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Akhmediyar Sailaubekov

126 East Nittany Ave #15

State College, PA 16801

The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Candidate for B.S. Computer Science

Anticipated Graduation: May 2016

Overall GPA: 3.01

Proficient skills: C, C++, Java
Basic knowledge: C#, JavaScript, HTML, Objective C, Python, MIPS assembly, Unity3D, Octave, MySQL,
Android application development, iOS development, MongoDB
Languages: Kazakh (native), Russian (fluent), English (fluent), French (intermediate)

Project Experience
Introduction to Building Computer/Video Games class /Web Game
SP 2015-Present
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Work with a team to develop a 1st person 3D logic game using Unity3D Software
Created main and secondary menus for the game
Responsible for building programming game levels
Capital One Project/Understanding our customer
SP 2015-Present
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Collaborated with a team to developed a program to scan Linkedin profiles of Capital One customers
and define their status
Was responsible to define projects life cycle and to make the program run
Managed database for the project
Introduction to Systems Programming class/CRUD device
FA 2014
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Built a CRUD device driver for a filesystem driver built on top of an object storage device using C

Relevant Course Work

Object Oriented Programming with Web-based Applications (CMPSC 221)
Systems programming (CMPSC 311)
Algorithms and Data structures (CMPSC 465)
Communication Network Architecture (CMPEN 362)
Programming Languages Concepts (CMPSC 461)

SP 2014
FA 2014
FA 2014
SP 2015
SP 2015


Kazakhstani Student Association (KSA)

Penn State Judo Club

FA 2012-Present
SP 2015-Present

Bolashak International Scholarship, Kazakhstan

SP 2011-Present

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