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_— Collaboration Rubric Collaboration Advanced | _AtStandard Contributions - 9d | __AtStandard |= Developing = he dodert operies as |The dnt routinely provides |The sudent aus provides usu The student rary proves [cover or rxponds fo changes (vee eas when parspang in/idees when paricpatngin the sel gs when parcpating in (eal When Srected shows) the group andin cassrom "group andi classroom cussion. the roupand in clssroom (ewty and soap iogroup Gcssson. The start Astfong groupmember who ties | isouson, A satisfactory group | peed. (commbutes aloo eft herd. ember who does wat | I "requires “Attitude [The det shows salinhow [The sade rina respctay The stadt usualy respect ‘The student rid hows respect | veapectay deagre when’ desgress when aprepate The [disagrees when appropiate. The when apr The student [fppeprate The sudertis (studert rarely pubialy crcl [students chin publ erica of | avays pubic cial fhe never publcaly ees! othe ofthe wok of hers. Project orthe wrk of oer project oe wok of hers Mrork fathers” Aways has 8 Demonte a posite attude member of he group. Usual hes [Rarely es a postive aude bostve aude abo the |sboutthe ase), [a poibve tude about he tas). about the tasks). task’). Focus on the task The student slays fooused and |The student otne lays The suden usu fecees onthe The student rary focuses on [Gren show evidence of focused onthe task and what taok and what needs tobe done. the tsk and what needs to be orteaton Tipe ters [needetobe cone Helps hers [Other group members must done, Les ches do the werk. ‘wing. ‘most ofthe time, {sometimes nag, prod, and remind | [Stoop parson onsask Hees | [omen oferbing oes mute | Monitors Group Twsuiil ies te hw ster ona naa |The edo uasly monies he |The suit aly mono fe Monitors Group [Tsun whapieg reacts begun wrachorns ote goupond eacess e Grp and [GSogengtur” lanwosaiomsete goon \wonstoratetie pre more doesnatwonkto mate mee [erect (re enocte. 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[rae aay. | [assignment ' IL — Oral Communication Descriptions ‘Skill use ofsiracture and organization: clever and attention getting introduction that presens imaginalve thesis; ideas conneted by original transitions and was logical throughout; speaker supported important ideas and viewpoints through accurate and detailed references to text or other works; conclusion tied speech together, restated thesis, and let eudience with memorable message; examples and words were creative and well chosen for target audience Speaker used logical, ethical, and emotional appeals that enhanced a specific tone and purpose; speaker was enjoyable to hear; used expression and emphasis; speaker used voice to create an emotional response in audience Posture was commanding and purposeful; attire was chosen to enhance presentation Speaker creatively integrated a variety of objects, chars, and graphs to amplify message Time requirement was met for project Reasonable use of structure and organization: introduction had clear thesis statement; main ideas were separated into logieal progression; speaker supported important ideas and viewpoints though accurate and dewiled references to text or other ‘works; conclusion restated thesis statement and summarized ideas presented ‘Speaker was easy to hear and understand; tone was conversations, but with purpose; voice sounded nara, neither pattemed nor monotone; speaker pronounced words clearly, correctly, and without verbal fillers Strong eye contact wit entire audience; posture conveyed confidence; gestures and movements were natural and effective Attire was appropriate for audience and purpose Materials added, dd not detract from presenta Time requirement was met for project Tntrodvetion had vague or unclear thesis siaiement; main ideas were separated, but not ina logical progression; speaker attempted to support important ideas and viewpoints with references to text or other works; conclusion vaguely summarized presentation Speaker was somewhat difficult to understand; tone was informe; voice sounded unnatural, either patterned or monotone; speaker pronounced some words incorrectly ‘Minimal eye contact; poor posture; gestures and movements were unnatural and ineffective; inappropriate attire “Materials added, but detracted from presentation ‘Time requirement was NOT met for project, ether too long or too short [Lacks structure and organization; lacks thesis, elaboration and conclusion Speaker was difficult to hear or understand, excessive use of verbal fillers; ineffective voice or tone Little tno eye contact; poor posture; movements were stiff and unnatural inappropriate attire ‘Speaker used inappropriate language and/or appeared bored by the message and presented without conviction ‘Materials, i used, detracted from presentation or were of exceptionally low quality ‘Time requirement was NOT met for project, either too long or too short Written Communication Consists of sparse details Lacks use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful; lacks control of sentence formation; lacks control of standard ‘usage; including agreement, tense, and case; lacks control of mechanics including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Points - Descriptions + Vopicisubject clear, though i may or may not be explicitly sated (maintain focus on topie/sbject throughout the response) + Organizational stucture establishes relationships between and among ideas andor events with logical progression of| ideas 4 Support and elaboration ae related to and supportive ofthe topicisubject Consist of specific, developed details Exhibits skilful use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful; control of sentence formation; control of standard usage including agreement, tense, and case; and control of mechanics including use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. ~Topiisubject is generally clear, though it may or may not be explicitly stated (may lose or exhibit lapses infocus on topic/subject) ‘© Organizational structure establishes relationships between and among ideas andlor events although minor lapses may 'be present with logical progression of ideas and/or events 3 + Support and elaboration may have minor weaknesses in relatedness to and support ofthe tpic/subjest ‘© Consists of some specific details. ‘© Exhibits reasonable use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful; reasonable control of sentence formation; reasonable control of standard usage including agreement, tense, and case; reasonable control of mechanics including _ use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. _ > Topic/subject may be vague (may lose or exhibit lapses in focus on topelsubject) + Crganizational structure may establish litle relationship between and among ideas and/or events ‘© May have major lapses inthe logical progression of ideas and/or events and is minimally complete ‘© Support and elaboration may have major weaknesses in relatedness to and support of the topic/subject 2 + Consists of general andor undeveloped details, which may be presented ina listlike fashion ‘© Exhibits minimal use of vocabulary that is precise and purposefil; minimal control of sentence formation; minimal control of standard usage including agreement, tense, and case; minimal control of mechanics inchuding use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. - = Topic/subject is unclear or confusing (may fal to establish focus on topic/sutject) ‘© Cxganizatonal structure may not establish connection between and among ideas and/or events ‘+ May consist of ideas and/or events that are presented in random fashion and is incomplete or confusing 1 ‘© Support and elaboration attempts to suppor the topic/subject but may be unrelated or confusing

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