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(1) Gautham - Chess PRO [C23]

Game one France, 08.11.2015

[Fritz 8 (30s)]
B02: Alekhine's Defence: Chase Variation and lines with early Nc3 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.c4
Nb6 4.c5 Nd5 5.d4 Nc6 6.Bc4 Ncb4 7.a3 b5 8.Bb3 e6 9.axb4 Nxb4 10.Qd2 a5
11.Nc3 f6 12.Nf3 c6 13.00 Ra7 14.exf6 Qxf6 15.Qf4 a4 16.Qxf6 gxf6 17.Bd1 Rg8
18.b3 d6 19.bxa4 dxc5 20.dxc5 Bxc5 21.Bb2 Rag7 22.g3 Nd3 23.Bc1 b4 24.Ne4
Ke7 25.Be2 Nxc1 26.Raxc1 Bb6 27.Rxc6 Ba5 28.Nc5 Bd7 [28...e5 otherwise it's
curtains at once 29.Nb3 Bh3 30.Nxa5 Bxf1+-] 29.Nxd7 Kxd7 30.Ra6 Bc7 31.Rb1
[31.Rd1+ makes it even easier for White 31...Kc8 32.Nd4 Be5+-] 31...Ke7 [31...Rb8 is no
salvation 32.Bb5+ Kc8 33.Rxb4+-] 32.Ra7 [32.Nd4 and White can already relax 32...Rg5
33.Nxe6 Re5 34.Nxc7 Rxe2 35.Nd5+ Kf8 36.Rxb4 Re1+ 37.Kg2 Rg6+-] 32...Rc8 [32...Kd6 is
not the saving move 33.Rxb4 Kd5 34.Rb5+ Kd6 35.Rbb7+-] 33.Rxb4 [33.Ba6 keeps an
even firmer grip 33...Rb8 34.Rxc7+ Kf8+-] 33...Rgg8 [33...Ke8 doesn't get the bull off the
ice 34.Nd4 Re7 35.Rc4+-] 34.Rbb7 Kd8 [34...Rh8 does not win a prize 35.Rxc7+ Rxc7
36.Rxc7+ Kd6 37.Rf7+-] 35.a5 [35.Nd4 keeps an even firmer grip 35...Kd7 36.Nb5+-]
35...Bb8 [35...Rg4 hardly improves anything 36.Rb1 Ra4 37.Rd1+ Ke7 38.Nd4+-] 36.Ra8
[36.Rd7+ Ke8 37.Re7+ Kf8 38.Rf7+ Ke8 39.Bb5+ Rc6 40.Bxc6+ Kd8 41.Rad7+ Ke8 42.Rb7+
Kd8 43.Rxb8#] 36...Bxg3+- Discovered attack 37.Rxc8+ [37.hxg3 Rxa8] 37...Kxc8
38.Rxh7 Bc7+ 39.Kf1 Bxa5 [39...Rd8 does not save the day 40.a6 e5 41.Nh4+-] 40.Re7
[40.Nd4 Kd8 41.Ba6 Ke8 42.Bb5+ Kd8 43.Nc6+ Ke8 44.Ne5+ Kd8 45.Rd7+ Ke8 46.Rb7+
Kd8 47.Nf7+ Kc8 48.Nd6+ Kd8 49.Rd7#] 40...e5 41.Rf7 Rg6 [41...Rh8 does not help much
42.Rxf6 e4 43.Ng5+-] 42.h4 Bb4 43.h5 Rg8 [43...Rh6 doesn't do any good 44.Nh4 f5
45.Nxf5+-] 44.Rxf6 [44.h6 and White can already relax 44...Rg6 45.h7 Rh6+-] 44...Be7
[44...Re8 cannot change what is in store for Black 45.h6+-] 45.Re6 [45.Rc6+ might be the
shorter path 45...Kb7 46.Nxe5 Bg5+-] 45...Ba3 [45...e4 is not much help 46.Ne5 Bh4
47.h6+-] 46.Rxe5 [46.Ra6!? makes it even easier for White 46...Bf8+-] 46...Kd7 47.h6
Bc1 [47...Bb2 doesn't change anything anymore 48.h7 Rh8 49.Bd3+-] 48.h7 Rh8 49.Rh5
Ke7 [49...Ke6 doesn't get the cat off the tree 50.Bd3 Bb2 51.Rb5+-] 50.Ng5 [50.Ne5 and
the result of the game is clear: White will win 50...Kf6 51.Bd3 Ke6+-] 50...Kf6 [50...Bxg5 a
fruitless try to alter the course of the game 51.Rxg5 Rxh7 52.Bd3+-] 51.Bd3 [51.Nh3 seems
even better 51...Kg7 52.Bd3 Rf8+-] 51...Ba3 [51...Bxg5 is still a small chance 52.f4! a
devastating blow 52...Bxf4 53.Rf5+ Kg7 54.Rxf4 Rb8+-] 52.Ke2 Re8+ 53.Kf3 Rd8
[53...Bb2 doesn't improve anything 54.Ne4+ Ke7 55.Rb5 Rf8+ 56.Kg4+-] 54.h8Q+
[54.Ne4+ makes sure everything is clear 54...Ke7 55.h8Q Rxh8 56.Rxh8 Kd7+-] 54...Rxh8
55.Rxh8 Kxg5 56.Ke4 Kf6 57.f3 Ke7 58.f4 Bb2 59.Rh7+ Ke8 [59...Kf6+- is one last
hope] 60.f5 Bf6 61.Kd5 Kf8 62.Ke6 Kg8 63.Kxf6 [63.Rc7 Kf8 64.Kxf6 Ke8 65.Ke6 Kd8
66.Rd7+ Kc8 67.f6 Kb8 68.f7 Kc8 69.f8Q#] 63...Kxh7 64.Ke7 Kh6 65.f6 Kg5 66.f7 Kf4
67.f8Q+ Ke3 68.Bh7 [68.Qf1 Kd4 69.Qd1 Ke3 70.Qe2+ Kd4 71.Qd2 Kc5 72.Qf4 Kb6
73.Qd6+ Kb7 74.Be4+ Ka7 75.Qc7+ Ka6 76.Bd3#] 68...Ke2 [68...Kd2 cannot change
destiny 69.Qf3 Ke1 70.Qe3+ Kf1 71.Bf5 Kg2 72.Bh3+ Kh2 73.Qf3 Kg1 74.Qg2#] 69.Qf4 Ke1
70.Qh2 Kd1 71.Kd6 [71.Bd3 Kc1 72.Qc2#] 71...Ke1 72.Bd3 Kd1 73.Qe2+ Kc1
74.Qc2# 10

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