Jasminperezen 301 Fa 13 Paperandpencilcritique

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Jasmin Perez

Professor Bennett
EN 301
Benchmark- although not included in the world language benchmarks and standards, grammar
and conjugation of verb tenses play an integral role in the foundation of language. Also,
Michigan's benchmarks for world languages have proved to be incomplete -and also kind of a
joke- for the purpose of genuine foreign language education.
Lesson Outcome- TLW demonstrate understanding of the language, appropriate grammar, and
Assessment: Following each chapter in a given language text book, the student will be given a
paper and pencil assessment to check for understanding, comprehension, and progression
towards fluency. The teacher will introduce the assessment by doing a quick verbal review of
verb conjugation endings all in the target language (Si el verbo termina en -ar se transforma en
-o,-as,-a,-an, etc...). The paper and pencil assessment will then be handed out to the students
so that they can be assessed in an individualized manner. The students will be allowed to take
the assessment without time restraints, and those who prefer to do the test verbally will be
accommodated by having the option to do so.
Closing: The teacher will close the lesson by discussing the questions from the test with the
class and going over the answers as a group for maximum retention.
Because this assessment is given to the students to check for understanding after each chapter
of the material they have read and talked about in class, the test is valid. The teacher will not be
assessing on any material thay has not been covered within the chapter. Giving the students as
much time as needed to complete the assessment will help those who need extra time or are
slower test takers, it will also reduce some of the anxiety and/or pressure of test taking. Paper
and pencil assessments lend themselves well to assess individual understanding but the
teacher may use other assessment techniques such as formative and informative assessments
while doing whole group work by asking questions and having conversations during the lesson.
When assessing for comprehension for each chapter, an authentic assessment would not
always be appropriate because in learning a foreign language, both verbal and written skills are
required for fluency. However, to get the most valid and reliable information of comprehension of
each chapter and help the teacher assess where the students are language wise, a paper and
pencil assessment would be suitable.
This assessment is being used to check for comprehension and grammar
knowledge/application so a Holistic Rubric will be used to score the assessment.

3 Demonstrates complete understanding. 23-25 questions correct.

2 Demonstrates considerable understanding. 19-22 questions correct.

1 Demonstrates little understanding. 11-18 question correct.

0 Needs more practice and/or review of material. Less than 10 questions answered/correct.

(Proficiency 3)

Spanish Language comprehension

Conjugation Test 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in parentheses

1. Cmo (estar) _____________ usted?

2. Me (llamar) _____________ Pedro Vzquez.

3. Su hermana se (llamar) _____________ Ana.

4. Mis amigos (buscar) _____________ trabajo.

5. Lo (sentir)_____________ , pero no me gusta.

6. Mi marido y yo (tener) _____________ mucho que hacer.

7. Este autobs (ir) _____________ a Toledo.

8. Todos vosotros (necesitar) _____________ un poco de descanso.

9. Juan, t (parecer) _____________ aburrido.

10. Mi madre (preparar) _____________ la cena.

11. Nuestra casa no (ser) _____________ muy grande.

12. Qu hora es? Creo que (ser) _____________ las ocho y media.

13. Dnde vis? (Ir) _____________ al cine.

14. El seor Gmez no (llevar) _____________ gafas.

15. Las clases (empezar) _____________ la semana que viene.

16. Qu (desayunar) _____________, nios?

17. La economa (tener) _____________ problemas.

18. T y yo nunca (estar) _____________ de acuerdo.

19. Yo (querer) _____________ escribir una carta.

20. El profesor me (decir) _____________ que no soy muy aplicado.

21. Abuelita, qu boca tan grande t (tener) _____________.

22. En el invierno (hacer) _____________ mucho fro aqu.

23. En el fin de semana me (levantar) _____________ tarde.

24. Los trabajadores (poder) _____________ salir a las cinco.

25. Juan (vivir) _____________ con sus padres.

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