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Arizona State University,
W. P. Carey School of Business
Bachelors of Science, Finance

GPA: 3.89
May 2016

Professional Experience
Toyota Financial Services,
Jun. 2015-Jul. 2015
MLE Intern
Developed a prototype for new Key Performance Indicator system for team members and team leads in the Loyalty
department through direct research and communication with stakeholder parties, as well as quantitative analysis of
entire departments metrics and qualitative analysis of semi-annual team member evaluations
Improved the Escalation Database landing page and interface through qualitative analysis and communication with a
group of Escalation agents in two national offices and their local team leads as well as other stakeholders
Conducted weekly report-outs with other interns to our direct supervisors and a final internship report out to all
managers of the Customer Service Center West as well as national managers
General Intern

Nov. 2014-Jan. 2015

Engaged with guests as well as current clients, while communicating new information about the facility and
answering related questions
Provided informational tours to potential clients while highlighting the benefits of the facility and company
Maintained office infrastructure through organizational systems and day to day logistics

7 Eleven,
Feb. 2012-Aug. 2015
Cashier/ Order Writer
Finalized transactions with customers while building relationships and brand loyalty
Accurately forecasted weekly sales of products in relation to season, weather, and local events, in order to produce
and submit electronic inventory orders to keep the store stocked with proper product for customers
Received inventory deliveries, verified delivery content, handled final invoices, and stocked product properly for
customers shopping convenience

Professional Development
Maroon & Gold Ambassadors,
Sept. 2013-Present
May 2015-Present
Leads and organizes an executive board of four students as well as an entire organization with 30+ active members
and 7 committees
Communicates with ASU administration to plan university wide events for incoming students, current students,
student organizations, and other leaders in the community, through delegation and direct involvement
Holds informative bi-weekly meetings for members with current status updates and progress tracking for the
organization and its events
Director of Finance
Aug. 2014-May 2015
Completed internal analysis of organizations needs and spending while creating a budget and submitting
appropriations with Undergraduate Student Government (USG) on a semester basis
Authorized and oversaw all financial transactions for the organization, while organizing, interpreting, and analyzing
all quantitative financial data for the club
Reviewed all submitted business plans while determining financial feasibility of events and conducting cost/benefit
analysis, and communicating the results with the organizations President and other executive board members
Directed and lead the finance committee in developing fundraising events and securing a desirable long-term
financial position

Last updated 1/25/2016

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