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‘Schematic Diagram Predisposing Geographical Paci Phippinee) and Asia area ~ tropical lands inthe Precipitating Enyrenmenalcondons open spaces wth waler pats, and pans) Irmunocompremise Mosque caring dengue vius Seaer ‘Sweaty skin v ‘Aedes aegypti (dengue virus cari): {12 days of viel replication on ‘mosquitos salivary glands Bite from mosquito Portal of Entry in the Skin) towards the cirelation/biood ‘incubation Period: 3-14 days + Virus disseminated rapidly into the blood and stimulates WBCs including B Iymphocytes that produces and secretes jmmunoglobulins (antibodies), and monocytesimacrophiges, neutrophils | ‘toes aaah te wal angers. td tsun mance rcragnasts rerm phageyiois theugh Fe receptor (FoR) wisn the els and dengue as peste int et ‘Revegniton of dengue viral antigen on feted monocyte Ent to the spleen oleae of eokines which consist of vascucive agents suchas Hirlcukns, tenor WOT! ators ‘urokinase ae platelet activating facies which stimltes WBCs and pyrogen release Dengue ‘Virus ultimately targets liver and spleen parenchymal ells where infection produces spoptasivcell death Cellular dire destruction and infection of ret hone marrow precursor cells as well as fmmwinolagical shortened platelet | Hepatosplenomezaly 7 Dengue Hemerrhagie Tacreaxe number and size ofthe pores in the capillaries whieh leads to a leakage of fui from the blood tothe imerstitial Paid {capillary Feakage) of the different ‘Complications: Incense bleeding ‘Pulmonary Fader ‘Shock “Very law bio presure Liver cirthosis Dea

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