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Read these questions below and answer them by filling
the circles
1) What was the purpose of the Reconstruction?
o To tax the southern states as
punishment for the war
o To help the southern states become a
part of the Union again.
o To keep the southern states from
becoming powerful again

2) Which of the following was NOT part of the plan that

Abraham Lincoln had for Reconstruction?
o That only 10% of voters in a state had
to agree to support the Union
o That any southerner who took an oath
to the Union would be given a pardon
o That the plantation owners of the South
could keep their slaves for five years

3) Was President Johnson easier or harder on the Southern

states and President Lincoln?
o Easier
o Harder
o About the same

4) What were the Black Codes?

o Laws made by Lincoln to protect former
o Codes that black people in the South
had to live by or they would lose their

o Laws in the South that made it difficult
for black people to get jobs, vote, and
go to school.

5) Which amendment to the US Constitution outlawed

slavery in all of the United States?
o 13th
o 14th
o 15th

6) What did the 15th amendment to the Constitution

o The right to a fair trial
o The right to free speech
o The right for all men to vote regardless of race

7) What was the first southern state to be readmitted to the

o Georgia
o North Carolina
o Tennessee

8) What year was the last southern state finally readmitted

into the Union and the United States was truly united again?
o 1865
o 1867
o 1870

9) Who were carpetbaggers?

o Southerners who moved to the North to escape the

o Northerners who moved to South to make money off of the

o Southerners who became republicans

10) True or False: When the reconstruction ended, many of

the Civil Rights laws were reversed by the new state


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