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Caitlyn VanDerlinden

EDU 352 Foundations of Educational Technology

Week 5- Ed Tech issue
January 25, 2016

For my issue I chose schools trying to fund money to have

enough and new educational technology for their students. I chose
this issue because after I had worked in one of Detroits inner city
schools i was able to see and hear about this issue first hand, I also
could see the stark difference between the technology available to
these students and then the technology that was available to my
nephew who attended an elementary school in a more suburban
area. This issue is so important because today so many schools
simply don't have the funding needed to give their students the best
educational experience through technology as other schools do;
this gives the students without technology an unfair advantage.
Students need technology in order to be stimulated, to learn
visually, to learn how to use technology and to broaden their
learning tools! Technology opens so many doors for students in
schools and while at home. A student who attends a poor school
system might not ever get their hands on a computer to me this is
so sad and funding for these schools should be top priority, public
schools should all be almost identical in order for students to get
the same education. Some would argue that not all public schools
should be the same because some pay more than others in taxes to
give their kids the better schools, I can also see this side but to me

its sad that some students are suffering because their parents cant
afford the more expensive area/school district.

Burns, J. R. (2015). Public School Funding and McCleary v. State

of WashingtonA Violation of the Separation of Powers Doctrine
or a Legitimate Exercise of Judicial Autonomy?.

University of Southern Maine, C. E. (2015). Report of the

Commission to Study the Adequacy and Equity of Certain Cost
Components of the School Funding Formula. Report to Joint
Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs, Maine
State Legislature. Center For Education Policy, Applied Research,
And Evaluation,
-Harmon, A. (2015). School funding. Salem Press Encyclopedia,

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