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KOREAN BASIC COURSE Volume 1 piled and pub- ith the support of the Office tion, Department of Health, Edvcotion ond Welfre, United Stoter of America. The B. NAM PARK FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE WASHINGTON, D.C. 1968 DEPARTM EN T O F STATE KOREAN BASIC COURSE FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE BASIC COURSE SERIES Eaied by AUGUSTUS 4. KOSKI For ale bythe Superintendent of Docementa, U.S. Government Pviating Ofce Washington, D.C 20102 it KOREAN BASIC COURSE PREPACE FSI Keroon Basic Course, Volume J, provides itoductory materials in modern spoken Korean forthe student who wishes to achieve 0 working ‘command of the language curently spoken by an estinated 40 to 43 million people on the Korean perincala ad in Japan, Manchuria and the Soviet Trion 1B, Nam Park, supervisor of Koreon language instruction ot FSI, és the principal anthor of the text. Rickard B. Nose gave general direction to the project, James C, Bostaln ceviewed the English portions of the text for sel and clarity of expression; Chunghwa T. Kay, Korean instructor, teorked elovely with the author inthe classroom tezting, revision and te recording and also typed the Korean version of the dilogues and the flossary: Evelyn C. Vacs did the final syping of the English portions. The {ape recordings which accompany thie volume were produced inthe Foreign Seruice Inatitatestedioe withthe technical arsistance of Jore M. Romies The Forcign Service Institute gratefully ackrouledges the financial assistance ofthe US. Office of Education which has made the preparation ‘nd publication of thix volume possible Rha fones R. Frith, Dean ool of Language Studies Foreign Service Institute Department of State ial CONTENTS KOREAN BASIC COURSE PREBACE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS au INTRODUCTORY UNIT unr unr vNIT UNIT Introduction. Organization and Use of This Course Romanization. Korean Orthography (Hanki1) Special Symbols. Pronunetation. Basic Syllable Chart. Syllable Pinal Consonant chart 1. GREETINGS BASIC DIALOGUES. pccode 19 Additional Greeting Expresstons. 25 Notes on Dialoguessssseeeeesereeeceee 25 Grannar Notes... pore ar 1. The Verbale and the Copula 27 2. Particles an/nan, a1/1al, @.eecessecceceeeeee 28 3. Nouns and Noun Phrases. 5 30 DRILES...... : BL EXERCISES. -....ssecessssoss 36 2. FINDING ONE'S WAY AROUND BASIC DIALOGUES. «+e .e++ e+ pcoodoseda : 39 Notes on Dialogues : Ecassocca ¢1 Grammar Notes....ssseccceccesseneeecceceees 45 1. Formal Polite Speech Sentences. cere 45 2 Martloes ifm, Lo/aley aT 3. ar 4 48 5. 4mnita and issinnita 48 DRILLS. eee eeeeeee eet eeneee arto 50 EXERCISES... = = cocosnen 3, FINDING ONE'S WAY AROUND (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES. 6 Notes on Dialogues 66 Granmar Notes ee ‘ : 6r 1. Verbs: Action ve. Description and Transitive vs. TnQPansitdye.sssssecsccscssrserssessctsocssosscsses OF 2. Future Tense... , 68 3. Honorifics. oo 68 A, Negative anveesseess : 69 5. Particle ese 'from!, lati, Hint, font. 69 6. Particle © ftolsss.ceee 70 DRILIS. n EXERCISES. +1... 78 4, _ SHOPPING BASIC DIALOGUES. epedadeodnoqeco0ce a Numerais (1).seccsscessecerees 87 av UNIT UNIT unr UNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE commarns Notes on Dialogues. a Grannar Notes. eee 90 1. “Infomal Polite’ Speech + 90 2. Past Tenses + ot 3. Particle to. + 95 i. Particle wa/iwa. + 95 5. 04 + anhoumnita.... + 5 6. Namerais > 96 eee oT 5. SHOPPING (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES... .++. ee mn Numerals (2)..- —— = SETI ag Notes on Dialogues a eres 320 Granmar Notes. +++. ya. 1. -n/anfnan + Nominal yi 2. “T/A Wie yo?eeeees pane iee 3. kdvert: 5 322 4. counters eang, can, aan, ia, pan, malt. ae DRILLS : 1126 EXEROTSES. oor SI 138 6. TIME BASIC DIALOOUES. «+... un Notes on Dialogues 148 Grannar Notes. pen Eoeeemeeete 150 1. Tine Counters nyen, bm, “wel, tal, cull, 11, nal, -sh, siken, pan.- peers 150 2. : 151 3. Genco é 152 4. Aaverbial Phrases 152 DRILLS. + EXERCISES. eee . 7. TIME (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES. vam Numeral Phrases.......++ 17 Notes on Dialogues...... 178 Grannar Notes eee eee 179 1. Numeral Phrases... 7 peoorgaG 179 2. Particle lo/ilo 'as!, tin the capacity off, iby means of?.. 179 3. -p/an/nan ka YO?s+-sceeeeeeeeeeeee oe seeee 180 4, -Tyako/aiyeko..... pees 180 5. -G)i Wea ham. 181 6. Particle kkact.... oo 281 7. Inflected Forma and Verb Phrases.....++.+++ 182 DRILLS. «eeeee seen eee EXERCISES. ee 8. ‘TALKING ABOUT ONE'S WORK BASIC DIALOGUES. 199 Notes on Dialogues...eeeeeeee 204 Grannar Notes: 7 205 eiivere rere ca 205, 2. Particle mati 5 206 conmENTS: KOREAN BASIC COURSE 3. -1/a1_su tes- vs. -1/11 su aps: 4. particle pota......seersees DRILLS qi EXERCISES. UNIT 9. GOING T0 THE MovIES BASIC DIALOGUES..... Notes on Dialogues. Grammar Notes. Le ko. UNIT 10. GOING AROUND THE TOWN. . BASIC DIALOGUES... : : Notes on Dialogues. . pee ene Grannar Notes. 1. -myon/amyon..... ee 2. Infinitive + to ‘even though—', talthough— 3. geil or kacang.... i) article ne/tn DRILLS... 5 EXERCISES. +++seeec0000+ UNIT 11. GOING AROUND THE TOWN (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES. . Notes on Dialogues. Granmar Notes. ~et_ma(i)-. Infinitive + ou. Particle ya... -n/anfnan kaa. gars 1 kes imnita, 6. Further Notes on Honort: DRILLS. .-.---- EXERCISES... UNIT 12. EATING AND DRINKING BASIC DIALOGUES. Notes on Dialogues Grannar wotes. — eS 1. =(a)Ai ea,” tecause.-1;"teince 2. ~(Qjayanyen...... 3. Infinitive + a) partite tanet/itancd 5. ¥article man only!...- DRILLS, EXERCISES: UNIT 13. EATING AND DRINKING (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES. . Additional Vocabulary and Phrases. Notes on Dialogues..vs.sssseseeees vi + 207 208 + 221 225 230 231 231 232 232 233 + 23h 2u8 252 + 256 + 257 + 257 258 * 258 + 259 261 + ork eT 282 283 283 268i, + 285, 286 + 287 289 289 + 308 307 314 316 + 316 316 37 37 + 8 ng 326 - 32 + 335 3h unit unr UNIT vNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE CONTENTS Grammar Notes Eonnucoopoacdon0065 = 343 Te -G)na, tobubisseecsesseee 3B 2. -nfan ‘a 4_issamnikka? 'Have [you] ever “gone. 1.2 «343 3. Interrogative + -n/in/nin ct. + 34 4! Particles eke tto? and ekese 2 Bus 5. Dependent Nouns. 1 318 . . . + 347 EXERCISES.» oe eens sn) 14, ‘TALKING ABOUT ONE'S LIFE AND FANELY BASIC DIALOGUES. as 361 Notes on Dialogues....s.+e 368 Granaar Notes... : peer 2 370 T. ftw ttimel, toceaston!, twhent... 2 370 2. Infinitive + se 'and..4, tand so... ai ++ 72 } tnetsae Nomina! (pakke € 4, aatk teach', Tat one timet......+. 5. Infinitive + iss-... DRILLS. EXERCISES... 3+ Nominal +e 15. TALKING ABOUT ONE'S LIFE AND FAMILY (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES. 7 Notes on Dialogues. Grammar Notes..... 7 ond 1. hu tafter!, 'the later timet, textt. 2. cen 'before!, 'the previous time! 3. =pfin cf + (period of time) + twe-... =nin_tongan ‘while doing something'.. 5. Nominal + e tah so ‘concerning Nominal!.... DAILIBs++eecsess0s EXERCISES 16. TELEPHONING BASIC DIALOGUES. ..... Notes on Dialogues... 5 ee Grammar Notes......-- 5 poecooooqgooggonccace 6) 1. =n/an/nin te + der 2, Infinitive + wey 3. ke: wee 4, -nfun/man ct. a3, DRILLS... . aed EXERCISES. ae 431 27. TSLEPHONING (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES. ....++++4+ sees 435, Notes on Dialogues. sees MYO Grammar Notes. sees HHO, 1. Plain Speech: Formal and Informal peer ee ee nO) 2. Personal Nouns in the Polite and Plain Speeches. iy 3. Particles lako and ko. eerie sees AUR DRILLS... coe od EXERCISES. seeeeeee 461 vit corms KOREAN BASIC COURSE UNIT 16. ‘TALKING ABOUT WEATHER BASIC. DIALOGUES . 465 Notes on Dialogues : ne Grammar Notes + . 473 1. =piniean/iun yo! icy 2. Infinitive + ei... 473 3. =p/an/man kos kath Sark 4. Ferticle chetan...-.- 415 5. Particle lato/tiats.. : 476 8. -(a)1 kyehnele I~ Tbe planning to-t. 476 DRILLS. teen ee eeeseeeereeeeenen . 478 EXERCISES... Inn : 486 Korean-English Glossary. seeeeeee 488 Index to the Granmar Notes.sceeseseeese a 551 vata KOREAN BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTORY UNIT INTRODUCTORY UNIT Introduction This 1s the first of two volumes designed to teach spoken Korean to English speakers. ‘The Korean presented in this book 1s representative of the "standard? speech of educated Koreans in Seoul, which has been tne capital city and cultural, educational and political center of the country for over five hundred years. In Korea, as in every other nation, there 1s considerable local variation in pronunciation and vocabulary as well as in styles of speech. However, in schools all over Korea the language presented here 1s used and taught as the national standard and, 1f you learn it well, you will be speaking a form of Korean which has prestige throughout the country and which will be understood everywhere. hie course 1s written primarily for use in an intensive language progran of twenty or more hours per week; but it can also be used for other situations, uch as @ language program in which one or more part-time students attend class for three to six hours per week, or for individual study with the aid of recorded tapes. Acquiring profietency in the use of language ts like acquiring proficiency in any other skill, for example, driving an automobile-- you must practice untt1 the mechantes of driving - or speaking - are reflex. It is the aim of this course, therefore, to bring students to lautomacity! in speaking and underetand- ing everyday Korean. The following points are emphasized to both the teacher and the student: 1. ALWAYS SPEAK AT A NORMAL CONVERSATIONAL SPEED. Neither the teacher nor the student should ever allow himself to speak slower than a ‘normal rate of speed. AVOID THE USE OF ENGLISH IN THE CLASSROOM except for occasional linguis— tie explanations or discussions by a linguist. Drill hours with the native-speaking instructor should be carried out entirely in Korean from the very beginning. Time spent in speaking English in class is largely time wasted. 3. CORRECT MISTAKES IMMEDIATELY. Mistakes made by a student should not Ue passed over, bub should be immediately corrected by the instructor 4, AVOID QUESTIONS beginning with WHY, such as “Why do you say 1t that way? INTRODUCTORY UNIT. KOREAN BASIC COURSE If a student wants to ask questions, he should ask more useful and anawerable questions beginning with HOW or WHEN, such as, "How do you use the word?" or, “when do you use this expression?” 5. AVOID DISCUSSIONS WITH THE INSTRUCTOR ABOUT KOREAN. Talking about Korean should be confined to the linguistic hour spectally set aside for such discussions with a scientific linguist, separate from regular arii1 hours. 6. REVIEW CONSTANTLY. As the students proceed through the course, they should master everything thoroughly. Each new untt presupposes thorough mastery of what has been covered before. Otherwise, do not go ahead. Organization and Use of This Course Bach unit in Korean Basic Course Volume 1 (Units 1-18) consists of four major parts: Basie Dialogues or other "basic sentences’, Notes on Dialogues, Granmar Notes, Drills and Exercises. Basic Dialogues Bach unit begins with a connected dialogue of about ten sentences between two or (cccastonaliy) more speakers. Each dialogue 1s to be practiced, memoriz~ ed and acted out until 1t has been so toverlearned! that the utterances and thetr Sequence are understood and can be produced automatically without conscious thought or hesitation. .In some units, there is a group of two or (rarely) nore short dialogues which are related to one another. In such a unit, the dlalogues may be treated as one connected dialogue. In the Basic Dialogues, new words and phrases (!build-ups!) are introduced immediately before each sentence. They are not part of the Dislogue itself. In dealing with the Basie Dialogues, the following steps are suggested: 1. First, the instructor reads each sentence 1ine-by-line at normal speed. ‘The students listen with books closed, so that they may become accustomed to depending on their ears. 2. The instructor says the words or phrases of the "butld-ups! and then the complete sentences. The students repeat immediately after the instructor (books sti11 closed). ‘he instructor corrects errors by repeating mispronounced KOREAN BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTORY War? words or phrases as they should have been said, so that the students can try again. 3. When the students are able to approximate an imitation of the instructor, they begin intensive practice on the dialogue, imitating the instructor line-by- Line (books optionally open), until the instructor 1s satisfied that their per- formance 19 sure and fluent. 44, After going through the dialogue several times in this way, the students take the roles in the dialogue (books closed) and practice until they are freely able to do tt from memory. Notes on Dialogues and Grammar Notes Notes on Dialogues and Grammar Notes follow the Basic Dialogue section. ‘he Notes are intended to be self-explanatory and to be read outside the class after the Basie Dialogue has been introduced. The Notes on Dialogues are num- bered according to the sentences in the dialogue, and are intended to give additional information on the use of the words, phrases or sentences. The Gram- mar Notes are systematic presentations of new patterns or major grammatical con- structions that occur for the first time in the Basic Dialogues or other ‘basic sentences! in the unit. If the course 1s being taught (as intended) by a team composed of a scten- tific Linguist and a native speaker, some explanation of the Notes may be appro- priate in class. However, in general, drill time in class with a native instruc- tor should be conducted entirely in Korean. If the native-speaking instructor 4s also a trained linguist and fluent in English, specific periods may be set aside for granmatical explanations; these should be kept separate from regular arill sessions during which English should be used only for translations or paraphrases designed to keep the student aware of the meaning of the Korean sentences he 1s practicing. The Grammar Notes are written to give some basic understanding of Korean to the beginning student, and are intended to be immediately and practically rele- vant. If, however, the student finds them difficult to understand, he can simply ignore them. Instead of wasting time talking about Korean, extensive drill concentrated on specific points of pronunciation or grammar can produce the desired goal - profictency in performance. The course ts designed to produce an operational competence in Korean, not a theoretical understanding of 1t- Drills The Drills in this Course are of a considerable variety. However, each INTRODUCTORY UNIT. KOREAN BASIC COURSE unit basically has five kinds of drilis: Substitution Drills Transformation (or Grannar) Drilis Response Drills Combination Drills Expansion Drills Tt is to be noted that each drill has its own specific purpose, but the final goal of all the drills 1s to lead the student to develop his profictency in free conversation. Without suffictent drill practice, he cannot achieve ‘such proficiency. Therefore, a great proportion of class time is to be devoted to drills, until the students are able to do them accurately with their books closed. Drills can be done in the following atepa: 1. Drills are learned first like the sentences of the dialogues. That 1s, each new drill sentence is repeated after the instructor until 1t 1s correctly produced with books closed. 2. The students read the dril1 sentences aloud at normal speed from their books. 3. The drill 1s then done without the book; the instructor gives the appropriate cues or stimuli, and the students produce the proper responses. a. Substitution Drills In this course, there are several kinds of substitution drills: simple Substitution; Multiple Substitution; Alternate Substitution, Correlation Substitution, ete. In substitution drills - of whatever kind - students will be réquired to produce the given pattern sentence, and then they will be requir- ed to make substitutions in one or more Islots!, using the 'cues! furnished by the instructor. Sometimes, he may be asked to form a properly arranged sentence by inserting a correlated cue. The basic aims of a substitution drill are two- fold: automatic and reflex, in order to develop fluency in actual free conversation; the first 1s to make the student's control of the pattern sentences the second 1s to practice useful lexical itens in the given sentence patterns. ‘The lexical items are either those which have occurred previously or new related ones. New words and phrases added in the substitution drills are marked with an asterisk to the left of the sentence on their first occurrence. New words and phrases are used only in substitution drills. Substitution drills are printed in two columns, with English equivalents on the right and drill sentences with cues underlined on the left. English equivalents are not provided except for KOREAN BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTORY UNIT the model sentences at the beginning of each drill; but only in Substitution Drills are English equivalents provided for subsequent sentences. b. Response Drills These are mostly queation-and-answer drills designed to help the students develop abtiity to reapond to questions normally. A model ts provided at the beginning of the drill. The student is required to produce a response for each question or remark, uaing the cue or stimulus supplied by the instructor. ¢. Transformation Drills ‘The student 1s required to produce sentences parallel in an easily general~ izable way to the pattern sentence. For example, the student may be asked to transform a negative to an affirmative pattern; or a statement to a question. Transformation Drills are sometimes designated as Grammar Drills in this course 4. Combination Drills ‘These are drills in which the student ts asked to produce one long pattern by combining two short’ patterns. e. Expansion Drills Starting from a short sentence, the instructor gives cues one by one requesting the student to expand the sentence each time in specific ways. Exerelses The exercises are of two sorts: (1) they ask the student to complete unfinished utterances or to give appropriate responses to the questions based on reality relevant to each situation; (2) they offer suggestions about addi tion~ al practice and review for what has been covered in the unit. The students should be able to do all these exercises fluently and accurate- ly before going on to the next unit Romanization The symbols used to represent Korean sounds are based on a phonemte analysis (see Pronunciation), but each word 1s transcribed morphophonemically - that 1s, each word 1s always written with the same sequence of symbols, even though its pronunciation may be changed by what precedes or follows it. However, if a word has two shapes, our selection is made on the basis of the final sound of the preceding word. The stems of inflected words (1.e. verbs) are written the same way always, even if phonetic changes take place when certain endings or suffixes are added to then. INPRODUCTORY UNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE Words are separated by spaces. A Korean word is a form which may be either (1) inflected or untnflected, (2) bound or free. Free forms can occur alone, while bound forms can occur only with other forms. If a bound form occurs with another form, the combination 1s a single word unless at least one of the bound forms also occurs with free forms in other constructions. The first letter of a sentence (except 2 or a) 1s capitalized. So is the first letter of a proper noun wherever it occurs. Korean Orthography (Hank) In Volume 1, the dialogue portions of each unit are accompanied by Korean orthography (Hankal) throughout the text. And in the glossary at the end of the text, Hankii 1s provided for all entries, in addition to English equivalents. We follow the standard Korean spelling rules in this text regardless of the transcription. Spaces within a phrase or sentence are based on Hanksl writing rules; for example, particles are not separated from the words preceding them. Since Hank.l 1s relatively easy to learn, 1t may be introduced gradually during the middle part of the text, replacing the Romanized transcription completely by the time Volume 1 1s completed. A student should thus be able to read in Hanktl at normal speed before he goes on to Volume 2, which 1a entirely in Hankal and English. It 4s not the intention of this text to teach spoken Korean through Hanks1 from the very beginning, since 1t requires some time before the student can read it fluently. Banka can be easily mastered by reading (in Hankal) dialogues which have already been memorized by the students. It 19 suggested that students inter: the knowledge of Chinese characters in addition to Hanksi) use an appropriate ted in written Korean (which requires baste reading text. Speotal Symbols Symbol In_a KOREAN sequence In an ENOLISH sequence () — opttonai addition, no change Explanatory information, not of meaning. a(b)=a or abs required in English. b 4s optional. Muoa (21) hastanticka? Korean (language) tWhat do [you] do?! ay t o1 a/b ‘of 2 Standard Korean, spoken by educated nativi of 8 vowels, 2 semi-vowels and 19 consonants: KOREAN BASIC COURSE Alternate forms (1tke English a/an)- A/ka, 21/121 "sentence! pronunctation of preceding words (1ike English gan't you /kancha/) ottahsamnikka?/ettessamnikka/ hakomng/haksaeng/ Hankuk mai /nangkungnal/ (in substitution drills) new lexical item. End of question-sentence. End of other kinds of sentences. After (1) sentence adverbs and adverb phrases, (2) subordinate clauses. (2) Connects parts of compound words (1ike English steter-tn. Jay), (2--in Grannar Notes) indicates end of verb stem or beginning of some verb endings. Pronunciation INTRODUCTORY UNIT Literal translation: [1]¥m fine. (1) exist well!) English items not represented in Korean. {r]!m fine. (*{1] exist well.') (an 'Butid-upst) or child; baby of Seoul, has an inventory INTRODUCTORY UNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE (a) Vowels (b) Semi-vowels woy (c) Consonants Note: Pp ot 6 x pp tt ce kk pe othe che | ia The symbols pp, tt, ce, Kk, ph, th, ch, Kh, 98, ng in the above chart are unit sounds, not combination sounds. ‘The Korean phonological system can be described in terms of possible syllable formation: (a) 8 (>) 144 (e) ou (a) 108 (e) 90 (f) 2 (sg) 1 (a) a (1) 56 (3) 1008 (i) be GQ) 35 (m) 756 (n) 630 The most common vowels, (b) 144 + y+ vowel, (e) single vowels consonant + vowel sent-vowel + vowel consonant + y (semi=vowel) + vowel consonant + w (semt-vowel) + vowel aty utoty consonant +» +94+y vowel + consonant consonant + vowel + consonant + vonel + consonant 4 + vowel + consonant consonant + y + vowel + consonant consonant + w + vowel + consonant: syllable types, however, are the first five kinds: (a) 8 single consonant + vowel, (c) 11 semi-vowel + vowel, (d) 108 consonant 90 consonant + w + vowel. The following chart shows the formation of tne basic Korean syllables. It 4s essential that the student should ultimately be able to pronounce and dtstinguish each syllable type correctly. 8 Basic Syllable Chart INTRODUCTORY UNIT Practice 1 pels l* 15 le 17 | 8 | [30]u Jae [a3 fas fas fas [ar [rs [as [20 a| xa }icca [na [na [ta [eta | tna [aa | me | pa [pra | pha [oa [ose [oa [cca [cha | ha | ane 3| xo | xo | kno | ne [te | tte | the | 10 | mo | po | pps | pho | so | se | ca |cce | cho | ho | ong | ko | kko | Kho | no alee tho [10 | mo | po | ppo | pho | 80 | sso |co [cco |eho | ho | ong ula [ka [eho [na [ta [eee [ene [au | mu | pu | ppu | pha [su |ssu [eu |ecu | chu | hu | ung alia fie [ana | na [ea [ees fen far | m | pa | per | pma [sr |ssi [er [eer [on | m | ang tfxa [oat Pant [na [er [ees | ent [a2 | mt | pt | ppt [pnt fst |ssi [et ject font | nt | ing el xe [uke [ine [ne |te [tte [the |e | me | pe | pre |pne | se |sse |ee |ece |che | ne | eng w|i | xe | knw | nm | te | tte | tre | 10 | mo | pe | pps | phe | se |sse |cw [ccm | che | he | sng ya |'kya | kkya | knya | nya | tya | ttya | thya | 1va | mya| pya| ppya | phya | sya | ssya | eye | ceye | chya | hya | yang ya | kya | kxyo khye | aye | tye | ttye | thye | 1ye | mye | pye | ppye | phys | sya | ssyo | eye | ecye | chye | hyo | yong yo | kyo | kkyo | knyo | nyo | tyo | ttyo | thyo |1y0 | myo | pyo | ppyo | phyo | ayo | ssyo | eyo | ceyo | ehyo | hyo | yong ya | kyu | raya) khyu | nya | tyu | ttyu | thyw | aya | mya | pyu | ppyu | phyu | sya | asyu |cyu | ceyu | ehyu | hyu | yung ye | kye | xxye | knye | nye | tye | ttye | thye [ave | mye | pye | ppye | phye | sye | ssye |eve |ccye | chye | hye | yene ye | kye | vxya| kaye | nyw | tye | tty | thy [aye | mye | pym| ppye | phyw | syw | save |cye |ccym | chys | hye | yeng wa | wa | kkwa | khwa | nwa | twa | tewa | thwa | iwa | mwa | pwa| ppwa | phwa | swa | sswa |ewa [ccwa | chwa | hwa | wang wa | xwa | idee | khwo | nwa | ewe | ctwo | thwe |1we | mo | pw | ppwe | phwo | swe | sswa |ewa |cowo | chwe | hyo | wong wt | vot | doced | rw [nwa [owt | tewa | ehwa [awe | mwa | pet | ppwt | phws | swt | sowt [owt [oowt |chwt | hwi | wing we |kwe |kxwe | xnwe [nwe [twe | ttwe | thwe [ime | mwe | pwe| ppwe | phwe | swe | sawe jowe |cowe | chwe | hne | weng we | twee | Kc | xr | rns [ owen | ttwan | thaw ]anae | muse | pw] ppwe | phwes | swe | save [oa |ew | chwe | hue | wang 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 aE * 10 * 5] * q | KOREAN BASIC COURSE + » vwelelele}xe vmratdpalsta} a] aps F eo 7 OPPEP Eee E FF r of wl rrr a oe RT ag 4 ATT Ts A r FOF r af rn ee ot r ce a. BRE E Tete ol eee ce eeeceee - cE of 4 g& ele [wlale le te pe tela fe pola le fe fa lala la le a $l 4 a +] a + z * 4] + a a * x a ai ai 4) = mt ah ml *] 7a al ail a F ail 4] a] el ~ mi oa al 9] Aa] Al ai aH) AH at | tu elalela la a | al #4 4] a] vod | ag | ag [vay | ay | aay | ag | etapa fod fa | as wy we a wa ¥e] “yl 4 F Hw # 2 F =i #4 =| “4 * almfalafatssafelafa 4 #1 3] Gi a = + =] 98 | a |e | a | st | si [sy | sy | st | oy | a oH 3 oil 3 4 KOREAN BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTORY Syllable Final Consonant Chart unr Possible syllable final consonants | Actual syllable-final sounds within or at the end of words. q) (2) (3) («) (5) (6) (7) (8) -k kk Js kh ot att th - =P /-P/ ph ch Veal «1 LV Practice 2 qQ) (2) kale kakie /eak/ kakh tat tatt tath /eat/ tas tass a INDRODUCTORY UNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE (3) pap Papp /pap/ (4) ah fa/ (5) lal fal/ (6) mam foam) (7) nan /nan/ (8) ang fangs Bvery syllable-final consonant within or at the end of 2 word becomea the Anttial consonant of the following syllable when s vowel occurs immediately after it. If two consonants occur in a cluster, the firet of the cluster belongs to the preceding syllable and the second goes to the following syllable. Morpho- phonemic boundry within a word 1s not indleated. ‘Thus, the consonant combina- tions -p p- eee “Bry EB) “obey “he, whteh may be divided morphemtcally so that the firat consonant of the cluster belongs to the preceding ayllable and the second to the following syllable, are not dis- tinguished syllabically from the unit consonants pp, tt, oc, kk, ss, ph, th, ch, kh, even though the Korean orthography does distinguish them. In Korean, every syllable contains a vowel; therefore, there are as many syllables as there are vowels. Practice 3 (1) kaka (3) papa waka appa kakha papha (2) tata (4) aha ie (5) ama tatha tasa (6) me tassa (7) nana tace (8) anes tacca tacha ae KOREAN BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTORY UNIT 1 ‘symbol: | Closest English Sound: Short Description: a tat in tfathert short @ tut in butt opens phonetically [2] or [A] ° tot in tort rounded; with lips protruded a tut an "food! short with 11p-rounding, 2 tut tn tputt long and unrounded 4 teet in tmeett short e Net tn tpent lower than English te! e tat in tatt short Practice 4 Le fof 2. fof 3. fof a ond ese tquickly! © ta family name! at tenia! ce tyesterday? ot teucamber! ca twel! ce II! (polite form) co a family namet a fa/ 5. Af 6. /t/ un Muekt an tefivert 1 Nee! au lyounger brother! 1ysa ‘doctor! Kim ‘a family, name! kutu "shoe! kam "gold! pi traint ane 8. /e/ ne tyes! ext tehtidt eku tgee! peu tactor! ke terab! ke dog! | . Short Description: 2 | symbo1:|Closest English Sound: anitiatly | medially | tloally Kk tet in tcant alightly sometimes | unreleased ‘aspirated | voiced intervo- callically ke tot an tscant unaspirated; | unaspirated; | unreleased tense tense kn Net in "keen! heavily heavily unreleased aspirated | aspirated 13 INTRODUCTORY UNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE Practice 5 Del 2. /ek/ 3. /es/ Kin ta fantly name! idkun—tdreant kat thetghe! kok tmeat! Kekacht 'magptet kno tnoset aka "oaby! akka ta Little while cokha_tnephew! azo! uk "soup! cakku 'repeatediy? : : Short Description: 3 |symbor:|crosest ingiion sound:| snsesanay fee einanay + Tet in topt slightly sonetines unreleased ‘aspirated voiced intervo- callically te tet An tatop! unaspirated; | unaspirated; | unreleased ‘tense tense th tet tn teen! heavily heavily unreleased aspirated ‘aspirated Practice 6 1. ff 2. /tt/ 3. /th/ tal toon! tal tdaughtert thal tmaak! or "trouble ott where! atta Mater! itm two dayat pata teeat patta trecetve? pithal tslopet tot ‘sail! tto again tho ‘particle (in arannar)! : nd: Short Deseription: 4 |symvo1:|crosest mneitsh sound} sasesaray ee ae ne > tpt in "pint slightly aonetines | unreleased aspirated ‘voLced intervo= callically PP ‘pt in 'spint unaspirated; unaspirated; | unreleased tense tense ph tpt tn tpeent heavily heavily unreleased ‘aspirated ‘aspirated rt KOREAN BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTORY UNIT Fractice 7 1. /o/ 2. /pe/ 3. /ph/ pal "foot! ppalkan ‘red! phal arm! pul tftret pul thorn! phul grass! ipal thatr-cut? tppal "tooth naphal "trumpet! nap tlead! nappin bad! nopht thetght! . . Short Description: 5 |Symbol:| Closest English Sound:| sas egarry vwediaily finaity e Yeh! in tehick! slightly sometimes unreleased aspirated votced intervo- callically ce 1g) an Jack! unaspirated; | unaspirated; | unreleased tense tense eh toh! an tcheek? heavily heavily unreleased aspirated aspirated Practice 8 1. /c/ 2. /oo/ 3. /en/ can sleep! ccan tepare time! chan "truth! coul tscalet cook —tstde! chima tskirtt ice tnow! cet thow! kicha "train! ace tyesterday! —aceasotwhyt achim ‘morning! 6 | symboi: Closest English Sound: Short Deseription: 8 tat in ‘smith! regularly voiceless; unreleased in final position a8 tte! tn tputs? voiceless; tense; unreleased in final position Practice 9 1. /s/ /s3/ sal 'flesht seal si "poetry! set 15 INTRODUCTORY UNIT Pusan tname of a city? susul operation! KOREAN BASIC COURSE pissan texpensive! malssim ‘speech! fi ‘Short Deseription: 7 |Symbo1:| Closest English Sound:| sasetarry ‘aedtelily poe tmt in tmothert consonantai | consonantal | syllabic tnt an tname! consonantal | consonantal | syllabic ng. tng! in teing! i consonantal | syllabic Practice 10 a. /m/ 2. /n/ 3. /ne/ mal thorset nal tday! kang trivert Mikuk ‘America! nul tetstert congt "paper! imi talready! oma twhteh! pang room! mom "body! men 'fart seng castle! : : Short Deseriptior 8 |symvo1:| closest English Sound:| sastsarry ‘medially finally 1 "Lt tn Mightt or front 1 flap back 1 "pat! Practice 11 1 AS latio tpadio! palam tind! salang "love! keleang "chair! pal foot! ‘ ‘ Short Desertption: 9 |symbo1:|ciosest English Sound:| soseterry ‘mataiie po) h tht tn thiret strong weak - friction friction 16 KOREAN BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTORY UNIT Practice 12 LAY hana tone! ohu afternoon! hiltn — teloudyt anh "girl's name! hakkyo ‘school! ahin 190! huson descendent? 10 Symbol: Closest English Sound: | Short Description: x before ) 4 twat dn thy! Lip rounding x sce ° ty! an tyet! palatalizing Practice 13 Le /W/ 2 A wt ‘stomach! yok tatattont wankt energy! yult tglass! wo hung! yaku baseball! congwan "garden! nya mtd Iewol February! wolya — tmoon-ntght! qr WIT 1 ale + KOREAN BASIC COURSE Aa Slt (Hep A) eel Shek i. chs KIM 7? ag we Me He al We aoe glue. ole 4 ag al glee. alle Asi lee age + aL elee 7a gs. eat oahe " att ola tet 18 5, 6. KOREAN BASIC COURSE wT 1. Greetings BASIC DIALOGUES FOR MEMORIZATION Dialogue & annyong Annyong-hasinnticka? Ne, annyeng-hasinnikka? chain pwepsamnita/pwepssamnite/ Choum pwepsannita. Kim Kisu Kim Kieu imnita. alam So tae ce ita } oo HE a Ceimar imnita Ce 11am an Cetmsa tmnita. sonseng senseng in Maku salam Mikuk salam Sensang in Mikuk salam tmntkka? Kim peace; tranquility How are you? (tare you at peace?!) James Janes Kin ag Fine. ('rtm gia to meet you.') My name 1s James. How are you? ('¥es, how are you?!) first time (1 see you) ('T see you for the first time.!) (family name) (given name) [1] am Kisu Kim, name r ny my name as for my name [1t] 15 Janes (1as for my name, 1t 1s James.') teachers you (polite) as for the teacher; as for you Americas the United States person an American Are you an American? WIT 1 10. AISA: aisle: alge: KOREAN BASIC COURSE dake PR beheld 72 al sie Al 2a Uh i Fae RI dake e2ke hal7e Ae shat stanals s+ Ale stoigltt. a eeri7t Re ged is a is ot eet ce cee Be ast (HB) aig dat Aisl& cal Sha M7} 20 lo. ne 12. KOREAN BASIC COURSE kalehsimntta/kalossamnita/ Ne, kulohermntta. muss 11 hasimnikka Sonaeng in muse (21) hasimnikka? hakeung/nakeseng/ hakasng imnita ce nin hakseng imnita. kongpu kongpu-hamnticka Mues 11 kongpu-hamntleka? Hankuk/Hangleuk / mal, Hankuke mal/Hangkungnal/ kongpu-hamnita Hankuk mal 21 kongpu-hamntta. Jam Yes, What Janes what James yes [1t]1s sos [that] ts right Tam. (t¥es, that's right.1) what( thing)? what (as direct object) do [you] do? do you do? (tAs for you, what do [you] do?!) I (as a topte); as for me atudent (1] am a student a student. studying do [you] atuay? do [you] stuay? Korea languages utterance; speech Korean (language) [1] stuay [1] study Korean. Dialogue B Ceimsa Sansang Ceimsa Sensang, annyeng-hasinntkka? Ku aL Mr. Janes ood morning, Mr. James. utr 1 UNIT 1. 13. 14 19. aise: aie: aig: ANI: KOREAN BASIC COURSE *t oh Shit al ake z ale a shes. a we asia a7 ea csi ln She ol SRE Zt 1th al ose 7t Sake AL PS LA 2A eh ¥el Hele, HelTIME Helms Shela 7 al, Zt she ‘lst. 22 KOREAN BASIC COURSE sue a issimnita [there] is; [there] exists 14, Ne, cal issimnita. (Yes) Itm fine, ('I extst well.') sass attehke/attehke/ hows in what way. cinasimnikka are [you] getting along? tekpun e/tekppune/ (at favor) 16, Tekpun e cal cinamnita. I'm doing fine, thank you, ('I'!m getting along well at your favor.!) am: en attehsimnikka/attessimnikka/ how is [it]? 17. Sensang in cami sttehsimnikka? And how are you? ('As for you, how 1s ao ro = ust 18, Kice klehsimnita. Just so-so. ('It is just so.!) isa 19. Puin (kkese) to annyeng- How is your wife? ('Is your wife also hasimntkka? bene) vanes 20. Ne, cal issimnite. She is fine, ('Yes, [she] exists well.!) 23 WIT 1 KOREAN BASIC COURSE a. Pets lt 2. Bake tlt 3. Siete he alt a, sleight. 2. alsisig st. 26. alsetzig 4 z. ok gg“. 28. CoH) alae Fh 2. chil ale. 30. cel age. a. se gigs st a. 22. 23. an, 25. 26. at. 28. 29. 30. a1. KOREAN BASIC COURSE uur ADDITIONAL GREETING EXPRESSIONS Mianhamnita. Komapsimnita. Chonman e malssim imnita. Stllye-hamnita./stiyehamnita/ Sillye-hmessamnita. Sillye-hakessianita. An twessimnita. (Aniyo) kwanchanhsimnita. (Pewsnchanssamnita/ Annyangh kasipstyo. Annyanght kyestpstyo. ‘Tto pwepkessamnita. NOTES f Itm sorry ‘Thank you for your trouble. ‘Thank you. Not at all. Don't mention 1t. Exouse me (on leaving, on inter- rupting). Excuse me (for what was done). Excuse me (for what I'm going to do). That's too bad. Not at all, (1No, that!s all right,!) Goodbye (to someone leaving). (G0 peacefully. ') Goodbye (to someone staying). (Stay peacefully. !) ‘See you again. So long. T!11 see you again. ON DIALOGUES (Numbers correspond to the sentence numbers in the dialogues.) 1.2. ‘The expression Annyong-hastmntkka? (1Are you at peace?!) 1s a general greeting similar to such English expressions as "How are you?!, 'How It 1s used for ‘The usual response to Annyeng- do you 4o?', first meetings at any time of the day. hasimntkks chasinnticka?;_Ne, annyeng-hasimnikka? ('T meet you for the firet time.!) 48 regularly "good morning." "Good evening.', ete. are Annyai Cheam pwepsamnita. said by someone who has Just been introduced, Cheam pwepsamnita.; Annyeng-hastantkka?. Kim Kisu 1s a full name: The response 1s usually ‘the family name Kim plus the given name Kisu. the first 18 a famtly Ga IT! ts the politest equivalent Most Korean names consist of three syllables: name, the last two are a given nane. of na. 25 uNrT 2 yo.11 a. 15. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Senssng means either teacher! or polite tyou', After a family name or a family name plus a given name it 1s used as a title or term of © address 1ike English Mr., Mrs., or Miss. This form of address (1.e. Name + Sensang) 1s most commonly used among or to the teachers of all levels, regardless of age and/or sex, but 1s also commonly used among and to educated male adults. Mr./Mistta/, Mrs./Missess1/, and Miss /Missx/, followed by the family name are commonly used by Koreans as forms of address when speaking to equals and young people. These forms of address are not applied to individuals older than or superior to the speaker. A full or last name + si 'Mr.___' occurs for other than the addressee to refer to a male adult of any age, rank or status. A family name + Soi ts also used as a term of address dtrectly to the addressee who 1s a blue-collar worker. Ne, kxlohsamnita. (twhat you just said 1s right, that's so.!) 1s used as @ response when you agree to the Yes-No question regardless of whether it 1s negative or affirmative. Aniyo, the opposite of Ne, means ‘what you Just said 1s wrong. It 1s used in @ parallel way as opposed to Ne. Often Ne and Antyo are used similarly as 'yes! and tno! in affirmative Yes-No questions but are the other way around in negative Yes-No questions. When a situation 1s obvious, the subject or topic in a Korean sentence 4s usually omitted. For example, (Sonsang in) muss 11 kongpu-hamntika? twhat do you study?! (Na man) Hankuk mal 31 kongpu-hamnita. 'T atudy Korean.! Note that the subjects or topics in brackets may be onitted in speech. Kongpuchamnita tatudies! is one of many Korean verbs which are formed from nouns. The noun kongpu tatudying! makes a verb (stem) by simply adding another verb (stem) ha~ 'to do!, that 18, kongpu + hay kongpucha- 'to study!. (See Grannar Notes, the Verbals.) xanplea: Kongpu-hamita. "(z] study. Kongpu-hamntika? "Do [you] study?# Geis: Sonsang, annyeng-hasimnikka? (1Mr. James, how are you?t) and Annyong-hasimnikka, Ceims1 Sonsang? ('How are you, Mr. James?!) can be freely interchangeable. Yooam attehke cinasimntika? (tHow do you pass by these days?!) 1s a polite greeting to someone you know well, to ask him how things are going. The usual responses are Tokpun e cal einannite. (!I pass by well at your favor.!) or Kace lalehsamitta, "Just so-so.! 26 KOREAN BASIC COURSE UNIT) 19. Putn without being preceded by a name means either "lady! or tyour wife! A family name (with or without being followed by a given name) + Sonsang (or a title) + puin means 'Nrs, ' or "Mr, so-and-sols wife! Example: Kim Sonseng puin 'Mes. Kim! or IMr. Kimts witet a. Mianhamnita. 1s commonly used to apologize, or to express thanks immediately upon recetving something. 23. Chonman ¢ malssim tmntta. (1A million words,') 18 @ formal response to ‘Thank you., complimentary statements, and apologies. The English equivalent 1s 'Youtre welcome! or tNot at all.! 24,25. SAllye-hamntte, (1 cont rudenese.!), Sillye-hesimnita, (1I committed Be rudeness.!), Siltye-hakessamnita, (1I'11 commit rudeness.') are different only in time: present, past, and future, respectively. The proper one depends on the situation. Sillye-hamnita. and Sillye-hakessrmnita. are used interchangeably for what 1s not done. Sillye-hassimnita. 1s used for something already done. ‘Excuse me.! in English 1s used generally for all three expressions. a. An twessimnita, 'hatts too bad.! (1(1t] has not become.!) 1s used to express the speaker!s sympathy or regret. ‘Antyo), kwanchanhsimnita. 'Not at all.' (1(No), that's not bad.t) 18 an informal response to Mianhamnita., Komapsimnita,,Sillye-hamntta, (or Siiiye-hakessimnita, or Sillye-hassimnita.), or to An twe amnita. 29.30. When two people part, the one who goes away says Annyonght kyesipsiyo. ('Stay peacefully.'), and the one who remains saya Annyenghi kasipstyo. ("Go peacefully). If both are departing, they both say Annyanght kagtpoty GRAMMAR NOTES 1. The Verbals and the Copula In Korean, inflected words, which may be used by themselves as complete are called Yerbais. Korean verbals are made up of two main parte: Verb Stems + Endings. Neither of the two main components in a verbal occurs alone, The verbals sentenc occur in a variety of forms depending on what endings are added to the verb stens, eT UNIT 1 KOREAN BASIC COURSE but the verb stems maintain their shapes, in most instances, Hereafter, we will call verb stems as well as all members of the inflected class of words Verba. In Korean dictionaries, verbs always are listed with the ending -ta. For instance, ka-ta ‘to go', o-ta 'to come!, mek-ta 'to eat!, canta 'to sheep!, Alk-ta 'to read!, This 1s called the dictionary form of a verb. When -ta is dropped from the dictionary form the Verb Stem remains. Tt is very important to recognize every verb stem because all the inflected forma are based on then. Examples of Verbals: (Co nin) Kongpu-hamntta. "(z) tm studying.! (Co nin) Hankuk mal 11 kalachimnita. "(1) teach Korean." Cal cinamnita. '{r]'m fine." (1T pasa by well.!) Komapeinnita "(1) thank (you). Innita 1s a verb: 1- 1s tts stem and -mnita is ite ending. Imnita and the other inflected forms of 4- (for exanple, its dictionary form i-ta) are used tn sentences tke "Noun A 1s Noun B.! Often Noun A 1s not stated, but 4e under- stood. ‘Thus, the verb stem 1- 1s equivalent to one meaning of the English verb "to bet. Notice, however, that the English verb !to bet 1s used not only to connect two nouns (1A is BI) as in 'I ama teacher!, but 1s also used in sentences Like 1A 1s in such and such a state!, as in 'She is beautifull, The Korean verb Amnita 1s used only for 1A ts BY, never in sentences 11ke 'A 1s beautiful!. Imnita is called the Copula; 4- 1s the stem of the Copula. The Copula never occurs alone. It 1s always preceded immediately by a noun and there 1s no pause between the noun and the Copula. The Copula 1s distinguished from other verbals only in that the Copula never occurs as a complete sentence, whereas other vertals may occur as complete sentences. Observe the following Copula expressions: (Co nin) Kim tmnita. 4(T) am Kim." (Ki kos;) Muos tmntkka? What ts (1t) 2 (Co nin) Mtkuk salam inntta, "() am an American.! (Cetms nin) Hakseng imntta. "(James) 18 a student. 2. Particles an/nan, a1/lal, @ There is a class of uninflected words in Korean which occurs within a sentence or at the end of a sentence, but never at the beginning of one. These words are never preceded by a pause; they are regularly pronounced as though they were part of the preceding word, All such words are called Particles. 28 KOREAN BASIC COURSE area Some particles have only one shape; others occur in either of two shapes deter- mined by the final sound of the preceding word. (a) (>) (co) an/nin tas fort, Mn reference to! 1s a two-shape particle: an occurs after a word ending in a consonant and min occurs after a word ending in a vowel. (2) qb coliom# the general topic (often one already under discussion) about which something new or significant 1s about to be stated or asked: Examples: Co min haksang imnita. 'T am a student. Ce 411m an Cetmsa imntta, 'My name 1s James.1 Senseng an Nikuk salam imnikka? © ‘Are you an American?! (2) an/nan also ccoura as the particle of comparison following a topic which 1s being compared: A an/man A in comparison with (others)! or ‘insofar as welre talking about A.! Examples: Sensang an muos 11 hasimnikka? What are YOU doing?! ca nan Yenge nan kongpu-hamnita, | "ENGLISH I am studying.t (anfnan never follows an interrogative vord (i.e. a word that asks @ question: 'What?", Wwho?!, twhere?t, etc.) 21/121 1s a tvo-shape particle: 31 occurs after @ noun ending in a con- sonant and Ja) after a noun ending in a vowel. The particle ai/la1 singles out the preceding noun as the direct object of the following inflected expression. Examples: Mugs 21 kongpu-hamniikka? What do [you] study?! Hankuk mal 12 kongpu-hamnita. '[Z] am studying Korean.! Zipon mal 21 kalachinnita. '[He] teaches Japanese.! Cunguule nal 21 mal-hanntta. ‘{ile] speaks Chinese. ! 2 When the particle @ occurs between two nouns, 1t 1s called the Possessive Particle. Noun 1+ e+ Noun 2 means ‘Noun 1's Noun 2! or !Noun 2 of Noun 1. Examples: cee Alam tmy name? hakkyo e 111m "the name of the school! Kim e chai 'ktm!s book! 29 fare KOREAN BASIC COURSE 3. Nouns and Noun phrases. Korean nouns are uninflected words, that 1s, they have only one form. (They do not, for example, reflect the singular-plural distinction as English nouns do.) In Korean two or more nouns often make up noun phrases and are used as though they were one word. Compare: (a) stngie nouns: Miukuke tamerica', "the U.S.! salam ‘person!, tmant mal Nanguage!, ‘utterance! (>) Noun Phrases: (2) Country name + salam = Nationality Mikuk salam "(an) American (‘America person!) Yengkuk salam ‘(an) Englishman! ("Britian person!) Tipon salam ¥(a) Japanese! (‘Japan person!) Cungkuk salam "(a) Chinese! (1China person!) (2) Country name + mal = language of the country named Wankuk mal "Korean (language)! ("Korea language!) Cungkuk mal ‘Chinese (ianguage)! (China language!) Pullanse mal, ‘wrench! (1Prance language!) Yenge* ‘english! Note 1: Place name + mal = dialect Soul mal ‘Seoul dialect! Pusan mal ‘Pusan dialect! Note 2: Place name + salam = Person of the place named Nan-Han salam ‘South Korean! Pusan salam 'Pusantan! Soul salam 'seoulite! Nyuyok salam tNew Yorker! ‘A noun which may occur as a free form 1s called a Free Noun. Hereafter, any noun or noun phrase which occurs in @ position where a free noun can be substituted shall be called a Nominal Expression or simply a Nominal. * Yongo is @ single-word expression for 'Mglish!. Yengkuk mal ("British language!) 18 rarely used for English. 30 A +8, 8. *10, “u. °. 1 "2, 5. +h 5. *6. 7. KOREAN BASIC COURSE DRILLS Substitution Dri11 ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce tam nam tam din thn an Ceimsa imnita. Kim innita. Kou imnita. Kim Kisu imnita. Pak Amnita. I Kiou tmntta. an an dlam an Alam an Ghwe tmnita. i1am an Gong imnita. Substitution Drt11 ca. ca ca ce co ca ce co ce ce ce pan haksang imnita. sonsang imnita. Hankuk salam innita. Mikuk salam imnita. Mikuk hakssng tanita. Hankuk hakewng imnite. Hankuk mal haksang imnita. Hankuk mal sansang tnntta, Mikuk mal sonsang imnita. Yonge sensang inntta. Mixuk alam innite. ma man man mn Substitution Dri11 ca ce ca co co ce ce nin Hankuk salam inntta. man Yongkuk salam imnite. man Iipon salam tmnita. mn Cungkuk salam tmntta. min Tokil salam innita. mn Pullanso salam imntta. nan Soul salam imnita. 31 My name My name My name My name My name My name given My name My name gE B88 am 88 UNIT } te ts ts ts te Janes. Kim. Kiau. Kisu Kim, Park (famtly name). is Kisu Lee (famtly name + name). 4s Choe (family name). is Chung (family name). a student. a teacher. a Korean, an Anertean. an Anertean student. a Korean student. a Korean (language) atudent. a Korean (language) teacher. an American (language) teacher. an English teacher. an Amertoan. a Korean. an Englishman. a Japanese. a Chinese. a German, a Frenchman. from Seoul. KOREAN BASIC COURSE UNIT 1 D. Substitution Drill 2, Senseng an Mikuk salam imnikka? fire gon an Amartoant Is the teacher an American? 2. Senseng in Hankuk salam imnticka {ire you a Karennt Is the teacher a Korean? 3, Sonaeng an Yengiuk stlan tontkka? Are you an Znglishaan? Is the teacher an Englishman? 4, Sensang in Tipon salam tmntkka? {288 you 2 Japanese? is the teacher a Japanese? 5. Sonsang an Cungluke gaan tanta? {Are you a Chinese? is the teacher a Chinese? 6. Senseng in Tokil salam imnikke? deere ay ae is the teacher a German? 7. Sonseng an Pultongo satan innikkat {476 You 8 Prenchnan? : is the teacher a Frenchman 8. Sonseng an Soul salam Amnikka? pee erent is the teacher from Seoul? 9. Sonsang 1n Kim sensang imntkka? frelon ee ee 's the teacher Mr, Kim? +10, Sonsang an Hankuk yoca imntika? Is the teacher a Korean woman? +11, Sonsang an Mikuk yeca imntkka? Ia the teacher an American woman? "12, Sensang an Yengkuk yoca tmnikka? Is the teacher an English wonan? E, Substitution Drt11 1, Sonsang an Mikuk salam imitkka? Is the teacher an American? 2, Kim Sonsang an Mikuk salam imntkka? © Is Mr, Kim an American? 3. Cetms: Sensang in Mikuk salam Ja Mr. James an American? Amnikka? 4, Pak Sonsang an Mikuk salam Is Mr. Park an American? amnikka? 5. Hakewng an Mikuk salam imntkka? Is the student an Anertcan? 6. Hankuk mal hakeang an Mtkuk salam Is the Korean (language) student an mre Amertean? 7. Hankuk mal_sensung in Nikuk salam Zs the Korean (language) teacher an Amnikka? 32 American PF. 9. #10. au. 6 “T 10. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Substitution Drill Sengang an muss (21) hasimnikka? Hakegng an mues (11) hasinnikka? Tangata an muos (21) hastmntika? Ceims1 Sensang in muss (11) asimntika? I Sonsang an muos (21) hasimnticka? Chwe Senseng an muos (21) hasimntkka? Kim Songang an muss (21) hasimnikia? Kim Sonseng in muos (11) kongpu~ ann tikka? Kim Sonsang an muss (21) paumnikka? Kim Sensang in muss (11) kalachtantia? ‘Kim Sensang in mues (11) sGJksamntikka? Substitution Drill Kin Sonseng an musa 22 1(1)ksamnikke? Pak Sonsang an miss 21 4(1)ksamnikka? Pak Sonseng in muos 21 paumntiea? Che Sonoang an muos 21 paunnticke? Ghwe Sonsang an mss 22 kalachinntkkca? Miike hakewng an muoa Mikuk haskeng an muss panntiea? kalachtmntkka? al mal- Hankuk mai_sansang in muss 11 mal~ hamnikka? Haniel: mal sonswng an muas a1 kongpu-hamntkka? Tipon haksang an mues hamnikkea? 22 kongpu- 33 {nae What What or What, What What What What What what What What What What What What What, umat What what What What unit 1 do you do? does the teacher do? does the student do? do you do (to husband or wife, to the same male adult friend)? does Mr. James do? does Mr, Lee do? does Mr. Choe ao? does Mr, Kim do? does Mr, Kim study? does Mr, Kim learn? does Mr. Kim teach? does Mr. Kim read? does Mr, Kim read? does Mr. Park read? te Mr, Park learning? 4s Mr. choe learning? does Mr, Choe teach? ie the American student teaching? does the American student say? does the American student speak? does the Korean teacher say? 4s the Korean teacher studying? ig the Japanese student studying? UNIT 2 H, Substitution Drt11 1. (Co mn) Hankuk mal 21 kongpu-hamnite. 2. (Ca nan) Mikuk mal 11 kongpu-hamnita. 3. (Co man) Iupon mal 21 kongpu-hamnite. 4, (Co nan) Cungiuk mal 11 kongpushamnita, 5. (8 man) Yongo 121 kongpu-hamnita. 6. (Co mn) Hankuk mal a1 kongpu-hamnita. 7. (Ca nan) Hankuk mal 11 kelachimntta. 8. (Co man) Hankuk mai 21 mai-hamnita 9. (Ca nan) Hankuk mal 11 paumntta. 10. (Co mn) Hankuk mal 21 4(1)ksamntta. I. Substitution Drill 1. (Sonssng an) 2. (Sonsang 1n) hamntkka? 3. (Sonsang 1n) hamntkka? 4, (Sensang 1n) hannikka? (Sensang an) hamntieea? 6. (Sensang an) 7. (Sensang an) muss a1 kongpu-hamnikka? Hankuk mala] kongpu-hamntkeka? Miluk mal_21 kongpu- Cungkuk mal 11 kongpu- Zipon_mal_21 kongpu- Yonge 121 kongpu-hamnikka? Toki mal 21 kongpu-hamnikka? 8. (Sonsamg an) Pui hamntkka? 2 mal_21 kongpu= 3u KOREAN BASIC COURSE ‘I('m) study(ing) 1(1m) study( ing) language. ‘I(1m) study(ing) I(tm) study(ing) I('m) study(ing) I('m) study(ing) T(tm) teaah( tng) I speak Korean. Korean. the American Japanese. Chinese. ‘glish. Korean. Korean, ‘I('m) learn(ing) Korean, (tm) vead(ing) Korean. What do you study? Do you study Korean? Do you study the American Language? Do you study Chinese? Do you study Japanese? Do you study English? study German? study French? Do you Do you a KOREAN BASIC COURSE Substitution Dri11 Co man Yonge 121 mal-hanntta. Kin Sonsang 1n Kim Sonsang an hanntta. Kim Sonsang an paumnita. Hanleule haigsang, peunntta. Yenge 111 mal-hannita. Pullanso mal 21 mal- Pullanse mal a1 an Pullanse mal a1 Hankuk hakswng an Tokil mal 11 peumnita. Hankuk haksang an Toki mal 21 Alkeamntta. Yongkuk hakssng in Toki1 mal 11 Alksamita. Yongkuk hakssng 1n Cungkuk mal 11 Likeamnita. 10, Yengiuk hakewng an Cungkuk mal 21 kalachimita. Li. Mikuk hakesng an Cungkuk mal 11 kalichianita. K. Response Drill (based on the dialogues) Teacher: 1. Annyong-hasimntikka? 2. Charm pwepsamnita. 3. Ce dlam an Kim Kisu tmnita. 4, Sonsang an Mikuk salam imniika? 5. (Sensang an) muss (21) hasimnikka? Mues 21 Kongpu-hamnikka? Ceimsi Sonseng, annyong-hasinnikka? Yoorm ottahke cinasimnikka? (Sonoang an) cami (Kea) ottohsamntieca? 35 UNIT 1 I speak English. Mr. Kim speaks English. Mp, Kim apeaks French. Mr. Kim ts learning French. Korean students are learning French. Korean students are learning German. Korean students read German. British students read German. British students read Chinese. A British student 1s teaching Chinese. An American student is teaching Chinese. Student: Ne, annyong-hastmnikka? Annyeng-hasimnikka? Cheam pwepsamnita. ce 11am in Ceims: innita. Ne, kulohsamita. Ca man hakseng imnita.; Hankuk mal a1 kongpu-hamnita. Hankuk mal a1 kongpu-hamnita. Ne, cal issamnita. (Tokpun e) cal cinannita. Waele lehsamnita. on KOREAN BASIC COURSE 1. Response Dri11 ‘Teach Student: 1. Mfanhamntta. Chonman ¢ malssim imnita. 2. St1lye-hamnita, (Antyo) kwenchanhsinnita. 3, Sillye-hakessamnita. (Andyo) kwsnchanhs.mnita. 4, st11yehsssamnt te (Antyo) kwenchanheaanita, 5. Annyenghi kastpstyo, Annyonght kyestpsiyo. 6. Annyenghi kyestpstyo. Annyenght kastpsiyo. 7. Komapsimnita. Chenman e malssam imnita. 8. Mianhamnita. (Antyo) kwenchanhermnita, 9. An twesarmita, (Antyo) kwanchanhsamita, er avrene Ask Le 2. 3. a 5. 6. 1 8. ‘EXERCISES ‘Tell Kim Sonsang: your nane. you you are an American. are a student. you you Mr. you you are studying Korean. are fine. Park teaches Korean. are glad to meet him. speak Japanese. Conduct the following conversations: Me, Kim: Af he 4s a Korean. what he does. what he teaches. how he's getting along these days. Af the teacher 1s an American. Af the student 1s a Korean. 4f he speaks Korean. Af Mr, James 1s a Korean (language) student, 36 Ne, tto pwepkessamnita. 9. that you read French. 10. that Mr. Park 1s learning English. 11. that the Korean (language) teacher 1s a woman from Seoul. 12. that the Amertean 1s an English ‘teacher. 13. that the English teacher speaks Chinese. 14, that the Chinese woman teaches German. 15. that the Geman (1anguage) student speaks Japanese. Mr, Kim answers: he 4s. he 1s @ teacher. that that that that that that that that he teaches Korean. hets doing fine he 4s. he 1s an Englishman. he does. he 4s. KOREAN BASIC COURSE NIT 1 ©. Youtve met a stranger at a party; tell him: 2. that you are glad to meet him. 2. that your name is so-and-so. 3. that youtre studying Korean. 4, that Mr. Park ts your Korean teacher. 5. that you'll see him again. cia wit 2 KOREAN BASIC COURSE ai] 2 a} Jah (sis a) ak ale a]ish took: ahah aeighs}. hoe & Eels 2 chee eel Bee: oi. e igl7e “Phat "a Har | ol al4 al" ak ola “ital ie 19] gle 172 ala Ane % ae eee BI Ala Se Br AM SIE. SAG" WPA. 38 2. KOREAN BASIC COURSE UNIT 2. urn 2 Finding One's Way Around BASIC DIALOGUES FOR MEMORIZATION Dialogue A a cankan/eamkkan/ stiye Camkan stilye-namnite. =e) nalssam, mule popsita/mulepopssita/ Malssim com mule popsita. Ne, muss imntkka? twsakwan Mikuk Tmealwan 1 att ote teeamnikka Mikuk Twsakwan 4 otf e issimnikka? cokt coxt € cook wen ccok wen ccok alo kasipetyo/kastpsstyo/ Cokie issimnita, Wen ccok 110 kasipstyo. 39 for a moment rudeness [Z] commit rudenes Exeuse me for a moment. word; speech; language a litre Letts inquire; let's ask May I ask you a question? (tLet!s inquire a word.) Yes, what is [4t]? enbasay the U.S. Embassy (as subject) what place? at what place?; where? does [1t] extat?; is [there]? Where is the U.S, Enbassy? (1At what Place does the U.S. Embassy exist?!) ‘that place; there at that place; over there side; direction the left (side) to the left (please) go [1t]"s over there. Go to the left. wit 2 KOREAN BASIC COURSE 10, uy 12, Ar ae AE 12 4 ake) Shea 7 al, test “ich age sas] get. ope. aie ae oes, etehel SMe Slt (Ht BD oil Ag Alalel tel S177 ol) HE ob ae ol Alztel‘ ist. “igi Ane Agee # gem ho KOREAN BASIC COURSE utr 2 10. nu. 2. kanmal butlding 9 Kenmul that butlding hakkyo school Co Konmul 1 hakkyo imntkka? Ze that building a school? B Ne, kaleheumnita. Yes, it 1s. twtanht verys very much ‘komapsimnita (1] 'm grateful Tetanhi konapsinatta. Thank you very much. B chenman e malssim (‘a million words!) Aniyo, chenman e malssim imnita. (No,) Not at all. ('Youtre welcome.') Dialogue B ‘A ote where steheng ctty Hat2 Stonong 1 ote sasianiieka? Where is the city Hall? B 4 kenmat this building T kenmul 1 sicheng innita. This dutiding 18 the city Hall. A co kes that (thing); the thing over there co kes an as for that Ce kes in mues innticka? What 19 THAT? a UNIT 2 14, 17. KOREAN BASIC COURSE 32 aa aye Satelit a al aati os aie] sais = Ke Ke oil ai ei) Mist A121 Sie het _H Beal "1g ae "lg 2HBE FI] She 7H ots ys. at hi me Stel Me abe Sie Tt. a aH sHsh*l IPTSE T+. ole, eels. ue KOREAN BASIC COURSE ka kos vyelran 13. Ka kes an yokwan imnite. om. kes Palkhwacom 14, ona kes 4 pakhwacom tmntikka? yeph yoph e sicheng yeph & 15. Pakhwacem an sicheng yeph e Asernnita, kongpo kongpowen Mikuk Kongpowen B 16. Mikuk Kongpowen an ot e issanntkka? palo aph aph e palo aph e AT. Palo aph e issimnita. kana kamsa-hamnita 18, Twtanhi kamsa-hamnita. 19. Antyo, chonman e yo. i 43, UNIT thats tt inn; hotel Ibls a hotel. (1Ztte an tnn.!) which one department store Which one 1s the department store? the side beside; by beside the City Hall; next to ‘the City Hall The department store ts beside the City Hall. (1As for a department store it exists besides the City Hall.") public information information office usIs Wnere 1s USIS? ("As for USIS, where 4s [4t]?") just; rignt the front, at the front right ahead (1t]'s right up ahead, eratitute [2] thank you Thanks a lot. No, not at all. uNIT 2 KOREAN BASIC COURSE NOTES ON DIALOGUES (Numbers correspond to the sentence numbers in the dialogues) 5 8.18 lo. 13. ue wv. Camkan sillye-hamita. ‘Excuse me for a moment." 1s usually said when you stop a stranger to get some information. Malseim com mulo popsita. (thet us ask [you] a word!) 4s often preceded by Camkan stilye-hamnita. and 1s regularly used to a stranger from whom you want to inquire about something, such as directions. Muss ‘what (thing)! 1s always a free noun. It is never used to modify @ following noun. Gcok ‘direction! occurs after determinatives (See Grannar Note 3) or place names. It never stands along. Examples: 4 cook ‘this way! 02 cook ‘that way! ka cook Venat way! hakkyo cook ‘the direction of the school! tasakwan cook ‘the direction of the embassy! wen cook tthe 1ertt elan ccok ‘the right? Komapsamnita. and Kansa-hamnita on any occasion. "Thank you.' are freely interchangeable ate 'where! ts the contracted form of ati +e. Yokwan generally refers to 'inns' or thotels! of all sizes. However, modern western-style hotels are often called hothel. gm 'which!, twhat! always occurs before a nominal (free or bound) as a determinative. It never occurs as a free form. Chonman e yo. 'Not at all.! is the informal equivalent of Chonan malssim imntta. ay KOREAN BASIC COURSE GRAMMAR NOTES 1, Formal Polite Speech Sentenc: The nucleus of a Korean sentence comes at the end of the sentence. When the nucleus of @ normal sentence 1s 4 verb, we talk about verb-otens and verb- endings. There are several levels and/or styles of speech which show the relationship between the speaker and the person spoken to and/or about. The @istinctions of speech level are shown mostly by the inflected forms of verbs. In all aocieties, everywhere, when people talk to one another, they give each other signals (gestures, tones of voice, word-choice, etc.) to show that they understand their personal relationship (equality, dominance, subordination) and the situation (polite-casual, formal-informal, ete.) Sometimes, in our denocratic society, we like to pretend these things don't exist, but they do. Very few of us can talk to our boss the way we talk to our best friend. In Korean, the personal relationship signals are butlt into the language. Formal Polite Speech is the polite style of speech commonly used between adults who do not have @ casual relationship. The four forms of Formal Polite Speech verb-endings are listed below. (a) Formal Polite Statement Form: -mnita ~ -(s)amnita In Formal Polite Statements, -~mnita 1s added to a verb stem ending in a vowel; -(s)amnita to a verb stem ending in a consonant. Examples: ‘Sten Verbal ka~ "to got Kamnita. "[Z] go.! o "to comet omnita. '[1] come.! Pe "to learn! Peunnt ta. ‘[1] tearn.t kongpu-ha~ ‘to study! Kongpu-hamnita. 1[T] study. sake 'to read? Tik(s)amnita. '{1] read.t ak- ‘to eat! Mak(s)amnita. '[T] eat. a(1} "to know! Annita. '[1] know. 45, ara KOREAN BASIC COURSE (v) Formal Polite Question Form: santkxa? ~ -(5)amntkka? In Formal Polite Questions, -mikka? is added to a verb stem ending in a vowel, =(s)amninka? to a verb stem ending ina consonant. Compare: Kannita, 1[1] go.t Kamntkka? "Do [you] go? anita. 1{1] come. Oantieka? "Do [you] cone?t Peunnita. 1[T] leam.t — Peumtkka? "00 [you] Lean?! Kongpu-hamnita. '[T] study." Kongpu-hamniiea? "Do [you] study?? Tik(s)amnita. M{T] vead.t| Thk(s)amnticka? "Do [you] read? Nok(s)amita. 1{r] eat. Mok(s)amnticka? "Do [you] eat?t (ce) Formal Polite Imperative Form: -sipsiyo ~ -1sipsiyo In Formal Polite Requests, ~sipstyo 1s added to a verb stem ending in a vowel and -zs1psiyo to a verb stem ending in a consonant. Examples: Sten Verbal ha- tte do! Hastpstyo. "Please do [1t].! ka "to go! Kasipstyo. 'Please go.! o- to come! ostpstyo. "Please cone. mule po "to inquiret Mule postpstyo. "Please ask.! tea "to extat! Tasasipsiyo. 'Please stey.! ik tto read! Miastpsiyo. 'Pleage read.! (4) Formal Polite Propositative Form: -psita ~ -psita In Formal Polite Proposals (1Letts 1), spatta 1s added to ending ina vowel, and -apsita is added to a verb sten ending sonant. Examples: a verb stem in a con- Stem Verbal ka "to got Kapsita. 'etts go. kalachi- "to teach! Kalichipsita. 'retts teach.! mal-ha- "to speak! Mal-hapsita. "Let's speak. mule po- "to Anguiret Mule popsita. 'tetts ask. Ake "to read! Tikapsita. Metts read.! KOREAN BASIC COURSE parce 2, Particles i/ka, lo/:1o, (a) tha The particle 1/ka singles out the preceding word as the emphasized subject of a sentences 4 occurs after a word ending in a consonant and ka after a word ending ina vowel. When the particle 1/ka 1s added, the subject 1s emphatic. Observe the location of the emphasis in the English equivalents. Examples: Hakkyo ka issimnita. ‘Mere is a schoo}.t (!& school exists.) Qe Kenmul 1 tasakwan tanita, "hat butiding 4s the embassy. Qe ka Hankuk mai a1 paumnita. "Z am studying Korean.! (») lo/ate to, tonand! A place nontnel + 1o/alo followed by such verbs as ka~ "to go!, o= "to cone! indicates the direction of the following inflected expression. Lo occurs after place noun which ends 4n a vowel and alo after a noun ending in a consonant. an {1{2],g0 to senoot.s Kakkyo 1o kannita. 1[1]!m going tonard the school.t cip 210 ostpatyo. 'Please come to the house.! Wen cook 210 kastpstyo. tPlease go to the left (side).? (0) @ tatt, tont, tint, tot A place (or location) noun + ¢ indicates that the action of the following inflected expression takes place at the noun. Examples: Soul 1 Hankuk ¢ insunntta. "Seoul 18 in Korea. (1Seoul ts tn Korea.!) ‘Teoalwan 1 oti ¢ issimntkka? Where is the Embassy? (1At what place does the Embassy exist?!) Yoloan an palo aphe issamnita. 'A hotel is right ahead,t Chak 12 gchaksang ¢ tuessamita. '{I] have placed (put!) the book on the deak, Determinatives ‘Tere is a small class of uninflected words in Korean which never occur by themselves but are followed by nominala. Words of this class are called Deter- minatives. A determinttive + a nominal = a noun phrase. In Unit 2, we have the following determinatives: 4 'this__', co 'that__', Ja ‘the (or that)__! » olan tright__', wen "left__!. Observe the following example ar urn 2 KOREAN BASIC COURSE 4 ohmic ‘this book? 4 kos ‘this (thing)! ce salan "that mant co kos "that (‘thing over there)! fa kenmul ‘that (tthe!) building! ja salam "that man (mentioned previously)! om. psivacen twhich department store! ona kes 'which onet olan cook ‘the right (direction)! wen cook tthe left (direction)! Note that 4 'thte__and co 'that__! before nominals indicate nominals within the sight of the speaker, while Ja ‘that (or the)! before @ nominal refers to @ previously mentioned ones olan "the right__! and wen "the lett__! occur only before the word cok. 4, Post-Nouns: kes, pun, cook Kas ("thing!), pun ("person"), cook (eidet) belong to a small class of Korean nouns which never occur alone but only after such words as determinatives, free nouns, or other modifier classes of words and make up nominal phrases. Words of this class are called Post-Nouns. Examples: 1 koa "thts (thing)? co pun "that man (honored)? khan kes (a) big one! wen cook ‘the left (side)! Imnita and Issamnita In Korean there is a distinction between the experssion (a) 'A is BY and (>) !™ere 19 an A.t or 1A exists.! In Untt 1, me learned that tne copula 1- (of which Amnita 18 one inflected form) is used to denote !Noun A 4s Noun B.! In contrast to the copula, the verb 1ss- (of which issimntta 1s one inflected form) means "(sonething) extsts.! (See Grammar Note 1, Unit 1.) Compare: (a) (Ka kos an) chak imnita. '[It] ts a book.! T kenmul 1 hakkyo tandta. iis butlding 1 a school.t Ma nin senaeng imnita, 1 am a teacher.! 48 KOREAN BASIC COURSE unin 2 (>) Chak 4 issannita. ‘there 1s a book, (14 book extats.#) Soul e tasakwan 1 issimnita. ‘there 1s an Enbassy at Seoul.t ("An exbassy exists at Seoul.') Note that nominal i/ka + igs,mite preceded by a personal noun as a topte occurs to express that the personal noun has or possesses the nominal. Examples: Na nan ohak 1 issamnita. 'T have a book.! ("As for me a book extats.1) Senawng an Hankuk mal sacon 1 "Do you have a Korean dictionary?! Agsimntkka? Ne, (na nan) stkye ka issimnita. tyes, I have a watch.! 49 UNIT a. ne we #2. 3. 4, 5. *6. 10. a KOREAN BASIC COURSE DRILLS. Subetitution Drill ‘Tmoakwan 1 oti e tesimnikka? Mikuk Twealoan 4 etd e 1ssimnikka? Hakkyo ka oti e isszmnikka? Stohong 1 oti e issamnikka? Pakhwacam 4 ati e issimnikka? Yokwan 4 ott e tesimntkka? Kongpowan 4 ati e issamnikka? Mikuk Kongpowon 4 oti e 1ssimnikka? Hankuk Tesakwan 1 oti e 1ssimntkka? Haksang 1 ott e issimtkka? Hankuk mal sanseng 1 oti e Aesamnikka? Ka kos 4 oti e issamnikka? AL ka ott e tesimnikka? Pain 1 ott e tesimnikka? Substitution Dri11 Cokie tssimnita. Yokt e tesamnite. Wen cook ¢ issamnita. amnita. Olan ook e 41 Aph_¢ issimnita, ‘Dit _¢ Assamnita. Yoph ¢ issamnita. Hakkyo e 1ssamnite. Mikuk e issamnita. Hankuk ¢ iss.mita. 50 Where 1s the the Embassy? U.S. Embassy? school? chty Hall? department store? inn? Where is Where is the Where 4s the Where is ts 4s the: the the the Where Where Anformation center? Where is 1s usts? Korean Enbasay? student? Korean (language) Where 4s the 4s the Where 1s the teacher? Where Where is it? Where 1s the child? Where 4s your wife? (there 1s the aay?!) (1t]}'s (1t]}'s (1t}ta [it] 's [rt] 's, [re]ts [re] 3 [re] ts [it] 's, [rt] 's over there. over here. on the left. on the right. an front [of you]. in the back. beside [you]. at school. An America. in Korea. no. mu. na. 1B. 9%. 10. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Substitution Drill (Supply 1/ka Particle.) Konmul (1) issimnita. Yekwan (1) tsormntta. Sonsang (1) issinnita. Kyostl (1) tssimntta. Sikye (ka) tssimnita. Chak (1) tesamnite Chaksang (1) issamnita. yea (ka) tesimnita. Yonpht1 (1) tssimnita. Cito (ka) tesamnita. AL (ka) issimnita. Substitution Drill Tasakwan 1 yoki e issamnita. Tweakwan 1 coki e issamnite. Hakkyo ka coki e issinnita. Hakkyo ka wen ccok ¢ issamntté Mikuk Kongpowen 1 wen cook € iseimnita. MAxuk Kongpowen 1 4 kenmul e iesimnita. Pulchwacom 1 1 kenmul e issimnita. Pukhwacom 1 aph ¢ issamnita, Yeloan 1 aph e issamnita. Yolwan 1 yaph @ tssimnita, [mere] is the City Hall. [mere] 1s a school. [there] is a building. (there] is an inn. [there] 1s a teacher. [mere] is a classroon: (There] 1s a waten. [mere] 18 a book. [mere] to a {itable- [tere] ts a chair. [there] 1s a pencil. [tere] ts a aap. [mere] is a chtia. ‘The Mubassy 1s here (tat this place! The Embassy 1s over there (tat that Place!).. The school 1s over there, The school 1s on the left. USIS 1s on the left. USIS 41s in this building. ‘The department store is in this butlding. ‘The dpeartment store 1s ahead. ‘The inn is ahead. ‘The inn 1s nearby. unit 2 2 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Substitution Drill (Supply lo/alo Particle-) Wen ccok 210 kastpstyo. Olah cook (110) kastpsiyo. Lccok (210) kasipatyo. G2 ecok (110) kastpstyo. Hakko (10) kastpsiyo. Go konmul (10) kastpsiyo. Pakhwacom (110) kasipsiyo. Sicheng (110) kastpstyo. Yelwan (210) kastpsiyo. ‘Twealwan (110) kastpstyo. Substitution Drt11 Ce kenmul 1 hakkyo Annika? tmsaiwan Annticea? Milcuk Tawalvan imnika? gdoheng imntkka? Co kenmul 1 a Ce kenmul 1 Co kenmul 1 1 Ce kenmul 1 kongpowen imnticka? Ce kenmul 1 pekhwacem tmntika? Qe kos 4 pakchwacom Amnticka? Ikes 1 pakhwacom Amntkka? Ka kes 4 paikhwacom imnticka? ‘Lkenmul 4 pakhwacom tnndicka? a Koa 4 pakhwacem Annika? on_Konmul 1 pakhwacem tmntika? 52 (Please) go to the left. (Please) go to the right. (Please) go this way. (Please) go that way. (Please) go to (Please) go to school. that building. the department store. the city hall. the inn. (Please) go to (Please) go to (Please) go to (Please) go to the Embassy. Ie that butlding a school? Is that building the embassy? Is that building the U.S. Embassy? Is that building the city Hall? Is that building the information center? Ia that butlding a department store? Is that a department store? Is this a department store? Is 1t a department store? Is this building a department store? Which 4s the department store? Which building 1s the department store? 8. 9. 10. ne KOREAN BASIC C Substitution Drill (Supply 1/ka Particle) Co Kenmul 4 hakkyo tmntika? Ca salam 1 haksang imntkka? Ca kee 4 yokwan Amntkka? Ce Kenmul 4 Mikuk Tesakvan imnticca? Ce hakssng 1 Mikuk salam imnikka? Co yooa ka Yonge sonsang innikka? Ce cook 4 Mikuk Kongpowen imnikka? Ca hakkyo ka Hankuk mal hakkyo Amnitkka? Co konmul 1 pakhwacom innitkka? Ge puin 4 Hankuk yeca imnikka? Substitution Dri11 Sensmng e 12am in muos imnikka? Hakeang e lam in muss Amnikka? Co sonsang e 11am an mies tnnikka? I kenmul e 41am in mus imnikka? Go hakkyo ¢ 11am in mies tmntkka? Co Mikuk salam e tm in mies tmnikka? Ce Hankuk salam e 112m 2n muss imntkka? Ki salam e {1am in mies tmntkka? Ga yalwan e t11m in muos imnikka? Ge ai e 11am in mues 4mntixka? Co puin e 12am in muss imnticea? 53 ouRSE UNIT 2 Ie that butlding a school? ne ("that person!) a student? that an inn? that butlding the U.S. Enbassy? that student an American? she (‘that woman!) an English teacher? Is USIS that way? Is that school a Korean language ‘gohool? Is Is Is Is Is Is that butlding a department store? Is that lady a Korean woman? What 4s your name? What 18 the studentts name? What's that teacher's name? Watts the butiding? Whatts school? What's American? Whatts name of of of this that that the the the name name name of that Korean? Whatts Whatts the name of of that that ‘that that nan? tna? ontia? lady? the the the or of whatts What's name name unin 2 KOREAN BASIC COURSE I, Substitution Dri11 1. Pekhwacom 1n hakkyo yeph e Aesimnita. 2. Tusakwan an hakkyo yeph @ iesimnita. 3. Mikuk Twealwan in hakkyo yoph e Aesamnita. 4, Mikuke Kongpowon an hakkyo yaph e iesimnita, 5. Hankuk yeloan an hakkyo yeph e issamnita. 6. anhung in hakkyo yeph e issimntta. *7. Sangeam an hakkyo yeph e iss.mntta. 8. Hothel in hakkyo yeph e issimnita. *9. Gip an hakkyo yoph e issimnita. Kongwen in hakkyo yeph e issimita. Substitution Drill 1. Pakhwacem 1n sicheng yeph e issimnita. 2. Pakhwacem an sichong aph e tssimnita. 3. Pakhwacom 1n sicheng twi e issimnita. 4, Paihwacom in sichong wen cook e tssamnita. 5. Pakhwacem in sicheng olan ccok € issamnita, *6. Pakhwacem 1n sicheng aph ecok @ Aseimnita, “7. Pachwacom 1n sichong twi ccok e teeamntta. %8. Pakhwacem in sicheng kakkat. tesimnita. 5h The department store is ext to the school. ‘The Bnbassy 1s next to the school. ‘The U.S. Enbassy 1s next to the school . USIS 18 next to the school. ‘The Korean inn is next to the school. The bank 4s next to the school. The store 1s next to the school. The hotel 1s next to the school. The house 1s next to the school. ‘The park 1s next to the school. The department store 1s next to the city Hall. The department store 1s in front of ‘the City Hall. ‘The department store 1s behind the city Hall. ‘The department store is on the left side of the City Hall. The department store 1s on the right side of the City Hall. ‘The department store 18 on the front side of the City Hall. ‘The department store 4s on the back side of the City Hall. ‘The department store 1s near the City Hall. K af KOREAN BASIC COURSE unin 2 Substitution Dri11 (Supply 1n/nan Particle.) Pukhwacem in sicheng yeph e issimnita. Stoheng in tagakwan yoph e ‘Assimnita, Hakiyo nan yekwan yeph e issimnita. olan an anhang yeph e issimnita. anbsng in sangoom yeph e tesinnita. Sangeem 1n hothel yeph e issimnita. Hothel an cp yeph e tesamnita. 4p an kongwen yeph e iss.mnita. Kongwon an kil yeph e issimnite. Substitution Dri11 Paikhwacem an sicheng yoph e Assimnita, Hakkyo nan sicheng aph e issimnita. Hankuk Tepakwan 1n sicheng twi e desamnita. Anhang an sichong wen ccok ¢ tesimnita. Sangoon in sicheng olan ceok ¢ iesimnita. Hothel an sicheng kakkat tssinnita. Kongwan an sichong aph ccok € issumnita. 4p an sichong twi ccok e issimnita. Mikuk Kongpowan an sicheng yaph e issannite. 55 The department store 1s next to the city Hall. ‘The City Hall 1s next to the Enbassy. ‘The school 1s next to an inn, ‘The inn ts next to a bank. ‘The bank 1s next to a store. atore 1s next to a hotel. The hotel is next to a house. The house is next to a park. The park 1s right near the street. The department store 1s next to the caty Hall. The school is in front of the City Hall. ‘The Korean Enbassy 1s behind the city Hell. ‘The bank 4s on the left side of the city Hall. The store is on the right side of the City Hall. The hotel 18 near the City Hall. ‘The park 1s on the front side of the Chty Hall. ‘The house is on the back side of the City Hall. USIS 19 next to the City Hall. mur 2 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Response Dri11 "Ig there a U.S. Enbassy?! tyes, [there] is a U.S. Embassy. Ne, coki e issimnita, Ne, c@ kes 1 hakkyo imnita. Ne, kxlehsimnita. Ne, 4 kenmul 4 sicheng Amnite Ne, Mikuk salam tanita. Ne, Hankuk mal 21 kongpu-hamnita. Ne, Ne, mianhamnita. cal tesimnita. Ne, kwanchanhsimntta. Ne, Hankuk mal 11 peumnita. Ne, Yenge 121 mal-hamnita. Ne, Tipon mal 21 kalichimita. Aniyo, kwanchanhsimni ta. Ne, muos imnikika. Antyo, chanman e malssim innita. (Tekpun e) cal cinamnita. Ne, kilehsamnita. Hankuk mal a1 kongpu-hamntta. Hankuk mal 21 kelachimnita. Chaksang e issimita. Hankuk e 1ssimnita. Tutor: Mikuk Tasakwan 1 issimnikka? Student: Ne, Mikuk Tasaloan 1 tesimnita. 1. Cok e 1ssamntkka? 2. Co kes 4 hakkyo Amniicka? 3. Kalohsamnticka? 4, ZX konmul 4 sicheng tmnikka? 5. (Sonsang an) Mikuk salam tmnikia? 6. (Sonseng in) Hankuk mal 22 kongpu-hamnilka? 7. Cal Assamnticca? 8, Mianhamntika? 9. Kwanchanhsaanikka? 10. Hankuk mal 11 paunnticka? 22. Yonge 121 mal-hamntlda? 12. Tipon mal 11 kalachtnntkka? N. Response Drill (Answer the question based on the dialogues) 1. Si2lye-hannita. 2. Malssim com mule popsita. 3. Tmtanhi komapermnita. 4, Yooam ottehke cinasimnikka? 5. Sonsang an Mikuk salam imnikka? 6. Senseng an muss hasianikka? 7. Kim Sensang 1n muos 11 kalachimntkka? 8. Chak 1 ote issamnticka? 9. Soul 4 ote issamniiia? 10. ayea ka att e issimnikka? 56 Chaisang aph e issimnita. 0. Tutor: Tasakwan ote 4 KOREAN BASIC COURSE utr 2 Grannar Dri11 (Based on Grammar Note 2 supply i/ka in a proper place.) amma? Student; Tmoakwan 1 ote issimnikka? 1. Sicheng (1) ceki ¢ issamnita. 2, Hakkyo (ka) wen ceok e tssimnite. 3. Cedmsi Sonsteng (1) Mikuk salam innit, 4, Hakesng (1) kongpu-hamntta. 5. Yokt (ia) tesakwan inntta. 6, iyca (ka) ott e issimnikka? 7. Kim Kisu (ka) haksang tmnikka? 8, Soul (4) Hankuk e tssamnikka? 9. ona kes (1) pakhwacem imnikka? 10, I kenml (1) sicheng Amnikke? P, Transformation Drill (Transform the sentence as in the example supplying the particle i/ka.) Tutor: I kes 1 chek imnita. tis is a book.! Student: Chak 1 issamnita. ‘here 18 a book.! 1. I kos 4 hakkyo imntta. Hakkyo (ka) issimnita. 2. I kes 4 tasakwan innita. Tosakwan (1) issimnita. 3. I kes 1 sichong imntta, Stchong (1) tsormnita. 4, 1 kos 4 stkye imnita. Sikye (ka) tssimita. 5. I kes 4 tyca imntta. ayca (ka) issimnita. 6, T kos 1 kyostl imita. Kyosil (1) tesamnita, 7. I kes 4 Cungkuk Tesaiwan innita. Cungkuk Tasalwan (1) tesamnita. 8, I kes 4 chmksang inntta. Chaksang (1) tssimnita. 9. I kes 4 pakhwacem tmita. Paihwacon (1) tssamnita. 10, I kes 4 yoloran imnita. Yokwan (1) issamtta. oT wMIT2. questions as in the example.) Tutor: Hakkyo ka issimnikka? Student: Ne, hakkyo nin tssimnita. 1. Ce kes 4 pakhwacem imnticka? 2. Stchang 1 wen cook e issamntkka? 3. Cedmea ka Hankuk mal 21 kongpu- hamnikkka? 4, ayea ka yok e issimnikka? 5. Kim Kisu ka Hankuk salam imnikka? 6. Soul 4 Hankuk e 1ssimnikka? 7. Pak Sansang 1 Yengo 121 kalachinnikka? 8. Mikuk salam 1 Cungkuk mal 11 peounntkka? |. Grammar Drill (Supply the right particle ai/i2i, ¢, 210/10.) KOREAN BASIC COURSE Response Drill (Use the particle an/nan in place of 1/ka and answer the "Ia there a school?! tyes, there 1s a school...(but). Ne, ce kes an pakhwacem tmnita. Ne, sicheng an wen ccok e issimnita. Ne, Cetms2 nin Hankuk mal 11 kongpu= hamnite. Ne ayca nin yaki e tssimnita. Ne, Kim Kisu nan Hankuk salam imnita. Ne, Soul an Hankuk e issimnita. Ne, Pak Sensang in Yenge 131 kalachimnita. Ne, Mikuk salam in Cungkuk mal 12 Peumnita. wherever appropriate: n/m, ‘Tutor: Ce 111m Ceimsa tmnita. Student: Ce 111m an Ceims2 innita. 1. Co (nan) haksang imnita. 2. Muos (21) kongpu-hamnikka? 3. Hankuk mal (21) poumnita. 4, Rake Sensamg in Yonge (121) kalichimnite. 5. Twaakwan in cokt (e) tssamnita. Wen ceok (210) kastpsiyo. 7. Ca kes (1n) muss tnntkka? 8. Palo aph (e) tssamnita. 9. Hakkyo (10) kastpsiyo. 10, Olan cook (110) kasipstyo. 21. Co nin Yenge (121) mal-hamnite. 12. Cedmsa Sensmng an Ilpon mal (11) kalachimnita. 58 KOREAN BASIC COURSE ‘BXERCISES uurr 2 A aka B for the following information and B responds. A aska: a a 10. un. we. Be we 5. 16. where the U.S. Embassy 18. what that building 1s. which building the department store 4s. where USIS 1s. where the City Hall is. what he does. how hets doing these days. whether that butlding is a department store. whether the achool 1s next to the city Hall. whether the school 1s behind the City Hall. whether the department store 1s in front of the U.S, Embassy. whether USIS 1s beside the Enbasay. whether that 1s the school building. where a bank 1s. whether the park is near the street. whether the store 19 beside the street. 59 B answers: that 1t 1s next to the City Hall, that 1t 4s the USIS building. that the department store is in front of USIS. that 1t 18 in front of the department store that 1t 18 1n front of USIS. ‘that ne teaches Korean. that heta doing 0.K. that that 1t 1s behind the City Hall, that it 1s in front of the City Hell, that 1t 1a next to the Embassy. that 1t 19 in the Embassy building. that 1t 4s a department store. that 1t 18 near the park. that 1t 4s beside the street. that 1t 1s so. UNIT 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE A] 3 a ak ie) } Caiet A) | aeae a | é i 2 Set a, at aurje, Pe ee eget. ee See 2. BE ai, 1s ame Hea te 2 CRIT gh TF de Agel ke ge HM on 7 ws oi. SE He. a7 ah gest bo ae sire KOREAN BASIC COURSE UNIT 3 UNIT 3, Finding One's Way Around (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES FOR MEMORIZATION Dialogue A A yepose yo hello therel; say! wal street; road; way com a little mule pokessinnita I will inquire 1. Yepose yo! Kil com mule Excuse me, May I ask you for directions? ('I!21 inquire about the street a pokessimnita. teae.a) ett lal where (as direct object) chacsannikka/chassannikka/ do [you] look for? 2. Ne, oti 121 chacsamnikka? Certainly, where do you want to go? (What (place) are you looking for?!) yoke station Soul Yok e to Seoul Station yanan kil the way to (tgoing way!) astnnticea ero do [you] know? 3. Soul Yok e kanin kil 21 asimniieka? Can you tell me how to get to Seoul Station? (!Do you know the way to Seoul Station?!) ttokpato straight ahead, straight kastpstyo (please) go Ne, ttokpalo kasipsiyo. Go straight ahead. yort es0 from here nno(1a)mntkka 4s [1t] ter? 5. Yekd ese monnikka? Is [4t] far from here? 6 wT 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE r 10, i. oF sts aR oe. oh Sieh Pu SASH] Reh aes Oe, aa Th. i (SF BD ols TINT IT orto SI 7 ast | aiviatel ast I ai7zteid hal 7 S82 thal 7 ZAZA AS tha TH 771 714 eral 15+ ae 6. 9. 10. ne KOREAN BASIC COURSE wr 3, an monnita [1b] 48 not far kaldkapsanntte/kakkapsoumnita/ [1] !9 near Aniyo, an mennita. Kakkapsianita. No, it's not far. tts near(by). A tetanht verys very much konapsannita Ila grateful ‘Tatanht konapsinntta. ‘hank you very much. B jovanchanhezmnita [that]"s 0.K. Antyo, kwenchanhormnita. (Wo,) Wot at a2. Dialogue B A ott e xastantkia vanttia tt © tastmtta? cangkecang Congkocang e kamnita. congkecang ese hakessamntkka muss (21) hakessamnikka Congkecang ese mues (11) hakessamniidca? in what place; to what place do [you] go? Where are you going? (tWhere do you ort) railroad station I!{m] goling] to the station. A 63 at the station; from the station will you do? what will you do? What are you going there for? (twhat are you going to do at the station?!) UNIT 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE 2.0 J: ANN ss Eb hae et. ee 13, ¥F 2 she +2 n7y ae eS ue alsl& fishglst. eS eT? asl se tal 15.0 Bhs ee, Bett. she Cisse 7? ort 2a 160 ore. Ste 1gHe] ebyltlet. 2] 2 absi4 +}. Additional Expressions for Classroom Use 17. ohalg- +] 742 18, ol. hag sb. iy. He, BE ze Eb 2. SAL aR ee RPE. a. S191 ise Th sisi teh. KOREAN BASIC COURSE a. Be Un ‘be 16. Wt 18. 19. 20. a. urn a kok that place kaki eso at that place; there nannakessinnita {1} wi22 meet ohtniew friend Koki ese chinka 111 mannakessimnite. I'm going to meet a friend there. ule who} what person Ka chiniea min nuku tantkka? Who 1s he ("that ¢riend!)? B a. pun he (honored); ("that person!) ya pun al him (as direct object) Ceimsi Sensang imnita., Ki pun (He is) Mr. James. Do you know him? a1 anntika? ‘ nolinnita [1] 40 not ienow hakkyo sensang (school) teacher Antyo, molimnita. Hakkyo sensang No, T dontt know [him]. Is he @ oe teacher? B an innite [he] 4a not wekyolovan diplonats foreign service personnel Antyo, hakkyo sensang 1 an innita. No [he] 18 not a (school) teacher. ee {He} 4s in the foreign service. Additional Expressions for Classroom Use Alkessimnikka? Do you understand? (tW111 you know?!) Ne, alkessimnita. Yes, I understand. (t¥es, I'11 know.!) Aniyo, molakessianita. No, I don't understand. (1No, I!11 fot know.") asi (nanpon) malssam-hasipslyo. Please say [1t] once more. Teo petvossamta,y Teessimnita. I forgot [it]. 6 unr 3 (umbers correspond to the sentence numbers in the dialogues oh Be uw. 15. KOREAN BASIC COURSE NOTES ON DIALOGUES 7 Yapose yo. "Hello there!’ (1Please look here.!) is the informal polite equivalent of the less frequently used form Yepostpstyo. Yapose yo. is said only when you try to get the attention of a passerby and is not said as the equivalent of the English greeting expression "Hi!" or Mello." Yepose _y% phone call. Kil com mule pokessamnita. (11111 inquire [you] about the street a 1ittle.t) 1s used when you ask someone for street directions. also occurs regularly when you make and/or receive The verb stem chac~ means 'to look for (something, someone)", ‘to find!, "to get (money at the bank)!, 'to claim (something)', ete. Soul Yok ¢ kanan kil 21 astmnikka? means literally 'Do you know the street which goes to Seoul Station?! The phrase !place noun + @ kanin k11! 18 the equivalent of mglish "the way to + place noun.! The verb stem in Momntidca? Zs [1t] far?! 1s mo(i)=. 2 An mo(1)- ts @ropped when either -(2)mntta or -(1)mnikka ending 1s added to the stem. Nuku ‘who! or ‘what person! is a noun. When nuku 1s used as the subject of a sentence, with the particle 1/ka, it has the irregular form nuka. When other particles follow, the full form nuku occurs. For example, nuku 121 'whom', nuku wa 'with whom', nuiu eke "to whom!, nuku e !whose!, etc. Ka_pun the (honored)! is the politer equivalent of ka salam ('that person'). Salam 1s a free noun, whereas pun occurs only as a post The verb sten mola~ 'do not know! 1s the negative of the verb stem a(2)= Nemow!, when one of =(a)mntta, -(a)mntiea, =(a)patta and =(a)stpstyo endings 12 added to the stem a(1)=, 1 1s dropped and ts not pronounced. KOREAN BASIC COURSE ors GRANNAR NOTES Verbs: Action vs. Description and Intransitive vs. Transitive Korean verbs fall into two main classes: Action Verbs and Description Verbs. ‘An action verb te used in sentences Like IX does something! or IX takes a certain action', whereas a description verb is used in sentences like 'X 1s in such and such a state, A Korean action verb corresponds generally to an English verbs a Korean description verb, to English 'be + adjectivel. ‘the only difference between action and description verbs 1s that mont description verbs do not occur in either propositative or imperative sentences. Otherwise, the forms of description verba are similar to those of action verbs. Korean verbs are further classified into another two main classes: Trans- itive and Intransitive. A transitive verb 1s one which may be preceded by an object, that 18, noun + 21/111 may procede the verb. There is no change in the verb itself. An intransitive verb 1s one which ts never preceded by an object. Both transitive and intransitive verbs may be preceded by an emphasized subject, that is, noun + 1/ka. AlL description verbs are intransitive verbs; most action verbs are trans- itive, but some are intransitive and others are both transitive and intransitive. Examples: Group 1 (intransitive verbs! Hakkyo ka kakkapsamnita, tte school ts near.t Chak 1 cohsamnita. "Phe book 4s good." Yeki ese tasalwan 1 ma(12)mnilcka? 'Is the embassy far from here?! Hakesng 1 kongpu-hamnita. "The student 1s studying.! Hakiyo ka sicak-hamita. "school begins." Group 2 (transitive verbs! Yonge 121 paumnita. 1[Z]!m leaving Engitsh.! Hankuk mai 11 kalachimnita. *(z]!m teaching Korean.! Yonge chak 12 4(1)kamnita. '[Z] read an English book." Haidkyo 111 stcak-hamnita. *[1] begin schoot.! Note that inflected forms (e.g. 'verbals') may occur as complete sentences. In Korean when the context or situation is clear as to the subject and/or topte of fa sentence, the speaker often omits the subject or the topic, and the acntence consists of the verbal alone, or the verbal plus its modifiers and/or objects. me topte/subject in the following examples may be omitted. Examples: or uur 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE (Sonsang in) oti e kamikka? Where are (you) going?! (Co nan) hakkyo ¢ kamntta. 1(1) am going to school Ne, (hakiyo ka) momnita. tyes, [1t] ("the school!) ts far.! Future Tense in Korean Tenses in a Korean sentence are indicated in verbals. The form -kess- 18 infixed between the verb stem and the verb ending to mark the future tense. ‘There is a small class of forms which occur after verb stems but always before verb endings, We shall call them Verb Suffixes. The form -kess- is called the Future Tense Suffix it indicates the speaker's intention'for the future. If the verbal which includes When a verbal is a statement sentence and includes -kess~, Kea Antention or opinion. If the subject or the topic of the sentence 1s other than the speaker or the addressee, the sentence which includes denotes an 1s a question sentence, the speaker aska the addressee about his future opinion or presumption about the subject ar the topic in the sentence. Example: (Co nin) hakkyo ¢ kakessamita. 'Z wil go to school. t (Ce ka) Yonge 121 paukessimnita. "1 will study English.! (Sonseng in) mies 21 hakessamntkka? What are you going to do?! ‘What will you do?? Chinku 111 mannakessimntkka? tare you going to meet a friend?! Unigo a kaapkessnntiia? "W122 the sshoot be near (do you think)?" Kim Sensang 1 cip © isskessimita, ‘Mr. Kim must be home (I suppose).! E | 3. Honorifies Whenever the subject and/or the topic in the sentence 1s honored, a verb suffix ~()si~ 1s added immediately after the verb stem. We shall call the suffix ~(a)st~ the Honorific Suffix, When -(a)ei~ and other suffixes such as the future tense suffix ocour in the same verb, the honorific suftix z(a)st- always precedes other suffixes. In an inflected form the honorific suffix is not used 1f the subject in the sentence 1s inferior to the speaker. Mote that the speaker never honors himself, that is, the suffix -(a)si- in a verbal does not ocour when the subject and/or the topic 1s the speaker. -Si~ occurs after a stem ending in a vowel; =1si- after a stem ending in a consonant. Compare: a. ot e kamnticca? MWhere are [you] going.' oti e kasimikka? ‘where are [you] going?! (H) ett e kasikessimikka? "Where will [you] go?! (H) 68 KOREAN BASIC COURSE b. Muos 21 hamniicka? Muss 21 hasimnikka? Mus 21 hastkessamnticka? ec, Kim Senssng 1 kalachinnita. Kim Senseng 1 kalachisimnita. Kim Sonseng 1 kalachisikessimnite. 4. Co salam in Yonge 111 psunnita. Co alam in Yonge 111 Pausimnite. twhat do [you] do?! ‘What do [you] do?! (#) What will [you] do?! (H) ‘Mr, Kim's teaching.! ‘Mr, Kimts teaching." (H) ‘Mr, Kim will teach (I think).' (H) WHets learning English.! ‘He's learning English.' (#) Co salam an Yonge 121 pausikessimnita, 'He will learn English.! (H) 4, Negative an There are two ways of expressing negation in Korean statement and question sentences. One simple way 1s the use of the word an immediately before an inflected expression. However, with some verbs, an does not normally occur; another form of negation 1s used. (See Unit 4.) Compare: a. Hakkyo e kamnita. Hakkyo e an kennita. b. Kim Sonsang 1 omnita, Kim sensang 1 an omnita. c. Ne, kalachinnita. Antyo, an kalachimnita. 5. Particle ese 'from!, tat!, tint, tont '[T] go to school.! 1[Z] don't go to school.t ‘wp. Kim's coming. ‘Mp, Kim 1s not coming. tyes, [I] teach.! No, [I] dontt teach,! K place nominal + ese denotes either dynamic location or point of departure for the following inflected expression depending on what verb follows after it. Examples ce nan Soul ese omita. Hakkyo ka oip ese mamnita. Uli nan kyosi1 ese kongpu-hamnita. Congkecang ese chinku 121 mannakessinn te. Kim genssng 1 Soul ese 11-hamnita. 'I'm coming from Seoul.* ‘the school 4s far from the house. tWe study dn the classroom.! 'ZN11 meet a friend at the station.! ir. Kim works in Seoul.! Compare the above construction with place nominal + ¢ in Unit 2. Before issimnita 'exieta!, a place nominal + e may occur but not a place nominal + ese, mae 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Particle @ tto! A place nominal + @ followed by either ka- 'to go! or the direction of the action of the inflected expression. Compare @ with lo/110 in Unit 2, Grammar Note 2, Observe the examples: "to come! indicates Ce nan hakkyo e kamnita, 'Ttm going to school.! (eo e cip e ostpsiyo. "Please come to my house.t Congkecang e kakessimnikka? twi11 you go to the station?! Kim Sensang in Mikuk e an omnita. ‘Me, Kim 1s not coming to Anerica.t 10 —_—— A ts 8. 9% 10. ne KOREAN BASIC COURSE DRILLS Substitution Drills ott 1n1 chacsiantika? tues (21) chaooannticka? gna_hakkyo (121) chacsimnikka? ‘om hakemng (21) chacsimntkea? ana Kil (21) chacsamntkka? gna_pmkhwacem (11) chacsimnikka? Nuku (121) chacsamniika? om_kyost1 (21) chacsamnikka? gna sons@ng (21) chacsamnikka? ena_ai (121) chacsimnikka? an_pun (11) chaesamniika Substitution Drill Soul Yok e kanan kil 11 asimnikka? Soul Sichong e kanan kil 11 asimnikka? Gongkecang e kanin k11 11 asimntkka? Palhwacem e kanan ktl 21 asianticka? Stoang ¢ kanan kil 11 asimnikka? Kongwon e kann kil 11 asimnticka? Tapang e kanan 11 asimnikka? Siktang e kanin kil 21 asinnikkea? Kim Sonsmng etp e kanin kil 22 asimntkka? n ied What (place) are [you] looking for? What ane you looking for? What school are you looking for? Which student are you looking for? Which street are you looking for? Which department store are you looking for? Whom are you looking for? Which classroom are you looking for? Which teacher are you looking for? Whteh child are you looking for? Whom (H) are you looking for? Do you know Do you know Hall? the the way to Seoul Station? way to Seoul City Do you know the Do you know store? Do you know place? Do you know Do you know Do you know Do you know house? way to the station? the way to the department the way to the market the the the the way to the park? the the the way to the tearoom? way to the restaurant? way to Mr, Kits warn “10, au. qe. +13. 1, 5. 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Substitution Drt11 Ttokpalo kastpstyo. Wen cook alo kastpsiyo. Olan ccok 210 kasipstyo. ‘Lecok 110 kastpsiyo. Ge cook 210 kasipsiyo. Soul Yok alo kasipstyo. Congkscang 110 kastpstyo. Sichong ccok alo kasipsiyo. Mikuk Twoalovan alo kasipsiyo. Substitution Dri11 Yok eso momnikka? Hakkyo ese momntkka? Gongkecang ese momnikka? Mikuk Twsalwan ese momnikka? Sou2 Yok ese monnikka? Sicheng ese monnikka? Sangeom ese monnilcka? Eakhwacom eso monnikka? Tapang ese monntkka? Kongwon esa momnikka? Sicang ese mannikka? Miku esa momnileca? Uphyenkuk ese momnikka? Samusi1 eso momntkka? Kakeang ese manntkkca? 12 ee Qo G0. Go. 00. Go Is Ts Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is straight ahead. t to the left. to the right. this way (direction). that way (direction). to Seoul Station. to the toward to a at a at at at ae at at ae tt at at at it the far far far far fer far far fer far far fer far far fer railroad station. the city Hall. Us. from fron fron from from fron from from from from from from from from from Embassy. here? school? the station? the U.S, Embassy? Seoul Station? the City Hall? the store? the department store? the tearoom? the park? the market place? America? the post office? the office? the theatre? z 10. au. ne, 1. ne 1. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Substitution Drill Na nan congkecang e kamnita. Na min Kongwon e kamnita. Na nan kakeang e kamnita. Na nin anhwng ¢ kamnita. Na nin gangoom e kamnita. Na nan Cungkuk siktang e kamnita. Na nin Soul Uphenkuk e kamnita. Na nan Hankuk anhing e kamnita. Na nin Soul Pekhwacom e kamntta. Na nan tasakwan siktang e kamnita. Na nin na @ samusil e kamnita. Na nan Ceimet Sonsang clp e kamnita. Substitution Drill Koki ese mues (21) hakessimntkka? Gengkecang ese muss (11) hakessamntkka? Tapang ese muos (11) hakessamnikka? Kongwan ese mues (21) hakessimnikka? Hakkyo eso muss (21) hakessamnikka? Hakkyo ese muss (21) chackessimnticka? Hakkyo eso mues (21) paukessamniika? Hakkyo eso mies (11) kalachikessamnikka? Haidkyo eso muoo (21) ma: Hakkyo ese muss (21) mule pokessamntika? Hakkyo eso muss (21) kongpu= hakessamnticka? Hakkyo ese muos (11) 11kkessinntkka? nal-hakessamntika? B I[ 1m] gofing] to the IL tm] goling] to the I{'m] goling] to the I{'m] goling] to tne I['m] goling] to the warn railroad station. park. theatre. bank. store. I[!m] gofing] to a Chinese restaurant. I['m] goling] to the Seoul Post Office. I{'m] goling] to the Bank of Korea. I{tm] goling] to the Seoul Department store. I['m] goling] to the Embassy dinning hall. I[tm] goling] to my office. I['m] goling] to Mr. James! house. What are you going (What wil you do What are you going station? What are you going room? What are you going What are you going What are you going school? What are you going school? What are you going school? What are you going What are you going at school? What are you going school? What are you going to do there? there?!) to to to to to to to to to. do at the do at the tea~ do in the park? do at school? look for at study at teach at say at school? inquire about study at read at school? UNIT. 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Tutors Student: le 2. 3. 10. Substitution Dri11 Ka chinku nan nuku Amntieka? Ka_salam an nuku imnikka? Qe hakssng in nuku tmntieka? Go Mikuk salam an nuku innikka? Ge Tipon sa}am in nuku Amntkka? Ge pun an nuku Amndicka? Go Mikuk wekyokwan an nuku imniicka? 1 Hankuk hakeang in nuku Amnikka? Hankuk mal senseng an nuku imnikka? Go puin an nuke imniicka? a4 nan nuka inniieka? Response Drill etd 122 chacsamnikka? /Seul Yek/ Soul Yok 11 chacsimnita, Muss 11 chacsimnikka? /Hankuk mal ohake/ att © kastmntkka? /uphyenkuk/ Ka Mikuke salam an nukeu tmnticca? (/eetns3/ Sonsung in mugs halessinntika? ‘/ianiesk ma kongp/ Congkocang ese nuiea 132 nanakeseiantika’? /ohinku/ Paktiwacen 4 ott e tssannticea’? /aphyenkuk twit e/ Kim Sensang in hakkyo ese muos 11. kalachinntica? Yongo/ ana Konmul 4 anhang Annika? /wen ceok kenmul/ ott ese chinku 131 mannakessimntikka? /tapans/ Soul Yok an oti 1o kanntkka? Jolan ecok/ 7! who 1s that friend [of yours]? Who 1s that man? Who 1s Who 18 Who 18 Who 1s ‘that student over there? that American over there? that Japanese over there? that man (honored)? American diplomat? Who 1s the Korean student? Who 1s the Korean (language) teacher? Who 4a that lady? Who 4s that chia? Who 4a that ‘What (place) are you looking for?! /Seoul Station/ '1tm looking for Seoul Station.! Hankuk mal chek 21 chacsimnite. Uphyankuk @ kamnita. Ceims: imnita. (Na nan) Hankuk mal kongpu (121) hakessamita. Chinku 121 manakessamnita. Uphyonkuk twi ¢ tesanntt Yonge 121 kalachtantta. Wen ccok kennul 4 anhang innita. Tapang eso mannakeaszmnita. Olan cook 110 kamita. | | | ne w le u L 2. tutor: Student: Tutor: student: KOREAN BASIC COURSE Nuke Hankuk mal 21 pwunntika? (isicuke salan/ Sonsang samusil 1 oti ¢ issimntkka? Jewoaknan konomut/ Response Drill Hakkyo senseng imntkka? Antyo, (halékyo senssng 1) an innita. I kes 4 chaksang imntkka? (Hakekyo ka) momnticka? Congkecang © kanniika? Ka pun 21 amiieka? Hankule mal a1 pommntieke ? Chinku 121 mannakessamniicka? Yonge 121 kalachimntkke? Haikkyo ka kakkapsamnticka ? Hakkyo ¢ kekesexantkka? KAL al mulo pokessamntika? Yenphil 11 chackessumntkka? Grammar Drill (based on Grammar Note 2) Yonge 131 peounnikka? Yonge 111 paukessannikka? Hakiyo kamntkka? Muss 21 hamntkica? Nulu 121 mannamniieka? Tipon mal 21 pewumnikka? Pakhwacem 21 chacsimniika? (Sonsang 2n) cip e issimnikka? Nulea 122 pwepsamntiica? Nuka Yonge 121 kalachtnntigca? 15 UNIT 3 Mikuk salam 1 paunnita. Twealwan kenmul e issamnita. ‘1s [he] a school teacher?! No, [he] is not. (chsksang 1) an innita. an mennita. an kannita. molannita. Antyo, Antyo, antyo, Antyo, Antyo, an paunnita. Antyo, an mannakessimnita. Antyo, an kalachimnita. Aniyo, an kakkapsamnita. Antyo, an kakessinnita. Antyo, an mule pokessinnita. Aniyo, an chackessamita. 4[Are] you learn[ing] English?! twi11 you learn English?! Halkyo e kakessmnikka? Muss 11 hakessamntkka? Nuku 1a] mannakessimnikka? Tipon mal 21 paukessamniika? Pakhwacem 21 chackessamntkka? (Senseng in) cip e 1sskessimntkka? Nuku 1a] pwepkessamntkka? Muka Yonge 121 kalachtkessaantkka? ur i ‘Tutor: Student: a 2. 3. 5 le 8. 9. do. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Response Dri11 Kongpu-hakessamnticka? Ne, (na azn) kongpu= hakessamnita. Hankuk mal 11 peukessimnikka? Ctp ¢ 1sskessamnikcka? Chinku 111 mannakessimntkka? Yonge 111 kalachikessamnileka? anhisng e kakessamntikka? Hakkyo ¢ an kakessamnilka? Ka chuk 11 chackessannikka? K41 21 mule pokessamniicka? Ka kes a1 hakessamniicka? Hankuk mal 21 mal-hakessamnikka? Response Drill Tutor: Mues 21 kongpu~hakessamntkka? /Oungkuk mal/ Students Cungiuk mal 21 kongpu- hakessamnita. ott e kasikessimntkka? /eengkecang/ etd eso chinku 111 mannakessimnikka? (/vapang/ ont mal 21 paukessamniika? (/iankak mai/ Nuku © samusil 21 chackessimntika? (/Kim Sonseng/ Sonsang 1n eip eae mues 11 hakessannikka? /ohumlc/ ‘Tapang ese nuku 111 mannakessamnikka? /ehinica/ Nuke Yonge 121 kalichtkessamnilca? Mikuk salan/ 16 twi11 you atudy?t "Yes, 1111 study.t ‘Ne, (na nan) Hankuk mal 11 peukessamnita. Ne (na nin) ctp e isskessimnita. Ne, (na min) chinku 111 mannakessimnita’. Ne, (na nan) Yenge 121 kalachikessamnita. Ne, (na nan) inhang ¢ kakessamnita. Ne, (na nin) hakkyo e an kakessamnita. Ne, (na nin) ki chwk 21 chackessimnita,. Ne, (na nan) kil 21 mule pokessimnite. Ne, (na nan) ia kes 21 hakessimnita. Ne, (na nan) Hankak mal 21 mal- hakessamnita. ‘what will you study?! /Chinese/ 'Z will study Chinese.! Congkecang ¢ kakessimnita. ‘Tapange ese mannakessianita. Hankuk mal 21 paukessimnite. Kim Sonsang e samusil a1 chackessimnita. (Cip esa) chm 21 11kkessamnita. Chinku 121 mannakessimnita. Mikuk salam 1 kalachikessimnita. KOREAN BASIC COURSE unr 3 MN. Grammar Drill (as @ level drill based on Granmar Note 3) Tutor: Mues 21 kongpuhamnikka? Student: Mues 21 -kongpu-hasimntika? Ls, ott © kamntkka? 2. Mues 21 hamnikka? 3. ona mal 21 peumniicka? 4, Nuku 1a1 chaesamnikka? 5. Nuka Yonge 132 kalachimniiea? 6, Sul Yek e kanan kil 22 amnikka? 7. Ka ehinku nan nuku tmntkka? 8. Ce pun an hakkyo sensong Amnikka? 9. (Senseng xn) wekyokwan imnikka? 10. I salam 21 molamntkka? 11. Hankuk mal 21 mal-hamnikka? W, Response Drill (as a level arti1) Tutor: Ceimsa Sonsang an oti e kamntkke? /rakyo/ Student: Hakkyo e kasimnita. 1, Ceimea Senaeng an muss 21 kongpu- hamniicka? /Hankuk mal/ Ceime2 Sensng 1n nuku 121 chacsimnikka? (Pak Senseng/ Geimsa Senseng 1n nuku 121 mannamnikka? /eninica/ 4, Cetmsa Sensang an Soul Yek e kanin kill a1 amnikke? /antyo/ 5. Cetms2 Sensang an Yenge 122 kalachimntkka? /antyo/ 6. Ceimar Senseng in wekyokwan imnikka? /oe/ 7. Coims: Sonsang in Yenge 1a paumnikka? fanayo/ 8, Ceims2 Sensang in Yenge 121 11ksamnikka? Jantyo/ tWhat are you studying?! ‘What are you studying?! att @ kasinnticin? Muss 21 hasimnikka? om. mal 11 pausimntkka? Nuku 1a} chacasimniicka? Muka Yonge 121 kalachisinnikka? Soul Yok e kanin ktl 21 astmntkka? Ka chinku nin nuku tsimnikia? Ce pun an hakkyo senseng tsimntica? Sensong 1n wekyokwan tsiantkka? I salam a1 molastanikka? Hankuk mal 11 ml-hesimntkka? there does Mr, James go?! fachool/ te goes to school." Hankuk mal 21 kongpu-hasianita. Pak Sonssing 21 chacisimnita. Chinku 121 mannasinnita. Antyo, molasianita. Antyo, an kalichisinnita. Ne, wekyokwan tsimntta. Aniyo, an pausinnite. Antyo, an 11kisimnita wun 3 KOREAN BASIC COURSE EXERCISES Ask a passerby: 4f he knows the way to USIA- b. if it 4s near. ec. 4f the building (over there) 4s the railroad station. 4, Af he 1s going in the direction of the City Hall. e. 4f the park 1s far, f. Af the station 1s to the left of the market place. Mr. Kim asks: You answer that: a. where youtre going. youtre going to the station. b. what you'll do there. you'll meet a friend. ©. who your friend ts- he is an American. 4, what your friend does, he 1s in the foreign service. @. how you know him. he is with the U.S. Enbassy. f, 4f your friend speaks Korean, he speaks a little. B- Lf you know Mr, Park. you know him well. hn, 4f you are a Korean teacher. you are not. 1. 4f youtre going to learn Japanese. youtre not. 3. Tell Pak Sonsang the following: 7 2 3. ay fh 2. 3. ‘The departnent store 1s near the street. The classroom 1s in this bullding. The park 18 behind ay house. The store 1s next to the theatre. ‘The bank 1s on the left side of the City Hall. The market (place) 1s in front of the Chin Te USIS 18 this way. The Ambassador's office 1s on your right. ‘Phe school butlding 1s next to the inn. Tis ts the map of that ladys cht1d. restaurant. Find out the following information from Pak Sensang: Which bullding 1s the department store. Where he 1s going. What Mr, James does. 78 4, 5 6. t 8. 9 10, KOREAN BASIC COURSE Whom hets going to meet. Who teaches Korean. Whteh classroom he 1s looking for. Who his friend ts How ne knows him. If he knows the way to the City Hall. If he 1s going to be home, 5. Tell Pak Sonsang that: FG a 3. 4 5. 6. 1 a 9% 10. youtre looking for Kints house, youtre in the foreign service youtre going to meet Janes at the restaurant. your office i not far fron here. you wil be hose. you don't know that Koreants nane. thts Korean indy 12 not {1”,the foreten service. the Bank of Koves 1s atrelght anesd. you're not going to cone to school. the post office is not near. 79 wir 3 WIT & KOREAN BASIC COURSE - °} 2 7 3. ds % al Se —— aleah gaia (He A) vl a7 28a AL 11 BET aM aa aig aja abate abi “1st ae. aie geier se olat Be clat S82 & aeclt 2 = Teas ot glee See ATMA SE ot thalele? ami aie aust 5 6 KOREAN BASIC COURSE wir 4. unit 4 Shopping BASIC DIALOGUES OR MENORIZATION Dialogue & lee ace yesterday kassumnikka aid [you] go? Kim Sensang, oce ott e kassimnikka? Kin sine sangeom kassossinnita Sin sangcom e kassessimnita. Lee sasse yo Muse 21 sasse yo? yongphun Alsang yongphun Tisang yongphun 11 com sassimnita. onal tto kakease yo an kakesse yo onal an sinw e tto an kakease yo? vatsse Gisss x0} chia tallakessimita Kalsse yo. Nan nin chskpang € com tallakessimita. 81 Where did you go yesterday, Mr. Kim? downtown store [1] went; [1] had gone [1] went to a store downtown. did [you] buy? What did [you] buy? necessary goods daily necessities [1] bought some daily necessities. today again will you go? ("wi11 you not go?") Are you going downtown again today? (twi11 you not go downtown again?!) well; maybe bookstore [1]111 stop by a little; a little while Maybe. I'11 stop by a bookstore (for a whtie). uit KOREAN BASIC COURSE 10, os ey: stakes zie. He ash] 2 Se gies tale “he tel delet. ant 2h aegis. a. ASIN Cake Ig “bee? us. ale a “hime UE He SETH. aH gel YAGI? = “eT Det ae epee, Ze] ee] ae teh AT. 82 KOREAN BASIC COURSE were Lee Kalen Af 803 then kath together na wa with me na wa kath (together) with me kapsita let us go 7. Kalom, na wa katti kapsita. Then, let's go together. 8 10. ue kalohapsita } kilepsita pene coiee! Ne, kilepsite. Sensang in mues 11 Let's (do so), What are you going sakesse yo? te buy? = pokessimnita I'll see [it]; 1'11 look at [1t] pissamnikka is [1t] expensive? cna iam eee PA pissaci anhsamnite/anssimnitey [1] 18 not expensive ssamnita [it] 4s cheap Ssamnita. [they] are [fairly] cheap. t the store--) ese quickly; (please) e89 osipsiyo 980 osipstyo. 83 Muos 21 sastkessimntika? (welcome!) ; come in Please cone in. May I help you? (What would you like to buy?!) UNIT 4 13. 14, 15. o]: el: oy): KOREAN BASIC COURSE (FB) a4 2 a)e om earl 2a. ase lage a4 +a Th Be aisle 221g ghee a Fe Al aris Si ast. Fe ae eitpie. asa echt SEAN ectehlsh Sct el gleiee a4 Fi onrig 17 Oy HE abet. eee tig tiie at eet a. ee az Seer bh KOREAN yokt ese suken Baslaanticny phamnticka Yeki es suken 11 phannikkka? usin ek wenhase yo Ne, phamnita. Musan sak 11 wenhase yo? nolan sak cohahamnita Nolan sek 21 cohahamnita. kes 1 1as0 yo? Nolan yele kact ottahsimntika Yolo kact ka issimita, ottoheamnikka? I kes 1 elma cohazmnita Ne, cohsamita. Ki kes, olma amnikka? osip osip Wan sip Won e phannita. BASIC COURSE unre 4 Lee here; at this place towel do [you] se11? Do you carry towels here? ('Do you sei towels nere?*) what sort of color do [you] want? Yes, we do. What color would you ke? ("What sort of color do you want?!) Lee yellow color [1] 1tke; [I] preter (1[T] 1tke yel2ow color.) Yellow, Please. ('Do you have yellow ones?!) Gamion several iinds; many kinds how 19 [1t]? We have several kinds. How do you like ‘this one? (tHow is this one?!) Lee how much [that] "2 good on, that's nice. How much 1a 1t? Common 50 fifty Won W50 W50. ("We sell 4t for W50!) 85 UNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE 24) 23) a 7 gel: Sal ated gels. *hr sale oT a aa rae. ay. aes i, AIC) Bb MTF. hana cusipsiyo 18. Ki kes, hana cusipstyo. Ne, yekt (e) 1ssamnita. KOREAN BASIC COURSE lee one give [me] Please give [me] one [of then]. Comvon Here you are. NUMERALS (1) nn 21 stp-t1 21 tstpet1 31 samstp-11 1 12 sip-t 22 tsip-i 40 sasip sam 13. stp-san 23° isip-sam 50 ostp sa 24 stp-sa 2h teip-se 60 yukstp ~ nyukstp ° 15 sip-o 25 1s1p-o 70 chtistp yuk 16 sip-yuk 26 1sip-yuk 80 phalsip /einnyak/ /teinnyuk/ ont MT stp-enta 27 Astp-ehti 90 kustp haa 18 stp-phat 28 Asip-phat 91 kustp-11 ka 19° stp-ku 29 1eip-ku 99° kustp-ku sip 20 4-s1p 30 samsip 100 (41)pak aket £200 tpeie 1,001 chen-i1 paket 300 sampecic 2,011 chan-stp=11 pak-san 400 sapake 1,121 chen-pak-sip-11 pak-sa 500 opie 2,000 tchen akc-o 600 yukparc 3,000. samchon /oyukpaik/ ake-yuk 700 chip 4,000 sachon akk-chi2 800 phalpak 5,000 ochen aicephad 900 kupask 6,000 yukchan ~ nyukehon aakc-keu 999 upaik-Kustp-icu 7,000 cht1ehen ake-8p 1,000 (11)chen 10,000 (42)man 100,000 sipman 1,000,000 psskman /simman/ /pangman/ 87 arr 4 UNIT KOREAN BASIC COURSE ww eyraunrune 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 M3) al aa a Ab He ae sa] aa we aH al 47 1) all a lal al flee zal ol al at 23 lal at al 4b a ela] aR al 25 eg] & al & 26 lal & al 2 2 lal 21 al 2 lal tt al? 3 gl “lal 30 hl 200 °]¥H 4,001 300 Abs 1,011 400 ARH aida 500 8H 2,000 600 RH 3,000 700 |x 4,000 800s} 5,000 900 2 BH 6,000 999 AHH FZ14 = 7,000 1,000 (2&4 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 88 34 atl 2 poral so Gl o $4] 7 lal so Fl yo agi a +4l al 9 2412 100 (9) aa aalal ama al ‘lai ae ag 2a $a ak (gDek let sigh KOREAN BASIC COURSE unit 4 NOTES ON DIALOGUES (iiunbers correspond to the sentence numbers.) Sinm ("the inside of city!) originally meant any part of a city which had walls around it, Today, it refers to the downtown area in general. Sasso yo? 'Did [you] buy?! 1s the informal polite equivalent of the formal polite form Sassimnixka? ‘Tto tagain', talso!, "toot, 4s an adverb which occurs before a sentence, a verbal, or other words of a modifier class. Halse yo. tWell,.! 1s a kind of hesitating response to or comment upon someone's question, statement, suggestion or command. Chk kaps ‘the price of the book! is a noun phrase which literally means "pock price. Kaps 'price! occurs after certain nouns. For example, cip aps 'the rent! or 'the price of a house!, ppesi kaps 'bus fare!, amsik kaps 'food price! Kali before verbs or words of a modifier class in a negative statement means '(not) go!,!(not) very! or '(not)that!. In propoaitative, imperative and question sentences, it means ‘like that!, touch al or 'in such a way! 280 ostpstyo.('Come quickly.!) 1s a general greeting expression for welcom~ ingy it 48 commonly used by business people to customers. YoeL_ ono X 31/121 pha(ta)antia? (Do you sell X here?!) 48 one comnon nay of asking store clerks a certain item you want to buy. Yoki e X 1/ka issamnikka? ("Do you have X here?! or "Is there X here?!) is another common question in such @ sttuation, The sten of pha(ia}mntxka? 'Do {you} sel?! te pha()=. usin that sort oft, twnatt, occurs before a noun, and asks about the type or the characteristics of the nouni musan chi fWwhat kind of book?, mmsin al what language, musin salam ‘what kind of person!, musan cip twhat type of house?, gusin cha 'what kind of car. Yolan tyellow!, hayan Wwhite!, phalan 'blue!, kkaman 'black!, ppalkan tred!, fare all modifier class words formed from the verb stens nola- *to be yellow!, haya~ 'to be white!, phala- 'to be blue!, kkana(h)- 'to be black", ppalka- to be rea!, by the addition of the modifier ending =n/an/nin (See Unit 5). The verb stem cohaha- 'to like! has an unpredictable negative form: lhoha~ tto disiiket. 89 fate KOREAN BASIC COURSE 15. Yolo 'several!, tmany! (tmore than a few but not too many in numbert) is a numeral which may occur before free or post nouns only as @ determinative yele kact 'many kinds!, yele salam teeveral people', yele pun tmany people (#)!. Kact Mina! occurs only as a post-noun preceded by numerals of Korean origin, and never occurs after other modifiers. Examples: vole kact ‘several kinds! han kact tone kind! tu kact ‘two kinds! se kact ‘three kinds! In the verbal attehsimntkka? ' 'How 1s [1t]?!, atteh- thow ist ts its verb atem, of which inflected forms are used only as question words. Most Korean question words are either nouns or adverbs. 16. The verb stem coh 'to be good!, Ito be nice!, 'to be O.K.!, has as ite antonymous verb stem napp~ 'to be bad!. glma Annika? 'How much ts [1t] 2" is a fixed expression when you ask about the price of something. elma thow much! occurs always as a noun and is never used as a modifier. GRAMMAR NOTES Informal Polite Speech We noticed in the Grammar Notes of Unit 2 that Formal Polite Speech is a level and/or style of speech. In standard Korean, there 1s another style and/or level of speech which is no less polite than the Formal Polite but ts considered more casual and friendly. Thie style of speech 1s called Informal Polite Speec! Usually both styles are mixed in one's speech, but in general women tend to use more informal polite speech than men. Informal Polite Speech 1s often called Yo speech style, because any sentence which ends in the particle yo 18 Informal Polite Speech. Regardleas of the sentence type (1.¢. statement, question, imperative, proposttative)) yo at the end of an utterance is the sign that 1s an Informal Polite sentence. Wnen the particle yo occurs immediately after a verb which does not have a verb-ending but is inflected from the stem in a certain form ending tn a vowel, the inflected form which precedes yo 1s called an Infinitive. Note that an infinitive 1s a word, whereas a verb stem is not a word. An infinitive is formed from a verb stem by a certain phonetic change at the end of the stem. Infinitives are formed not only from verb stems but also from verb stem plus auffix(es), that 1a, verb stem + (a)ai + (tense suffixes) can be made into Anfinitives by adding 2 at the end of the suffixes. For example, the verb stem 90 KOREAN BASIC COURSE ontr 4 has 'to dot + (suffixes) can have the following kinds of infinitive: he (or haye), haste (or hase), hasse (or hayesss), hasikesse, has: ete. hake: For the time being, however, our term Infinitive refers to the inflected form without any surrix, Yo may be added to the infinitive to make an informal polite speech present form, The verbs we have had so far are listed below. Compare: Sten Formal Polite Informal Polite Present statement Present, "to dot ha- hamnita, he yo "to study? kongpu-ha- kongpu-hannita kongpu-hae yo "to pass byt ctnas cinamnite cina yo tto exist! 1 issimnita Asse yo "to learnt ova peunnita ewe yo "to teach! kalachi- kalichimnita kalachte yo tto read! Ake 11k(s)amnita A1ke yo to ask! mule po mule pomnita mule pwa yo tto got ka kannita ka yo "to be so! kaloh- kalehsamnita kalehe yo or kalm yo "to know! a(1)- amnita ale yo "to look for! - chac= chao(s)amnita chace yo 'to be fart mo(1)- monnita mele yo to meet! manna- mannamnite manna yo "to comet o- omnita wa yo "to buy! sa samnita 2a yo "to stop byt tall tallimita talle yo "to look att Po= pomnita Pwa yo or poa yo "to be expensive! pissa- pissamnita pissa yo "to ssa- samnita 8a yo "to sell! pha(1)~ pha(11)mnita phale yo No tke! cohaha- cohahamnita cohahe yo to want! wenha- wenhamnita wont yo "to ge good? coh cohsamnita coha yo tto givet cu oumnita cue yo Wote that the verbs which occur hereafter will be treated individually for the fornation of Infinitives. Refer to the following rules and the glossary at the end of the book for the infinitive form of each verb. gn Te KOREAN BASIC COURSE Observe the following regularities in forming infinitives from verb stens. Do not try to memorize the rules at this point; rather it is simpler to menorize each inflected form as a separate word. It is not necessary to memorize the verbs listed below. Add yo to the infinitive to make informal polite speech: a. Stems ending in a or 2 do not change: ka~ ka yo tgoes! sa- sa yo "ouys! se- FORD tetands! Exception? ha- be yo or haye yo tgoes! b. Stems ending in ¢, # or we have alternative forms: es mm yo or mo yo "ties! twee twe yo or twea yo "becomes! Stems ending in 9 change’o to wa: o wa yo Yeomes! Po- pwa yo ‘gees! Stems ending in 2 change a to kha kha yo Nis big! ssi 889 yo turttest e. Stems ending in w ada cus cus yo gives! tue tue yo tplacest The copula stem 4- changes to tye or tye. g- Stems ending in 1 have three alternatives: exi- swe yo or autye yo trests! oF swye yo masi- masio yo or mastyo yo tarinks! on masye yo kitali- kitalis yo or kitaliys yo ‘watts (for)! on kitalye yo kalzchi- kaluchte yo or kalachiye ‘teaches! yo or kalachye yo h, Stems ending tn consonants: these are divided into several groups on the basis of the morphophonemic changes of the final sounds. 92 KOREAN BASIC COURSE cnn Most consonant stens belong to Group 1, and ere called s-adding stens; Group 2 stens are called a-adding stens; Group 3, we-replacing stens} Group 4, 1-dropping stens; Group 5, 1-doubling stems. Note thet there 1e a small number of verbs which are not classed into one of the 5 groups. ‘They will be treated separately as irregular verbs. Group 1 mak- smoke yo Neate! ouk- ouke yo fates! cap- cape yo thoids! Ap- tpe yo twears! nelp- nelpe yo tis widet pis~ pise yo ‘combs! tase yo or tsse yo textsts! ope~ epse yo oF apse yo 'does not exist! pos- pose yo "takes off (clothes, hats, shoes)! aln~ ane yo taches', tgets sick! Group 2 cop= copa yo ‘4s narrow! noph- nopha yo ‘4g high! pokk- pokka yo troasts (beans)! noh= noha yo tplaces', tputst Grou swip- swiye yo "4s easy! elyep= elyene yo ‘4s dirticult! kakcap- kakkawe yo "ie near! alamtap- alimtawe yo "4p beautiful! Group 4 mo(1)= male yo ‘4s fart kA(1)- ktle yo "18 long(in Length)! a(a)- ale yo Nenows! sa(1)- sale yo "aves! manta(1)~ mantile yo ‘maces! Group 5, mola- molla yo 'does not know! 93 eee KOREAN BASIC COURSE vala- talla yo Nts different! pula- pulle yo Nealis! plas mille yo trlows! 2. Past Tenses A past tense form of a Korean verb denotes either 'something was in such state! or tsomething which has been done', or "someone took such and such action!. There are two past tenses in Korean: Simple Fest and Renote Past. The simple past designates any action or description which has been finished before the speech takes place. ‘The remote past denotes an action which was done or happened a relatively long time ago, or a deseription of a condition which ended a relatively long time ago. ‘The remote past also 1s used to indicate the more remote of two or more past actions or descriptions occuring in the same context. Past tenses in Korean are formed by infixing the suffixes -(a, 0, yo)ss~ for the Simple Past and -(a, 0, ye)ssoss- for the Remote Past between verb stems and endings. We shall call the suffixes the Past Tense Suffixes. Depending on the final sound of a verb stem, a certain vowel change takes place between verd stem and the past tense suffix. The verb element preceding -ss(ass)- 1s identical with the infinitive form, so 1t may be simpler to consider that the past tense 1s formed by infixing -gs(eas)- between infinitive and ending. Compare: P. Pe Int. P FP. Inf.P, Sten Present Present Past, Fast ha- —hamnita he yo hsasamnita hmsso yo ka- —kamnita ka yo kassamnita kaese yo "to comet o omnita wayo — wassimnita waase yo 'to seet po- —pomnita wa yo pwassimnita —pwasse yo "to buy? sa- samita sa yo — sassamnite sasse yo "to be cheap! ssa~ —sgannita ssa yo ssassimnita —ssasso yo "to be expensive! pisea- pissamita pisaa yo pissassimnita pissa yo "to pass by! eina~ otnamnita cina yo cinassamnita _cinasse yo "to want Wanha- wenhamnita wanhs yo wenhwesimnita wenhmsso yo 'to givet cu- —cumnita cue yo cusasamnita cuss yo tto meet! manna- mannamnita manna yo mannassimnita mannasse yo "to extett ies- Assimnita ieee yo 1ssessimnita issessa yo 'to reaat Alk- ilkeimnita ike yo. Alkessamnita 1 1kesse yo "to be fart ma(1)= memnita mole yo molossimnita —_molesse yo ou KOREAN BASIC COURSE unin 4 to know! a(1)- anita ale yo alessimnita alesse yo to be neart kaickap- kakkapeamnita kakkawe yo kakkawsssinnita kakkewaase yo 'to be different! tala- talamita «tala yo. tallessimita tallesse yo tmot to know! mola~ -—=smolamnita -—=Ssmollla yo. moliaasinnita mollasse yo 3. Particle to. To 18 a one-shape particle, which following a noun or ancther particle meana talso! or "toot in an affirmative sentences '(not) either! in a negative sentence, When to occurs after the object, topic, or emphasis subject of a sentence, the particles an/nin, 21/111, 1/ka respectively are dropped. Examples: Na to amnita. 'T know [1t], too.! I kes to obmk imnikka? "Ia this also a book?! Tipon mal to pawessannita. '[T] have studied Japanese also.! Kim Sonsang to molamnita. Mr. Kim doesnt’ know (1t], either.! 4, Particle wa/kwa twith', land! Ma occurs after a word ending in a vowel; kva after a word ending in a consonant. It occurs in the following two constructions: a. Personal noun + wa/kwa means 'with the P. N.! Examples? Nava (katht) kapsite. thet us go with me.t Chinica wa mannaseinnita. 1[T] met with a frieng.t Kin Sonsmng loa okesso yo. 'T!11 come with Mr. Kin. b. Noun 1 + wa/lova + Noun 2 means 'N 1 and N 2t Examples: chai eva yonpht1 ta book and a pencil! hakkyo wa ofp ta sehool and a house! 5. ~ol + anhsamnita ~C4 is a vero ending which 1s added to a verb stem, or to a verb sten plus other surfix(es). Hereafter, we shall call ouch a verb form the ef form. the ef form 4s an inflected word which occurs before a small class of words. She verb ann- 'mot? occurs only after the ef form and 1s used Lo mean tie verb in the ef form 4s in negative. Tne distinction of tenses, levels of speech aay be made in the verb ai 95 yarn 4 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Compare: Kaci anh(s)amnita. '[z] dontt go.! Kact anh(s)amndicka? "Don't [you] go?! Kat anhkeasimnite. 'T will not go.! Kaci anhessimita. 'T did not go." Kaci anhe yo. '[T] dont go. Kaci anhkesse yo. *[1] "11 not go." Kaci anhasse yo. '[1] atantt go. 6. Numerals In Korean, there are two series of numbers, both of which occur either as free nouns or before a spectal class of nouns called Counters. one of the two series of the Korean numbers was borrowed from Chinese characters; the other is of Korean origin. ‘Te counters are a class of words which occur only as post-nouns preceded by numbers. Sone counters occur after the character numbers; sone occur after the numbers of Korean origins others occur after both sets of numbers. Therefore, 1% 1s important to know which series of numbers @ certain counter goes with. For example, the counter Wen 'Korean monetary unit! cccurs only after the character numbers as do all other monetary unite, whereas the counter sal tyear(s) old (age counter)! ocours only with the numbers of Korean origin. Some counters 1ike kwon "book counter! occur after both series. In Untt 4 we have the numbers of the Chinese character origin, and in Unit 5 the numbers of Korean origin are listed. When the numbers of Korean origin are used as nodifiers, the final sounds of the firet four are dropped, thus making hana ‘one! han, tul ‘two! tu, ses "three! se, nes 'fourt ne. Others do not change (See Unit 5). 96 KOREAN BASIC COURSE unr 4 DRILLS Substitution Drill ace ati © kascimntkka? Wnere did [you] go yesterday? 1 oti © kasarmnikka? aid [you] go today? Bonin e ott e kasexanikka? neve did [you] go in the morning? nue ott © kassamntxka? linere dtd [you] go tn the afternoon? Conyok ¢ oti © kasoimntkka? lihere dia [you] go in the evening? Fan @ oti ¢ kasoimntkka? Where did [you] go at night? Kacokke oti © kasoimnilcea? Where did [you] go the day before yesterday? oni achim ¢ ott © kassannikka? Where did [you] go this mors ace pan ¢ atte kassumnikke? ata [you] go last ntgnt? aid [you] go in the afternoon, day before yesterday? hue ati e kassimnikka? Qn. ohue att © kassimntkka? ata [you] go this afternoon? Omi ohu © ott © kakessannikka? will [you] go this afternoon? etl ott © kakessinntika? Wnere w111 [you] go tonorrow? Mole oti e kakessimnikka? Where will [you] go the day after Netl pane oti e kakessimntida? re will [you] Ko tomorrow night? Substitution Dri: Tsang yongphum 11 sassimnita. [1] bought some daily necessities Shak 11 sassimnita. [1] bought a book. Suken 11 sassimnita [1] bought a tower. Ikea 11 sassimnita. [1] bought this. Nolan suken 11 sassimnita. [1] bought @ yellow tone Nolan sek yenphtl 11 sassimnita. [1] bought a yellow pencil. Yolo kact 111 sessimnita. [1] bought several kinds. Wolan kes 11 sassimntta. [2] dought a yellow one. Ppalkan kes 11 sassimnita. [1] bought a rea one. Bayan kes 11 sassannita. [2] bought @ white one. Phalan kes 11 saseimnite. [2] bought @ blue one. Keanan kos 11 sassimnita. [1] bought @ black one. Hana 121 sassamnita. [1] bought one. Hankuk mal cha 11 sassamita. [t] bought a Korean book. KOREAN BASIC COURSE unr C. Substitution Dri11 Chak kape 1 plasamnticka? Ave the books expensive? 2. Chak kaps 1 ssamnticca? Are the books cheap? 3. Chik kapa 4 abtehsimntkka? How expensive are books? 4. Chak kaps 1 kngnchanhaxansicica? Chae kaps 1 olma imnticka? Chak kaps 1 hale 4 pissamntkka? Cip kaps 1 pissamnikcka? Tisang younphum kaps 4 plssamnticka? Kutu kaps 1 plssamntkka? 0. ‘11. Yangpok kaps 4 ptssamnikka? D. Substitution Drill 1. I suken sai in nolahsannita. #2. I suken ask in ppalkahsinnita. "3. T suken sak an hayahs +4, T suken sak in kkanahsimnita 5. I suken smi 1n phalahsimnita. 6. I suken sw 1n pulehsimnita. “7. T suken smc 1n pullaantta. T suken sak in himnita I suken sak in komsamnita. I suken sak an phulamnite. E. Substitution Drill Musin sak 21 wonhase yo? Musan suken 11 wanhase yo? Musin chic 11 wanhase yo? Mugin yonphtl 11 wenhase yo? Musan stkye 1a1 wenhase yo? 6. Musan moca 111 wanhase yo? 7. Musun phen 21 wanhase yo? shamntkka? Masin phen 21 9. Musin phen 22 sakessa yo? Is the price of books reasonable (tnot bad!) ? How much is the book? (What te the price of the book?!) Is the (price of) book Just so? ire the books expensive? Are the houses expensive? Are the dally necessities expensive? Are the shoes expensive? Are the suits expensive? ‘The color towel is yellow. The color towel 1s red. ‘The color towel 1s white. ‘The color towel 1s black. ‘The color towel is blue. The color of this towel is yellowish. The color of this towel is reddish. Te color of this towel ts writs: The color of this towel is dark. Tue color of this towel 1s blutsn. What color would you 11ke? ("What color do you want?") What What What kind of towels would you Like? books would you like? Kind of pencils would you like? What kind of watches would you like? What kind of hats would you like? What kind of pens would you 11ke? What kind of pens do you earry (1se11")} What kind of pens will you buy? 10. ne 2. 13. 4, 5. *6. 7 8. 9. 10. au ne. no. ue we B. au. "15. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Musan phen 21 gohahanntkia? Musan phen i1 pokessimniika? Substitution Drtii Yost ort You, Yok Yokt Yok Yok Yok! Yokt Yok Yoxt Yout es suken 21 phanndicka? yangpok 11 phannikka? son-suken 11 phamnikka? yangmal 11 phannikka? katu 121 phamntkka? nekthal 111 phamnikka? wadsyass1 1:1 phanntktka? kongohmi 11 phamniikka? sinnun 11 phanntxka? capes 121 phamntkka? ‘tampa 121 phamnikka? gito 111 phannticka? Substitution Drill I kes 1 ettehsimnticka? I gon-sukan (1) ottensamnikka? kutu (ka) ottehsamntkka? sikye (ka) ottehsimnticka? waisyass (ka) attohsimnikka? kongohake (1) sttehsimnikka? sinmun (1) ottehsannikka? eaped (ka) attansimnixka? yanymal (1) ottehsimikia? ge (1) ottehsamntkia? sangeem (1) ottehsimntika? pekhwacam (1) ottohsimntkka? os (1) ottehsamnikka? I = i I I I T yanupok (1) ottehsimntika? I I I I 7 z pang (1) ettehsimntkka? 99 unr 4 What kind of pens do you prefer? What kind of pens would you like to see? Do you carry towels here? (IDs you sell towels here?!) Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you carry carry carry carry carry carry carry carry carry carry carry sults here? handkerchiefs here? socks here? shoes here? neckties here? dress shirts here? notebooks here? newspaper here? magazines here? cigarettes here? maps here? How do you 1ike this? ('Mow ts this?" How do you like this handkerchter (hand towel!) ? How do How do How ao How do How do How do How do How do How do How do How do How do How do you like these shoes? you like this waten? you like this dress shirt? you Ake this notebook? you like this newspaper? you like this magazine? you like this suit? you like these socks? you like this color? you like this store? you like this department store? you ike tats { ‘this dress? ‘these clothes? you like this room? unr a a *2. 3. 4, *6. *T. #8. +9. alg t2. 3. 4. *6. 7 8. +9. a fg 2 3 “4, 5. 6. T 8. 3 Substitution Drilt Ka kos, olma inntkka? Ge moca, olma tmntkka? Co Kkanan yangpok, elma imaticka? Go hayan kutu, olma imntkka? nolan son-suken, olma imnticka? Iphalan yangmal, elma imnikka? Ka hayan watsyassi, elma inntkka? Ka ppalkan suken, elma tmnikka? Ka _kkaman yengmal, olma inntika? Substitution Drill I chwk, elma e phannikka? Ka moca, alma e phamnikka? Co kkaman yangpok, olma e phannticka? Ce hayan kutu, olma © phamntieka? Lnolan son-suken, olna e phamnikka? I phalan yangmal, olma e phannikka? Lhayan watsyass2, olma e phamnikka? Lppalkan suken, elma e phamnikka? a _Kkaman yangmal, olma e phamnikka? Substdtution Dail T moca nin o-sip Won Anita. Ge stkye (nin) 1 Wen tnntta, Xa kutu (nan) sa Wen tmnita. mannyonphtl (1n) yuk Won inntta. Ge alin (1n) phal Wen tmntta. Kaos (an) sip Won inntta. Lstnaun (xn) sip-11 wen tmntta. Go capot (nan) stp-san Wan innita. Ka syass2 (nan) sip-o Won tanita. 100 KOREAN BASIC COURSE How much te that? How much 1s that hat? How much 1s that black suit? iow much are these white shoes? How much 1s this yellow handkerchief? How much are these blue socks? How much 1s the dress shirt? How much 1s the red towel? How mach are the black socks? How much do you sell (Tat what price do How much do you sell How much do you sell How much do you sell for? How mich do you sell handkerohief for? How much do you sell How much do you se11 for? How much do you sell How much do you sell for? Tis hat 1s W 50. ‘Tat waten is W 2. Those shoes are W 4. ‘This fountain pen is ‘Tat picture is W 8. That dress 1s W 10. This newspaper is W 11. That magazine 1s W 13. That shirt 12 W 15. this book for? you sell this bookt that hat for? that black auit for} these white shoes this yellow these blue socks for this dress shirte this rea towel for? those black socks W6. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Ls wagon (an) sip~ehti Won Anntte. ca ayea (nin) sip-ku Won innita. &, Tutor: ace hakkyo ¢ kassamnikka? Student: Ne, kassamnita. 1, Moca 121 sassimntkka? 2. Chmkpang e tallessamnikka? 3. Kim Sonsang 11 mannassimntkka? Ka chak 21 11kossamnikka? Fak Sonsng 1 elp e issossimnikka? 6. Hakemng 21 chacessamnikka? T+ Pak Sensamg 1 Hankuk mal 22 kalachyessamniikka? 8 Ceimea Sensany 11 pwassimnikka? 9. Cungkuk mal 11 pewossanntkka? 10. I yonphil 21 wonhwssamnixka? 11. Kil 21 mule peassimntkka? 12. Ka chik 11 phalassimnikka? 13. Ka emi 12 cohahessamnikka? L. Response Drilt Tutor: ace oti e kassimntkka? /sinm/ Student: Stnm e kassamnita. 1, Mues 21 sassimnikka? /Lleang yongphun/ 2. ace etd © tallessamntkka? /chmicpang/ 3 Mugan emi 22 wenhaesimntika? foolan sk/ 4, Mues 4 dssessamntkka? /yolo kact/ Nuku 121 cohahwasamnikke? /Ceims1/ Ka kes, elma e phalossimnikka? /o-sip Wan/ 7. Naka eip e wassimntkka? /Mikuk salan/ Muos 11 chacassamntkka? /hakssng/ 9. Muss 21 kongpu-hmssimnticea? (PBankuk mai/ 101 orannar Drill (as a response drill based on Granmar Note unit 4 Tats handkerchief ts W 17. That chair ts W 19. 2) 'Did you go to school yesterday?! tyes, I ata.t Ne, sassimnita. Ne, tallossamita. Ne, mannassamnita. Ne, 11kessimnita. Ne, cip e issessimnita. Ne, (hakeang 211) chacessamnita. Ne, (Pak Sensing 1) kalachyossimnita. Ne, prassamnita. Ne, (Cungkuk mal 21) pawaseamnita. Ne, (ka yanphii 11) wonhmssamnita. Ne, Ne, Ne, (it1 21) mule pwassamnita. phalassimnita. (ia sak 21) cohahmssaantta. Nwnere did you go yesterday?! /downtown/ 1[1] went downtown. ! Tieang yongphum 21 sassinnita. Chakpang e tzllessimnita. Nolan sak 21 wanheesinnita. Yolo acl ka issessimnita. Ceimsa 111 cohahassamnita. o-s1p Wen e phalessimnita. Mikuk salam 1 wassimnita. Hakasng 11 chacossamnita. Hankuk mai 21 kongpu-hmssimnita. urn KOREAN BASIC COURSE 10, Muss 21 pawoseamnikka? /T1pon mal/ ‘Tipon mal 21 pawossimnita. li. Nuka Hankuk mal 21 kalachyessamntkka? Pak Sonssng 1 kalachyessianita. [Pak Sonseng/ 12. ott es ka chm 11 pwassimniicka? Stnm chakpang ese pwassianita. (/sinw chascpang/ M. Response Drill (based on Gramnar Note 5) Tutor: — Hakkyo © kamntkka? "Do you go to school?! Student: Anyo, kaei anhsannita. to, E dont (go)-! 2. Hankuk mal 11 peunnticka? Antyo, pamuel anhsannita. 2. Chek kaps 1 plssamnikka? Antyo, pissact anhsinnita. 3. Chp kaps 1 ssamniticka? Antyo, seaci anhsannita. 4. Oni chakpang @ t211 Aniyo, ti1lact anhsianita. 5. Kim Sanseng 21 mannane Antyo, mannact anheimnita. 6. Ka chk 21 {1keamndieea? Antyo, 11kei anhsamnita. 7. Hankuk mal a1 mal-hamntkka? Antyo, mal~haci anhsamnita. 8. Pak Sensing 1 cip e issimikka? Antyo, (cip e) issct/teet/ anhsimntta. 9. I sk 11 cohahanntkka? Antyo, cohahact anhsamnita- 10. Yeki ese chai 21 phamniicka? Antyo, pha()e1 anhsamnita. 11. I kes 21 wanhamnikka? Aniyo, wenhae1 anhsimnita. 12, Hakkyo ka mamntkka? Antyo, 13. Tawakwan 1 kakkapszmntkka? Aniyo, kakkapel anheimntta. N. Response Driti tare [you] going to school? Tato! Hakkyo © kakessimnticka? (twi1i you go to achool?¥) Student: Aniyo, kaci anhkessamnita. 'No, [I] tm not (going).1 (me, TH not go.#) 1. Hankuk mai 11 paoukessamnticica? Antyo, paue! anhkessinnita. 2, onal chakpang e tillakessimniicka? Anlyo, tilliet anhkesszmnita. 3. Kim Sensamg 21 mannakessimntieka? Anlyo, mannact anhkessinnita. 4. Ka chai 11 1ikkeasanntkixa? Antyo, L1ket anhkessimntta. 5. Hankuk mal 12 mal-hakessimntikka? Antyo, mal-hact anhkessumntta. 6. Kutu 111 sakessamnikeca? Antyo, sact anhkessinnita. 7. Moca 111 phalkessannikka? Antyo, pha(1)e4 anhkessimnita. 8. Nolan syass1 121 pokessimniteka? Antyo, poct anhkessannita. 9. Kil 21 mule pokessimntixa? Antyo, mule poet anhkessimnita. 10, Kim Sensing 11 chackessnantixka? antyo, chacet anhkessimnita. 102 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Response Drill (based on Grammar Note 5 Tutor! ace sinm e kassimnikka? Student: Anlyo, kact anhessimnita. 1. Hankuk mal 2} pawossimntkia? 2. Ki ehmk 21 1ikessimntkka? 3. Kim Sensmng 11 mannassimnikia? 4, Kutu Lal sassamnikka? 5. Kil a1 mule pwassimnikka? Kin Sonsang 11 chacossimnikka? 7. Chmisang 11 phalessinnticke? 8, Samusil e tallessamntkia? 9. Sansamg 1n Yonge 121 kalachyassimnikka? 10. Hakkyo ka molessamntkke? LL. Chk kaps 1 ptssassimnikka? 12. Phalan gai 11 wenhmssamntkke? 13. Ceimer Sonswng 11 alessinnikka? P. Response Drill (as a level drii1 Tutor: Hakkyo e ka yo? student: Ne, (hakkyo e) ka yo. 1. Hankuk mal 21 kongpu-he yo? 2. Chak kaps 1 ssa yo? 3. Yangpok 1 pissa yo? 4. Hakkyo ka mele yo? 5. Cengkecang 1 kakkawe yo? 6. Sensang in Mikuk salam tye yo? 7. Sensmng in cal isso yo? 8. Cetms: Sensang in Yonge 111 mal-he yo? 9. Sansang in co salam 11 alo yo? 10. Pakhwacom 4 eichong yaph e isse yo? 11. Yoki ese sukon 11 phale yo? 12. Nolan sk 11 wonhe yo? 13. Hankuk mal 21 cohahw yo? 103 arr with Past Tense) tia you go downtown yesterday: tho, E dtantt (go).t Aniyo, pauel anhassianita. Antyo, 12kel anhassimnita. Aniyo, mannact anhessinnita. Aniyo, sacl anhassimnita Antyo, mule poct anhassamnita. Antyo, (Kim Soneang 11) ehacct anhessimnita Antyo, phalet anheseamntt Antyo, tr111ei anhassannita. Antyo, kalachict anhossinnita. Aniyo, ma(1)e1 anhessamntta, Antyo, pissact anhassannita. Antyo, (phalan eek 21) wenhaet anhassimnita. Antyo, alot anhassimnita. based on Grammar Note 1) "De you go to school?! tyea, I do (go to school).! Ne, (Hankuk mal 21) Kongpu-ne yo. Ne, Ney Ne. Ne, Ne, Ne, Ne, (cis kaps 1) sa yo. (yangpok 1) pissa yo. (nalekyo ka) mele yo. (cangkocang 1) kakkawe yo. Mikuk salam eyo. cal isse yo. nal-hw yo: (ce salam 11) ale yo. Yonge 131 Ne, Ne, Ne, ne, ( Ne, (Hankuk mal sichang yeph e tsse yo. (suken 21) phale yo. fan smi 21) wanhie yo. 1) cohahe yo. net KOREAN BASIC COURSE 14. onal chiskpang e talle yo? Ne, (chikpang e) talle yo. 15. Ka chm 4 coha yo? Ne, (ie chai 4) coha yo 16. Sangean 12 chace yo? Ne, sangcom 11 chaea yo. 17. Sengsaing in Hankuk mal 11 paws yo? ‘Ne, ca nin Hankuk mal a1 awe yo. 18. Kim Sonseng 4 kalichle yo? Ne, Kim Sansang 1 kalachie yo. Response Drill (as a level drii1 based on Grammar Note 1) Tutor: Makkyo e kanntkka? "Do you go to school?! Student: Ne, (hakkyo e) ka yo. tes, I do (tgo to school!). 1, Hankuke mal 11 kongpuchamniicea? kongpu-he yo. 2. Chak kapa 4 ssannikka? Ne, ssa yo. 3. Yangpok 1 pissanntkka? Ne, pissa yo. 4, Halekyo ka mamnticka? Ne, ole yo. 5. Congkecang 1 kakkapsannikk Ne, kaikaws you 6. Sensang in Mikuk salam imnticka? Ne, Milk salam tye yo. 7. Kim Sonamng in etp e tssimniicka? Ne, (chp e) tes9 yo. 8. Co salam 11 anntkka? Ne, ale yo. 9. Yekt ese sukon 21 phamntleka? Ne, phate yo. 10. Kkaman of 12 wonhaantkka? Ne, kkanan sak 11 wanhie yo. LL. I kyostl 11 cohahamnticka? Ne, cohahe yo. 12, Haksang 11 chacsmnticka? Ne, haksing 21 ch 13. Co salam 11 notamnticea? Ne, mola yo. R. Level Drill (based on Grammar Note 1) rt Hakkyo © kastinnt kka? J "D> you go to sehoo1?? Student: Haickyo © kase yo? ' tare you going to school?! 2. Hankuk mel 11 kongpu-hasimntkka? Hankukc mal a1 kengpu-hase yo? 2. Cungkuie mal 22 peustanticka? Cungkuk mal 11 pouse yo? 3. Hankuk a chek 21 11kaeimntkka? Mankuk mai chak 11 1lkse yo? 4. Kin Sonsang in kutu 121 sasimnikka? Kim Sonsamg in kutu 211 sase yo? 5. Sonsang { hakeang 11 chacisinntkxa? Sensing 1 haksang 11 chacise yo? 6. Annyong-nasinnticka? nase yo? T. Yooum sttanke einastnntkka? Yoeim attohke cinase yo? 8. cedmsx Sensing 21 astantkka? Ceims Sensing 21 ase yo 9. Ona Miku satan 4 Hankuk © ostantkka? Onl Mikuk salam 1 Hankuk e ose yo? lou KOREAN BASIC COURSE ae Yong sonsang 1 Hankuk mal chal 4. tilase yo? Ceims1 Sansang 1 nae samusil e tallase yo? Pak Senasng in wekyokwan ise yo? Response Drill (as a grammar drill based on Grammar Notes 2 and 5) (Answer in Informal Polite Speech for the Formal Polite using the stimulus tare you going to school?! /no/ two, I'm not (going to go).! Ne, kongpu-hakesse yo. Antyo, 11ke1 anhkesso yo. Ne, mannakess2 yo. i Antyo, mule poet anhkeass yo. Ne, phalkesse yo. Antyo, talliel anhkesse yo. Ne, kalichikesse yo. Antyo, (cip e) isset a: on Grammar Note 1) twnere did Mr. Kim go?! market place/ ] went to the market place.! Chmkpang @ kaslesse yo. Hiankuk kalim 11 sasee yo. 10. Yonge sensang 1 Hankuk mal chik 11 sukastnnikka? 11. Ceim: Sonseng 1 na e samusil € tallistanticka? 12. Fak Sonsany in wekyokan istantika? 3. Jne/ ox /antyo/.) Tito: Hakkyo © kakessinnticka? /antyo/ Student: Antyo, kaci anhkesse yo. 1. Hankuk mal 21 kongpu-hakessinnikka? feof 2. I chek 21 1ikkessimnikka? /antyo/ 3. Mikuk salam chinku 112 nannakessimntkka? /ne/ 4. K1L al ule pokessamnikka? /antyo/ 5. I ehwkeang a1 phalkessiantkka? /ne/ 6. Cae samuetl e tallakessimnixka? Jantyo/ 7. Yonge 121 kalachikessamntkka? /ne/ 8. Cip e tsskessinnikke/tkkessninihka/? /antyo/ 7. Response Drill (as a level drill based (Answer in Informal Poltte Speech using the stimulus.) Tutor: Kin Sensing an ati € kasiossimnitkka? /steans/ Student: Sieang ¢ kasso yo. 1. Kim Sensing in ott © kasieesimnikka? /ehelepans/ 2. Nuss 11 sassamnikkka? /Hankuk kilin/ 3. Ceinsi Sensing 1 muos 21 mule pwassamnikka? /ki1/ 105 Kil a1 mule prasse yo. UNIT 4 Nuka sanseng cip e tallessamnikka? /ehinku/ Sonsang e yangpok olna e sassimntkka? /o-sip Won/ Ki Mikuk salam in nuku dyeseumniieka? ‘Ceimsa Sensang/ 7. Sonsemg in ace musi chek 11 Aikessamnikka? /I1pon mal chisic/ 8. I chmk, olna e phalossimnika? /o-stp Won/ Hankuk mal in nuka kalichyassanndicka? /Pak Senseng/ 10. Nuke Yenge sonseng Lessimnikka? Maka yaca/ KOREAN BASIC COURSE Chinku ka tailesse yo. O-sip Won € sassa yo. Ceimsa Sensang 1yesse yo. Tipon mal chak 11 t1kesse yo O-sip Wan @ phalasse yo. Pak Sensing 1 kalachyosso yo. Mikuk yaca ka Yange sensang tasse yo. Response Exercise (Answer the questions on the basis of the dialogues at the beginning of this Unit: Formal Polite question 1n Informal Polite and vice versa.) Tutor: ave ati © kassimnikka? Student: Stns sangcem ¢ kasse yo. + Prkhwacom ese muas 11 sasse yo? o L 2 eine © an kakessimnikka? 3. Chak kaps 1 pissa yo? 4 5 Chakpang eso suken 11 phamntkka? Musan sak 11 wanhase yo? there did you go yesterday?! 'T went to a store downtown.t 6. Sansamg an nolan watsyass1 111 cohahmssimntkka? T. Sonsang © moca, olma ye yo? 8. Sonsang e kutu, olma € sassinnikka? 9, Soul e os kaps 1 ssannikka? 10. Sensing in onz1 achim e muss hakesse yo? ll. ace canyek e muss haigsamnikka? 12. onal pan e eip € tsskesse yo? 13. ace ohu e oti e kesse yo? 1k. Natl nace ce samusil e t: akeseimnikka? 15. Sensing an yos@ musin chmk 21 Likase yo? 106 KOREAN BASIC COURSE unr7 4 EXERCISES Conduct the following conversations, once in Formal Polite Speech and once tn Informal Polite Speech: AL You ask Mr. Kin a. where hets going to go this afternoon. b. what hel buy. ¢. what kind of pletures he likes. 4. what hets going to do at school. fe. what books hels going to read. f. where he!21 stop by. &. who 4s going to teach English. whom hets going to meet. where he's yoing to teach Korean. J. How much he 1s going to pay for shoes. k. where he!21 be tonight. Be Ask Mr. K3 a, 1f the books are expensive. bs 1f hets going downtown. ©. 4f downtown is near. a. 4f ne has black shoes. e. if they sell many kinds. f. 4f they sell towels here. & where Mr, Lets office is. hn. 4 he wants a peneti. 4. Af he wants several kinds. J. Af he!i drop in the school. k. Af hets looking for USTS. 1. Af he knows the way to Seoul Station. mi. where he went yeaterday. ny what he bought. ©. how much he paid for the pen. P+ how much the book was. + what color he 11ked. 107 Ms that he's going to the market place. that hets going to buy some pictures he that he likes Korean pletures that hets going to stuay. that hets going to read English books. that hets going to atop by his friend's office. that he (1.e. Me. Kis) will teach tt. that hets going to meet a friend that he will teach [1t] at a school. that hets going to pay W 95. that het be in class % answers: that they are not (expensive). that he is (going downtown). that tt 4s far. that ne doesn't. they dont. they do. he that that that he doesn!t (know). ‘that he wants paper. that he does. that he wontt. that hets looking for the Embassy. that he doesn't know. that he went to a store. that that that he bought some datly necessities. patd W 35. it was W 55. he that he liked blue color. unr 4 F. what book he read yesterday. 8. where he stopped by this morning. t. who taught Korean. uu. whom he met at school. what the man's name was. what the American asked [him]. x. how much for. gomman sold this book how much he paid for his shoes. Z. whom he looked for. Say the following in Koreans 1 23 34 eeeeceees D. Mr. James asks tne given price. James a. this yellow towel bs that Seoul map e. those red shoes 4. those black suits e. these biue socks f. that hat g. that American wateh h. this dress shirt your fountain pen J+ that chate ks this woman's dress 108 KOREAN BASIC COURSE that he read a Korean book. stopped by his frtendts office. Park taught 1t. met an American teacher. that (1t) was Janes. that he asked him for directions. that he that Mr. that he that he sold it for W 65. that he paid W 73. that he looked for his teacher. fe ai = 103) Jew aah k. W358 te Wl = 633) mW 2,539 ne W 7,987 o. W10,111 pe W11,123 price of the following objects and you answer with the You #28 wo 52 W250 W 3,210 wo 8 w 79 W 1,700 #95 W955 Ww 5eT W250 KOREAN BASIC COURSE vurr 4 Pak Sensing will respond with /Nie, ialepsita./ Yes, letts do so.t when you propose to: a. go downtown with him. + meet friends. see the ploture. 4+ read that book. buy some daily necessities. J+ come again tomorrow. 4. stop by a bookstore. ks learn Chinese. e. sell the house. 1. stay at nome. ask the street directions. m. find out that Koreants nane. find Mr, Kim. 109 uwiT 5 KOREAN BASIC COURSE 2 tel 3 al a aie: eal 6 aie: 7 al Ai 5 af Ba Ab Cale) (sis A) (-3HeteAd-) aa ee 48 ass. il ee Ae) Bb Ae ga Aa she aah aRt kine a. als ake 2a agile eed agra. ah abe 471 SHE aire orci Ae olga. rei ele KOREAN BASIC COURSE wir 5 UNIT 5. Shopping (Continued) BASIC DIALOGUES FOR MENORIZATION Dialogue & Kim stopped by a bookstore. Kin sacen @tetionary cohin sacen a good dictionary Sillye-hannita, Yok cohan sacen Excuse me. Do you have a good Apes dictionary here? Canwan Yeng-Han sacon English-Korean dictionary sacen mal innikka do you mean [a] dictionary? Yong-Han sacen mal inntkka? Do you mean an English-Korean diction- ary? Kin Ne. ves Genwon Ne, Assimnita. Yes, we do. Kia poya cusipstyo please show [me] Com poys cusipstyo. May I see tt? (*Please show [1t to me].") Common ca well; nere Ca, yokt issannita. Here you are! (tHere! (1t] 15.1) Kin ottan what kind of otten sacon what kind of dictionary I kes in atten sacen tmntkka? Is this a good dictionary? (tw kind of dictionary 1s this?!) UNIT 5 KOREAN BASIC COURSE 10. iy co icy sie] ee a4 se 2 SRE] BGM Te ge ale STE Se Ae UT “AST AR a2 zai te te & MAb aight}. 212 2 ale t. ate 2 ‘Re she ze) Beeb. ol she AS APH. ee eset = he Ae ese °l 2st 2°) oh Se Sle Hele atte nz KOREAN BASIC COURSE twtanhi cohsimnita walona talan kes ‘Wwtanhi cohsimnita. Kilena, talin kes to issamnita. attehsinntkka alan kes an attehsamnikka? piesan sacen kaliko khan obi Talin kes 1n com pissan sacen Amnita. Kaliko, khan chai imntta. cakin kes 21. Na nan eakin kes 1 cohsimnita. I cakan kos 11 sakessamnita. tto philyo patlyo-hamnticka 12. Tto takin kos 1 philyo-hamnikka? congt, phen leva const 13. Ay phen kwa cong! nan oti, es3 pha(13)mnikka? unrT 5 Camien [1t]!s very good buts however different one; other one {Tt] 4s very good. But we also have another one. Kin how is [it]? Is the other one good? (tow 1s the other one?!) ‘commen [an] expensive dictionary and The other one ts [a] fairly expensive (atotionary). And, [1t]'s a big book. Kin a small one A small one is fine for me. 1412 take this small one Conon agains besides; also necessity; need ao [you] need?; 1s (something) needed? Do you need anything e1se? (118 other thing also needed?*) kin paper pen and paper Oh, where can I buy a pen and paper? (1As for pens and paper, where do [eney] seli?!) WIT 5 KOREAN BASIC COURSE ue ee 5. wal 16. 3 7 ae: 18. gl 19.0 zal 2. al oe “He al bia “He alel gabe aight (He BD (BH zie) =e) Te Hy eae. ee Eel ee 41 sel see at oR. Bole Re SE ee? pees pie ee ley ele lat + Fl + FS oh aie? ew] Slt gles ope? as taam taim cip munpangkucom 14, Taam ctp 1 munpangkucom tinnita. talil kka yo ase osipsiyo. Muss 11 taltl kka yo? Congi wa phen 1 tssimnikka? wanhasimniica Ne, tssimita congi 111 wanhase yo? thatpha congi Thaipha congi 111 wenhamnita. tu kact tu kact congt A, kalose yo? Ta kact congi ka issamita. elma (1)ye yo? KOREAN BASIC COURSE Congt nin musin unrr 5 Common, next; next time the next door ('next house!) stationary shop ‘There's a stationary shop next door, (Next door is a atationary shop.!) Dialogue B (--Kim enters next door-. Conan shall [1] give [you]? Come in, What would you like? shall I give you?!) (nat: Kim Do you have paper and pens? do [you] want? What kind of paper do Yes, we have. you want? Kin typewriter paper I want typewriter paper. Comwan two kinds two kinds of paper Fine. (10a, ta that 902!) We have tno kinds of typewriter paper. kin How much are [they]? us, UNIT 5 KOREAN BASIC COURSE a. 23. Fl él ela 2a a et ele el Zell 2lal eis}. 212, “hE Ze ©) ele Shs. 4 At tA ental sae & Vth ae gieiee al ol & At Be Alt ghost 248i 241 et] 24a. Sala mie agile. an o-sip Won e phamnita. te esamnita to ssan kes com ta saan kos apse yo 22. Com te sean kes an apse yo? etkim 23. Ne, te ssan kes in ctkam apsamnita. kaLomyon o-sip Wan coalt coali 24, Kalemyan, onsip W cusipsiyo. KOREAN BASIC COURSE Han kact nin awin cang e chil-sip Wan tmnita, Kiliko, talan kes UNIT 5 Conan, one kind sieey fifty sheets; fifty pteces 50 one (kind) 18 W70 for 50 sheets, and the other is W50. (We sell it for W50.t) [1t]'s cheaper cheaper one; cheaper kind a little cheaper one dontt [you] have?; isntt [there]? Don't you have anything cheaper? Common ("We don't have a ) ght now. ind now then; if 80 W50 worth; in the value of W50 Then I'11 take the 50 Won kind. ("hen give me the W50ts.') uy ‘UNIT 5 KOREAN BASIC COURSE wey anrune 100 101, 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ag a ee ee we gers (bai att WE aa aad am wad aH She 44 si aH hE ag oe #7 (2) ao ty 12 St B44 gl sd wad vw 4 ele sg gh 19 9 che 2 Ag(AR) 200 |¥H 10 18H zoo A 230 8|uH Ahe 20} RE 250 lH el 260 e]MH Oe zo oyu oe. 280 1M HE 20 ol Obs. 300 SPH us at 29 30 40 50 6 70 80 90 9 300 41 502 603 704 805 6 gat gee 1,000 10,000 AE HT AE HE ae Phe 4 ole eC) ae okt oh Oh at ar RE LHe $0 Al ai xl sea ai ad ai FHARE capal (2Dz 100 101 102 203 104 105 106 107 108 109 ug { han(2) tu(1) se(s) ne(s) tasos yeses L1kop yatol yate(1)p ahop yal (12) -peie pak-han(a) pak-tu(1) pak-se(s) pak-ne(s) pak-tases pak-yasos pisk=A1kop pak-yetel(yatop) pask-ahop. pwk-yal-ahop KOREAN BASIC COURSE lL 12 13 4 5 16 aw 18 19 20 NUMERALS (2) yel-han(a) yal-tu(1) yai-se(s) yai=ne(s) yel-tases yol-yoses, yol-41kop y yatol yal-ahop samu(1) Apeak tpek-yel ‘pmk-exmal ipaik-solhin ‘pacomahan Apieic-owin spmk=yesun tpek-£1(h) 19 yek-yetan peic-ahan sampasic ng 21 29 30 40 60 To 80 99 300 Hor 502 603 TOW 805, 906 gun ge2 1,000 10,000 wir 5 simul-han(a) ‘samul-ahop eolhin teslin win yesun 42(h)an yeti aman ahun-ahop sampek sapeic-nan(a) opak-ta(1) yukpak-se(s) chi pisk-ne(s) phalpmk-tases kupsk-yosos kupmk-yel-han(a) kup#k-simul~tu(1) (11)chen (12)man UNIT 5 (Numbers correspond to the sentence numbers.) Le 10. iy 1. KOREAN BASIC COURSE NOTES ON DIALOGUES Yokt_(e) X 1/ka issamnticka? (1s there X here?!) 1s another expression commonly used in the situations stitiar to Yokt eso X 11/122 phamntikka? ("bo [you] sell X at this place?!). It means something like 'Do you carry X here (where X 1s a certain thi ng you want to buy)?!, Cohn tgood, nice! 4s @ noun-modifier word which 1s formed from the verb sten coh- tto be gootlf (See Grammar Note 1). Mal imnticca? 'Do you mean...?! 1s always innediately preceded by something. ‘The affirmative response to X mal imntkka? "Do you mean x?! is Ne, X mal Amita. Yes, I mean X.1 Yeng-Han 'English-Koreant is the contracted form of either Yonge Hankuk mal "English-Korean language! or Yongleule Hanicuke "Britian-Korea'. This kind of contraction in one word made out of two or more words appears often in Korean. In each case, the firat ayllables of the words are brought together to make the contraction. Examples: Han-YauJ 'Korea(n)-Engiish (Britian), Han-Ii 'Korea(n)-Japan(ese)', Cung-Tok 'Sino- German, Han-Mi 'Korea-U.S.1. Ga twell', therel! occurs always at the beginning of the sentence followed by @ pause to signify that the speaker is going to suggest or produce sone- thing. gtten twat sort of! ts a question noun-modifier word which denotes the quality or characteristics of the following noun. Compare with musin ‘what kind of! which denotes the type, essense or denomination of the foll ing alan 'different!, lother! ts a noun-modi er word which is formed fron the verb stem tali~ 'to be aifferent!. Kaliko "And! occurs at the beginning of the sentence an followed by a pause. The verd stem of the noun: modifier word eakan small! is gak= 'to be snall in sizet; coke means ‘to be little in quantity! ‘The verd stem philyo-ha- "to be needed!,!to be necessary!, 1s an intransi- tive verb which may be preceded by the emphasized subject but nev object. Examples: Talan kee 4 philyo-nannita. '[z] need another one! (1A different hing is needed!.) KOREAN BASIC COURSE unr 5 Chic 1 phityo-hamntkka? 'Do you need a book?! ("Is a book needed?!) |. Team "the next time!, tnext! occurs either as a free noun or as a determina~ tive. 15. The verb stem tali- "to give! to the po. whieh ends in -(2)1 kka yo? 1s always @ question sentence (See Granmar Note 2). teat equivaiont of cu-. A sentence 22. 2 Mmore!, er! occurs innediately before description verbs or other adverbs (See Grammar Note 3). The antonym of te 1s the adverb tol "ess. 2h, Ceald 'worth', tvaluet 4s a post-noun which occurs only after = stated amount of money. If followed by another noun, the phrase ending in coal describes the value of the noun. If not followed by another noun, the phrase ending in coali indicates the denomination of money in the stated amount. Examples: pak Wan coalt sikye @ wateh which ts W100 worth o-sip Won ccali moca a hat which 1s » stp Won cali wio bin o-sip Pul ccalt $50 bint GRAMMAR NOTES te =p/an/min The verb ending -n/an/mn 1s added to a verb stem, or to a vero stem plus other suffix(es): =n 1s added to a description verb stem which ends in a vowels win to a description verb stem which ends in a consonant; -man,to an action verb sten, The inflected form which ends in -n/an/nan occurs only before a noun as a modifier of the noun, and never alone nor before other classes of words. It shows only the present action or state of the modified noun. We shall call the words of this class Present Noun-Modifier Words and the -n/an/nin ending the Present Noun-Nodifier Ending, Examples Group 1 pissan sikye '(an) expensive watch! mon hakkyo ta school which 1s fart nolan yonphth "(a) yellow penosi! kkamhan moca (a) black nat! aan unr 5 KOREAN BASIC COURSE Group 2 conan ebm ¥(a) good book! eopan kt "(a) narrow street! kyost1 (a) large classroom! Group 3 kanin salan ta man who 4s going! canan at tq sleeping chila! kalachimn yeca ta woman who is teaching! chic 22 dlknan hakemng ta student who ts reading a book! nwo ka peunan mal "the language that I'm learning! 2. A/a ka yo? "Shall E...20, !Shali.we...2", Will [1t]... (do you think)?! The construction -1/21 kka yo? occurs only as a final form of a question sentence. If the subject or the tople in the sentence ts the speaker, he asks the addressee!s consent or permission for the action he 1s going to take. If the subject or the topic of the sentence includes both the speaker and addressee, eI the subject or the topic in the sentence is other than the speaker or the speaker the speaker asks the addressee whether he 1a Interested in doing someti plus addressee, the speaker asks the addressee for his opinion about the possibility of the action or description occurring in the future. Note: -1 1s added to a stem ending in a vowels =21 to a stem ending tn a consonant (See Grammar Note 3, Unit 9). Examples Tapang € kal kka yo? "shall I go to the tearoom?! {tsna21 we go to the tearoon?? Sonsang etp e tallai kka yo? {Shall I stop by your house?! \WShall we stop by the teacherts house?! Kim Sonssng 1 ol kka yo? till Mr, Kin come?! Hakkyo ka mol kka yo? "(Do you think) the school will be far? 3. Adverbs Aaverbs are a class of words which may or may not be inflected. ‘They occur before and modify ether inflected expressions (1.¢. verbais, noun- modifiers, senten uished 8, other adverbs). This class of words ts distin from noun-nodifters (See Graamar Note 1) which occur only before nouns. There are some nouns which occur sometimes as adverbs also. For examples: are two kinds of adverts: (1) one kind may be separated by @ pause from the subsequent inflected expressions, and (2) the other kind occur without pause as KOREAN BASIC COURSE unit 5 an integral pret of an inflected expressions. ‘The adverbs of group (1) are called Sentence Adverbs; those of the group (2), simply Adverbs, We have had so far the following kinds of adverbs. waltko 'and!; kalena "butt; Kalemyen tthen!; ne tyea!s antyo !nol; ottahke thow!s tto tagaint, lalsots all '(not) so!, Hn such a way?s com ta littiel; 282 tplease!, tquickly!; ttokpalo ‘straight ahead"; cal twellt, ete. Some of these adverts occur at the beginning of sentences which succeed always other sentence: others occur before inflected expressions which do not need to be preceded by other sentences. (a). te tmore!, ‘wer! and tel Mess! Ze and tal occur without pause before nounemodifier words, verbals or other adverbs. They denote the comparative degree of the following descriptive expression. Conpares 1. Ka kes 4 cohsamnita. '[1t] 4s good.t Ki kas 4 to cohsimnita. '[1t] 1s better.1 Ki kes 1 tal cohsimntta. '[1t] 4s poorer.t 2. I chek 1 pissamnita. 'This book is expensive.! I chek 4 te pissamnita. ‘hts book is more expensive.! I chwk 4 tal pissamnita. ‘hts book 1s less expensive.t elyoun mal 'fa] aterteult language! te elyoun mal '[a] more difficult language! tol olyoun mal "{a] less difficult Language! Kim Sonsang 1 Yengo 111 cal tr. Kim speaks English well.! hamnita. Kim Sonsamg 1 Yongo 111 to tir. Kim speaks English better.! cal hamnita. Kim Sonsang 1 (Cetas1 pota) 'Mp, Kim speaks English less well Yonge 111 tal cal hamnita. Ge (>). twtanht very! etanhi Ivery! occurs without pause before noun-modifiers, verbals or other adverbs. Compare: 1. Chek 4 pissamita. 'me book 1s expensive.! Chie 4 twtanht piocanntta. 2. Ssan kutu 121 sass9 yo. Twtanhi saan kutu 111 sasse yo. 123 tmne book te very expenctve.! 4[I] bought cheap shoes.! '[1] bought very cheap shoes.! ae KOREAN BASIC COURSE 3. Kim Sonssng 4 Yonge 121 cal ‘Mp, Kim speaks English well.! mal-hwe yo. Kim Sonssng 1 Yenge 121 tatanht Mr. Kim speaks English very well.! eal mal-he yo. 4. Counters: gang, can, kwon, le, pun, mali, pol, te In Unit 4, we noticed that certain counters ouch as Won ‘Korean monetary unit! ocour only after nunerals of character origin. The counters cang, can, ewan, lam, pun, ete. are some of the commonly used counters which occur only afte: Korean nunerais. (a). Cang is used in counting such things as paper, letters, towels, sheets, flat glasses, etc. ‘thaip1 congi tases cang 15 sheets of typing paper! phyenet tu cang ‘two letters! tamyo se cang ‘three blankets! (b). Gan 48 used in counting cups or glasses of liquid. khephi han can ta cup of coffee! sul tu oan "two glasses of wine! (c). Kwon 1s used in counting books. yeksa chk yolo kwon taeveral volunes of history books! Yonge chk tu kwan 11 sasee yo. —'I bought two English books.! (4). Ke 415 used An counting common object nouns such as pencils, desks, chatrs, ete. Yenphil han ka cuse yo. 'otve me a pencil.1 Chaksang 1 tasos kw isse yo. imere are five desks.! Tyca ka myach* kw Lesannikka? "How many chaire are there?! ‘myach thow many! 1s a determinative which occurs before counters as a question word. (©). Pun or salam 4 used in counting persons. Pun is the honorifi equivalent of salam. sensang se pun "three teachers! hakewng tu salam "two students! Miluk salam yolo pun 'eeveral Americans! yeu KOREAN BASIC COURSE unit 5 (2). Mali 1s used in counting animals. mal han malt tone horse! so tu malt "ovo cattle! vo se malt "three dogs! koyangi ne malt ‘tour cats! (c). Pol 48 used in counting sults. yangpok tu pal tewo suite! (hn). Tw 4s used in counting vehicles, airplanes, machines, etc. catongeha yele te 'eeveral automobiles! pihangkt se te ‘three airplanes! Note that all the counters occur typically after the determinative myach 'how many?" Also note that in Korean things are counted in the following manner: Nominal + Numeral + Counter. 125 ee KOREAN BASIC COURSE DRILLS A. Substitution Drills 1. Yeki Hankuk mal sacen 4 issamnikka? 2. Yok1 Yong-Han sacon (1) 1ssimntkka? 3. Yokt thatpha congt (ka) 1ssimntika? 4, Yak! munpangkucam (1) tseamniika? Yok yale kact congt (ka) issimnikka? 6. Yakt gohan sacen (1) issamntkka? 7. Yokt attan sacen (1) tseimntkka? 8. Yokt talin kos (1) tesimniicka? 9. Yok khan chic (1) desamntkka? 10. Yekt akan sacen (1) tesimiikke? 11. Volt pissan sacon (1) issannticka? 12. Yokt sean congi (ka) tssimntkka? Subeitution Drill 1. Yong-Han sacen mal imntkka? 2. Leip mal imntkka? 3. Pissan cong mal imntkka? 4. Yole kact mal imntkka? 5. Khan suken mal inntkka? 6. Mukul salam mal imnticka? yg mal imnikka? Tom 8 Musan saeon mal inntieka? *9. ence mal tmntkka? 10. Nuku mal Annika? 11, Mua mal tmntieka? 12. ati, mal Amndicka? 13. abtahke mal inntieka? 14. Myach salam mal tmntikka? 126 Do you have a Korean dictionary here Do you have an English-Korean dtc- tionary here? Do you have typewriter paper here? Is there a stationary shop here? Do you have several kinds of paper here? Do you have a good dictionary here? What kind of dictionary do you have here? Do you have a different one here? Do you have a big book here? Do you have a small dtetionary here? Do you have any expensive dictionarte here? Do you have cheap paper here? Do you mean an English-Korean dlotionary? Do you mean this house? Do you mean expensive paper? Do you mean several kinds? Do you mean a big towel? Do you mean the Americans? Which do you mean? What dictionary do you mean? When do you mean? Whom do you mean? What do you mean? Where do you mean? How do you mean? How many people do you mean? KOREAN BASIC COURSE vnrr 5 ¢, substitution Drill Ma kes, com poye cusipsiyo. Please show [me] that. Ga kaiim, com poys cusipstyo. Please show [me] that picture. Kaeaped, com poye cusipatyo. Please show me that magazine. G2 sinmun, com paya eustpatya. Please show me that newspaper. 5. Nolan vangmal, com poye cusipstyo. Please show me some yellow socks. Phalan kes, com poys cusipstyo. Please show me a blue one. Kaamhan kutu, com poya cusipsiyo. Please show me some black shoes. 8. Havan waisvassi, com poyo cusipsiyo. Please show me some white shirts. 9. Bpalkan 0s, com poye cusipsiyo. Please show me a red dress. Substitution Drii1 1, Talin kes to tssamnita. [we] aiso have a different one(s). 2, Gohun kos to issimnita. [We] also have a good one. Fissan kes to issimita. [We] also have an expensive one. Sean kes to issimnita. [We] also have a cheap one. . Khun kes to 1esimnita. [We] also have @ big one. Gakan kes to issimnita. [We] also have a small one. Nolan kes to tesimntta. [We] aiso have @ yellow one. Ppalkan kes to issamnita: [We] also have a red one. |. Phalan kes to issamnita. [We] atso have a blue one. Kathin kes to issimntta. [We] aiso have the same thing. Alumtaun kes to issimnita. [We] also have a beautiful one. "12. Yeppin kes to issamnita. [We] also have a pretty one. Nalpan kes to issimnita. {We] also have a wide one. Gopzn kes to isaimnita. {We] also have a narrow one. ae KOREAN BASIC COURSE wire 5 B, Substitution Drill 1. Talin kes in ottehsamnticka? How 18 the other one? 2. Malin kes an Wow much 1s the other one? 3. Talan kes in goheimntkka? Is the other one good? 4, Talan kes an nappamntkka? Is the other one bad? 5. alan kes in khamniieka? Is the other one big? 6. Talan kos in eakeamntk’ Is the other one small? 7. Talan kes in spsamnikke? Dontt you have a different one? 8. Taian kes an tesimnticka? Do you have another one? 9. Talan kas in talamntikka? Is the other one different? “10. ‘Talan kes in alamtapsimntika? Is the other one beautiful? #11, Talan kos an yeppimnticka? Is the other one pretty? #12. Talan kes an no(1)peamntieka? Is the other one wide? 413. Talan kos in gopsimniicka? Is the other one narrow? 1b, Talin kes in kathsimnticka? Is the other one the sane? 415. Talan kes in swtpsmnticka? Is the other one easy? +16. Tali kes an alyapsaanticka? Is the other one aifficult? BP. Substitution Drt11 1. alan koa 4 philyo-hamntkka? Do [you] need anything else? 2. Yang-Han sacen (1) philyo-hamnikka? Do you need an E-K dictionary? 3. Han-Yong sagen (1) philyo-hammikke? Do you need a K-E dictionary? 4. Phen kwa_congi (ka) philyo-hamntkia? Do you need a pen and paper? 5. Ohibksang kwa yea (ka) philyo- Do you need @ desk and a chair? hannikka? 6. Moca wa _kutu (ka) philyé-hamnt kka? Do you need @ hat and shoes? Yaphit twa kongetiok (1) philyo- Do you need @ pencil and a note anntkka? Eas 8. Sacen_kwa_congt (ka) philyo-hamnikka? Do you need @ dictionary and paper? 128 KOREAN BASIC COURSE 6. substitution Driii 1. Phen kwa congi nan oti eso phannikka? 2, Yangmal (ima) yangpok in oti eso phamnikka? ‘Sinmun (Kwa) caped nin oti ese phanntkka? Stkye (wa) gon-suken in oti ese phannikka? 5. Gongi (wa) phen in ati eso phamntkka? Yangnal (Kwa) kubu nin otf ese phamni kka? chmxsang (Kwa) ayca nin oti eso phanntkka? 8. Moca (wa) kutu nin ott eso phamnikka? Yanphil (Kwa) Kongehak in ati ese phamnikke? H, Substitution Drill Muas a1 taltl Ka yo? 2. ona _chisk (21) talil kka yo? 3. Mugan gmk (11) tr14l kka yo? 4, Talan kes (21) tall kke yo? 5. Te ssan congt (121) tr1t1 kka yo? 6. Te pissan aikyo (121) talil kka yo? 7. To conan kes (21) talil kka yo? 8, Be cakin koa (21) talil Kka yo? 9. To khin koa (21) talti kka yo? 10. Te hayan kes (11) tritl kka yo? 129 uNrD. Where can I buy pens and paper? ("where do [they] sell pens and paper?!) Where can I buy socks and sults? Where can I buy newspapers and magazines? Where can I buy watches and hand= kerehtefs? Wnere can I buy paper and pens? Where can I buy socks and shoes? Where can I buy tables and chatrs? Where can I buy hats and shoes? Where can I buy pencils and note- books? What would you Like? (IWwhat shall I give you?!) Which book would you 11ke? What color would you like? Would you like a different one? Would you like cheaper paper? Would you like a more expensive wath? Would you like a better one? Would you like a smaller one? Would you like a bigger one? Would you like a whiter one?

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