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angela stark - episode 191

1:30 min mark

CONUSANCE, CLAIM OF, English law. This is defined to be an intervention by a third person,
demanding judicature in thecause against the plaintiff, who has chosen to commence his
action out of claimant's court. 2 Wilson's R. 409.
2. It is a question of jurisdiction between the two courts Fortesc. R. 157; 5 Vin. Abr. 588;
and not between the plaintiff anddefendant, as in the case of plea to the jurisdiction, and
therefore it must be demanded by the party entitled to conusance, or byhis representative,
and not by the defendant or his attorney. Id. ibid. A plea to the jurisdiction must be pleaded
in person, but aclaim of conusance may be made by attorney. 1 Chit. Pl. 403.
3. There are three sorts of conusance. 1. Tentere placita, which does not oust another
court of its jurisdiction, but onlycreates a concurrent one. 2. Cognitio placitorum, when the
plea is commenced in one court, of which conusance belongs toanother. 3. A conusance of
exclusive jurisdiction; as that no other court shall hold pica, &c. Hard. 509 Bac. Ab. Courts,
Claim of when u have a common law suit before the court and they are talking
about tax codegive the man acting as a judge notice to bring it over the the right side of
the court

131 Reasons and order might be a void order : wrong jurisdiction , it's not signed It's Robo
signed, Its not sealed not time stamped , its not file stamped, Its not verify you did not send It
out to me certified, It never went to the Clerk of the courts office, He doesn't have the scope of
authority she orders his only imagine straight not a judge Is independent of the Tribunal .
Stop trying to alter, tamper or modify my suits
132- We own our own cases we pay for it at our property and only get to see it until it goes
before the jury
No one is allowed to review it and see if it has any merit Only the jury will determine its merits If
anyone tries to dismiss my case I'll be all over them in a minute because I'm going to sue them
for interfering with my right to bring the Sephora Jerry and haven't heard What are going to the
11 circuit or the appeal process ..
133-Who represents The United States District Court do they have a private attorney When
they're being sued for example administrating property without right Because someone's
altering my property someone's Change my claim into a complaint
136 tribunal is the prosecutor the jury and the wrongdoers...the magistrate is independent and
sits off to the side
137 propriety (n.)
mid-15c., "proper character, disposition," from Old French propriet "individuality, peculiarity; property"
(12c.), from Latin proprietatem (nominative proprietas) "appropriateness," also "ownership" (see
property). Meaning "fitness, appropriateness" is attested from 1610s; sense of "conformity to good
manners" is from 1782.
property (n.)

c. 1300, properte, "nature, quality," later "possession, thing owned" (early 14c., a sense rare before 17c.),
from an Anglo-French modification of Old French propriete "individuality, peculiarity; property" (12c.,
Modern French propret; see propriety), from Latin proprietatem (nominative proprietas) "ownership, a
property, propriety, quality," literally "special character" (a loan-translation of Greekidioma), noun of quality
from proprius "one's own, special" (see proper). For "possessions, private property" Middle English
sometimes used proper goods. Hot property "sensation, a success" is from 1947 in "Billboard" stories.
138 A frivolous claim in legal terms refers to a lawsuit or motion in a lawsuit motivated by an intent
merely to harass, delay or embarrass the opposition. In order to be found frivolous, the claim must
have no arguable basis in law or fact. Frivolous acts can include filing the lawsuit itself, a motion for a
court action in a lawsuit, an answer of a defendant to a complaint which does not deny, contest, prove
or controvert anything, or an appeal which is without any valid supporting arguments.

141 The Erie doctrine is a fundamental legal doctrine of civil procedure in the United States which
mandates that afederal court sitting in diversity jurisdiction (or in general, when hearing state law claims in
contexts likesupplemental jurisdiction or adversarial proceedings in bankruptcy) must apply state
substantive law to resolve claims under state law.
The doctrine follows from the Supreme Court landmark decision in Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins (1938).
The case overturned Swift v. Tyson, which allowed federal judges sitting in a state to ignore the common
law local decisions of state courts in the same state, in cases based on diversity jurisdiction.

142 federal (adj.)

1640s, as a theological term (in reference to "covenants" between God and man), from French fdral, an
adjective formed from Latin foedus (genitive foederis) "covenant, league, treaty, alliance," from PIE*bhoides-, from root *bheidh- "to trust" (which also is the source of Latin fides "faith;" see faith).

Secular meaning "pertaining to a covenant or treaty" (1650s) led to political sense of "formed by
agreement among independent states" (1707), from use of the word in federal union "union based on a
treaty" (popularized during formation of U.S.A. 1776-1787) and like phrases. Also from this period in U.S.
history comes the sense "favoring the central government" (1788) and the especial use of the word (as
opposed to confederate) to mean a state in which the federal authority is independent of the component
parts within its legitimate sphere of action. Used from 1861 in reference to the Northern forces in the
American Civil War.
federalism (n.)
1788, "doctrine of federal union in government," American English, from French fdralisme, fromfdral
(see federal). Also, from about the same time and place, "doctrines of the Federalist Party in American
federalist (n.)
1787, American English, "member or supporter of the Federal party in U.S. politics" (originally of
supporters of the Philadelphia constitution), from federal + -ist. General sense of "one who supports
federal union" is from 1792. The party expired c. 1824. As an adjective by 1801.
federation (n.)
1721, "union by agreement," from French fdration, from Late Latin foederationem
(nominativefoederatio), noun of action from Latin foederare "league together," from foedus "covenant,
league" (seefederal).

U.S. Federal Communications Commission, formed 1934 from the former Federal Radio Commission.
fed (n.)
1788, short for Federalist; as colloquial for "official of the federal government," from 1916; especially,
since 1930s, of FBI agents.
federate (v.)
1814 (implied in federated), a back-formation from federation, or else from Latin foederatus"leagued,
federated, combined; having a treaty, bound by treaty," past participle of foederare "to establish by treaty,"
from foedus "covenant, treaty, alliance" (see federal). Related: Federating. As an adjective, by 1710.

147 To preserve the record To get it ready for an appeal I would like everyone to swear in under
oath or affirmation Or to verify in open court that everything they say is true. So that we can
establish testimony That can be used in an appeal
149 KL recomends satying away from accepted for value
200 I conditionally accept your offer upon verification.
201 may I have use of pen and paper I will answer the court on paper ...That way it's on the
Is there a claim before this court Oral complaint and is it verified ? Will the verifier be appearing
today? If the verifier will not appear today I move to To dismiss this without prejudice As I will
come back for the rest of my life If someone will come forth is verified claim... But until then
leave me alone And if I get dragged back into court again I'm going to charge $10,000 for my
appearance ..
202 If the verifier here I would like 72 hours To settle down with that man Verifying the claim
against me . After 72 hours If I haven't settled with my brother here's my address come and get
me or ill post a bond but my word is my bond .I need to be released and have access to my
funds so that I can make that man whole with just compensation
203 Having a driver's license has nothing to do With entering a plea
210 If you make a good faith offer a judge will work with you //If you're willing to pay the debt to
the court But I have to make it in payments or else it will harm my family and I.
That's the best I can do and I give you my word
212 If you offer $5 and the judge says what what about $5.50 you say I can't right now but when
I can I'll let you know ...If I win the lottery you'll be the first I pay.. 9 if you can't make that $5
payment you better let the judge know in advance that you But you can't and let him know how
much you can actually hey that week or month ..There are no tears presents the court has to
accept your offer ...Dragula quick to throw you in jail you gotta go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
let me make you an offer.
Have verified claim is when a man put his word out in open court Either the jury or the
magistrate will determine who is telling the truth

215 In you case, of the 12 jurors you only need to convince 7 of them to be on your side and
you got the win
in a state case they need all 12 to get the conviction against the man
217 Everybody has equal standing
a third-party impartial witness tips the scales
extra... You can only super barratry after it has happened and you won
219 DNA testimony circumstantial because you can pay off the man at the DNA place video
tape is circumstantial evidence as well only first hand witness testimony Or else you can't get
the conviction . Someone needs to verify someone has to witness it
220. Where is the injured party you got to give me some way to remedy the
situation...Somebody I can say sorry to for trespassing on them
221 If they start using false witnesses against you that you go to the same level there drop into
eventually the truth will come out
227 KL says he has a training video where they telling the court clerks To stylize everybody's
case as a title 42 that way they can 12b6 them 99 % of ammo go before a trial
228 karls case was on civil action sheet under 360 Which of the personal injury claim which is
a torrent client... Not a title 42 civil rights claim Because Carl would have to prove that it was
some sort of race All religion or sexual or age discrimination that made them for the
instrument... so silly
229 The complaint is up for the judge to determine the merits of the claim only a jury can
determine it...
231 You're going to get something from the IRS stating they believe you owe them some sort of
money .. The problem begins is when they say if you wanted to dispute this.. Once you're the
claimant the burden is on you to prove that you don't know the tax..
Before you fill any of their forms u ask them to please verify..
234..Right that you believe that you're exempt on your w4 form
236 Ask them to put an exact number that you're the man to write their signature on it
237 If the IRS somehow convince is your company to start garnishing your wages you go after
the company... you don't have to deal with the IRS cuz they fooled the company you make
the company smarten up because they're liable... they can't give over your property to
somebody else no matter what the IRS says as it is owed to i

Do you not realize that I'm exempt and that I do not belong to the government at all I have never
worked in the united states of america...i have only been on america making hard earned green

Constructive fraud is a legal fiction describing a situation where a person or entity gained an unfair
advantage over another by deceitful or unfair methods. Intent does not need to be shown[1] as in the
case of actual fraud. Some unfair methods may include not telling customers about defects in a
The elements are:[3]

a duty owing by the party to be charged to the complaining party due to their relationship;

violation of that duty by the making of deceptive material misrepresentations of past or

existing facts or remaining silent when a duty to speak exists;
reliance thereon by the complaining party;
injury to the complaining party as a proximate result thereof; and
the gaining of an advantage by the party to be charged at the expense of the
complaining party.

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