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Amber Barlow

Professional Competency Case Study

January 25, 2016
1. Suspending Judgment: If we assume that Dr. Dufraine is operating with the best
intentions, how might her behavior be interpreted?
Dr. Dufraines behavior can be interpreted as not liking the lesson plan or us (the student
teacher). She could be seen as passive aggressive since she doesnt want to have a
conversation or explain why she does not want to include the Revolutionary War lesson plan
in her language arts class.
2. Asset-Based Thinking: What strengths or positive attributes might Dr. Dufraine possess in
this scenario? How might a characteristic or behavior that you found problematic in Dr.
Dufraine actually be a strength in disguise? What are the other positives in this situation?
Dr. Dufraine did not criticize the lesson or the student teacher so she was courteous and
she confronted the student teacher with their mentor directly about what has been
3. Interpersonal Awareness:
How might Dr. Dufraine perceive this situation? What kind
of impact might your words and actions have had on her? On others?
Dr. Dufraine turned down the plan which she was allowed to do for whatever reason but
the student teacher took it personally and talked about her to other colleagues and
students. This could be isolating and a hostile working environment. My words could
have hurt her since the students and teachers took my side. Other teachers could have
judged me as childish and unprofessional.
4. Locus of Control: Which things were within your ability to affect in this case study? How
could you have targeted these things while still operating with respect and humility?
I had a lot of control in this case study, I had control over the lesson plan and if I wanted to
include the other teachers. When students asked me why Dr. Dufraine wasnt participating I
had the opportunity to teach the students about respecting peoples choices and remain
professional by telling them that she chose not to do it and how that is fine since it is her
classroom and both me and the students have to respect her decision.
5. The case study ends at a critical decision/action point. Consider the Professional
Competencies and the responses you made in the previous questions. Then:
a. Decide on a course of action. Describe what this course of action entails.
It will be important to make a personal apology to Dr. Dufraine and from now on if
any student brings it up to shut down the conversation and encourage them to respect
their teacher.
b. Address the possible consequences (positive and negative) that could arise from that
course of action.
Dr. Dufraine can either accept or not accept my apology but my mentor will see I am
making an effort to be professional and amend things. The students can see
something happened and be suspicious if I changed my mind so quickly and chastise
them for bringing her up again.

c. Explain the most desirable outcome if all goes well.

Overall the best outcome would be that Dr. Dufraine and Is relationship mends and my
mentor will not see me as unprofessional. The students and colleagues will leave Dr.
Dufraine alone and with the new relationship Dr. Dufraine will want to participate in the
Civil War unit.

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