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angela stark show 188

11 min mark

write a letter to the head clerk of the court (thats actually the head judge) in your distrcit A simple question

hey bob,

You wish for They're legal and lawfull finding and facts And his conclusions in law... Does a corporation
have a right To pack my property And order me to pay their debts they claim Is now due Or can only a
government set a tax Upon its citizens?Or because I live in a corporate Township Am I now a corporate
citizen or one of its subjects

thank you,

Declaratory judgments are provided for by both federal and state law. 28 U.S.C. 2201-02,
Calif.Code.Civ.Proc. 1060-1062.5 (and see also the Uniform Declaratory Judgment Act). Declaratory
judgments permit parties to a controversy to determine rights, duties, obligations or status.

Case or Controversy

The United States Constitution (Article III, Section 2) limits the exercise of the judicial power to 'cases' and
'controversies.' The Declaratory Judgment Act in its limitation to 'cases of actual controversy,' refers to
the constitutional provision and is operative only in respect to controversies which are such in the
constitutional sense. A justiciable controversy is thus distinguished from a difference or dispute of a
hypothetical or abstract character; from one that is academic or moot. The controversy must be definite
and concrete, touching the legal relations of parties having adverse legal interests. It must be a real and
substantial controversy admitting of specific relief through a decree of a conclusive character, as
distinguished from an opinion advising what the law would be upon a hypothetical state of facts. Aetna
Life Insurance Co. v. Haworth, 300 U.S. 227, 57 S.Ct. 461, 81 L.Ed. 617 (1937). For adjudication of
constitutional issues 'concrete legal issues, presented in actual cases, not abstractions' are requisite. The

power of courts to pass upon the constitutionality of acts of Congress arises only when the interests of
litigants require the use of the judicial authority for their protection against actual interference. A
hypothetical threat is not enough. United Public Workers v. Mitchell, 330 U.S. 75, 67 S.Ct. 556, 91 L.Ed.
754 (1947).

The operation of the Declaratory Judgment Act is procedural only. Relief under the Act is available only if
the requisites of jurisdiction, in the sense of afederal right or diversity, provide foundation for resort to the
federal courts. The Declaratory Judgment Act allowed relief to be given by way of recognizing the
plaintiff's right even though no immediate enforcement of it was asked. But the requirements of jurisdiction
- the limited subject matters which alone Congress had authorized the District Courts to adjudicate - were
not impliedly repealed or modified. Skelly Oil Co. v. Phillips Petroleum Co., 339 U.S. 667, 70 S.Ct. 876,
94 L.Ed. 1194 (1950).
Standards of Review
A federal district court should, in the exercise of discretion, decline to exercise diversity jurisdiction over a
declaratory judgment action raising issues of state law when those same issues are being presented
contemporaneously to state courts. Provident Tradesmens Bank & Trust Co., v. Patterson, 390 U.S.
102, 88 S.Ct. 733, 19 L.Ed. 2d 936 (1968).
Although Rule 57 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure permits declaratory relief although another
adequate remedy exists, it should not be granted where a special statutory proceeding has been
provided. In cases where a state criminal prosecution was begun prior to the federal suit, the same
equitable principles relevant to the propriety of an injunction must be taken into consideration by federal
district courts in determining whether to issue a declaratory judgment, and that where an injunction would
be impermissible under these principles, declaratory relief should be denied as well. Katzenbach v.
McClung, 379 U.S. 294, 85 S.Ct. 377, 13 L.Ed.2d 290 (1964).
Federal district courts possess discretion in determining whether and when to entertain an action under
the Declaratory Judgment Act, even when the suit otherwise satisfies subject matter jurisdictional
prerequisites. District courts have substantial latitude in deciding whether to stay or to dismiss a
declaratory judgment suit in light of pending state proceedings (and need not point to "exceptional
circumstances" to justify their actions). The Declaratory Judgment Act is "an enabling Act, which confers
a discretion on the courts rather than an absolute right upon the litigant." Wilton v. Seven Falls Co. 515
U.S. 277, 115 S.Ct. 2137, 132 L.Ed.2d 214 (1995). The Declaratory Judgment Act states only that a
court "may declare the rights and other legal relations of any interested party seeking such declaration.
Where it is uncertain that declaratory relief will benefit the party alleging injury, the court will normally
refrain from exercising its equitable powers.


U.S. Code Title 28 Part VI Chapter 151 2201

28 U.S. Code 2201 - Creation of remedy

Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
US Code


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In a case of actual controversy within its jurisdiction, except with respect to Federal taxes other than
actions brought under section 7428 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, a proceeding under section
505or 1146 of title 11, or in any civil action involving an antidumping or countervailing duty proceeding
regarding a class or kind of merchandise of a free trade area country (as defined in section 516A(f)(10)
of the Tariff Act of 1930), as determined by the administering authority, any court of the United States,
upon the filing of an appropriate pleading, may declare the rights and other legal relations of any
interested party seeking such declaration, whether or not further relief is or could be sought. Any such
declaration shall have the force and effect of a final judgment or decree and shall be reviewable as
For limitations on actions brought with respect to drug patents see section 505 or 512 of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act.

14 Judges cannot ignore your declaratory judgment request if they do... just throw platsky vs CIA as a
reminder that they are there to help aid claimants

20 Don't Use legally only use common parlance English. don't use prose use prosecutor
AGGRIE'VE, verb transitive [of ad and grieve from grief. See Grief and Grave.]
1. To give pain or sorrow; to afflict. In this sense, it is nearly superseded by grieve.
2. To bear hard upon; to oppress or injure, in one's rights; to vex or harass by civil or political injustice.
AGGRIE'VE, verb intransitive To mourn; to lament. [Not used. See Grieve.]

25. Attorneys like to file a lot of affidavits but they can't do anything with them because they can't swear
the woman open court and they are only certifying not verifying their affidavits

Legalese is an English term first used in 1914[3] for legal writing that is very difficult for laymen to read and
understand, the implication being that this abstruseness is deliberate for excluding the legally untrained
and to justify high fees. Legalese, as a term, has been adopted in other languages. [4][5]Legalese is
characterized by long sentences, many modifying clauses, complex vocabulary, high abstraction, and
insensitivity to the layman's need to understand the document's gist. Legalese arises most commonly in
legal drafting, yet appears in both types of legal analysis. Today, the Plain Language Movement in legal
writing is progressing and experts are busy trying to demystify legalese.
Some important points in the debate of "legalese" v. "plain language" as the continued standard for legal
writing include:
Public comprehensibility[edit]
Perhaps most obviously, legalese suffers from being less comprehensible to the general public than plain
English, which can be particularly important in both private (e.g., contracts) and public matters (e.g., laws,
especially in democracies where the populace is seen as both responsible for and subject to the laws). [6]
Resistance to ambiguity[edit]
Legalese may be particularly resistant to misinterpretation, be it incidental or deliberate, for two reasons:
[citation needed]

1. Its long history of use provides a similarly extensive background of precedent tied to the
language. This precedent, as discussed above, will be a strong determinant of how
documents written in legalese will be interpreted.
2. The legalese language itself may be more precise when compared to plain English,
having arisen from a need for such precision, among other things.
Joseph Kimble, a modern plain-English expert and advocate, rejects the claim that legalese is less
ambiguous in The Great Myth that Plain Language is not Precise.[7] Kimble says legalese often contains
so many convoluted constructions and circumlocutions that it is more ambiguous than plain English.
Coverage of contingencies[edit]
Legal writing faces a trade off in attempting to cover all possible contingencies while remaining
reasonably brief. Legalese is characterized by a shift in priority towards the former of these concerns. For
example, legalese commonly uses doublets and triplets of words (e.g., "null and void" and "dispute,
controversy, or claim") which may appear redundant or unnecessary to laymen, but to a lawyer might
reflect an important reference to distinct legal concepts.
Plain-English advocates suggest that no document can possibly cover every contingency, and that
lawyers should not attempt to encompass every contingency they can foresee. Rather, lawyers should
only draft for the known, possible, reasonably expected contingencies; see Howard Darmstadter,Hereof,
Thereof, and Everywhereof: A Contrarian Guide to Legal Drafting 34 (ABA 2002).
Regardless of its objective merits or demerits when compared to plain English, legalese has a clear
importance as a professional norm. As such, lawyers, judges, and clients may expect and prefer it,
although no client or judge has ever actually expressed such a preference publicly. But a study conducted
by Joseph Kimble, has expressly revealed the preference of Judges and lawyers for plain language

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Confer" redirects here. For the computer conferencing program, see CONFER (software).
For other uses, see Cf (disambiguation
the abbreviation cf. derives from the Latin verb conferre, while in English it is commonly read as
"compare". The abbreviation advises readers to consult other material, usually for the purpose of drawing
a contrast. Many usage guides recommend against the common use of mean "see also".

Such abbreviations appear most frequently in scholarly contexts such as in academic articles, mainly in
humanities, physics, chemistry, and open nomenclature biology. They also appear widely in texts dealing
with topics in theology, philology,[1] or in economic[2][3] or legal writing.[4]

31 If you're in bankruptcy court you have to play by their rules that's why you have to open up your own
court and set up your own rules ..If you forget to bring your own rules they going to play at their way so
remember bring your rules

32 You don't want a trial by ambush not fair to just show up and change the rules of the game without
anybody knowing in advance. but if you give them fair warning and they somehow forget the rules too
bad for them I don't care if they don't they're understaffed or underfunded that's not my problem .
have a preliminary hearing to establish the rules of court so none is surpirzed

How to preliminary hearing the judges taking notes so act accordingly. Respectful when do free man.
Then that that time it's a place where you slug it out before you go in front of a jury .So be calm cool and
collected in there and show your scary knowledge and watch Dodgers record themselves and you just
simply sitting on your couch are you staying I gotta be frightening for the prosecution to see

41.. Settling in the private means every letter and every correspondence you have before you put it in
front of a public jury this includes a preliminary hearing In judges chambers. You have to act in good faith
so conditional accept everything...

43 Attainder
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In English criminal law, attainder or attinctura was the metaphorical "stain" or "corruption of blood" which
arose from being condemned for a serious capital crime (felony or treason). It entailed losing not only
one's property and hereditary titles, but typically also the right to pass them on to one's heirs. Both men
and women condemned of capital crimes could be attainted.
Attainder by confession resulted from a guilty plea at the bar before judges or before the coroner in
sanctuary. Attainder by verdict resulted from conviction by a jury. Attainder by process resulted from a
legislative act outlawing a fugitive. The latter form is obsolete in England (and prohibited in the United
States), and the other forms have been abolished.


1Attainders of British aristocracy in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

2Passage in Parliament

3Corruption of blood

4Examples of cases where a person's property was subject to attainder


Attainders of British aristocracy in the Middle Ages and Renaissance[edit]

Medieval and Renaissance English kings and queens used acts of attainder to deprive nobles of their
lands and often their lives. Once attainted, the descendants of the noble could no longer inherit his lands
or income. Attainder essentially amounted to the legal death of the attainted's family.[1]
Kings typically used attainders against political enemies and those who posed potential threats to the
king's position and security. The attainder eliminated any advantage the noble would have in a court of
law; nobles were exempt from many of the techniques used to try commoners, including torture. Likewise,
in many cases of attainder, the king could coerce the parliament into approving the attainder and there
would be a lower or non-existent burden of proof (evidence) than there would be in court. [2]
Prior to the Tudors, most rulers reversed their attainders in return for promises of loyalty. For
example,Henry VI reversed all 21 attainders, Edward IV 86 of 120, and Richard III 99 of 100.[3] However,
this changed with Henry VII, as described below.

47 It doesn't matter that we are in a trust and beneficiaries to it because a beneficiary has no right to
know what the Grand Tour indenture has in store for them not that's between him and the trustee
Administrative hearing officers don't wear those to the Constitution Always ask the judge under what
capacity is working under the common law magistrate is he administrative hearing officer ..Ask a judge is
this a common law proceeding or this civil administrative hearing


I just did not the magistrate the magistrate goes round and filled cups okay I took care of the court back in
the day the judge well God is your judge and so are your peers injury in particular a trial by jury (under the
7th amendment in the bill of rights) not a jury trial as we understand about modifiers in front of but now

102 Careful with jury trial you only want a trial by jury .

at the hearing tribunal Try to Evoke the 9th amendment ..

107...Is there some lawful excuse Why I can't vote and 9th Article of the Bill of Rights and get a trial by
jury Tell me you leave on lawful determinations That allow you to interfere with man's lawful right to a
common law court i will charge anyone $10,000 a day for interfering with my right.

109- Admiral Court , Tax Court I'm not going there any reason I can't have the only court protected by
the Constitution for the people called Court of record that United States Supreme Court protects for the
people .

110- When I bring in controversy the court that's why when I put in verses in our claim just the line across
there between prosecutor line wrongdoer or doers

111-r claim Consists of 2 parts... one to stop whatever is interfering with our rights and secondly is an
order for compensation...the jury determines if they don't think the compensation is worth $10,000 or
simply give me a dollar or whatever they think is just . but tell them to stop what they're doing to me
because it is causing me harm

Its in Blackstones Commentaries Volume 3, chapter 23, section 378, of the trial by jury. You never say
jury trial you say 'trial by jury.'
But in both these instances the jury may if they think proper take upon themselves to determine at their
own hazard, the complicated question of fact in law and without either special verdict or special case may
find a verdict absolutely either for the plaintiff or the defendant.

112 when we compare using {[cf.] we are saying look what you cant do to your citizens ...if u cant do that
to your citizens how do you get off doing it to me?

115 Put everything in writing you may be nervous when you get to court.

If the judge ask you a question say that's very good Let me write that down and get back to you in 72
hours Is there anything else that you're having problems deciphering on my paperwork .You put
everything in paperwork and then writing because you don't want to get caught in one of those he said
she said scenario

118 Always put your statement in the form of a question this is because of your court and you're the
pursuer you're the person in authority and he has an authority is as King asking the question We don't
answer to anybody

120 Until all parties are ready to proceed in a civil matter . they cant make you proceed or perform.. so
you can ask for a stamp proceedings to be held in abeyance

121. You could do a diversity of party case because you're in a natural state and they are in another state
ie virgina state..i am not in the rock and soil...

Why go to the federal court for the state court ? because u wont get an impartital judge.. they are all voted
in.You'll bring in your own law you don't trust there's

124. u write a letter to cease an desist notice:ur interfering with whatever right to be let alone...and if u
dont stop i am going to charge you $1000 a day Until you stop interfering with my right .

Not only do I believe I have this right so does the Constitution And all the other comparisons you want to

126. Tacit acquiescence Clause: By tacit acquiescence if you don't respond in 72 hours I'm going to say
that you tacitly acquiesce To all terms and conditions of this notice

127 If they continue to ignore you send them another letter

Look I try to settle this matter on the private side with you you continue to interfere with my rights you give
me no choice but to evoke my common law right to a trial by jury

127 Can't latch a man.So there is no statute of limitations on your case don't bring it up don't even talk
about it your two sons sons can bring up your claim because man can be latched he has unlimited

129 It's important to know that no man is above you and that's why there are no titles of nobility 10 their
are no governors thye are actually the chief magistrate as the contistution forbids it..they are only stylized
the governor...
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8:
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust
under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title,
of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
The Framers' intentions for this clause were twofold: to prevent a society of nobility from being
established in the United States, and to protect the republican forms of government from being influenced
by other governments. In Federalist No. 22, Alexander Hamilton stated, "One of the weak sides of
republics, among their numerous advantages, is that they afford too easy an inlet to foreign corruption."
Therefore, to counter this "foreign corruption" the delegates at the Constitutional Convention worded the
clause in such a way as to act as a catch-all for any attempts by foreign governments to influence state or
municipal policies through gifts or titles.[5]
Constitution of the State of Texas (1861) ARTICLE V.


SECTION 1. The supreme executive power of this State shall be vested in the Chief Magistrate, who shall be styled the Governor of the State of Texas.

131 A magistrate like a waiter I take your order that's what he was used to doing in the back in the days in the court

magistrate (n.)

late 14c., "civil officer in charge of administering laws," from Old French magistrat, from Latinmagistratus "a magistrate, public functionary," originally "magisterial rank or office,"
frommagistrare "serve as a magistrate," from magister "chief, director" (see master). Related:Magistracy.

maitre d'hotel

1530s, "head domestic," from French matre d'htel, literally "house-master," from Old Frenchmaistre "master; skilled worker, educator" (12c.), from Latin magistrum (see magistrate).
Sense of "hotel manager, manager of a dining room" is from 1890. Shortened form matre d' is attested from 1942; simple maitre from 1899

137 karl lentz case the people that will be there will The governor, Attorney General And the trustee of the insurance fund Of the risk management of the General liability trust fund
Who's holding the money owed As a beneficiary of that fund as i have been injured because those wrongdoers I demanded X amount of dollars And that trustees holding up my
payment And he has no Legitimate authority or lawful authority To deny my claim.

They may require a court order by the way doesn't realize is that the court orders created by the prosecutor of the claim in a common law court of record so you want to go to court
well let's get it on .

143. If you show up you're supposed to in common law case and the judges are no jury in front of you You say you're not appearing in his court because this is not the matter you
showed up for I don't know how you get a movie gave me because I know you know you're in violation of the law You breaking the law judge your inferring with my right and you can't
do that You can step outside of your authority you took a Oath of office and obey a set of rules .


453. Oaths of justices and judges

Each justice or judge of the United States shall take the following oath or affirmation before performing the duties of his office: I, ______ XXX, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I
will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent
upon me as ______ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat. 907; Pub. L. 101650, title IV, 404, Dec. 1, 1990, 104 Stat. 5124.)

Do you think you can break your contract with the people that you that you are bound by ? That's what you tell the judge who isn't giving you your common law court

If I show up on the 30th day like you ordered me to judge and I don't see a common law trial by jury I'm going to be really upset and I'm going to charge you $10,000 to $10,000 a day
for interfering with my right to have a common law trial by jury


7 th and 9 th amendment i have the right to a court of record That the only court for man.. Everything else created was an act of Congress ...Supreme Court of the

government to put the checks and balance between the executive branch and then in the legislative branch

149...He writing a letter letting the judge know you claim it is true that he is interfering with your rights and you're going to use it as evidence because they should reply in 72 hours
why they feel they should be interfering with ur right. and they need to stop it $10,000 A day for interfering with said right

and now you're going to use this letter because the other didn't respond and since its in 72 hours of the report to stop so you have no choice but to open up your own claim and sue
them .

there are Two types of bills; bills Of account and final bills

The state want to use my charge here too securitize them and create bonds Or credit for the state then fine keep it dismissed if not discharged

Dismiss versus discharge with a dismissal the case it's in limbo maybe sometimes 7 to 10 years ka the county use this dismissal to generate income to cite the derivative market... if
you want a case discharged tell The judge want it discharged..

Dismissed its missed here but it is found somewhere else. that's why we prefer discharged

208 Don't release me because no one has leased me before. simply let me be officer..

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