Internal Text Structure

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Appendix A: Additional Resources

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date:_________________

Internal Text Structure Reference Sheet

The information about a topic (object, person, animal, idea, event) includes facts, characteristics, traits,
and features.
Example: description of a desert habitat

The facts, events, or concepts are presented in sequential order. The topic is developed in order of
importance, or the sequence or steps in a process are given.
Example: how to design and build parallel circuits

Compare and Contrast

The similarities (comparison) and differences (contrast) among facts, people, events, and concepts
Example: plants and animals need water, but plants need the sun, and animals need food

Cause and Effect

The information is presented to make clear that certain things (effects) happen as a result of other
Example: evaporation of water in an open container

Problem and Solution

The development of a problem and possible solutions to it are presented.
Example: global warming and possible solutions


#51157Writing Strategies for Science Second Edition

Shell Education

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