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MATH 4751/6751 Homework 9

Due in class on Nov. 12, 2015

1. Exercise Problem in Textbook (8th ed.): 4.12, 4.37, 4.40, 4.45, 4.46, 4.48, 4.53, 4.76,
2. A quality control engineer is in charge of testing whether or not 90% of the DVD
players produced by his company conform to specifications. To do this, the engineer
randomly selects a batch of 12 DVD players from each days production. The days
production is acceptable provided no more than 1 DVD player fails to meet specifications. Otherwise, the entire days production has to be tested. (a) What is the
probability that the engineer incorrectly passes a days production as acceptable if
only 80% of the days DVD players actually conform to specification? (b) What is
the probability that the engineer unnecessarily requires the entire days production
to be tested if in fact 90% of the DVD players conform to specifications?
3. Bits are sent over a communications channel in packets of 12. If the probability of a
bit being corrupted over this channel is 0.1 and such errors are independent, what is
the probability that no more than 2 bits in a packet are corrupted? If 6 packets are
sent over the channel, what is the probability that at least one packet will contain 3
or more corrupted bits?
4. A rat has to choose between 5 doors, one of which contains chocolate. If the rat
chooses the wrong door, it is returned to the starting point and chooses again, and
continues until it gets the chocolate. Let X be the serial number of the trial on
which the chocolate is found. (a) Find the probability function of X. (b) What is
the expectation of X?
5. Watch the input queue at the alpha farm for a job that times out. The probability
that a job times out is 0.05. Let Y be the number of the first job to time out. What
then the probability that (a) the third job times out? (b) Y is less than 3? (c) the
first job to time out is between the third and the seventh?

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