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Emeritus Fall 2010

Back-to-School Kickoff

Laughter F It’s
for the !

Health of it!
RoseMary Rumbley
RoseMary, the woman of
so many talents. She’s a
teacher, a book reviewer,
an actress, an after-dinner
speaker, a humorist and a
lovable storyteller.

One story follows another.

Each one is true and so
funny your sides will ache.

• Receive your Fall Emeritus booklet

• Brief overview of our Fall offerings
•10-minute performance of Emeritus Line Dancers
R.S.V.P. by July 1 • Call 972-238-6972

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

8:30-11 a.m. • Fannin Performance Hall

Free coffee and muffins!

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