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The Plan of Entry is
designed to accomplish
the following goals to:

Progress Monitoring
How I plan to monitor
the progress:


1 Evaluate
implementation of
standards based
instruction best
practices with a STEM
focus. ( Each SLC

Develop a rubric to
determine the level of
implementation of STEM
instructional strategies
in schools.

2. Assist schools based

on the individual needs
of the schools.

Schedule with the

Keep record of work
done in each school.

3. Design and deliver

training or/and assist
developments of
training towards STEM
4. Establish
Communication with
STEM directors from
county and State

Schedule the trainings

for schools

The rubric will guide our

team the level of
support needed for each
SLC school
Level 1: Stem
awareness/ introduction
Level 2: STEM
Level 3: Continued STEM
development of program
Level 4:
Implementation of
program and follow-up
Level of STEM support
is determined, this
allows me to begin
assisting schools with
the level of support.
Schools will begin
getting the needed

5. Plan to establish team

to create science pacing
guide for the SLC K-12
science. This will allow
true collaboration with
all STEM educators in
the SLC

Meeting with Science

and Math Teacher
Department Heads for
Middle Schools and High
Schools. Determining
Elementary School Math
and Science department
head or appointed
Schedule Meeting
Attend Meetings
Begin Creating

6. Work in collaboration
with departments to
provide interdisciplinary
STEM instructional
resources ( tools, units,
model lessons)
7. Meeting with Ga
State, Atlanta Tech, and
Women in Tech

Schedule meetings
Attend meetings

Meetings, Plans will be


Expected results of this

Plan of Entry include:

Be a voice and advocate

to the needs of the SLC
schools while aligning
with the direction of
STEM education based
on our STEM director Dr.
Barrett and State
director Dr. Gilda Lyons.
Meet with team to
create a pacing guide in
Science for the SLC
Make Department Heads
aware of the STEM
rubric and the elements.

SLC will have model

STEM lessons for
schools to use.
Web 2.0 tools teachers
can use during
instructional time.
develop Partnership and
programs for schools

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