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Music Therapy Progress Note

Session Number: 6

Date: 3/2/15Time: 3:50-5pm

1. To increase Mr. Songs memory skills, operationally defined by the number
of verbally stated memories expressed throughout an entire music therapy session.
2. To increase Mr. Songs attention-span, operationally defined by number of
on-topic responses after being prompted by the student music therapist.
Objective: Baseline Phase
Subjective: Mr. Song engaged fully during piano playing/singing and improvisation.
He was thoroughly self-expressive, made many statements about his history/past
experiences/ knowledge.
Objective: Mr. Song expressed 1 verbal statement of memory. Mr. Song executed 8
on-topic responses during the session.
Assessment: Mr. Song was very courteous when being asked to participate in
music therapy. After being introduced to the keyboard, he stated, I cant play
piano in which the student therapist encouraged him to try it out. He ended up not
being able to take his hands of the keyboard because he enjoyed it greatly. Mr. Song
improved on the keyboard throughout the entire session, on different sound settings
(accordion, whistles, cello, etc.) He was happy to use his fingers and seemed very
confident during the self-expressing improvisations. He appears to have
perseverative speech/ singing issues. He only made 1 reality oriented statement at
the end of the session, and had 8 on-topic responses. 6 of which were due to the
memory of the song title which lead to direct singing, and 2 responses were made
to verbal prompts. Mr. Song listed off a lot of different music, including jazz and
Plan: Continue baseline measurements for 2 more sessions to declare an objective.

Student Therapist Signature


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