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Jasmine Lopez

Unit 9
1. Tweak the CSS in order to fine-tune the look and feel
2. Tweak the index.html file too, if required
3. Copy the index.html file as many times as necessary, in order to create
each of the pages for your site
4. Tweak or replace some or all of the image files, if required, to make the
site more relevant to your audience.
5. Upload the finished set of files to your hosting space.
8.) Each contains around 2000 separate designs.
9.) The tag <a> stands for "anchor" and its the one used to create
10.) There are two techniques that can help you track down the css entry
that affects an item on the page. Firstly, use Amayas status line. Load
Amaya, open the page in question, place your cursor somewhere within the
text that youre interested in, and look at the very bottom of the screen. The
second technique is to look at the HTML code near the text youre
interested in.

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