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Eighth Grade Language Arts Syllabus

Classroom Rules
- Be in your seat when the bell rings.
- Copy Objective into assignment book (AB) and complete bell ringer.
- Have materials read for class. (homework, pencil, notebook, etc.)
- All eighth graders must have a book to read in EVERY class.
- Dont write on desks and please throw garbage in trash cans.
- Teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.
- Be attentive and respectful.
Daily Materials Needed:
-Assignment book
-Pencils and blue or black ink pens. NO other ink colors allowed in English
-Colored pencils
-Yellow notebook
-Yellow folder with loose leaf paper in it
-Book to read
-Completed homework assignment
Restroom, Library, Other
-Restroom at beginning of class or end of class
-Library time on Fridays if necessary
-See counselor or others during your lunchtime, not class time
-Homework is due on the date it is due! If it is not done when you come to
class, you can
after school and turn it in that day. It will be assessed a late penalty of 10%,
but its
better than a zero. It will be accepted the next day with a late penalty of
25%. Anything
after that can receive no higher than a final grade of 50%. After two weeks
no late work
will be accepted.
- You may stop in after school to ask for missing work.
- If youre absent, make sure you ask for what you missed immediately.
- If you know youre going to be gone, ask for work beforehand.
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 and below F

Your first homework assignment is to take this home and review it with a
and have him or her sign below.
Students name:

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