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Lab3 - Cisco Video Lab

From Cisco Video Lab
Lab 3 - TPS Bridge Call utilizing One Button To Push (OBTP) Background:
In this lab we will be enabling One Button to Push(OBTP) across EX60 and CTS endpoints. Scheduling will
be done via TMS which now has the ability to manage CTS endpoints. Lab Section 1
Add CUCM to TMS 1.
Log in to a. User: administrator
b. Password: Cisco12345
Figure 1 CUCM Login 2. Determine the MAC address of your CTS 500 Navigate to Device Phone
Click "Find" to display all devices on this CUCM
. Locate and note the Mac address for the CTS 500 and
EX60 for your pod.
Figure 2 CUCM Phones 3. Create the credentials for TMS to connect to CUCM with. a. Navigate to User
Management Application User
b. Click Find to show the existing accounts c. Click Add New d. Set the
User ID to TMSUser
. Set the password to Cisco12345
. Add the CTS 500 to this users controlled device list.
Figure 3 Application User Menu
Figure 4 Application User Configuration

g. Add the "Standard CTI Secure Connection" Group h. Click Save

Figure 5 Add User Group 4. Create the User Group for TMS authentication a. User Management User
Settings Access Control Group
b. Click Add New
c. Create the TMS Collab Access Control group
Figure 6 TMS Collab Access Control Group 5. Assign roles to the TMS Collab User Group
a. Click on the
Related Links Drop down and select assign roles
Figure 7 Assign Roles Menu b. Assign the roles as depicted in Figure 8. ADD ALL THE ROLES
Figure 8 Assign Access Control Group Roles c. Click Save
6. Add the TMSUser user to the above user
Figure 9 Add Application user to control group
7. Navigate to Device Phone
s. a. Click Find to bring up the list of devices
. b. Open the CTS 500 for your
c. Scroll down to the Secure Shell Information section
d. Verify the SSH Admin Life to 0. The default is



Lab3 - Cisco Video Lab

60 but we have changed it to 0 ahead of time so you won't have to reset the CTS unit which is a 10 minute

Figure 10 SSH admin Life

8. Browse to a. Log in as "Administrator, Cisco12345 b. Navigate to Systems
c. Click the Infrastructure Folder
d. Click Add Systems
Figure 11 Adding CUCM to TMS 9. Begin adding CUCM to TMS
a. Specify the system address as
b. Click advanced settings
c. Under username: TMSUser password: Cisco12345 Note: The
screenshot shows a different user name. Use the name that you configured which should be TMSUser d.
Check Discover Non-SNMP
Figure 12 Adding CUCM to TMS e. Click Next
f. Click Finish adding systems
Figure 13 Finish adding CUCM g. Click on the endpoint folder h. Click Add System i. Click From List j.
Click CUCM
j. Check the CTS 500 endpoints k. Click Next, you should she confirmation that your endpoint
was added.
Figure 14 Add the CUCM endpoints to TMS

Lab Section 2
Schedule and complete OBTP conference 1. Create a new conference
a. Click on Booking
Click on New Conference
Figure 15 - Click on New Conference
Figure 15 Booking a new conference
c. Click on all the endpoints
d. Select the right arrow to add to the conference
e. Click OK
Figure 16 Adding Endpoints to conference f. Click Save Conference g. Set the conference type to be One
Button to Push h. Set the start time to be 5 minutes in the future i. Click Save Conference Figure 17
Figure 17 Finalize Conference Parameters

2. After a minute your appointment should appear on the touch panels of each of your endpoints. Wait for
the start time of your meeting and click your One Button to Push.
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