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Castleton Village Hall

December 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President
Karis-Nix at 7:04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call:

Olivia Karis-Nix President

Doreen Truesdell - Vice President Absent, Excused
Janet Hiser Treasurer Absent, Excused
Nathan Hans - Trustee
Ryan Mullahy Trustee
Melissa Tacke, Library Director

Adoption of Agenda: President Karis-Nix made a motion to adopt the proposed

agenda. It was seconded by Trustee Hans. None opposed. All in favor. Approved
Public Comment: No public comment
Presidents Report: President Karis-Nix relayed that she had sent the personnel
policy to the Mayor. The mayor asked that the board wait to approve the policy until
he could consult the Village Attorney.
Secretarys Report: The minutes from the November 16, 2015 meeting were
reviewed. President Karis-Nix made a motion that the November 2015 minutes be
approved. It was seconded by Trustee Mullahy. None opposed. All in favor.
Approved 3-0.
Directors Report: Director Tacke presented the Directors Report. See Attached.
Treasurers Report: Trustee Hiser provided copies of the monthly Check Detail,
Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, Reconciliation Detail
statements for November 2015. Trustee Hans made a motion that the Check Detail
report for November 2015 be approved. It was seconded by Trustee Mullahy. None
opposed. All in favor. Approved 3-0.
Friends Report:


Committee Reports:
Administrative Committee: Dormant
Finance Committee: No committee meeting was held this month. The Budget
is ready. President Karis-Nix motioned to adopt the 2016 budget. Trustee Hans
seconded. None opposed. All in favor. 3-0.
Operations/Capital Projects: No Report.

Policy Committee: Approving the personnel policy will be TABLED until

January. The mayor asked that the board wait to approve the policy until he could
consult the Village Attorney. It will then need to be retroactively instated as of
January 1, 2016.

Old Business:
Periodic Audits Trustee Mullahy put out a feeler and ask that we check back
in January.
Board Self-Evaluation discussion was tabled until January Meeting.
New Computer Trustee Hans reported he had selected a computer to
purchase for the Directors PC. It is a Dell Optiplex 3020 Micro tower. During his
initial research the cost of the computer was $420.60. It is now listed as $589. He
will wait until after Christmas to see if the price comes back down. This is just for
the tower, not a monitor, keyboard, or mouse, we should be able to use the current
hardware. Trustee Hans noted this newer tower does not come with a dvd drive, one
may have to be purchased, they are about $50.
Library word-of-mouth marketing: Blood Drive
New Business:
Calendar of Board Meetings The 2016 meeting dates are:
Tuesday January 19
Tuesday February 16
Monday March 21
Monday April 18
Monday May 16
Monday June 20

July 18
September 19
October 17
November 21
December 19

2016 Officers President Karis-Nix motioned to adopt the following slate of

officers for 2016. Seconded by Trustee Hans. None opposed. All in favor.
Approved 3-0.

President Olivia Karis-Nix

Vice President Ryan Mullahy
Treasurer Nathan Hans
Secretary Doreen Truesdell

Notice of Pay Increase - Director Tacke mentioned that in the past a letter was
sent to staff informing them of their pay increases. Trustee Hans will get in
contact with Trustee Hiser

Announcements: None.

Adjournment: Trustee Hans made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was

seconded by Trustee Mullahy. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 3-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:38p.m.

Public Comment: None.

Executive Session: None.

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