Informal Assessment

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Type of program: FLES

Unit Objective: The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how to count and work
with numbers in target language. Covering a variety of topics, the students will be
able to use numbers, quantities, and dates to communicate in TL
Grade Level: 4th
Standards: Common Core Math Standards in MI; 4.OA, 4.MD,
Time: 30 minutes
1. Unit Lesson PlanDay #1Los nmeros 1-10
a. Unit Obj.: TLW be able to count from 1-10 in TL and be able to match the
numerical number with its written spelling.
b. Warm-up Activity: count 1-10 (see how many they know)
c. Vocabulary: nmeros, 1-10, tengo, tienes, necesito
d. Activities:
i. Present numbers in warm-up, have number chart on board, repeat
after teacher and drill, then point to random numbers to test them.
ii. Hand out index cards with numerals on some and their spelling on
others. Explain and model to students that they need to find their
correct match for their cards, saying Tengo ___. Qu nmero
tienes? They should exchange cards with their partner and keep
the matching pair.
e. Assessment: monitor students as they do the activities, see how well they
write things on board, respond to questions, and present their answers.
Watch them as the teacher explains activities to make sure they
f. Closing: Reviewcount by 1s, 2s, etc.
2. Unit Lesson PlanDay #2Los numeros 11-20
a. Unit Obj.: TLW able to count from 1-20 in TL through the uses of single
digits and multiples as well as compare the worth of various numbers.
b. Warm-up Activity: review 1-10, introduce 11-20
c. Vocabulary: nmeros, 11-20, Cuntos/as ___ hay?, Hay ___. ms, menos
d. Activities:
i. Present new numbers in warm-up, have number chart on board,
repeat after teacher and drill, then point to random numbers to test
ii. Hand out worksheet showing numbers 1-20 and their spelling in
which students must match the number with its correct spelling.
iii. Review worksheet
iv. Hand out cards with numbers on them (written word) and have the
students place themselves in chronological order according to their
e. Assessment: monitor students as they do the activities, see how well they
respond to questions, and present their answers. Watch them as the teacher
explains activities to make sure they understand. Observe them as they
complete final activity.
f. Closing: Reviewcount by 1s, 2s, and 5s.
3. Unit Lesson PlanDay #3Los nmeros 21-100

a. Unit Obj.: TLW be able to count from 1-100 in TL in singular digits and in
multiples, as well as use the numbers in simple equations.
b. Warm-up Activity: with number chart on board, review 1-20. Teach
multiples of ten. Ask them what they think the in-between numbers are.
Drill the numbers. Teacher points to random numbers and students say
c. Vocabulary: #s 21-100, menos, mas, multiplicado por, dividido por
d. Activities:
i. Divide students into 2 teams. Give each person an index card with
a number on it (0-9), one set to each team. The teacher will say a
number or present an equation of the board which students must
solve for, and the 2 students from each team with those digits have
to come forward and show the number to the class, as quickly as
possible. The team who gets it first, gets a point on the board.
e. Assessment: informal, observe their participation in activity
f. Closing: Review numberscount by 5s and 10s
4. Unit Lesson PlanDay #4Dinero
a. Unit Obj.: TLW be able to use currency and estimate the cost of an object
by making estimates of its worth using TL vocabulary.
b. Warm Up Activity: Review 1-100 by counting in multiples of 5, 10, and
c. Vocabulary: Tengo, dinero, Cunto cuesta/n? dlares, centavos,
d. Activities:
i. Teach them dlares and centavos. Give them a couple
examples of prices and ask: Cunto cuesta? Hand out flash cards
with different objects pictured on them and have them ask each
other how much things cost. Give them a blank chart to put their
answers on (spell things out). Each group will then present what
they found by sharing with the entire class
e. Assessment: Observe that students are using TL and interacting with
f. Closing: Review new vocab with other items as a group, asking cuanto
5. Unit Lesson PlanDay #5El calendario
a. Unit Obj.:TLW be able to use a Spanish calendar and notice the
differences between the english version and the Spanish version. TLW also
be able to tell the date in TL.
b. Warm-up Activity: Review numbers counting by 10s. Give students cards
with random numbers spelled out on them. Hand them out to students and
have them stand up and put themselves in order.
c. Vocabulary: calendario, ao, los meses, los das de la semana, hoy, ayer,
maana, Qu da es hoy/fue ayer/ser maana? Cul es la fecha?
d. Activities:
i. Bring out Spanish calendar. Ask how many days in a week,
pointing out a week on the calendar (cuntos hay?).

ii. Teach hoy, maana, ayer. Go over: If today is __, tomorrow

will be ___. Practice as a class.
iii. Compare Spanish and English calendars: Qu da es hoy, qu
iv. Bring out English calendar and compare the date, to show that
Spanish calendar starts on Monday.
v. En qu mes estamos?point to it. Cuntos das hay? Show them
cards of the names of the months in Spanish and have them guess
what they are in English. Then give the cards out and have students
put them in order up on the board.
e. Assessment: Informal evaluation of activities.
f. Closing: quick re-cap of what learned today
6. Unit Lesson PlanDay #6La hora
a. Unit Obj.: TLW be able to use TL when telling time and be able to use
both dates and time to create a schedule in TL
b. Warm-up Activity: Start with calendar: what day is today, yesterday,
tomorrow, date. Review a couple numbers with calendar.
c. Vocabulary: reloj, hora, minuto Qu hora es? Es la una. Son las dos... y
__. y cuarto, y media, menos cuarto
d. Activities:
i. Cuntas horas hay en un da? Write hora on the board to see
if they can guess what it means. Do the same with minutos and
segundos and ask: Cuntos minutos/hora, segundos/minuto?
Bring out large clock and start asking different hours: Qu hora
es? Model correct way of answering.
ii. Go through all hours and write the main formats on the board.
Then add minutes. Ask them and model correct way of answering.
Then go over y cuarto, y media, menos cuarto, write them
up on board. Give them blank clock worksheet and have them
write in the times.
e. Assessment: Informal, seeing how they do in class activities
f. Closing: review Qu hora es?
7. Unit Lesson PlanDay #7Su horario del da
a. Unit Obj.: TLW be able to use TL to convey his daily routine and compare
his schedule to that of his peers.
b. Warm-up Activity: Ask the day and date, time. Go over if
c. Vocabulary: horario, te/me despiertas/o, comes/o el desayuno, el almuerzo,
la cena, vas/voy a la escuela, a casa, te/me acuestas/o
d. Activities:
i. In pairs, students ask each other about their schedules: A qu hora
___? They write their answers on a chart worksheet. Ask a couple
kids to present their schedules. Then make a list on the board of
how many do what at what time, to see what is the most common
time to do things.

ii. Listen to an audiotape of kids from different cultures talking about

their schedules. First time, have students just listen for times and
key vocabulary words about daily schedules. Then, give them a
worksheet with verbs. Have them listen another time and fill in the
times that they do certain things. If needed, they can listen one
more time. Afterwards, go over the answers and talk with students
about cultural differences they found in daily schedules.
e. Assessment: Informal
f. Closing: close with a game to review numbers
8. Unit Lesson PlanDay #8 Las medidas
a. Unit Obj.: TLW have a basic understanding of the metric system and its
use in foreign countries -as well as the Spanish translations of metric
b. Warm-up: Discuss the metric system and its use in foreign countries
c. Vocabulary: Libra, pulgada, pie, yarda, kilo, litro, metro, volumen, peso,
d. Activities:
i. Remind students of the inverse law of multiplication and division.
Explain that, if they use multiplication to convert from the metric
to the English system, they can always use division to convert in
the other direction.
ii. Group students into pairs. Have each pair brainstorm about the
different measurements they encounter on a daily basis, from the
gallon of milk they pull from the refrigerator each morning to the
distance they travel to soccer practice. Encourage them to think
about length (distance), weight, and volume.
iii. Distribute the Classroom Activity Sheet: Measuring in Daily Life.
Have students fill in the measurements in the English system first.
Then have them convert each measurement to the metric system.
Remind students to use the conversion charts to help them move
from one system to the other. Encourage students to add other
ideas to the sheet.
e. Assessment: Go over the answers in class and check students' conversions
from English to metric. If students have added other questions to the sheet,
have them share their measurements with the class.
f. Closing: Present a few objects for students to guesstimate their weight
or size.
9. Unit Lesson PlanDay #9 Repaso
a. Unit Obj.: TLW solidify their understanding of the previously covered
material and will feel confident in their ability to perform in future
b. Warm-up: Review numbers 1-100 by counting in multiples of 5,10, and 20
c. Vocabulary: All previous lists
d. Activities:
i. Divide class into four groups and have them come up with team
names and leaders.

ii. Present game show like activity to students, in which they must
answer a series of questions by selecting from a list of topics
previously covered (i.e. los numeros, el calendario, el
systema metrico, etc).
iii. Have the students compete against each other for a grand prize
(extra credit towards exam, candies, treats, etc)
e. Assessment: observe that all students are participating in activity and are
working cooperatively.
f. Closing: hand out a series of worksheets for students to review at home
10. Unit Lesson PlanDay #10 El Examen
a. Unit Obj.: TLW demonstrate their understanding of the material and their
comprehension of the unit.
b. Warm-up: Collect study worksheets and give a brief review of material.
Answer any pending questions
c. Vocabulary: All previous Lists
d. Activities:
i. Hand out assessment worksheets and have students work on them
ii. Collect worksheets as the students finish up and insure appropriate
environment for those continuing their assessment.
e. Assessment: Summative, students are being assessed on all previously
covered material.
f. Closing: Answer any questions students may have, if time allows do an
activity using numbers.

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