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1. To know if there are changes in thinking and performance.

There would be a discussion forum at the end of each module, (especially from module #3)
where we discuss about;

How the lesson is going so far

How helpful it is, if not, we discuss about it extensively

What there thoughts are and how to put it in practice and

The constraints in carrying out or putting into practice what was learnt.

2. The activities that would help facilitate these changes in thinking and performance.
After the discussion forum, there would be a demonstration forum where each of the
personas would act as both customers and waiters/waitresses to one another, this activity will
actually show;

If the personas really learnt

If the lecture was successful and useful

How interesting the lecture was

What the personas have learnt and their level of understanding

If it changed their thinking positively or negatively

The level at which their thinking changed and also

From their demonstration/activities, their level of performance would be accessed and

corrections would be made.

Afterwards, there would be follow up activities where the of the students would be monitored,
this would be via the Internet where they document their progress which would be viewed by
themselves and feedbacks provided.

Goals and Outcomes


This instructional design is to help foreign students with high percentage of mother tongue,

tackle their communication skills in for the sake of campus jobs.


It provides them with the opportunity of learning new English words, pronunciations and


This design will give them the confidence they deserve to mingle or communicate freely in

their classrooms, with their classmates and friends.

My students found the class very interesting and all talked about the new words,
spellings, pronunciations and additional skills they learnt

Ethel who can operate a computer thinks with what she has learnt, she can go as far as

applying for the position of a cashier in the campus restaurant, book store or other stores on

Mboma talked about how the class positively helped him. He said after the class, he started

thinking about applying for a second job. He said with the communication skills he learnt from
the class, he can work in two different places on campus to support his family financially

Mike on the other hand was thrilled, not just because he can apply for a campus restaurant

job, but also communicate freely and confidence in class and with classmates, friends, and
maybe get a new girlfriend.

Content Discovery
These are the basic outline of my content.

Module #1

I introduce my self

My name

My country of origin

My qualifications ( Academic background and achievements)

My marital status ( with or without kids)

They introduce themselves

The say their names

Their countries of origin

How long they have been in the United States

Their reasons for being here, and fields of study

Marital status

Their hobbies, likes and dislikes

Any extra thing they feel like adding

Module # 2


Each talk about their family backgrounds and personal achievements

What they wish/hope to achieve while in the US and also from their studies

We discuss about their fears in life

Why they want a job in campus

We discuss if they have already gotten any job offers , if they have seen any advert on
campus restaurant jobs and or if they have already applied

From the answers of the previous bullet, we discuss about their fears in applying for a
restaurant job (if any)

We discuss about how to apply for campus restaurant job ( for those that havent applied

Module #3
The Restaurant
In every restaurant, there are different mapped out activities which includes;

Welcoming the customers

Talking them through the menu

Serving the meal

Keep checking up on the customers ( even if they did not call for your attention)

Clearing the table and receiving payments

In this module, we go by the sequence listed above

Welcoming the customers

Talk about how to give a warm welcome and always be polite

Appearance should impress the customers

Ushering them to available seats ( depending on the number of customers in the group)

Handing the menu to him, her or them

At the end of this session, they should be able to achieve the following;

The importance of a warm and polite welcome

Neat appearances impress customers

The number of customers ( could appear in groups or single) sometimes determine the
kind of seat/seats

In this stage, not much is spoken, just two words (hello and welcome) which however
said or spoken, even in whatever accent, the customers will surely understand

Talking the customers through the menu

In this stage, a typical example of a menu will be shared amongst the students, both
complicated and simple menus for them to go through for some minutes

Video clips will be shown of at least 80% of meals in the menus and ingredients

They will be taught how these meals are pronounced, giving the facts that some words in
the meals are pronounced while some are silent, not pronounced of pronounced with
other words

And also, they will be taught how these meals are made or combined for the sakes of
some customers.

At the end of this session, they should be able to know the following

Know some US meals

Have an understanding of what type or combination of meals customers would want

They should be able to talk the customers through the menu

They should also be able to help the customers make meal choices or choose for them.

Serving the meal

This stage doesnt really need any verbal communication except if the customers decide to ask or
request for anything or something

Caution about handling the plates carefully

Not to act like Mr. or Miss many hands by carrying all the plates containing the meals
(depending on the order). It wouldnt hurt the customers if the meals are delivered one or
two plates at a time (depending on the order).

Checking up on the customers

This is about going regularly to ask the customers how they are doing and if they would want
anything extra and make sure they are okay with the meal

Some simple verbs are discussed

Pronunciations of some words, verbs, nouns etc.

They will be provided with some sentences

How to make sentences with certain words

Communication and understanding

Clearing the dishes and receiving payments

This stage doesnt really require much verbal communication, if required, it is nothing alarming
because what is taught in the previous lesson should cover this session

Clearing the table and cleaning for the comfort of the customers (if they are still
seated) or for other customers ( if they left after the meal)

How to thank customers as they leave or after payment.

Module # 4

Video clips showing a typical example of what goes on in a typical restaurant ( this clip is
both video and audio)

They practice what has been taught and viewed amongst them.

Module # 5
The End

Discussion of the above modules

Questions from the students if any

The instructor asks them some questions to measure their understanding of what has been
taught and the activities carried out

End of the class

After the end of this 2 hour session, the students will learn a whole new thing about
American meals and their combination and what it takes to work in a campus restaurant.
The exercises carried out in this 2 hour session should help the students not only to be able to
communicate properly and freely in their desired jobs on campus, but also to strengthen and
sharpen their communication skills outside the campus job setting, classroom, when shopping,
hanging out with their friends and also other environment they find themselves.
From my personas, they are all literates and graduates of colleges and high schools, so
much emphasis was on the speech/ pronunciations/ communication skills and not hearing skills
because hearing or assimilating what is spoken to them are not much of a problem.

1. This instructional design is to help immigrants with high percentage of

mother tongue, tackle their English language problems in the United
2. It provides them with the opportunity of learning new English words,
pronunciations and spelling.
3. This design will also boost their ego back, they will be able to mingle or
communicate freely with their peers, be confident of themselves and be

My Persona Discovery
My personas are Ethel, Mboma and Mike

Topic: word pronunciation for foreign immigrants


29 years old single female

Has a B. Sc. in Agricultural Science from Nigeria

Worked 1 year as a cleaner in a supermarket in Togo before coming for

her Master in United States


Was awarded a scholarship for her Masters

She really is excited about her sponsored study here in America and

wants to make the most out of it.


She loves her family back in Nigeria and really wants to work to have

some personal money and also send some home

She has accent issues in class, when she goes for shopping or is around


Can work with a computer

She really needs help with her accent and bothered if that is going to be

a barrier for getting a restaurant job on campus.


29 years old single male

Has a high school degree in Nigeria

Runs his family shop where they sale second handed cloths and shoes

Lives with his mother, 2 sisters, an aunt and his 18 years old daughter

Played the US lottery won and moved over to the United States with his


He got admitted in a US university to study Business administration

Not a fantastic computer operator

He is interested in working in a restaurant in his university

Looking for assistance in shaping his communication skills to aid in

getting employed in the restaurant.


Mike is 21 years old and flew to the states for his undergraduate

He has a high school diploma in Nigeria

His parents are averagely rich

He loves sports and socializing

He understands English but has difficulties responding

he discovers he could work on campus and loves the idea

he has not made friends yet because he is embarrassed at his inability to

communicate in the classroom, with his peers and so, spends a lot of time
with himself

he knows his way around computers so he searches for applications

and/or programs to sharpen his communication skills

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