M 340 Lsyl

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M340L Spring 2016

Unique No. 53535

Dr. Bart Goddard
Oce: RLM 11.104
e-mail: goddardb@math
Hours: MWF 2:002:50 or by appointment

TA: Hung-Ming Hsu

e-mail: hungming@utexas
Hours: TBA

Rules: Dont miss class. Dont be late. Dont buy plane tickets which conflict with
exams. Dont pack up early. Dont be rude. Please dont ask me things already stated
here. Please dont ask me to change things stated here.
Text: Most of what well cover is found in Linear Algebra and its Applications, 4rd Edition, David
C. Lay. Problem assignments are taken from there.
Grading: Homework:
Quest Assignments
2 Midterm exams:
Final Exam:


We will be using the +/- grading system: 90% is at least an A, 86.7% is at least an A-, 83.3% is at
least a B+, 80% is at least a B, etc.
Exams: Nearly chiseled in stone, the dates for the midterm exams are Friday Feb. 26 and Friday
Apr. 8. There are no make-up exams. If you miss a midterm, its not automatically a zero (but
it might be a zero.) At the end of the course, Ill make a rough guess as to what your score would
have been, and youll have to live with it. Midterms are given in lecture and will be closed-book,
closed-notes, and no-calculator. The nal exam is schedule for Thursday, May 12 from 2 to 5 p.m.
Calculators will not be allowed on any exams.
Homework and Quest There are assignments from the text on the next page. You should work
all the problems. A couple problems on each line are in boldface. You should prepare beautiful
solutions to those problems to hand in. Neatness and following directions count. Due dates will
be announced in class and only there. This course also uses the Quest system. Heres the canned
paragraph: This course makes use of the web-based Quest content delivery and homework server
system maintained by the College of Natural Sciences. This homework service will require a $30
charge per student for its use, which goes towards the maintenance and operation of the resource.
After the 12th day of class, when you log into Quest you will be asked to pay by credit card on a secure
payment site. You have the option to wait up to 30 days to pay while still continuing to use Quest
for your assignments. If you are taking more than one course using Quest, you will not have to pay
more than $60 per semester. Quest provides mandatory instructional material for this course. For
payment questions, email: questfees@cns.utexas.edu.. Normally each Quest assignment will be
due Friday at 5:00.
Canvas We use Canvas a little bit. The syllabus and other documents are posted there. We use it
for mass communication. Well report raw scores to you on Quest (rather than Canvas), so you can
check our accuracy, but neither Canvas nor Quest determines your nal grade.
Overview: Almost nothing in the universe is linear, but almost everything in the universe is almost
linear, and we often pretend that a curvy thing is really a straight thing. Matrices were invented
to deal with the linear relationships between linear things. In this course we learn the properties of
matrices and use them to study linear objects, like vector spaces and the transformations thereof.
Students with disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate
academic accommodations for qualied students with disabilities. For more information, contact the
Oce of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY
Health: Its part of the students responsibility to keep themselves able. Please eat decently, sleep
suciently and live in a clean area. A broken arm due to a mechanical bull ride is not an excuse for
missing an exam. Stress and disorientation are common among university students, and a stressed
out person gets sick more easily. You probably should treat your body and mind at least as well as
you treat your car, so dont wait till you crash and burn before availing yourself of the many, free
services UT oers. For instance:
Counselling and Mental Health Center
Student Services Bldg (SSB), 5th Floor
Hours: MF 8am5pm, 512 471 3515, www.cmhc.utexas.edu

Work all the problems below. Prepare neat and complete solutions to each starred
*-exercise and hand in each set on the due date announced in class. Dont hand in
sloppy scratch work. The following is subject to change.




3.1 /
3.2 /
3.s /






7.1 /
7.2 /
7.s /

*7, 10, *11, 17, 23, 24

2, *3, 7, 11, *14, 19, 21, 22
5, *11, 14, 18, 23, 24, *25
3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, *14, *18,23, 24, 26, 38
5, *6, 8, 9, *12, 13, 17, 23, 24
1, 2, *5, 15-20, 21, 22, *31
1, 3, *9, 11, 21, 22, *23, 32, 33, 37
1, 3, *5, 13, 14, 17, *18, 20, 23, 24, 37, 39
1, 7, 9, 10, 18

Pet Peeves
A. I dont takewalk-ins outside of regular oce hours. If its regular oce hours,
please just drop by. Otherwise you need to make an appointment. Just send me an
e-mail with the times that would work for you. (Really, have you ever heard of a
math emergency?)
B. Some students want to sit in a corner of my oce and work on their homework,
only bothering me when or if they get stuck. I dont like this. Dude, youre in my
space. (Also: Reasons.)
C. Please dont walk with me after class. Usually, I need to decompress a bit before
the next class, so please let me have a few minutes alone with my own thoughts.
D. Please dont give me anything. No cookies, no homebrew, no bookmarks, etc.
E. When class starts, stop talking instantly. Dont nish your very, very important
sentence. Just stop.
F. If youre going to be more than 2 minutes late to class, please dont bother coming.
That way you wont be disrupting the students.
G. If I ask you to leave the classroom, that is not an opening for a debate about
whether you really have to leave. By the time I have to ask, its already far too late.
Just quietly leave and come back the next class with a new mode of public behavior.
H. I really1,000,000 hate to be asked for make-up anything. But its a university
sanctioned event! So what? But I have 75 doctors notes! Sucks to be you. Well,
it cant hurt to ask! Yes. Yes it can.
I. Freakin cellphones. What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you trying to
become the Borg, fercrynoutloud?

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