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2016 01:12:57

Statusi: Pregaditur / Prepared

Urdhr-pages kombtare /National Payment Order

T dhnat mbi urdhruesin /Ordering customer details
Nr. i llogaris /Account No.:




Adresa /Address:



T dhnat mbi prfituesin /Beneficiary Details

Nr. i llogaris /Account No.:




Bucaj sh.p.k.

Valuta, Shuma /Currency, Amount:

Emri i banks /Bank name:

Procredit Kosovo

EUR 60.81

T dhnat mbi pagesn /Payment details:

Tarifa e banks /Bank's charge:

placanje fakture. nr.F-DSD14-00148

Kursi i kmbimit/Exchange rate:


Ky urdhr transferi sht pranuar nga dega e-Banking por transferi do t inicohet vetm pasi t jen kryer kontollat e mtejme. Ky tranfer i
nnshtrohet Rregullave dhe Kushteve t Prgjithshme t ProCredit Sh.a. (shih n fund t formularit).
This transfer order has been accepted by the branch e-Banking but the transfer will be initiated only after further checks have been performed.
This transfer is subject to the General Terms and Coditions of ProCredit Sh.a. (see bottom of the form)

Kodi i transaksionit/Transaction code

Prshkrimi i transaksionit/Description of the transaction

placanje fakture. nr.F-DSD14-00148

Jan 19 201

Deklarata e klientit/Customer's Claim

Un/Ne e udhzoj/m PCB-n t ekzekutoj kt urdhr sipas t dhnave t msiprme. Urdhri do t realizohet n prputhje me rregulloret e brendshme t PCB-s.
Klienti q jep kt urdhr i prmbahet rregullativs ligjore t vendit. Pr do informat t mangt nga ana e kllientit, ProCredit Bank sh.a. nuk mban prgjegjsin n
rast t kthimit t mjeteve. Un/Ne deklaroj/m se do t'i prmbush/im t gjitha shpenzimet/obligimet shtes q mund t paraqiten n lidhje me transferin e mjeteve.
I/We instruct PCB to execute this order based on the data provided above. I confirm that I have been notified of and agree with the fees for the transfer which are also
in the List of Fees and Charges at the branch and on the web site The transfer is subject to the ProCredit Bank General Terms and
Conditions, a copy of which I have received and agree to. Copies are also available on our website at See in particular the section
on transfers.

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