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Jasmine Lopez

Unit 11
1. Most websites are openly available to anyone who knows or finds a
2. 3 Examples of when a person might want to password protect a
website is when perhaps when your website contains private information
not for the public, Pictures or videos that are only within your people, and
to ensure its only valuable to your paying customers.
3. Password-protecting one or more areas on your web site is actually
a fairly easy task to accomplish, because theres a facility built into most
web servers.
4. The first file, .htaccess, contains some special commands for the
web server which basically say "please dont show anyone the pages in
this folder unless they enter a correct username and password.
5. A .htpasswd file is merely a text file of usernames and passwords,
with each pair on a separate line and with a colon between the usernames
and passwords.
6. To start password-protecting your web site, use FileZilla to create a
new folder on the site, within public_html, called private.
7. A .htpasswd file is merely a text file of usernames and passwords,
with each pair on a separate line and with a colon between the usernames
and passwords.
8. ll that remains, therefore, before you can create a proper .htaccess file, is for you
to find a way of encrypting passwords in the correct way, ie the way that web servers
9. If you want to protect more than one folder on your site you must

just put a copy of the same .htaccess file in each of the folders, which all
point to the same .htpasswd file.
10. If you want to use different usernames and passwords, then each
protected folder will need its own .htaccess file, which points to a unique
.htaccess file

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