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Character Sketch #3

Develop responses to each of the following:

1. Describe this persons physical characteristics.
Start with their body: dirty blond hair, shorter face, medium nose, a little
rounded at the end, shorter head, shoulders, chest, hips, pale arms and worn hands,
fingernails always trimmed. swollen fingers from allergies and hives. weak-kneed and
scrawny legs, flat feet and toes
Style? Fashion? What is this person wearing? either work clothes with no
tie, or a pair of jeans and a favorite t-shirt or solid colored long sleeved.
Voice- low voice, shouting or singing
Odor- no odor ever
2. Explore this characters role in society
parent? child? aunt/uncle? parent
occupation? internal medicine doctor
volunteer? nope. but lots of hobbies.
3. What about personality?
How does this person treat children? adults? animals? likes cats better,
but doesnt really like animals cause they mess up the hous
Are they a good gift-giver? do they enjoy drinking? smoking? likes to
drink, but many hobbies
4. Describe your characters past:
Events in our past affect the present and the future. Explore!
Has this person always lived a typical life? Did they grow up in the same
home from birth? Son of second wife, only jewish person in family, mom died at 5, evil
stepmom step brother and, lived with grandmother, father not home most of week,
Write down events that happened in the past that are still lingering with
this character. Father, shouting/temper, some other stuff
5. What secret does this person keep:
What does your character know that others do not? secrets.
6. Give your character some intellectual/philosophical traits:
What does your character know really well? Remember: there are
multiple intelligences! Consider these: he likes learning about everything atleast once,
lead, bullets, medical stuff, comics, drawing, painting, rocks, etc, etc, etc.
musical, visual, verbal, logical, bodily, interpersonal,
What does your character think is most important in life?
7. Change some of the physical characteristics. Alter the shape of the nose slightly. Give
then flaming red hair. Maybe a beauty mark on their lip. You decide how much or how little.
smaller, sharper nose. bright blond hair, lythe
8. Transform their role.

boy, brother
9. Transform their personality.
shy, rambunctious when alone, tolerant, easily susceptible
10. Ah, their past. Have some fun with this one.
father still alive, has a dog and a sister
11. Give your character a secret:
Maybe its important; maybe its pretty minor. You decide.
12. Change the intellectual/philosophical traits:
curious, can learn.

(To be completed Friday with your team)

Bring in a second person. Create a conversation between them which advances plot, character, and/or
setting. Include an exchange of at least ten (10) interchanges. Dont worry if you feel that your dialogue is
lacking - well practice with dialogue more in the future!

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