Assessment Tech

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Student assessment has evolved greatly, and parents, teachers, and students continue to
benefit with the help of technology. Many tools are available which make data collection much
easier; tools such as Socrative, JupiterEd, and Edmodo. Each of these are a form of assessment
used to help students and teachers get the most out of their time and education. With the
assistance of these tools, teachers gather data to ensure the student is learning and evolving to
their fullest potential.
Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning
Teachers utilize technology to facilitate efforts to improve student learning in the
classroom. Scientists have always used data collection to make assumptions on any given
subject, and to determine the next course of action, or why something is the way it is. Student
data collection, with the use of technology or software, is no different. Teachers are like
scientists, using summative and formative assessments, behavioral tracking, digital gradebooks,
and social monitoring to formulate a conclusion regarding student progress and abilities.
Technology allows teachers to organized data and use it to create graphs or charts to show any
similarities, subject improvements, or validate student progress. With the use of social learning
platforms, teachers and parents can easily connect with each other in a secure online
environment, while motivating students, as well as linking other learning and previous
assessments completed. With these tools, teachers continually know where each student is at on
any subject or lesson given. (Basila, 2014)
Teachers have always used tests and quizzes to determine a students understanding on
certain subjects, or polls to determine the classroom stance on ideas or situations. Socrative is a

free online tool available to teachers for data analysis purposes. By using Socrative, teachers are
able to create quizzes, either true or false, multiple choice, short written-responses, or an
accumulation of all three. Teachers are then able to track and analyze the student data
immediately and for long-term use. A study was conducted to determine how student
engagement and collaboration could be improved within a classroom. Students were given a
series of various tests using Socrative over a short period of time. Using Socrative, the test
results showed a 53% improvement overall, of the students tested. (Dakka, 2015) With teachers
in control of the information the students are being quizzed, they are able to customize and plan
upcoming lessons based on the results provided. (100 words) is a great tool that teachers can use to access student learning. The benefit
about this resource is that it is available to teachers (and parents) at any time and from any
location, with no software to download. JupiterEd is a digital gradebook which, in addition to
tracking grades, also allows teachers to create seating charts, behavioral charts, import student
data such as State test results, or basic health information, such as student allergies. The teacher
can then use all of this data collected to make decisions regarding the student as a whole, and not
just on grades or test results solely. This type of tool is a form of data warehousing for
teachers, who can then convert this data into decisions and results. (, 2014)
Edmodo is a closed, social learning network which allows parents and teachers to
communicate online by sharing files, post events or alerts, reminders and message boards, as
well as review grades. It is a modern form of what was once the classroom bulletin that
typically went home with students monthly to keep parents informed and up-to-date. Edmodo is

a communication tool that parents can log into at any location to connect with their childs
teacher, as well as access important classroom and student information. Tools such as Edmodo
keep the communication open between school and home.
Research findings reveal that Information and Communications Technology plays an
important role in enabling teachers and students to enhance the educational level and
communicate with one another across the globe. This is because they break down
borders and barriers at a faster rate than is possible in physical terms, offering authentic
material and vast resources for all skills and a valuable tool to enhance teaching and
learning. (Batsila, 2014, p. 53)
Formative and Summative Assessments
Formative and Summative assessments are used to determine a students comprehension
of subject matter. Formative assessments are a collection of evaluations completed over a period
of time to gain a understanding of what the student has learned. An example of this would be a
collection of section quizzes and the final end of the chapter test, to conclude if the student has
grasped the material. An example of a summative assessment is a pop quiz which the teacher
quickly give to decide if the class needs more instruction on the topic, and/or which students are
ready to move forward. Summative assessments also give the student an understanding of where
he/she is at and how well they are understanding the subject. Both assessments are used by
teachers to differentiate instruction to ensure that each student is being properly challenged and
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment
A definite pro about using technology to facilitate assessment is that data is saved and can
be viewed at any time. Teachers can also use this data to instantly analyze where they can

improve as instructors, and in what areas the students need improvement. Data collected can be
used to make display data and make charts to easily interpret what the student is learning, how
they have improved, behavioral factors to be included, and to remain organized and on track
above all else. A con of using technology to facilitate assessment is that not all families have
Internet access in the home. Most schools utilize some sort of online grading system which is
parent accessible in the home, but if parents are unable to access the information, other options
need to be determined for those families. This can be a difficult situation to address for parents
and teachers. Another con is the danger of losing the information due to technology
malfunctions, although rare, are possible. If the teacher solely relies on digital tracking, if that
system ever were to crash, all information would be lost unless the teacher had it backed up or
accessible in another location. Overall, the pros of using technology to facilitate student
assessment, far outweigh the cons.
Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?
Teachers should not only use technology to assess student learning because there are so
much more to students than basic assessments. All humans are complex and different, and some
of the best assessments are completed by social interaction and physical observations. A teacher
can determine a great deal about a student simply by observing the child during playtime or
social interactions. By gathering this type of information, along with any formative or
summative assessments, enables a teacher to understand the student completely, and not solely
what they are tested on.
What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
In compliance with the ISTE standards, using technology as an assessment tool is in the
best interest of the students and teachers. Section two, Design and develop digital age learning

experiences and assessments, describes this importance of teachers using technology in the
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments
incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context
and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identifies in the Standards.
(, 2016)
The importance of utilizing contemporary tools, such as technology-driven assessments, is
beneficial to the teacher because they can easily track student progress and quickly make
determinations regarding their education. The information is effortlessly organized for parents
and teachers to understand the students growth.
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
Professional teachers are now able to make determinations and important decisions
regarding their classroom as a whole and individual student evolution as well by using
technology-based assessments. Edmodo, Socrative, and JupiterEd, are all great resources that
are free and available for teachers to utilize and make the most out of the information gathered.
Data can easily be stored and analyzed to create the best possible lesson plan for students and to
help get them to their fullest potential. Using such assessments also connects to the ISTE
standards and allows the teacher to become a model for teachers in this digital age.

Batsila, M., Tsihouridis, C., & Vavougios, D. (2014). Entering the web-2 Edmodo world to
support learning: tracing teachers opinion after using it in their classes.

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 9, no. 1:53-60. Doi.

Dakka, S.M. (2015). Using Socrative to enhance in-class student engagement and
collaboration. Doi 10.5121/ijite.2015.4302
Gunter & Gunter. (2015). Communications, networks, the internet, and the world wide web.
Teachers Discovering Computers, Eight Edition.

Jupiter Analytics. (2014). Retrieved January 24, 2016, from

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