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Student Participant
Guidelines for effective online sessions
Online participants/students are requested to take note of these guidelines for effective online

Computer: Laptop or desktop with Pentium or better processor and at least 2 GB RAM
Internet : Broadband connection of at least 1 Mbps or more
Audio: Good headset with mic or good mobile earpiece with mic connected to the computer
Video: Good quality webcam (1 Mega Pixel or higher); built-in webcam in new laptops are fine.
Location: A quiet, well-lit room with no background noise and no back light (light on the face)

Online session rules / etiquette:

1. Join the session on time by logging in at least 5 minutes before start time.
2. Keep your microphone on Mute by default.
(Mute/Unmute button is there next to your name in participant panel)
3. To ask a question, type in the chat window or Raise your hand (click Raise Hand symbol) and
wait for the instructor to allow you to talk.
4. When allowed to talk, Un-mute and speak only when Professor specifically asks you to do so.
Un-raise the hand symbol once the query has been answered.
5. It is recommended to ask your queries or answer questions through the chat panel. (Use To
"everyone" , so that entire class can see your participation)
6. Do NOT turn on your video (unless requested specifically) as it consumes everyones bandwidth.
7. Full-screen video: When there is no presentation or content shared, you can put the video on
full screen mode (to see video only) by clicking Full Screen View button on the top right corner
of video panel.
8. During a presentation, you may also move and resize the video screen for your convenience.
9. If there is any problem, please type a message through chat only to the Host administrator
(Host) without disturbing others.

Phone: +91 80 4219 4800; Email:

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