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\ e\ sac™~ 1086 |A2 Engineers Institute- Coaching for SSC-JE Se DO NOT OPEN THE SEAL OF THE BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO nn SS BH 2013 PAPER I wera I 359 Time Allowed : 8 Houre Prater wa: 3 2 tetra ony tometer Bet sven ne a rot a eya Ae Hea ee a ee ee a tytn Se nerf aT EEE ‘Test Form No. ae ait a. 888 KO 9 Maximum Marks : 200 fer FF: 200 nstions a ogih a4 wall aa Hid. 4. Ait questors are e om i ear 10, Tre Anne Shot [env he Exam 14, Fale to ‘Side 12 The marge which areal she ‘Shoutd ead crcl 18, Answer the guetny TNSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. 9 ai eet pe omits aa nestling which you willbe compa) coat eae auyeeuras|" SETS Seto gS Uh ten ay Da no a | 18, et rete rg ee fF 1. Ne pn So be done ge Aner Sect Sac or une oe Six ee er etl eet ovigtabi ou sae aes geet abr marctn nt rode | 11 Sot age 8 ee (‘a f 4 4 i sateen & rere L fe tae AA enn ‘ =) General etcligenceand Reasoning (50 Questions) adem): we (80 fh: Settee ies} | Moreh eve tom) FER ee SR, Siete dine eats, Se rn Gentes 08 Quin) a co =) bay pe (000 Questions) wn ta Re (100 v9) a. ie questions st bitingaty In ‘und Hin, in case of |. «ait th fa see er fe Pt a ek aie Fa ep Re ae copa, rca Ghee te |* SO We Mee teen omit Ree fas a Spee ie Pawn yor Steet wor eee ce fe ew eye se | Seas Se Eger we Ss ee ee od cetyl we {espn cers mt mri 019 mes tb ected or eran ar ie eee es ies . ities ste se ye Seta ash eee ea nee + Ree ieee fee ie iris re, ge, we fe Ea 5 sae ee = Hi a Ni we ar free sree, Ries ee ee *O ae Seine Teacee eae oa CR NETS Be Fo SON tis | ites ee me SU Sa com “with, fail wearer | Set ae os Sead aac xc | Sed ihe cee Ey e " PI eee STR * Sie rghae here eS | Eaieme teense eo o jacky Blue Ball-pornt Pen will not be awarded way mark. Re rane eee a 1. Amecife wil radiheeqled wfrraien nt OMR Arps. | 9, Sher ame omc 4 80 Sore toe SS ieemaiaiecearass |" oe Ferenc Sater ek pcp veh ae aor end grt ei wwe 1 6 re are et ve ae reat sak tan de an ne eR ee a A ose we Se as * Gee ea eee ete = cai Seer Dee ceet hk Sabon es || Meer as Be ay a Spates te Sh alee TEST (}) : GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND REASONING Directions ; In questions no. 1 to 9, select the| | BADC: XW2Y::FEHG: 7 rloied fewe/eers/munter from the even] ch) Vet" Soe ternatives. (© Yxev @) vsxw 1. Question figures: 2d, a PRE, otis fie + “u ae “ (a) 36 n u “4 © 3 @) 6 8:0::6: 2 wu 8 ou ©) 16 eS 1. aeSe:ra0 2 ca 8 ° D7 27 8 MLKJ:NOPQ::IHGF: 2, UTSR \wy Ret (©) SRUT (D) UTRS 9. ACEGZXVT::BDFH: 2 wus Yaw «c) YWT (D) YXvw Directions : In questions no. 10 to 18, select the one which is different from the other three responses. 10, a) (B) Raman 4Sraten (D) Khurana 4 (17-142 ® 7 © 41-98 146528 w 3579 | By 74n © 4,6,8,10 a 1 cm sage ork (©) 46 @) 264 ‘A2 Enginee Coaching rs Institute- ‘or SSC-JE 1 (A) Mere (@)anpiter (© Barth Comet 1% A) Geeta ® (© Bible Dabbarat 16. (A) Message By] ation, (©) Matter terial 1% (A) Guitar ®) Veena Jeb Pinte ©) Sitar 18. 7-145 @® 6 "08 © 5-15 ® 4-48 (Shia darmemen toa: —" @) Xplophitous ®) Xylophague jlopyrography AB) Xylophagan %, Number of letters skipped in between adjacent letters in the series incresses by one. ‘Which of the following series observes the rule given below? pea (8) CDJO. (©) Guts ©) -Qunz 21. In the following words, the group of letters should not contain more than three vowels. ‘Which of the following words docs not conform to the rule? @ scaRciTy > (8) PROGNOSIS > 22. Arrange the following words in a meaningful order : 1. Grapes 2 3. Whisky re 6. Distillation (A) 2,1,6,4,3 B) 3,5,4,21 , 1, 4, 6,3 BH. 2018/Page 4 Directions : In questions no. 23 to 26, choose the correct alternative from the given responses that will complete the series. 23, abso, 2 ,88,'82°9 «a 7% ® to) 88 80 maa te a, Siiate"al 67 wo ) 8 % © a ‘a a 28, EJOT, INSX, AFKP, ?_ Me (a) CHMS: (B) xTOI. a yo Fa1g Bor 26. 2, PSV,EHK,TWZILO | (A) BEH (B) IMP. ©) aco oie 27. A car covers the first half of the distance between two places at 40 km/hr and the ‘second half of the distance at 60 km/hr. So what is the average speed of @) 46k 6948 ema (© Sokmar ——@D) 00a 28, My father has two brothers. The youngest has two sons and one daughter. The elder one hhas one son and two daughters and the remaining one has three sons. If my father hhas four nephews, horr many cousin ee w 6 4 7 5 29, Find the wrong number in the given series. 7, 15, 8164, 127 TI BUG ww aa7 © a1 ‘SPAGE FOR ROUGH WORK / 05 wid & fore Ear “a 15. 16, M4, 18 19 c 9, In certain code language, REQUEST is Directions : In questions no. 36 and 37, find the written a SORSQTU. How is RETEST missing number from the given responses, written in that language ? 3 6 11 25 (a) (B) 82U2RU 8 6 16 ‘sauaTU @) s2vatv. 2 5 16 Ee tS 10 4 ‘Some equations are solved on the basis of a © 2 (D) 16 certain system. On the same basis, find out a i the correct answer for the unsglved equation, | 4, 166 12 92375. Ue an7,5%=7, 029, =? . Ee (A) 16 13 Ms F 10 Me 18 a = se @ © wa ‘82. Find out the number which belongs to the {C) @) 37 ven group of numbers fom the alternatives, | gy, 246, 579, 135, 35, 68 a 65 ae © 123 © 33, IP stands for +, Q stands for x, R stands for +, then AN W2PAR5 a? B) © 17 @) 34, From the given alternatives, select the word which cannot be formed the given word. ACCOMPANIED (a) Panic ® xo) £ome * o 385. In a certain code language, TOGRTHER is written 09 EGTORETH. How is CONGRATULATE written in that language ? w TEANOC ‘GNCOUTRAETLA (©) GNOCUTARETAL () GLNAOTCEURTA BH. 2013 /Page 6 468, cut, 31 ears \eerzey Question figure: D we se Answer figures : =n a 16 Mie entify the answer figure from which the pieces given in the question figure have been © using the letters of ws @) © COME ‘square represents edi PAIN ws 6 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / <3 wri & fr ears oi 39, In the following diagram, rectangle represents males, circle represents urban and ‘Which region represents educated urban males ? 30, 40, In the fallowing Venn diagram, identify the letter which denotes Film Actors who are Singers but not Directors. — rinse) 4 BF onsen Or 41, The door of Priya's house faces East. From the back side of the house, she wales straight 50 meters, then turns to the right and walks 50 meters again. Finally, turns towards the left and stops after walking 25 meters, Now Priya i facing which ? (A) North West (C) Bast @) South 42. Ram travelled 6 f towards West, he tumed. left and walked 8 #. then turned Ieft and walked 4 fe, then turned left and walked 8 f ‘again, How far is he now from the starting = (A) 8 @) 6 48." How many black-faced cubes are there in the given structure? @ © @) 16 BH. 2019/Page 8 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 175 wed & fem Directions ; In questions no. 44 ond 45, one or two statements are given, followed by two conclusions T ‘and II. You have to consider the staiements to be true ‘even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facis. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, fellows from the given statements, 44, Statements : AU scientists are hard-working. No hard-working man is poor. Conclusions : L. No scientist is poor. TL, No poor man is a scientist (A) Only conclusion I follows inly conclusion 11 follows ‘Both conclusions I and II fellow (D) None of the conclusions I or T follows 45. Statement : ‘A social movement is an interaction of people with a common motivational base in ‘Only conclusion Ii follows (©) Neither conclusion I nor II follows (D) Both conclusions I and Il follow 48. Sclect the answer figure in which the ‘question figure is hidden/embedded. Question figure : we a. 43, ‘47. A piece of paper is folded and punched as ‘shown below in the question figures. From the given enswor figures, indicate how it will ‘ppear when opened ? ga Question figures: |A2 Engineers Institute- Coaching for SSC-JE 49, A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives: The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in the two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are ‘numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix TT ‘are numbered from & to 9. A letter from these ‘matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, eg. ‘A’ can be represented by 13, 76, ete, and ‘G’ can be represented by 22,65, etc. Sienilarly, you to identify the set for the word ‘PUBLIC’. Matrix 1 Matrix II CPrere t[e[7[s[e T ojalulol7(B| [slP[r{alm|e Le om Paai||fe’e afrlelelalw) [elelt|o/r|M. jogo oie | ecsaliio's: ot 2[rimlelolr| [7/e[a[e[|m alulmiMicie| [s[elala|e|r| a) © ) ‘[p{t[wlele} [s[nirlelolP) ' 12, 80, 87, 41, 06, 33 48. Which of the answer figures is exactly the mirror image of the given figure, when the mirror is held on the line AB ?: Question figures : A M. Zz ox} B) 99, 30, 87, 77, 28, 44 (©) 55,01,87,98, 94, 87 ). 40, 30, 87, 88, 24, 43 of which of the siiswer figures | | Components ‘will exactly make up the question figure . given below. Question figure : Pe Answer figures : YM] MIS] [MN] |[oTX ofS] |[X[o]|[Soff[S[M | w ®t © BH. 2013/Page 10 a) © ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /7 wd & Fig =F Lone Solis/ TEST ( ~ AD) A civil servant in India may exercise politcal liberty by ; 1140" joining any political party (B) contesting inthe elections (©) githizing the government ising his franchise 52. The term ‘Law’ used in the phrase ‘Rule of| ‘Law’ refers to (A) Positive law (B)_ Natural law law BY Coen fn Conan 58, The total physical product per unit of a Variable input is known as (A) Average product © pecentcnn ‘Average physical product (D) Average revenue 4, The discount on price when a large quantity is ‘is known as ‘Volume discount +8) Maximum discount (©) Minimum diseount SBS Marginal discount The characteristic feature of democratic socialism is (A) Privatization (B) Liberalization AGF Nationalization (D) Socialization we If a group of rich people use power for their selfish goals, itis called as es GENERAL AWARENESS 88, The mein reason for the high growth of money supply in India since 1970 has been the rise in (A) Foreign lending (B) Foreign borrowing (©) RBI credit to the government ‘Bank credit tothe private sector ‘59. Who, was the first Muslim to be elected as President of the Indian National Congress ? (A) Syed Ahmad Khan B) Agha Khan (©) Mubammad Ali Jinnah Badruddin Tyabjt 60. Which of the following was not known to the Rigvedic period ? SF Joint family system. (B) Agriculture (©) Moctinge gystor (0) Marna system ‘61. Who was the first economist to have coined the terms “Micro Economics” asd “Macro gonomics”? (A) Milton Friedman ygnar Frisch (©) JM. Keynes (D) Paul Samuelson In a free enterprise economy, the decision on (© Polity . (@) Democracy what shall be produced is made by 51. Who ssid that “Man is born fiee and] _/_Benend cramer inal i} eb (©) Marx ) eau @) Goat BH. 2013/Page 12 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 1 wed & fer ea 51. 87. A2 Engineers Institute- Coaching for SSC-JE (B) travelling in families (©) dust storms (D) active over the sea 84. Orinoco il belt isin (A) Dubai jenezuela (B) Sovdi Arabia (D) Brazil 5, ‘The highest peak in Africa is (A) Jeoncagua Kaa (© MoKinley (@) Mount bros 66. Alayer of the Earth made up of mixed metals ‘and silicates is called ® Sial SC (B) Sima @) Nife 67. The exhaustion of soll fertility is the result of (A) Cover cropping, (B) Multiple cropping (©) Rotation cropping gen 71. ‘The number of occipital eondyles in man is, (A) One 0 (C) Three (D) Four 72,’ Migratory larvae of Ascaris produce ~~ symptoms of pneumonia. This fs known as (A) Down's syndrome AS) Wiinefelter’s syndrome 45 Tumer’s eyodrome ©) syndrome 78. Which one of tho following animals is an = Hagfah @) Seat (D) Rohu ‘Td. Which one of the following is the source of Solar energy ? (A) Nuclear fission far fosion (C) Artificial radioactivity (D) X-ray emission 75. Who, for the first time, successfully determined the change of an electron? (A) Thomson ‘Millikan ea, The frst Mostim king whe invaded South) — _(Cy“Rutherford _(D) Cowlom India was Sa Balban "76. What type of fruit is pins a (B) Mohammad bin Tughlag, (A) Sitiqua Gorosie (©, Babur (© Syconus —-«() Samara rinse Kaiti 2 ‘77. Strobilus is a structure associated with 669, ‘The Great Bath vas located in : Re a w (@) Potato Hara oda paar (©) Lothal + @) Kolibangan ©) us @ Ina" 70, The Mughal judicial system was besed on jaw B) Hebrew law jan Ao ecg _ (atin Co) Enameet Gis “SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / <3 wa & fore FE |. 2013/Page 14 78. Signet-ring is seen inthe ifecysle of (A) Mosquito ) Plasmodium 4. 65. 68. 2| ‘79, Pick the odd one out. 85, When and where will the next Olympics be Sie held ? (A) Compiler 2014 @) Interproter a sist © ler o ‘Rio-de-Jansiro, 2016 fer processor (©) Taiwan, 2013 aa 80, MS-Office is an example of. hop oem of tnging a poor is called (A) anoperating system SS Qawali @) atelecommunication software oe Sees Oa ming language fp Aedes 81, effect causes r increase of temperature ee Si. Ip Tndies the cay 6\ September is celebrated | (B) increase of moisture in air as Teacher's Day to honour the birthday of a ey — (©) decrease of temperature | een ae ain Tee (D) decrease of moisture in air r.§. Radhakrishnan (©) Dr. Rajendra Prasad ‘88, The advantage of rain-water harvesting is (D) Mrs, Indira Gandhi that it (4) holps in reducing floods a ‘82 Which among the following polluting agents (B) increases the ground water level is responsible for creating a hole in the ozone aves es © more rains ww co reduces floods and replenishes ground water © o - ia 89. Injection of weakened microbes to ‘confer 8% 88, ‘The ‘solder’ used for connecting electronic| _Tesistance to. disease is known as rea of “ on ‘Lead and Tn ates faccination @) Tin and Iron (©) Copper and Lead ae (D) Lead and Alurdinium pee 1. Who, among the following, is the author of 84, - What type of molecular motion is responsible | ‘Das-Kapital!? for heat conduction ? i (A) Rousseau HS Translational AG, a Btarx ) Vibrational $ (©) Rotational (O Comneee ©) Spin : ) Montesquieu i i BH. 2013/Page 16 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 75 wd & fre eae +o ~ wstituent of air is ) Carbon dioxide (©) Oxygen @) Hydrogen ‘The souring of ilk to curd is an example of (A) Saponifieation 88. Which one of the following compounds is 96. Which of the following is not a water ‘treatment technique ? 1 ape cate : 07 Ia etaags (C) Elegtro-dialysis : lectrostatic precipitation : Which one of the following is a major indoor sir pollutant in India? i (A) Ozone ‘ (B) Peroxy Acetyl Nitrite (PAN) o, formed when formald ‘treated with Grignard reagent aby Primary aleobol (B) Secondary aleohol (@®) AIDS (©) ‘Tertiary alcohol (© Cholera (D) Dihydric alcohol (@D) Hepatitis 94, Volvo, the car manufacturing company, ete mal ie introduced @) 00, (A) Alarm (B) Organic particulate matter ae Xo) sell ash particles a @) NOx (D) Rear view mirrors 100. Addition of chlorine to raw water before 95, The Dark Continent is. treatment is known as (A) Asin (A) Plain chlorination pee (B) Post-chlorination ‘Afri \©)-Pre-chlorination D) Europe (D) Super-chlorination i (2013/Page 18 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / <5 wird & ferq Fart j g] Coaching |A2 Engineers Institute- for SSC-JE PART- A: GENERAL ENGINEERING (CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL) 01. Ree firat class brick is ‘3 Nénm? (B) 5-5 N/mm? GF 05 Njmm® = (D) 7-5 N/mm? 102, Which of the following cements iv suitable for use in urgent repairs of existing massive conerete structures such as large dams ? (A)_ Ordinary portland cement heat cement « hardening cement (D) Sulphate resisting cement 108. For polishing mosaic floors we use (A) Garbolie acid (B) Muriatic acid te acid lie acid 104, The lintels are preferred to arches because (A) arches require more headroom to span _the openings like doors, windows, ete. (©) archos are dificult in construction \@) Alot the above 105, The most suitable sténe for building pi ‘granite (B) Vimestone © marble (D) sandstone 106. Number of modular bricks required for one ‘cubic metre of brick masonry are a) 400 ®) © 580 «py 500 407. The plasticity to mould bricks in suitable 108. Gypsum used in cement, manufacturing acts as (A) accelerator (B) ir entraining agent © od eae , 109, The woodworks should be measured to nearest, w 1m ieaae (©) 0008:m ©) 004m 110, Anti-siphonage pipe is connected to (A) Main soil pipe (B) Bottom of P trap W.C. CY Top of P trap W.C. (D) Side of Water Closet 111. For 15 mm thick cement plastering 1 : 6 on 100 squm. new brick work, the quantity of ‘coment required is, (A) 0-200 m* @® 0247 n° © o274n® — , My Oa m? 112. The base material for distemper is Chalk B) Lime © Clay (D) Lime putty 113, The amount of water used in performing setting time tast of cement i® (assuming ee eeest p= standard consistency of éement) - ‘Alumina er Lime (A) 060p (B) 0685p =) Magnesia -—«(D)_Silica © oeop @) 985 BH. 2013/Page 20 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 5 ward fer ert — we 5 14, Ifd be the diameter of MS or tor steel bars in ‘mm, the standard weight (in kg) per metre of ‘0-00618 a? (B) 0006184 (©) 000816 a® (D) o-o816d 115. The main principle of field surveying is to work from (A) higher level to lower level (B) lower level to higher level (©) partto whole fhole to part If { ia the rate of interest expressed in esimal and ‘is the muraber of years, then coefficient of annual sinking find, I, is 6. a+p*-0 he —— m1. j 1 F [60 cm Air ee ae Seti ha ‘The above figure represents plan and section’ of an excavation layout. The volume of ‘earthwork in excavation of foundation trench is (A) 6828cum, \08h 8.064 cum. (C) 8-832 cum, (@) 9-600 cum. 118. ‘The Whole Circle Bearing of a line is 287°15°. ‘The Reduced Bearing of the line is (A) s10T16 WB) SITS W Nis Ww (D) S101 E 118. A line joining some fixed points on the main survey lines is called (A) check line tie line (©) chain line (D) dase line 120. Which of the following methods of contouring ‘is most suitable for hilly terrain ? (A) Direct method ) Square method (C) Cross-section method {DY Tacheometric method wan. A isa ree alee ‘surface ofthe earth (B) line passing through centre of cross hairs ‘and centre of eye-piece yee (©) horizontal line 122, Ranging is defined as (A) measuring the distance from starting int ‘establishing intermediate point on & chain line (©) the distance between end points (D) a poiit on a chain line 123. Compute the angle between the lines ‘AB and AG, If their respective bearings are 52°80’ and 828°48'. (a) 26°18" ®) 615° © ure tars BH. 2019/Page 22 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ord & frg ear nu | aa n n zl Ee 124, If the sum of northings of a traverse exceeds 199. If the volume of voids is equal to the volume the sum of southings by 1 m and sum of] of solids in’a soil mass, then the values of nea a re el tr ‘porosity and voids ratio respectively are it sing error ‘its true ‘béaring ore respectively, (& 10ando0 — @) OOand 10 Us i NAPE (© 1Sand10 — ) Woandos B) 1m,N4E eo tomy stabilization is very effective in (© 2m,NasW = (D) 2m,NASE i ee © plastic soils: Jatitudes is more than the sum of the south latitudes and also the sum of west departures {2 more than the sum of east departures, the pearing of the closing line ein the (A) SEquadrant (B) NE quadrant soy” NW quadrant (D) SW quadrant 126, The angle between true meridian and the ‘uagnetic meridian at the time of observations js known 2s fee tit \C- surveying (D) Chain Hines which go oot of sligament 128. ‘tbe fore bearings of the lines AB and BC sre Tae a 1a respectively. The incloded angle] AY ow bearing capacity ‘between AB and BC is 40° io (© ia rerting on the groune sure 1885, The discharge over a rectangular notch is (A) inversely proportional to HY? (85 directly propertional to H®? (C) inversely proportional to HS? (D) directly proportional to HS? 1336. The most economical section of a rectangular channel is one having hydraulic radius equal to (A) twice the depth B) half the breadth (half the depth ©) twice the breadth 137. In a rectangular channel, the ratio of the specific energy at eritical depth H, to the cxitical depth y, is & 20 gris 188. In open channel flows, the characteristic length commonly used in defining the Reynolds number is the. depth of fow (B) wetted perimeter 4s hydraulic radius (D) arealtop width 189, Bulk modulus of a fluid is the ratio of (A) shear stress to shear strain (B) increase in volume to the viscosity of| fluid (C)-inerense in pressure to the volumetric strain (D) critical velocity to the’ velocity of uid 140. The buoyancy depends upon the (A) pressure with which the liquid is displaced ABY weight of the liquid displaced (©) viscosity ofthe liquid (D) compressibility ofthe liquid ® 10 (D) 125 141. Reynolds number is the ratio of the inertia force to the (A) surface tension force ‘incous force (©) gravity force (D) elastic force 142, A river training work is gonerally required when the river is (A) aggrading type AB tmeandering type (©) degrading type (D) both (A) and (©) 148. ‘The water utilizable by plants is available in the form of (A) gravity water (B) hydroscopic water \Gy capillary water (D) chemical water 144. A surge tank is provided in hydropower ‘schemes to ‘Yo Teduce water hammer pressures (B) reduce fttional leases (©) increase the net head (D) strengthen the penstocks 145, Inva two-dimensional flow of fluid, if velocity potential function @ exista which satisfies the relation oo , + 2% <0, then the flow is ax?” oy? * (A) steady incompressible (B) steady laminar aind incompressible \ (OY Frrotatonal and inoompresile (D) turbulent and incompressible ; BH, 2013/Page 26 ia SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK. / TH word & forq eare 1g 18 181 140 146, ‘The permissible limit of arsenic in drinking | 161. From a circular plate of diameter 60 c=, & ter 28 per the guidelines of WHO is i v ee @ o o 001 ppb 0-05 ppm 0-06 ppb the plate, The distance of centre of gravity of the remainder from the cantre of circular plate is (A) 20cm (B) 15a0 147. Which one of the following sequences is the © 19 ‘Sem most suitable for treating raw surface water to make it suitable for drinking purpose? w ® © Screening -»__ filtration sedimentation ~ disinfection + disinfection sedimentation — filtration Screening -» sedimentation disinfection —» filtration Gereening ~) sedimentation filtration ~ disinfection 154. In a section undergoing pure bending, the z neutral surface is subjected to 7 (A) compression strain 4 oa ‘ero strain :” (D) None of the above 153. The ability of a material to.abeorb energy tl r the breaking or rapture takes place is known os 148, ‘The populations of « town as per census | (A) Hardness ‘oy Toorhness records were 200000, 210000 and 230000 for (©) Brittleness @) Softness the years 1981, 1991 and 2001 respectively. ‘Tue population of the town as per geometric ‘mean method in the year 2009 is 164, At the point of contraflexure (A) Bending moment is minimum a eB moment is maximum ee © moment is 28r0 (©) 246820 (D) None of the above @) ‘moment is zero and its sign 149. If the stopping distance and average length of changes ‘a vehicle are 18 m and 6 m respectively, then'| 155. ‘A beam fixed at both ends carries « uniformly fhe theoretical maximum capacity (wehies| distributed load on entire Jength. The ratio of per hour) of a traffic lane at a speed of Bending moment at the support to the ee bending moment at mid span is given by 1600 (B) 2000 @) 05 @ 10 «© 2500 (D) 3000 © 18 \or%o 160. In highway construction on superelevated | 166. In case of biaxial stress, the maximum-value curves, the rolling shall proceed from (A) sides towards the centre Be tra ‘ower edge towards the upper edge (D) upper edge towards the lower edge of shear stress is given by (C) Sum of the normal stresses (D) Half the sum of the normal stresses BH, 2019/Page 28 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / (5 wr & forge oe 487, OF the several prismatic beams of equal lengths and of same material, the beam that can carry maximum load in flexure is the one having maximum (A) Depth of section (B) Areaof cross-section ‘Section modulus (D) Moment of inertia 158, The maximum deflection of a simply supported beam of effective span L and subjected to a central concentrated load W is given by w wLy/sEl (B) WL'/24 EL owas Bt (D) 5 WL'/384 EL ‘Aconcentrated load W acts at the centre of a simply supported. beam of length L. If the Toad is changed to « uniformly distributed lond-over the entire span, then the ratio of ‘maximum deflection under concentrated load. and under uniformly distributed load will be w 12 B18. © uw BBS 8/5 159, 1162. Shear force at the mid-span point D in the following bearo is , D B ae (A) zero ) 2M/L Jer wy D) 3M 163. Two identical simply supported beams of span ‘pf are subjected to equal load ‘W. One beam is the load ‘W' at its contre (as Concentrated load) and the other one is ‘carrying it in the form of wal. over the entire Spex. The ratio of their mid-spen Bending moment will be ~ wt ort os os 160, The diagram for a cantilever beam A ae en] Peale eo DMD end is given by Wan Sy aver the ather support. The shape of BMD (A) Triangle will be 2B) Rectangle «w (C) Parabola parabolic (D) Ellipse {C) cubical parabolic "1 161. Deflection of the free ond of a cantilever beam Cat) ‘paving a concentrated load W at mid span is |65 ‘The maximum dimension of « core section for given by tl a ‘cross-section under eccentric y / Joading on a column (b x €) is (a) WEYSEL ( t aie (B) SWLY24 EI a ee was (oS WLIASEL © as D) W148 EL ‘oy fe and aa BH. 2013/Page 30 GPAGE FOR ROUGH WORK 1 wd FE 16 151 158 160 361 fe 167. The mement required to rotate the near-end |172. Poisson's atio jis defined as the ratio of of a prismatic beam through unit angle, ‘without translation, the far end being fixed is ) EYL (© 3EyL ®) 2EYL oF a ein, 168, A retaining wal of trapezoidal section having base width ‘retains earth at its back. For no tension to be developed at base, the resultant force will intersect the base from centre line of the base, within a distance of @ b/s B) b/s © ws pr ble 169. Angle of twist of a circular shaft under the ‘action ofa torsional moment T is given by (a) GT 170, -A structure which offers nogligible.or zero ‘esistance on bending at any point is known | 176, The object of curing is not to as (A) Beam S@) Girder © Untel Dr Cable M1. The curvature at any point (3) along the carve representing the deformed shape of beam is given by ow stave [1 af" vor Sey] bey” © cdyec/ [ua] 72 o scant0/ [3] (A) axial strain to transverse strain (B) axial strain to shear strain en strain to axial strain (D) shear strain to axial strain 178 In a thin cylindrical shell, the ratio of longitudinal stress to hoop stress is Kavos @ 10 18 ) 20 : 174. The grade of concrete M20 means thet characteristic compressive strength of 15 em cubes after 28 days is given by @ 10Nam?— @) 15Nfmm OBNfon? (D) 2% N/mm 175. You are asked to construct « massive concrete (A) Ordinary portland cement @ yhardening portland cement ‘heat cement {D) Blast furnace slag cemaent 178, The equivalent stifiness of two sPriDg® of iitiness S, and S joined in series is given Dy {@) ‘reduce the shrinkage of coment F © ‘he properties ofeonerete | Prguce the strength of conerot® i 171. The ititial setting time of Ordinary Portland i Cament (OPO) is | (@) 10min, (8-H min. t (© 45min. ©) 60 0. | i \ 8. BG SK S14 89 B) 6/52 81+ 82) ©) 8 +82 @) 8:82 479, Buckling load for ‘an axially loaded colomn with both ends fixed is given: by, wa eee @) 2eBy vor tea ) eEyar) : BH. 2013/Page 32 "SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 15 id Seger |A2 Engineers Institute-| Coaching for SSC-JE 187, Of the several prismatic beams of equal 162. Shear force at the mid-span point D in the lengths and of same material, the beam that following beam is can carry maximum Joad in flexure is the one having maximum 4 —_2 _3 >" A) ee eel 7a a ey odd (&) zero wm 24 medias (D) Moment of inertia Jer mp © 3 158, The maximum deflection of a simply | 163- ‘Two identical simply ‘beams of span supported beam of effective span Land ‘subjected to a central concentrated load W is given by w Weel (B) WL EI (Or WL3/48 EI (D) 6 WL'/884 EL 169, ‘A concentrated load W acts at the centre of simply supported beam of length L. If the ond is changed to a uniformly distributed load: over the entire span, then the ratio of| ‘maximum deflection under concentrated load and under uniformly distributed load will be B18 ) Ellipse 161. Deflection of the free end of a cantilever beam having a concmntrated load W at mid span given by w (a) WLY3 EL 4 i @) SWL/AEL = co-oW As BI wL'/4s EL o) “SPAGE FOR ROUGH WORK 1 «Tord fee EF 3H. 2013/Page 30 ye pare subjected to equal load W'. One beam is carrying the load “W' at its centre (as ‘concentrated load) and the other one is carrying it in the form of u.dl. over the entire Span. The ratio of their mid-span bending ‘moment will be . wi ort 4 os ‘a 164, In a Mohr’ circle of o ~ ¢ plane (0 = normal stress, « = shear stress), the vertical diameter we en ee (B) Maximum normal stress (© Principal stress (D) Minimum normal stress 165. A. simply beam ia carrying distributed load of ‘cero’ intensity over one support to linearly varying nature of intensity ‘over the other support. The shape of BMD will be w ji parabolic (C) cubical parabolic (D) zero 166, ‘The maximum dimension of a core section for a ree ‘cross-section eccentric Joading on « column (b x d) is (ay 6/6 @) a6 © ae oy 6 and af is 161 168 160 N nw Ee coe aA 167. ‘The moment required to rotate the near end of a prismatic beam through anit angle, ‘without translation, the far end being fixed is ) EYL ®) 2EY/L © 3EYL wha Ey 168. A retaining wall of trapezoidal section having base width ‘retains earth at its back, For no tension to be developed at base, the resultant force will intersect the base from centre line of the base, within a distance of w of @B b/s © v6 orels 169. Angle of twist of a circular shaft under the ‘action of a torsional moment T is given by ) GU/TL wer Tyas (c) T/GL @) TG/L 170, -A structure which offers negligible or zero resistance on bending at any point is known a : (A) Beam <«B) Girder (C) Lintel rable (2 Xm. The curvature at any point (2) along te ccorve representing the deformed shape of a beam is given by pe wre cych/ [: ey ~ we © sede / [+23 a o scan/ [3] a 172, Poisson's ratio 1 is defined asthe ratio of (A) axial strain to transverse strain (B) axial strain to shear strain jerse strain to axial strain (D) shear atrain to axial strain 178, In a thin cylindrical shell, the ratio of longitudinal stress to hoop stress is K\ares ® 10 © 16 ) 20 tcabos after 28 days is given by @® wNjant— @) 15N/mm, QBN! (D) 25 N/mm? 175. ‘You are asked to construct a massive concrete dam. The type of coment you wil use is (A) Ordinary portland cement ® spid hardening portland cement (Dpto heat coment (D) Blast furnace slag cement 176, The object of curing is not to (A) prevent the loss of water by evaporation @) ‘Feduce the shrinkage of eement concrete cota the properties of ‘concrete ‘reduce the strength of concrete 177. The initial setting time of Ordinary Portland Cament (OPO) is (4) 10min, (Br H win. (C) 45 min. @) 60 min. 178, The equivalent stiffness of two springs of “iffnese S, and Sp joined in series i given by s=

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