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Jasmin Perez

Professor Bennett
EN 466
Classroom Rules:
1) You must be in your assigned seats and quiet when the tardy bell begins to ring. If
you are not in your seat, you will be marked tardy.
2) You must bring your textbook, notebook, agenda, pencil/pen, homework and paper to
class each and every day.
3) You must turn in your homework before the bell otherwise it will be considered late.
4) Respect the belonging of others and if you must use community materials you must
return them to their proper area once you are finished with them.
5) Unless you have enough for everyone, gum, candy, pop, or other food is not permitted
in the classroom.
6) Sharpening pencils and throwing away of paper should be done before the bell rings
or after class.
7) The teachers desk is off limits to ALL students.
8) The teacher will excuse you at the end of the hour not the bell.
9) All assignments must be neat and legible, and be turned in on time for full credit.
Classroom Guidelines and Expectations:
Arrive on time and be ready to work.
Be prepared with assignments and materials.
Take an active and positive role in classroom activities.

Follow and respond appropriately to adult directions.

Believe success is possible
Know and follow classroom rules.
Accept positive and negative consequences.
Clean up your space.
Tell the truth.
Do your own work
Follow and respond appropriately to adult directions.
Use appropriate language and tone with self, teachers, and others.
Respect others personal space and property.
Use appropriate non-verbal communication that shows you are on task.
The following are suggested interventions that may be utilized in correcting a students
inappropriate behavior. Interventions listed are not hierarchical. Level 1 and 2 are
considered Teacher Managed while Level 3 is reserved for office/Principal Intervention.
*Not all intervention strategies for each level need to be utilized.
Level 1: Minimal interference with instructional process based on class and/or school
*Proximity Control
*Nonverbal cue to correct behavior
*Verbal warning to student(s)
*Conference with student (in classroom or hallway)
*In-class modified seating

*In-class time out

Level 2: Repeated interference with instructional process based on class and/or school
*Behavior Intervention Procedure documentation with corresponding
parent/guardian contact
*Out of class time with another teacher
*Lunch Detention with classroom teacher or designee
Level 3: Chronic interference with instructional process based on class and/or school
* Behavior Intervention Procedure documentation with corresponding
parent/guardian contact
Administrative action
*ISS room referral
*Out of School Suspension referral
*Guidance Counselor reference
*After School Character Development referral
*Administrator follows through on consequence or administrator intervention
Students may be referred for disciplinary action immediately for zero-tolerance
incidents or incidents considered to be severe or dangerous.
Note: Teacher managed scenarios include (but are not limited to): Language,
Lateness, Calling out, Put-Downs, Throwing, Refusing work, minor academic

dishonesty, Inappropriate touching (1st offense), Tone, Attitude, Electronic

Devices, Food Drink, etc
Office/Admin managed scenarios include (but are not limited to): Weapons,
Fighting or aggressive behavior, Chronic minor infractions, Aggressive Language,
Threats, Harassment of students or teachers, Major Academic dishonesty,
Truancy, Smoking, Vandalism, Alcohol possession, Drug possession, Gambling,
Good behavior is a vital and necessary part of every students school life and thus it
requires the cooperation of parents, teachers, administrators, and students. The help of
parents and guardians is absolutely necessary in overcoming behavior problems within
our schools. It is my belief that the development of positive self-concept improves
behavior and so the rules that guide behavior in my classroom are designed to provide a
safe learning environment, allow students to learn, and give teachers the opportunity to
Rules and consequences will be discussed during the first day of the semester, a starting
set of rules and guidelines will be provided, and students will then work together to
revise, replace, or remove the rules so that all participating parties agree on rules and
consequences. Once a final list of rules and consequences has been created the list will be
posted in the room visible to all students and staff- so that it may be referenced to in the
case of a dispute and also to keep a constant reminder for the students of my expectations
of them. I feel that I will know my plan is working when students will be able to properly

self monitor their behavior and classroom disruptions will become a very minimal part of
my classrooms day to day activities.

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