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Synopsis Epiphany

Jardel and Michael have been friends since they were 5 years old
however they have had very contrasting ambitions growing up.
Jardel has always wanted to be the first in his family to go to
university and be a lawyer, while Michael aspires to be gang
affiliated to fill the shoes of his older brother who is currently in
prison. Michael has always been the dominant force in the duo,
helping Jardel out whenever trouble came about concerning money
or conflict. Tables turn as Michael now needs Jardels help.
Jardel and Michael have planned to get their own back on a boy who
hurt their friend but Jardel is having cold feet. He meets up with
Michael to go get the boy. As they walk to the location, Michael has
second thoughts as he doesnt want the events to come back and
hurt his chances of going to university. Michael insists that Jardel
owes him because all the things he has helped with over the years,
this puts Jardel under moral strain as he has to make a hard
Will Jardel do the right thing and walk away from the situation or will
he give in to Michaels demands to preserve their friendship?

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