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Dilini Gorsia

Evaluation Activity 3: What have you learned from your audiences

The most important aspect of obtaining feedback from my target audience is that it
allows me to identify the strengths and weaknesses of my final product. The
feedback they deliver is not only significant in measuring the success of my
production but it also a form of research I can use to see what they expect to see
from my production. Furthermore, it shows what I am capable of as the Director as it
will indicate whether I can create a film on my own that satisfies the expectations of
my target audience. Finally, I can use this information to better my productions in the
In order to gain feedback I had to use a range of platforms to promote my film.
Examples of the kind of sites I used are Twitter, Facebook, and most importantly
YouTube. The reason I used these sites in particular is due to the fact that theyre
popular social networking sites where users can share content and connect with all
kinds of people. This variety of people included a lot of my target audience therefore
I particularly chose these platforms.
I created a Twitter page for my
production company. I used this page
to promote my film by sharing a link to
the video on my YouTube account. My
target audience was people aged
between 12 and 25 therefore Twitter
was a good platform as most of the
users on there range between that age
Looking at the table on the left it is
clear that compared to any other
age group adults aged between 18
and 24 have the highest user
demographic on twitter. This is
apparent over a three year period
ranging from 2010 to 2012.
Although the data may be outdated
it is clear that this number has
continued to grow since the
development of technology
available for younger generations.

Dilini Gorsia

The final version of my film was uploaded to YouTube. YouTube is a huge platform
that allows users to share and watch video content about anything and everything.
People are able to connect with each other, subscribe to each others videos and like
and post comments in order to give positive or negative feedback. So far I have 123
views on my video which means that it is still being viewed and promoted around.
Similar feedback was also gathered on sites like Facebook and through instant
messaging applications like Whatsapp however, the best feedback was word of
mouth and the pre and post questionnaires I had created on Survey Monkey.
The pre and post questionnaires were based around data collected from a group
consisting of 30 individuals, 15 male and 15 female, which ranged between my
target audience of 12 to 25. This was done to ensure that the target audience was
correct and also to make sure I was asking people that were aware of what I was
trying to achieve, the genre of my productions and what it was about.
Thankfully, I received the feedback that I wanted as the short film was a romantic
drama which meant that I intended for the audience to feel sympathetic and touched
by the emotions shown by the character of Steph. Despite all of these emotions I
also hoped that my audience would still enjoy the overall production.
The pre and post questionnaire that I created on survey monkey were posted to my
blog as I wanted people to give feedback as to what they liked and didnt like. It was
also made anonymous so that people would give their honest opinions and not feel
bad about it.
Pre and Post Questionnaires
Having gathered the results and
putting the data into pie charts, I was extremely happy to
find some of the figures below.

Dilini Gorsia

Pre questionnaire graphs




Responses to each question in the pre-questionnaire:

Question 1 - I provided options within the age range for my pre-questionnaire

and the people we gathered mainly fell into the categories 16 20 and 21+. A
few people were aged between 12 and 15 however not as many as the other
Question 2 - I had a mixture of 15 males and 15 females out of a total of 30
Question 3 I then narrowed down the sample by identifying who watched
short films and who were new to them. Most people had seen them however,
a few were new.
Question 4 I wanted to see what kinds of genres were the most popular to
see how many people actually enjoyed my genre. The most loved genre was
in fact drama, closely followed by action and horror. This was the ultimate
point where I finalised my decision and went with a drama. Because I wanted
it to be different, I then turned this into a hybrid by making it a romantic drama.
Question 5 question 5 was similar to question 3, however, from this question
I was able to determine that 53% of people chose short films as their
preferred choice of television.
Question 6 most of my target audience also watched short films regularly
but as previously mentioned some had never seen them.
Question 7 After revealing the main plot to those being surveyed, 77%
agreed that they would be interested in a film based on a break up.

Dilini Gorsia

Question 8 most people agreed that they had never experienced anything
like the storyline before however some people preferred not to say for obvious
Question 9 90% of people wanted the short film to be less than 30 minutes
long which was perfect for me as it was intended to only be 5 minutes
Question 10 the last question was one of the most important for me as it
helped me determine what part of the story I should focus on. Most people
wanted to know what happened during the break up and what happened after
it therefore that was the topic I focused on the most.

Responses to each question in the post-questionnaire:

I also provided options within the age range once again and had a similar
spread of ages.
Also, I had a mixture of 15 males and 15 females.
All of my participants confidently voted the right genre of my film which was a
Also, all of my participants thought the title of my production Unfaithful was
appropriate for my production.
Again, all of my participants believed that the narrative was clearly shown.
The majority of my participants had believed that the strongest element of my
film was the actors and the characters that I had used, closely followed by the
cinematography. This was because they generally believed the narrative more
due to the good acting shown by the characters.
85% of my participants also thought that the age ranges I had chosen were
appropriate for the film.
Finally, an amazing 100% of my 30 participants indicated that the credits and
general fonts were adequate and easy to read.
To conclude, I was extremely pleased with the feedback I received as it was
very positive and enabled me to analyse my production from a different
viewpoint. I found that one of my favourite aspects of my film was the editing
and the characters acting. I especially liked the continuity of my production as
I think the shots flowed well and the flashbacks were edited in an effective
way. I was generally pleased with the standard and quality of the camera as it
helped me to produce something that looked professional. Finally, Im also
proud of the fact that I was able to achieve such a high quality piece of work
on my own as it helped me to realise how much of a good learner I am and
how I can achieve things independently. On the other hand, I feel that certain
aspects e.g. sound couldve been improved as it didnt match the narrative in
some of the scenes and also there were a few gaps along the way. I also think
elements of the narrative couldve been improved as I felt like the scenes
dragged on a bit and became a bit boring at times. I think I couldve built more
tension between the characters by creating more drama. To do this I couldve

Dilini Gorsia

added more action the scenes and made more events occur e.g. flashbacks
of how Steph caught Natasha and Tia cheating.

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