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A _ Complete as sentenas abaixo com o verbo que est em parnteses escrevendo-o com -ing

quando for necessrio.

Quando a construo for be used to o verbo que segue deve ser escrito com ~ing.
Quando a construo for used to o verbo continua na sua forma normal.

Tom_______________(study) French when he was a child. Now he_______________(not, have)
the time anymore.
2. Jane currently_______________(work out) three times a week. In the past
she_______________(play) tennis daily.
3. We_______________(go) to that shopping mall every weekend. We now_______________(spend)
our weekends at the beach.
4. Tim and his brother never_______________(watch) television now. Back when they were
children, they_______________(watch) Sesame Street every morning.
5. Jonathan_______________(be) a regular contributor to San Francisco magazine until last year.
Now he_______________(write) articles once a month.
6. Mary_______________(go) to that grocery shop every week. Before, she_______________(shop) at
the city market.
7. We always_______________(practice) soccer at the club. We_______________(do) it in a different
place, but the club is much better.
8. Laura_______________(be) an avid reader when she was a child. Now, she
only_______________(read) magazines.


1. They are .. the newspaper. [read]

2. They .. the newspaper. [read]
3. She .. 3 hours a day. [swim]
4. She is .. 3 hours a day. [swim]
5. My father .. a taxi. [drive]
6. My father is not .. a taxi. [drive]
7. Her grandfather .. up at 5 oclock every day. [wake]
8. Her grandfather is .. up at 5 oclock every day. [wake]
9. We are .. to bed early. [go]
10. We .. to bed early. [go]

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