PMD Process

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PMD is a crucial part of FFX production. This should be executed with maximum attention and quality
control. Mistakes on this part of production taxes all of Fairfax's departments, from editorial to print
and to circulation which corresponds to cost in business.
Before creating or setting up the PMD for any publication, it is imperative for the operator to look and
check for the following:
1. Masthead and Publication that is to be created. (SMH, AGE, AFR and CAN).
2. Total number of pages.
3. Double trucks and Center Spreads.
4. Page approvals and Split runs.
Process proper: (step by step)
A. Open and launch Publication Builder
B. Select Edit/Activate Tab, then select correct PMD templates into corresponding publication.
C. Make sure that the setup is on the correct publication date.
D. Secure correct number of pages on the page counts tab.
E. On the page tab, You can setup up Centerspreads and ignore pages.
This option is only applicable to editions that have centrespreads on the layout.
F. Approval of pages This is an option where you setup cover pages upon approval. This is so far only
applies for SMH and AGE front and Back cover pages.
G. Change Pages Check your edition if you are running any split runs and setup change pages for
each split run you have.
This option is staple for SMH mainbooks, setting up the front and back covers for Queensland editions.
H. Imposition this is where you can setup the page templates of bleed pages (for Beresfield press site)
and all the odd page pair of all centrespreads.
This is a critical part of the process to which the operator should be mindful on changing the templates
for every press site.
I. Execution and Archiving Once all setting are complete, you may execute and activate your PMD
on this last option.
Make sure you also save and name your PMD template accordingly, into the respective archive folders.
PMD setup should always be checked by the QC.
Any revisions and alterations to the pre-executed PMD should always be communicated to the QC, TL
and conduit on a case to case basis.
Adding and reducing pages as well as PMD purging should be communicated to the conduits first.

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