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Goal Sheet

Name: Kelsey Beckwith

Wondering: How can I increase student engagement
during whole group instruction?
What are your goals for student learning related to your
I would like to see my students be more engaged during
lessons and to participate more often. I believe this will help
their understanding and be reflected in their work/grades.
What formative or diagnostic data might you collect to
determine if your student learning goals are being met?
I might collect grades after lesson(s) where I implement a
research-based strategy or take quick informal assessments
during the lesson(s).
As you reflect on your work last semester, what ideas do you
have for changes/actions/strategies in your teaching
practice that you might make to support your student
learning goals?
I think if I take my students interests into consideration, they
will benefit more from my lessons and I will become a
stronger teacher.
What data might you collect related to the
changes/actions/strategies you are trying in your teaching
I could use informal assessments as a way to collect data
during a lesson in conjunction with my lesson plans showing
the research-based strategies I used.

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