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Fairchild Wheeler Interdistrict Magnet

Aero/Hydrospace Engineering
There is no branch of mathematics, however, abstract, which may not some day
be applied to phenomena of the real world.
-Nikolai Lobachevsky
Russian Mathematician 1792-1856
Ms. Roach
PreCalculus Syllabus
Spring Semester 2016
Hello, and welcome to PreCalculus. In this class, we will be exploring, proving,
investigating, and analyzing topics that will be essential for your future
success in Calculus. It will be a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I look forward
to getting to know you as the course progresses.
If you need to speak with me outside of class, feel free to stop by anytime as my door is
always open. You, along as your parents and guardians may reach me by emailing me. I
will try my best to return emails and phone calls as soon as possible.
Website: (You can find a course link here.)
Aero/Hydrospace Engineering Office Number: 203-275-3374
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:15 PM to 3:15 PM
If you are unable to attend my office hours, let me know and we will try to find another
time that works for you.
You are expected to be in appropriate uniform and labcoat BEFORE you enter my
When the bell rings, you should be in your assigned seat, with your notebook and
homework on your desk, working on the Warm Up silently.
Use the restroom between classes, not during class.
No food, drinks, or gum.
Cell phones and Electronics: Students are permitted to have cell phones and
electronics in their possessions. You are not allowed to use them during class, with
the exception of laptops during appointed times. If I see or hear a cell phone, it will
be confiscated and given to Mr. Lipp.
Be Respectful
Refrain from using insults, mockery, and offensive language.
Show consideration for other peoples personal space, property and ideas.
Maintain and preserve both personal and school property.
Be Responsible
Come to class on time.
Bring appropriate materials and assignments.
Take care of personal needs such as grooming, eating and using the bathroom
before class.
Be Responsive
Sit up and be attentive in class.
Listen and speak at appropriate times.
Ask questions!!!
Participate positively in discussions.

Always TRY!
Failure to follows these norms will result in the one or more of the following
Seat change
Phone call home
Referral to Principal
School detention
Parent conference
Teams will be an important part of our class and full participation will be expected.
No talking outside of your team.
Discuss questions and issues with your team first BEFORE calling the teacher for help.
Keep your conversations centered on math.
Helping teammates does not mean giving answers. Instead, ask good questions.
Explain and justify your ideas: Give statements and reasons.
No one alone is as smart as all of us are together. Do not leave anyone behind.
Clean up all materials at the end of class so the next team can be ready to work.
Students are accountable for all work missed as a result of class absence. You can also
find links to class lessons and assignments on my webpage If a student misses a test or quiz due to an excused
absence, s/he has one week to set up an appointment to re-take the test or quiz.
Late assignments will be accepted. A student will lose points for each day an assignment
is late. However, the maximum percentage score a child can receive, after 5 days past
due, is 50% for each assignment. Assignments not submitted will receive a grade of a
zero. No assignments will be accepted after the end date of each Quarter. (See late work
grading policy on the schools website.)
It is unacceptable to copy answers from a source or to copy another students work. You
are encouraged to collaborate with other students on assignments, but your work must
be your own. Evidence of academic dishonesty (cheating or plagiarism) will result in an
automatic zero for the assignment, a notification to Mr. Lipp and a call home.
As you well know, many mathematical concepts build upon each other. In addition to the
following topics, you will also be expected to use the skills youve acquired in previous
math classes.
Review of Functions and Graphs
Trigonometric Applications
Exponential and Logarithmic
Analytic Geometry
Trigonometry in the Unit Circle
Parametric Equations and Polar
Analytic Trigonometry
We will be using the following textbook for this course:

Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach, High School Edition, 6th Edition, Ron
I will help you gain access to the ebook version soon.

Students will be required to bring the following materials with them to class

one 1-subject GRAPHING notebook

Mechanical pencils or wood pencils with sharpener
1 package of loose graph paper
1-1.5 in binder with 3 Dividers: 1) Class Work, 2) Assessments 3) Homework
A graphing calculator would be helpful. If you have one, please bring it to


Homework Homework is assigned daily. Students are expected to complete

their homework every night, and homework assignments will be graded for
accuracy and graded randomly for completion and/or accuracy.
Warm Ups You will complete a Warm Up at the beginning of each class
Class Notes You will take notes in your notebook every class. Notes are
subject to random checks.
Quizzes/Tests: We will have a quiz or unit test every 1-2 weeks.
Class Work/Projects: We will complete a number of assignments and projects
during class. I will collect and grade class work on occasion.
Unit Tests
Projects/Class Work
The final grade for the semester will be determined according to the following
percentage of points accumulated during the semester:
40%- Quarter 3
40%- Quarter 4
20% - Final Exam
*** The instructor reserves the right to make minor changes to syllabus policies as
needed throughout the semester.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand everything in
the Course Expectations:
Student Name: _________________________________________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________________
Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name: _____________________________________
Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Signature: ___________________________________
Parent Phone Numbers:

home_______________________ cell_______________________

Parent E-mail Address:________________________________________________

How do you prefer to be contacted?____________________________

Is the parent/guardian comfortable communicating in English?

Check one: No

A little


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