Vocal Experience

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Music Therapy Vocal Experience

Title: Rap it: Something youre really good at

Domain: Communication, and fine motor skills
Population: Adolescents
Category: Mouth Percussion
Materials: Sound production from the mouth.
1. Leader presents this vocal pattern to the group with varying hand
motions: ch-ch-tika-tika-mwzah-click-tsi. The rhythm is on beats: 1,
2, 3&, 4&, 1,2,3-4.
2. Break the pattern down by every 2 sounds, and have the group repeat
after the leader until its in unison. (IF NECESSARIY: Skip #3)
3. Introduce the backwards direction with hand motions: tsi-click-mwzahtika-tika-ch-ch. Rhythm backwards: 1,2,3, 4&, 1&, 2, 3-4.
4. Continue you practice until its in unison.
5. Begin a rap about something youre really good at.
Behavioral Observation:
1. Impulse Control: Staying on tempo with group, measured by seconds
or minutes as needed depending on client ability.
2. Self-expression: Ability to sing alone in front of others, and express
personal achievements.
Submitted by: Annamarie Dwozan

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