Video Comprehension, Toledo

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Video Comprehension: TOLEDO

Toledo was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986 for its extensive cultural
and monumental heritage. This video will teach us more
1. Toledo is called the City of Three Cultures. Name these 3 cultures.
________________________, _______________________ and ____________________
2. The history of Toledo dates back to the ___________________________ occupation
around _________ BC.
3. What is significant about the city falling to Alfonso VI of Castile in 1085?
4. Who ruled Toledo?
1. ____________________ (approx. 200BC)
2. ____________________ (6th-8th century)
3. ____________________ (711-1085)
4. ____________________
5. Why was Toledo called the Imperial City?
It was the main venue of the ____________ of Charles I.
6. Toledo was the capital of the Spanish Empire until the mid-1500s when the royal
court moved to:
a. Crdoba
b. Segovia
c. Madrid
7. What famous monument dates back to Roman times?
a. Toledo cathedral
b. The Alczar
c. Bladed weapons

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