reach customers and give them more information about this
natural approach.


External Situation Analysis

The majority of Cedar Falls is middle class, and each of Iowas 99 counties has at least one physician who
promises to dispense contraceptives and allow access to further family planning services (Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, 2013). Birth control can be inexpensive depending on what kind of insurance
a family holds. The average cost of the birth control pill is around $15- $50 per month (Planned Parenthood, 2013). The birth control shot costs around 20 dollars per month or 50 to 60 dollars for each three
month injection (NYU Medical Center). For our middle class community, this can get expensive. With
Fiats help, people can save around 200 dollars per year. Fiat is 99.5% effective in avoiding pregnancy and
98% effective in helping achieve pregnancy (Jamie Rathjen).
A large portion of the population has become used to any type of social media. Since Fiat is a new
company, promotion is needed. Setting up a Facebook page and Twitter account can help become more
recognizable to Cedar Valley citizens.
Views on birth control can be controversial. Thus, it is important to be careful how advertising is conducted. While advertising, look closely at different cultures and religions. Take into account that not
everyone may be in favor of these traditional birth control methods, and to use careful judgment while
promoting the services of a natural approach.
The birth control pill was approved for contraceptive use in 1960 (Nikolchev, 2010). Birth control has
been used for other hormonal issues, not just avoiding pregnancy. However, with Fiat, women can look
closely at how their body works and use holistic approaches to find the core issue and not put more artificial hormones in their body.


Programming and Planning

Goals and Objectives
Goal: To promote Fiat Fertility Center to women of childbearing ages and couples seeking to avoid
or achieve pregnancy by highlighting the holistic achievement through promotional materials, events,
social media, websites, radio advertisements, coupons, and special deals of the organization between
January 13th, 2014 and July 14th, 2014.
Objective #1: To improve Fiats social media presence by January 13th, 2014 by
redesigning the website and creating a Facebook and Twitter account to appeal to the targeted audience.
To form a committee in charge of redesigning the website by January 6th, 2014
To form a committee in charge of creating a Facebook and Twitter account by January 6th, 2014
To form a committee in charge of monitoring the Facebook and Twitter account by January 6th, 2014
To launch Fiats new website,, on January 13th, 2014
To update and tweet at least twice a week on each social media account
To reach one hundred followers on Twitter by February 10th, 2014
Objective #2: To create coupons, brochures, and special deals both online and offline by January 13th,
2014, to increase individuals desire to learn more about Fiat.
To form a committee in charge of designing coupons and brochures both online and offline by January
6th, 2014
To bring brochures and coupons to print by January 13th, 2014
To hand out brochures and coupons to local doctors offices by January 20th, 2014
To present the option to local businesses and organizations of having a brochure in their store by January
20th, 2014
Objective # 3: To increase Fiats presence by arranging speaking dates at three local organizations
throughout the Cedar Valley by April 7th, 2014


Programming and Planning

To contact local organizations and present the option of having Jamie speak by February 17th, 2014
To secure dates and times with organizations and Jamie by February 28th, 2014
To have Jamie speak at first organization on March 24th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
To have Jamie speak at second organization on March 31st, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
To have Jamie speak at third organization on April 7th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Objective #4: To write and air a radio advertisement to promote Fiat Fertility Care Center and inform
the public about Fiats open house by April 17th, 2014
To compile a list of information from Jamie that she would like to have aired on the radio station by
March 24th, 2014
To write and edit radio advertisement by March 31st, 2014
To approve advertisement with Jamie by April 7th, 2014
To bring advertisement to radio station to be aired one week before open house by April 17th, 2014
Objective #5: To host a small open house on May 1st, 2014, from 5:00-8:00 pm in Jamies office to educate individuals about Fiat Fertility and their holistic approach to achieving or avoiding pregnancy.
To secure time with Jamie for open house
To form a small committee to be in charge of creating an e-mail invitation and setting up a venue at
Jamies office for open house visitors by March 17th, 2014
To send Jamie an email with the invitation to send out through her e-mail database for open house by
March 24th, 2014
To compile a list of items that Jamie would like set out for visitors to look at
To create and distribute flyers to local businesses and organizations with details of open house by April
14th, 2014


Due Date


January 6th, 2014

Form a committee of volunteers

who are educated in the Creighton
Method to redesign website, and
create Facebook and Twitter

January 6th, 2014

Form a committee of volunteers

who are educated in the Creighton
Method to be in charge of
monitoring the Facebook and
Twitter account.

January 6th, 2014

Form a committee of volunteers

who are educated in the Creighton
Method to be in charge of open
house arrangements.

January 6th, 2014

Form a committee of volunteers

who are educated in the Creighton
Method to create all brochures,
flyers, and coupons.

January 13th,

Bring brochures, flyers, and posters

to print.

January 20th,

Present the option to local

businesses and organizations of
having a brochure in their store.

January 20th,

Hand out brochures and coupons

to local doctors offices.

February 10th,

To reach 100 followers on Twitter.

February 13th,

To launch new website,

Facebook page, and Twitter

February 17th,

Contact local organizations and





present the option of having Jamie



Cost per Unit

Secure dates and times with

organizations and Jamie.



February 28th,

# of Units



2- 11 x 17 inch


March 17th, 2014

Form a small committee of

volunteers to be in charge of
creating an email invitation and
setting up a venue at Jamies office
for open house visitors.





1- 8 x 11 inch

Self - Printed Flyers


75- 8 x 11 inch


Radio ad

$12.00/ 15



March 24th, 2014

Send Jamie an email with the

invitation to send out through her
email database for open house.

March 24th, 2014

Jamie speaks at first organization at

7:00 pm.


$15.69/ 48


March 24th, 2014

Compile a list of information from

Jamie that she would like to have
aired on the radio station.

Country Time

$19.88/ 191
ounce canister
(pack of 6)


March 31st, 2014

Write and edit radio


Bounty Quilted

$2.97/ 200


March 31st, 2014

Jamie speaks at second

organization at 7:00 pm.


April 7th, 2014

Jamie speaks at third organization

at 7:00 pm.

Hefty Everyday Easy $6.47/ 100

Grip Plastic Cups
(18 oz.)

April 7th, 2014

Approve radio advertisement with


April 14th, 2014


Itemized Budget

Create and distribute flyers to local

businesses and organizations with
details of open house.

April 17th, 2014

Bring radio advertisement to radio

station to be aired.

May 1st, 2014

Host open house at Jamies office

from 5:00-8:00 pm.

Total Amount
Spent: $83.92
* This estimate is based off Jamie Rathjens approximate available budget of $200.00.
It is possible that this cost could be lowered through possible donations.
These prices have been quoted from Staples and Copyworks. The radio ad has been quoted from
93.5 The Mix KCVM.



Number of new members to Fiat Fertility Care Center

Number of Facebook friends by July 14th, 2014
Number of followers on Twitter by July 14th, 2014
Number of attendees at Fiats Open House
Number of attendees at each of Jamies speaking engagements

Fundraising Group



Donation Letter Request #1

Donation Letter Request #2

3070 W Airline Hwy,
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

Karens Print-Rite
2515 Falls Ave
Waterloo, IA 50701

24 October 2013
To Whom it May Concern:

24 October 2013
Ms. Wolf,

Our names are Shana Skay and Megan Burke. We are writing you on behalf of our
Principles of Public Relations class at the University of Northern Iowa. We have been
assigned to help a local company spread their name throughout the Cedar Valley area
community. To do this effectively, we will need to produce a campaign, make campaign
books and brochures, and provide our campaign via CD.

Our names are Shana Skay and Megan Burke. We are writing you on behalf of our
Principles of Public Relations class at the University of Northern Iowa. We have been
assigned to help a local company spread their name throughout the Cedar Valley area
community. To do this effectively, we will need to produce a campaign, make campaign
books and brochures, and provide our campaign via CD.

This project gives us, the Public Relations students, a great opportunity to have a reallife experience in building campaigns. From this opportunity will come many
opportunities. Through this project we will be building networks that will hopefully
benefit us down the road, whether that be in the job search, or elsewhere. This will also
give us the outcome of a campaign book, which will be a great resource to show
employers when we are interviewing for a job.

This project gives us, the Public Relations students, a great opportunity to have a reallife experience in building campaigns. From this opportunity will come many
opportunities. Through this project we will be building networks that will hopefully
benefit us down the road, whether that be in the job search or elsewhere. This will also
give us the outcome of a campaign book, which will be a great resource to show
employers when we are interviewing for a job.

We would like to ask you to support our mission by donating your print services. Our
goal is to receive: 16 bound copies, with tabs, of our finished campaign (approximately
75 pages each), 16 copies of a colored brochure, and 3 CD copies of our campaign. These
printings would need to be completed by November 12th, 2013. Your generosity would
be greatly appreciated and make an astonishing improvement to our campaign. You
can contact us through email at or We are also
flexible on times to meet with you to discuss this campaign further if need be.

We would like to ask you to support our mission by donating your print services. Our
goal is to receive: 16 bound copies, with tabs, of our finished campaign (approximately
75 pages each), 16 copies of a colored brochure, and 3 CD copies of our campaign. These
printings would need to be completed by November 12th, 2013. Your generosity would
be greatly appreciated and make an astonishing improvement to our campaign. You
can contact us through email at or We are also
flexible on times to meet with you to discuss this campaign further if need be.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Thank you in advance for your support!



Shana Skay

Shana Skay


Megan Burke

Megan Burke

Shana Skay

Shana Skay

Megan Burke

Megan Burke


Donation Contracts

Thank You Letter

3070 W. Airline Hwy
Waterloo, IA 50703





Given or Denied

Karens PrintRite


2515 Falls Ave,

Waterloo, IA





3070 West Airline

Waterloo, IA


YES- Bound (color)

campaign book,
brochure, CDs, one flyer
and two posters

November 8, 2013
Dear Ms. Dohlman,
We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your donation of
printing services for our Public Relations Campaign. This campaign is providing us
with the opportunity to gain hands on experience that will be beneficial to us in the
future. Without your generosity, this project would not have been possible.
On behalf of us and our Public Relations group, Thank You, from the bottom of our
Shana Skay

Shana Skay


Megan Burke

Megan Burke


Special Thanks

A special thank you to Control-O-Fax for their donation of printing services.


November 2013
A Public Relations Campaign
University of Northern Iowa Public Relations
in collaboration with
Fiat Fertility Care Center of the Cedar Valley

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