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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: April 16, 17, 2014

2014- 04- 23 12:04:25 GKToday

1. T he MESSENGER is a robot ic NASA spacecraf t orbit ing which among t he

f ollowing planet s?
[C]Eart h
[D]Jupit er
Messenger is a robot ic NASA spacecraf t orbit ing t he planet Mercury, t he f irst
spacecraf t ever t o do so. On April 20, 2015, t he MESSENGER spacecraf t
complet ed it s 3,000t h orbit of t he planet Mercury.
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2. T he t heme of 44t h edit ion of Eart h Day is ______?
[A]Green Cit ies
[B]Prot ect Eart h
[C]Plast ic f ree Eart h
[D]Green Eart h
Green Cities
Eart h Day is observed every year on April 22. T he t heme of Eart h Day 2014 is
Green Cit ies.
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3. Who among t he f ollowing is t he chairman of t he commit t ee appoint ed by
Supreme Court t o monit or t he st eps t aken by t he cent re and st at e
government t o ensure road saf et y and curb growing number of accident s,
recent ly?
[A]Just ice Radhakrishnan
[B]Just ice Gopal Gowda
[C]Just ice Umesh Mukherji
[D]Just ice Nagarat hna
Justice Radhakrishnan
Just ice K S Radhakrishnan is t he chairman of t he commit t ee appoint ed t o
monit or t he st eps t aken by t he cent re and st at e government t o ensure road
saf et y and curb growing number of accident s. T he ot her members comprise
of f ormer secret ary of minist ry S Sundar and Nishi Mit t al, ex-chief Scient ist
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4. What is t he name of Robot ic submarine deployed t o solve t he myst ery of

lost Malaysian plane MH 370?
[A]Bluef in-21
[C]Det ect or-1A
[D]Drive down
Bluef in-21
Bluef in-21 is robot ic submarine deployed t o solve t he myst ery of lost
Malaysian plane MH370. T he Bluef in-21 is about 5m-long underwat er
aut onomous vehicle t hat can produce a sonar map of t he sea f loor. It is
ext remely modular aut onomous underwat er vehicle wit h power t o carry
mult iple sensors and playloads at a t ime.
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5. Wit h which one of t he f ollowing count ries India has recent ly concluded an
agreement under Foreign Account T ax Compliance Act (FAT CA) t o combat
t ax evasion?
[C]Swit zerland
[D]Net herland
India has reached an in subst ance agreement wit h t he US t o combat possible
t ax evasion by Americans t hrough Indian f inancial ent it ies.
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6. Recent ly, an RBI working panel has recommended set t ing up a Financial
Resolut ion Aut horit y (FRA) t o ef f ect ively deal wit h f ailing f inancial inst it ut ion
and ensure st abilit y in t he syst em. T he chairman of t he panel is ___?
[A]Anand Sinha
[B]Arvind Mayaram
[C]K C Chakrabhart y
[D]Kaushik Basu
Anand Sinha
T he cent ral bank const it ut ed t he working group in January 2013 under t he
chairmanship of t hen RBI Deput y Governor Anand Sinha, wit h economic af f airs
secret ary Arvind Mayaram as co- chairperson. T he group recommended t hat
t he FRA can be set up by eit her convert ing t he Deposit Insurance and Credit
Guarant ee Corporat ion (DIGCC) or creat ing a new ent it y t hat will subsume t he
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7. Which among t he f ollowing is not PKI-enabled elect ronic payment s syst em

int roduced by RBI?

[B]Forex Clearing
MICR is a non-PKI enabled payment syst em.
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8. Superbug MRSA is a highly drug resist ant __?
[B]Bact erium
MRSA is met hicillin-resist ant St aphylococcus aureus Bact erium.
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9. T he Chairman of Nat ional Wat er Resource Council of India is ___?
[A]Prime Minist er
[B]Home Minist er
[C]Minist er of Agricult ure
[D]Minist er of wat er resource
Prime Minister
Prime Minist er is t he chairman of t he Nat ional Wat er Resource Council.
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10. Which among t he f ollowing count ries proposed an init iat ive Marit ime Silk
Road t o boost connect ivit y bet ween t he Asia-Pacif ic regions?
[D]Sri Lanka
China plan t o build a marit ime silk road t o boost connect ivit y bet ween t he
Asia-Pacif ic region and est ablishing port s in t he Indian Ocean-a move t hat will
reinf orce Chinas deepening economic presence in t he Indian Ocean region
and in Indias neighbourhood.
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