09272011-OCC Letter

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Mr. Bernardo dela Cruz

One Corporate Centre Building Administrator
Arch. Carla Eugenio
TMD Officer
Rovelle Ancheta
MIS Officer
September 30, 2011
RE: September 27, 2011-Leakage Incident

This is in reference to the leakage found specifically on curtain walled side of the
office due to heavy rains last September 27, 2011 . The following is the
chronological order of events as per inspection of Sg. Jay Alva.
6:30 AM- Found leak at OTP Room

-soaked carpet

-dripping water on mullion

6:32 AM- Found Leakage at Logistics and AMD area
Logistics Area

- mullion sill with water

- leak at curtain wall

-soaked carpet and broken shades

shades and mullion leaks

- damaged shadowline

-damaged shadowline

- broken

- water at mullion sill

AMD Area

-soaked carpet and leaking mullion

7:00 am- Found leakage at Board Room

- water at mullion sill

-soaked carpet

- leak at mullion( near fire stop)

7:10 am- Found leak at EAT Office

7:50 am- Mr. Louie Escala of Scouts Dale Inc. engaged contractor of the Building
Administration went to inspect on the leakage.
9:30 am- Mr. Arnold Fernandez and Glenmar Edjec of SOTA Glass went to inspect on
the curtain walls.

12:30 pm Engr. Bong dela Cruz, Romy Alarcon (SOTA), Mr. Lyndon Chua, Jay-ar
(Amberland Const.) went to inspect on the damage of the leakage and its probable

Time to time fluctuation of electricity.

Hairline crack at MIS room.

We are thankful for your immediate response and temporary solution on the
incident. However, we would like to ask for a permanent solution so that the
incident will not happen again. Also, all of the rectification cost and damaged
carpets must be replaced at your expense as part of your responsibility.

Prepared by:

Arch. Carla Eugenio

TMD Officer
Rovelle Ancheta
MIS Officer

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